The first human recipient of a Neuralink brain implant has put the futuristic tech to work, which, amongst some truly incredible other things, includes staying up all night playing Sid Meier's Civilization VI, which is something we can certainly get behind.
Back in January, billionaire Neuralink co-founder Elon Musk announced on Twitter that the company had successfully implanted a brain-computer interface in a patient's head and that they were "recovering well" after the surgery. On 20th March, Neuralink posted a livestream in which 29-year-old Noland Arbaugh, the recipient of the experimental device, discussed how the tech has changed his life: "It was like using The Force on the cursor, and I could get it to move wherever I wanted, just stare somewhere at the screen, and it would move where I wanted it to, which was such a wild experience."
The entire thing is fascinating, if slightly terrifying, but particular to our purview is Arbough's reclaimed ability to play Civ VI to his heart's content. Arbaugh (who has a wonderful sense of humour) shared that as a complete quadriplegic, he had lost sensation and suffered paralysis from below the shoulders after sustaining a spinal injury in a diving accident eight years ago and felt compelled to volunteer for something he felt "could change the world". Before the surgery, Arbaugh needed help from a friend to play, and it "wasn't feasible for me to play a full game or anything."
Afterwards was an entirely different story, however, as Arbaugh described to Nueralink scientist Bliss Chapman: "One of the first times you all gave me complete control over this [Neuralink tech], I actually stayed up until […] like 6 a.m. playing Civilization VI. It was worth it, I think, is the best way to put it. It was awesome."
Arbaugh says it's not perfect, that "there is still a lot of work to be done, but it has already changed my life." Musk's ambitious plans for Neuralink go much further than video games; he says the tech will one day allow people in similar circumstances as Arbaugh to regain the use of their arms and even walk again.
What do you think of Neuralink? Could you see its use becoming more commonplace in gaming as time goes on? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via ign.com]
Comments 36
Letting Musk put a chip in your brain is like asking the Three Stooges to renovate your house.
“Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now.” – Mattie Stepanek
The terrifying thing about biological upgrades for me is the potential need for surgery whenever anything goes wrong. The motherboard in my laptop goes I either take it to the shop or replace it….if the motherboard in my brain goes it’s not a job for the local Curry’s. Interesting stuff though, cyberpunk here were come.
I feel very happy for Noland to finally experience gaming again.
Putting that diamond blood money to fine use, in Musk’s eternal hunt for love & adoration. But sounds it’s really helping this lad, hope it carries on making a difference.
Really happy for this guy. I can't imagine what it would feel like to be able to play a game 8 years after thinking I would probably never be able to play a game again without help. Say what you will about Musk but it can't be denied that the guy has used his money for the benefits of mankind more often than not. Could Nueralink be the start of something scary? Very possible but it was bound to happen at some point anyway and at least the technology can be used to really make a difference in people's lives who need it.
@Sequel for all the wrong reasons, that is.
@Hyena_socks THIS!
@GeeEssEff I'm sure customer service would offer a human replacement in case the motherboard gets fried. It would definitely be cheaper than fixing a brain.
Removed - unconstructive
The only issue would be that the Neuralink has to charge regularly, but I could see this being available for the mass in 20-30 years. Exciting times^^
You hear about this remarkable and unprecedented advancement in technology that allows a quadriplegic to regain just a small portion of his prior functioning, and this is the stupid, purposeless comment you make? I came into the comments wondering if it was possible for someone to somehow twist this news into negativity—bc, you know, some deranged, often Kool-Aid drinking liberals just can’t help hating on Elon Musk—but I was really hoping for the best. But our politics and media are just too effectively toxic. It really is sad (and pathetic) seeing the hatred of people so severely blinding them that it outweighs their desire for a bettered earth and human existence.
@CP2 Well said.
Brilliant! What a world we live in. This truly is (and should be) an incredible feel good story. People endlessly bashing Elon Musk over this should serve as a barometer over someone's intellectual capabilities. This. Is. Awesome.
Removed - off-topic
Fully agree.
I think people need to understand that everything Elon Musk owns is not necessarily solely his. He has large funding and can scream and shout for his companies to do some things and test on animals and some sketchy stuff but Neuralink, Starlink, SpaceX, Tesla all these companies successes and achievements are down to the people in those companies, not Elon. He's just a face, a rich, good businessman.
I can't figure out how to block people...lol...
What an absolutely beautiful thing. He can move the cursor very well, quickly and with precision. I mean, it's like watching someone use a mouse with their hand...not their mind! Just wonderful.
@CP2 Unfortunately we live in a time where people let their political bias cloud their judgement on almost everything.
Those things will definitely be something someone can hack. Want to kill someone? Just make his head explode.
Great that this person has a better life terrible that Musk is the guy at the wheel.
@Ludacritz It has nothing to with bashing its a observation Musk does some controversial things quite a lot. Also he is quite unstable and in the end a really rich guy with to much control has never been a good thing.
@Flaming_Kaiser I just think turning a feel good story into a soapbox for criticizing Musk is not seeing the forest for the trees.
@Ludacritz Fanboys that cant handle criticism towards their hero is even a bigger issue. Even when he does things that are clearly bad.
I really dont trust him he has shown his bad side quite a few times. Also whats more scary then a kid with a unending cashflow who cant handle it if something isnt going like he wants.
@Professor_Niggle Finally someone who has no Elon glasses on.
@Flaming_Kaiser his marketing is far too successful for more people to see through him
@Professor_Niggle I agree he only shows the good parts he does. Same mess he brought with Twitter, he also didnt invent Tesla, got kicked out of PayPal.
Im not saying he is not a brilliant mind but people should stop seeing him as a god without flaws and a person who only does good.
@Flaming_Kaiser and people should also stop seeing him as an inventor who puts things into people's heads 😂
@Loamy dude the moderation in this site can be overkill sometimes
@Flaming_Kaiser Are you insinuating I'm a Elon Musk fanboy for pointing out that people who'd rather criticize Musk than celebrate a huge stepping stone in modern medicine are a bunch of grumps? Please enlighten me why I must join you in crapping on Musk rather than feel good for the paraplegic man in this story? What is he doing that's evil exactly?
@Ludacritz Who is saying its a huge step im just here to tell he didnt invent everything. Most things he invested in and the guy is someone's i just dont trust in the slightest. He did quite enough sketchy stuff.
@Flaming_Kaiser Such as? I'm waiting. I mean, if he's so bad surely you'd have enlightened us by now. Clearly he isn't inventing these things, I don't think anyone's saying that who has the capacity to think.
@Ludacritz Ukraine war satellites, meddling with unions, bitcoin influence with Tesla, making Twitter X a cesspool of racism and fake news firing the whole staff at then Twitter and realising something like X needs to be monitored, selling the thing that make it able to see if a source is viable by selling checkmarks.
@Flaming_Kaiser So, you're ideologically driven to see him as a villain then?
@Ludacritz You wanted a examples here you have them. He is no messiah like make him out to be he is just a smart investor, that has money to manipulate the market.
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