Update: Well, even if you did manage to grab the Stellar Blade demo on PS5 (it was mistakenly released on the PS Store for roughly 25 minutes before being pulled), you probably won't be able to play it from this point on. Sony seems to have updated the demo's license, meaning that if your PS5 is connected to the internet, you'll now be blocked from booting it up.
Still, plenty of people pushed through and completed the demo before it was locked away. Based on videos posted to YouTube and like, the demo features the first hour or so of Stellar Blade, and you're able to transfer your progress to the full game when it releases in late April.
We assume that an official launch date for the demo will be announced soon.
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Original Story: A demo for upcoming action title Stellar Blade made a very brief appearance on PS5 earlier today (as reported by the lightning-quick Wario64). The demo dropped onto the PS Store with no official warning whatsoever, and eager fans quickly caught on. However, within the space of about 25 minutes, the demo was removed from Sony's digital marketplace. At least we know it exists!
Clearly, someone's let this thing slip a bit early. Stellar Blade itself is due out on the 26th April, so we've still got a good month and a half until launch. Typically, demos don't arrive until we're a couple of weeks out from a game's launch — but there's obviously a chance that this early slice of Stellar Blade will show up a lot sooner.
There's only one problem: people managed to download the demo before it was pulled, and we've had confirmation that they're free to actually play it. As such, you can fully expect gameplay videos to start popping up all over the place.
Dare we ask if you snagged the Stellar Blade demo? Await official word in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 49
Well the good news here is a demo is probably at least getting released soon
Wario64 is the fastest man on the Internet
Hoping it's like ff16 and progress carries over. Really want to give this game a try before I buy it.
I saw it too late. Somebody crewed up, I guess.
@Americansamurai1 Apparently progress does carry over — demo seems to be the game's opening.
Damn, can't believe I missed it!
Well that sure is one way of confirming a demo is coming
@ShogunRok good to hear thanks
I don't usually bother with demos, but I'll be immediately checking this out when it drops proper. Very curious about Stellar Blade.
I’ll try it out when it becomes available again
Oops! Not the end of the world though. Looking forward to playing it whenever is officially available!
Good news. Will help me determine if the Nier automata vibes are steering me right direction, and if I can stomach the price at launch 😅
Seen enough on YouTube to cancel the preorder
Game looks exactly what I wanted it to be and now I can truly be excited for it
I got the demo and downloaded immediately by luck browsing the store, and I was surprised why there was no news on it here. The demo is 16.17 GB in size if anyone's wondering.
Looks fantastic, hopefully demo will drop again soon.
@JP80 too bad there isn't a laugh emoji to give to comments like this
I never bother with demos but will buy this game immediately. One of my most anticipated games by far.
I’d say somebody would be getting fired for this, but apparently that’s only when women dare to be feminists.
Finished the demo, unfortunately did not like it, so I won't preorder.
Pros: nice graphics, combat system seems to have depth
Cons: Combat don't give feeling of impact, sounds are bad, I also hated action style camera work in cutscenes
Overall feels unpolished. Maybe I expected too much, but from the first impressions I liked Nier and Bayonetta way more.
Hope this and Rise both get demos very soon. I’m in the mood to try out a few demos of unknown entities.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@NikoGenn first of all, welcome to PushSquare.
Unfortunately I missed the demo but I've just watched someone play it on YouTube and it looks great to me, I'm sure we'll all get to try it though when the demo drops but I'm even more confident about my preorder now.
Hey pal, dont forget that you asked for this by trying to start drama where no one in this comment section before you did mentioned anything about being attracted to the design of a character or even said, "Ugly characters suck."
Darn, I missed it. Would have downloaded it for sure. 😭
Not sold on the game having watched the trailers but I'm going to try the demo once it's available.
Looking forward to the actual release of the demo then. Interesting goof.
The fact that this leaked on IWD cannot be a coincidence
This is BS!!!! I downloaded it the second it dropped thanks to wario64 and then Sony locked it on MY CONSOLE. This is what they can do to ALL OF OUR DIGITAL LIBRARY. PHYSICAL FOREVER!!!!! And honestly what a ***** move on Sony for locking it on my console after I already downloaded it. I can see taking it off like they did with PT but then locking it on those people that got lucky is complete crap. That’s WORSE THEN ANYTHING XBOX HAS DONE !!!
And I thought I was sole firestarter here on pushsquare... 🤣
I don't play demos since I've tried one (FF7R demo) and it got stuck in library, cannot be deleted from library and won't disappear even if you get full version. Seriously, why it should be in library forever?
@Loamy 😜 🤫
Demo will drop after an upcoming State a Play
@Slug_full_of_metal I think you need a xanax...
Did Sony shut down Fortnite when they shut down the demo? 😝
Well if a lot of people already played it, they should put it back up. It's only a demo, does it matter when it's released?
Love demos that carry over progression. I already preordered so getting to start a couple days, weeks early sounds good to me.
@CutchuSlow Perhaps the demo still needs work?
Removed - inappropriate
Wow, I'll never understand how people can get so worked up over the opinion of some random stranger on the internet xD anyway I'm not sure if I'm gonna buy the game yet, but if I do I'll be sure to tit the...ah I mean TILT the camera every now and again^^
@__jamiie If you think this is weird wait till you get a bit older and explore the internet a bit more. I don’t want to spoil it too much for you but I would steer well clear of something called “Porn”….you would be absolutely horrified with what people get up to when they don’t have a strong moral compass like yourself to kink shame and belittle their uncontrollable urges! Keep up the good work!
Noooo I missed it! I would have happily tried it
State of Stellar Balde incoming?
@GeeEssEff You really are pathetic. 🤣
@__jamiie I know 🤗🤗
@djlard Yeah, that really bothers me, too. If you hide the demo then you buy the full game later, it will also be hidden.
So I hide the demos I just didn’t like, and leave the ones that interest me as a reminder. It’s not ideal.
@KidRisky While everybody knows demo is one time thing, some of them are time limited e.g. unplayable later, so why it should plague my library? This is pretty bad system for demos.
BTW I use "hide" in library to separate finished games.
This seems unnecessarily petty. Accept mistakes were made (we’re only human) and just release the demo. Everyone knows it exists and it’s all out there to watch now anyway.
@MaddieTian they might have a state of play planned and release the demo then, someone's getting a smacked wrist over this.
@Rodimusprime1313 because it wasn't meant to be released.
Only heard of this game via a Dreamcastguy video. He compares it to Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. Never played either.
We got to see them yams-yams early tho👀, Sony can't stop us
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