At this point, there’s a pretty good chance Microsoft’s going to port its Forza Horizon franchise to PS5 – but until that day arrives, The Crew Motorfest remains a welcome alternative. And with its third full season of content available now, publisher Ubisoft has announced the title’s first-ever free weekend, scheduled to get underway from 14th March through 18th March.
This will, of course, entitle you to enjoy the entire game during the aforementioned dates – and any progress you make will be transferrable to the full release should you decide to purchase it at any point.
The new season is headlined by the Hollywood Action playlist, which is described in the press release as an “epic recreation of a blockbuster movie set”. The blurb expands: “Taking the wheel of some of most iconic cars seen on the silver screen, players will put their driving skills to the test in Dirty Driving, destroying as many objects and making the scenes as spectacular as possible, or in Video Lane where they will have to stay in the director’s lens while taking on challenging routes.”
If you complete all nine events, you’ll unlock the Aston Martin DB5, which seems like a fitting reward for the Hollywood-inspired content.
Elsewhere, a whopping 47 new vehicles have been added to the game, which are either exclusive to The Crew Motorfest or upgraded from The Crew 2. And those who own the Year 1 Pass will unlock eight new vehicles over the coming months, including the Mini Cooper S 1968 and the Honda Integra 1998.
Comments 20
Going by a complete stab in the dark - but judging by the fact not a single soul seems bothered, maybe it's time Ubisoft stopped flogging this dead horse 🙂
Along with all their other IP's.
I have seen zero gameplay and I can bet my money on the fact that they haven't improved a goddamn thing since Crew 1.
All Ubisoft cares about is: map big enough, lots of cars, lots of weapons, "howdo you do fellow kids" cool factor, multiplayer, social media/ live service aspects of their games and godawful accents.
They always have the shallowest of checklists with every game and they never stop and consider if their games actually play right at the core for people to even bother wanting to put hours into their shiiite games.
Crew 2 had a million different cars and vehicles and planes, etc. None of which actually played right, had the right physics, the right sound, nothing. It's all copy/ paste garbage to waste your time.
This being free is an insult to people's time /rant
@Specky I mean, taking risks is always commendable, but come on - like with Watch Dogs as well; if it's not sprinkling peoples feathers then why continue churning them out??...like you say, it's basically just check listing at this point, whereby even the better AC and Far Cry entries seem plagued by it 🙂
@ironcrow86 Giving Watch Dogs any credit for innovation or originality is rich. I never played 1, but 2 was literally just modern AC mixed with some bog standard TPS shooting. It was one of the "most Ubisoft" games I've ever played.
They couldn't even keep to the same character across storylines. Just kept reinventing a boring story and world every entry.
It's like Ubisoft is allergic to doing anything no one else has already done better. Their own past entries of titles included! (I'm still pissed Farcry 6 was such a dumbed down iteration of that series.)
free to play weekend... Nah. Now when they get to the willing to pay me to play it stage I might be willing to give it some attention.
@MFTWrecks They are playing it safe. It worked several times so why change the formula when people buy their games anyway?
They will change their model when sales will drop dramatically. I know it's sad but this is how business work.
I just hope that they get a huge kick in the belly soon so the talented developers there can get a chance to create something new, unique and amazing.
Christ on a bike I paid for this recently lol
Just started this from my backlog. Having been a diehard Forza Horizon fan, I was pleasantly surprised by this and have really enjoyed it so far. The only downside would be the cost of cars and wanting to access some playlists, it kind of pushes you into MTs
@Specky ""howdo you do fellow kids" cool factor, multiplayer, "
disagree. their games are boring. crew 2 was very boring.
Say what you want about Ubi but Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora is beautiful fun.. it shows what they can do without last gen holding them back.. I never cared for the Avatar franchise either (only saw the first half of the first movie)..
In saying that, I tried the demo for The Crew: Motortest and it fell flat for me honestly.. but on the same token I have a friend at work who’s owned up to spending over $400 on in game purchases and he’s still having a blast
🤷♂️ can’t make everyone happy
It really does baffle me how much hate Ubisoft gets. I'll admit their games are never groundbreaking, but they're far from bad. I'd argue that most of them are really well made.
This game is actually really good. I stopped playing it because it needed more playlists. So I put it on hold while they bulk that out and will go back to it. Don’t really understand the vitriol - it’s a solid game; not exceptional but very good single player experience with a decent amount to do. These days I think a lot of people just look at the dev and churn out some party line about their games. Sigh
@matekomlosi Considering their last notable releases for Prince of Persia and Ghost Recon underpeformed... the fact you never hear about The Crew or Avatar outside articles like this... and Skull & Bones crashed and burned on release... the time hasta be nearing if not past. Most of their releases come and go like farts in the wind. And that's as someone who loved Ubisoft games just a few iterations ago (Division 1+2, AC Origins + Odyssey, Farcry 3/4/Primal were all my JAM).
Just in time for entirely disabling its progenitor which multiple people spent money on. Classy Ubisoft.
Even though it's popular to hate on ubi but I normally enjoy their games and the crew motor fest is a Great game.
@Specky they've improved it a substantial amount compared to the first and even the 2nd game. Just because you haven't played it and have decided it's trash dosnt mean it is
Their only good games were Watchdogs 2 and 3. Underrated almost.
Crew is just utter nonsense. Doesn't even come close to Forza. Xbox has the Forza Horizon games and we've got this Ubisoft physicsless clunky garbage
Ubisoft - the company that refused to green-light 'Fenyx 2'.
This game absolutely rocks. If you like open world racing as in Forza Horizon, then this is truly excellent and myself and my wife have had an absolute blast with it.
It's more fun than horizon 5, and as we are huge horizon fans I really do not say that lightly.
The races are excellently designed and there's a ton going on on the island that makes it fun. I still want to shoot the annoying AI voice over, but hey, nothings perfect.....
Ubisoft doesn't like to make actual good games.
AC had always been rushed, unfinished and clunky, but the new games make old AC games look like masterpieces
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