Dragon's Dogma 2 has sold more than 2.5 million copies in the less than two weeks it has spent on the market, Capcom today confirmed. Bundling in all the versions of the original game, this means the series has in total sold over 10 million units. The Japanese firm shared the news today in a press release where it committed to more "additions and changes" for the PS5 sequel.
"Capcom remains firmly committed to satisfying the expectations of all stakeholders by leveraging its industry-leading game development capabilities in order to create highly entertaining gameplay experiences," the press release says. The developer is now accepting DLC requests from a feedback form as it looks to overcome an initial negative wave of opinions and coverage based on launch day microtransactions. Critic reviews were generally very positive, however, with our own Dragon's Dogma 2 PS5 review awarding the follow-up a 9/10 rating.
"Dragon's Dogma 2 is an absolute masterpiece in terms of offering a true sense of adventure," we concluded. "Fans of the first game shouldn't even begin to hesitate; this is everything that Dragon's Dogma wanted to be back in 2012, and it's utterly glorious at its best. But even if you're newly Arisen, this sequel stands alongside some of the greatest open world journeys in gaming."
Are you one of those 2.5 million Dragon's Dogma 2 owners? Let us know in the comments below.
[source capcom.co.jp]
Comments 59
Now imagine had the game launch in a more reasonable playable state without micro transactions.
Well met ser! My heart is gladdened by this news.
I'm about 50 hours in now and really enjoying my time so far. A game does not often capture me the way this one has. Other examples I can think of are RDR 2, Hogwarts Legacy and Persona 5 Royal.
good because presumably this means the performance will be improved, but its wild to think you can launch bad and then if the game doesnt sell, they'll just leave it in a janky state.
Well deserved, fantastic game
Its so weird how is it possible that they make a game where a developer tells you if you need fasttravel that your game is bad and turns around to sells you a fasttravel option through microtransactions.
The Jimquisition also had quite a few issues with outdated gamedesign broken quests, quests that are not completely clear it's a pity but ill get kt later.
I rather buy Ronin instead and get this game later down the road. Getting a better optimised game thar is cheaper and one that fixes some issues.
Removed - trolling/baiting
Got my copy a few days ago 🥰
@Loamy It's fun to watch the reactions to recent Jimquisition admonishments. The 3/10 Helldivers 2 review certainly got a few people up in arms, but the reaction to the 3/10 Dragon's Dogma 2 Review was far more nuclear.
Quality of the critique aside (Haven't played DD2, enjoying HD2), they're providing some of those golden 'grabs popcorn' moments.
@AK4tywill Yeeeeah it really is something to see how up in arms gamers get when you don't care for a popular game. Checked out the Jimquisition review after reading the first comment about it on this article and it matches a ton of issues I have with DD2.
@Brydontk It also isn't surprising, their reviews have always hated backtracking for little gain. Hence their negative impressions for Death Stranding when it released. They also had issues with how laborious certain aspects of RDR 2 were again especially with back tracking and irritating fast travel.
They are consistent with these critiques.
@Flaming_Kaiser fast travel is literally free and there is no option to buy fast travel.
You fast travel with an item called ferrystones, they are part of the lore and game design for the series, and you get a bunch of them. You very rarely need them though, because of how the game is designed 😅 I store most of them in my in game storage crate so I'm not carrying around a bunch of stones in my in game pockets 😂
@Flaming_Kaiser I wouldn't take that review quite seriously. A lot of reviewers prefer to be controversial over analysing something objectively.
From personal experience I can tell you that even though the microtransactions are a blemish, they barely factor in the game.
The game has fast travel, it's just more limited and makes you plan your trips more consciously.
I played through most of the quests and some of them are a bit simple, but very far from broken.
It's a game with great exploration, amazing combat but a few clunky spots, like its story being a bit simplistic and some quests being bland. But it's far better than some would make you believe.
N.i.c.e. congratulations to capcom dragon dogma 2 is amazing.word up son
2.5 million said yes to micro transactions optional or not you people are the reason why micro transactions wont go away anytime soon.
@ConsoleGamer86 not the billions of FC Ultimate teamers, NBA2PayToWinners, GTA Shark carders, Fortnite Wallet Stealers etc, no no. Blame the people who bought a game that doesn't actually need any microtransactions to play and won't actually be buying them anyway as they are just playing a single player game for their own enjoyment 😂
I love really strong logical hate campaigns
Fantastic game. 78 hrs in first run now working on ng+. Just an amazing experience.
@AverageGamer sadly it wouldn’t have made much difference. The only people that care about mtx in games are the enthusiasts, casuals buy the game for the box art and the advertising - not the Reddit posts or gaming website coverage.
$70 single player games should NOT have micro transactions PERIOD its not a hate campaign like you clowns of course you people will be hating micro transactions again when its not Dragons Dogma 2
Never played the first one, but love the second. I'm about 30 hours in and have barely left the starting regions.
The game is fantastic, and I've never felt the need for the micro transactions. It's been blown out of proportion by people who haven't played the game.
Running from town to town isn't even that bad. You can skip the monster encounters and get places relatively quickly. Or....spend the equivalent in gold of a goblin kill to take an Ox cart....
@Neither_scene I would agreed to this maybe 10 years ago. But even casual aren’t that blind and tone deaf anymore. Maybe the panned dead casuals are, but they also aren’t the one buying such a unique niche title like Dragon’s Dogma 2. This game is being bought by core and hardcore/enthusiast gamers.
But it's unplayable blah blah microtransactions blah blah 10 fps blah blah ps3 graphics
@ConsoleGamer86 doesn't mean many of those 2.5m will indulge in the mtx. Not a fan either but just to be real, those who are up in arms are a tiny yet vocal minority within a bubble and won't push the needle significantly. Personally I'd keep my outrage for worse offenders and just buy this on sale or 2nd hand.
On a sidenote, jimquisition still exists? Never been a fan of his brand of edgy.
are a tiny yet vocal minority within a bubble and won't push the needle significantly
I'll remember that next time when people have a outcry about micro transactions on a game thats NOT Dragons Dogma 2..
I honestly had no idea the game even had Microtransactions and I probably never would have if it wasn’t for all the whining in the comments on here.
9/10, absolutely loving it.
Games will continue to release in a more unplayable manner with stuff like this.
Then don't whine about that when theyre dropped in a game thats not Dragons Dogma 2
Sounds like you know nothing about the game then... Outrage YouTubers are not a good source.
I've been having a lot fun and so are my friends. The reviews seem true. Put around 25 hours in it and it's an absolute blast!
I'm the type to boycott mtx driven, soulless, inspirtationless factory publishers like Ubisoft with all their shady practices on games that are quickly hashed out.
Capcom on the other hand has delivered quality. In my 25 hours I've only had to use one fast travel item out of the dozen (or more) I have by now. They're not even necessary
One thing I would love to see in sales metrics is a preorder vs post-launch. Seems like the modern industry cycle is wage a massive marketing game to build hype, max pre-orders, then release a damaged/broken/exploitative game. I do wonder how much sales plummet after that. Granted in this case reviews were incredibly high so maybe it wouldn't have been affected, I'm not sure why reviewers have rose colored glasses of "OMG DD2, bad performance, broken engine, exploitative mtx, none of this matters because OMG OMG OMG DD2." This is an unusual launch for sure.
And to be clear, it looks like it's a very good but very flawed game that will be a much better game after the inevitable remaster and a different generation of hardware can brute force it's poor engine optimization. Can't fix the exploitative mtx though. Maybe the inevitable remaster will. Hard to argue against an improved Dragon's Dogma, but it deserved to be treated better than this launch and lack of regard for the hardware actually running it.
@Flaming_Kaiser @Specky I think it's always "grain of salt" when someone says "I haven't needed the mtx once!" I mean you have endless people playing Genshin, Candy Crush, Clash of Clans, etc, all saying the same thing "I have 10,000 hours in the game and haven't spent a dime!" despite the fact that the games are designed and literally only keep the lights on if a lot of people are spending a lot of dimes. Great if you can find a way to have fun without it, and maybe DD2 isn't designed to require it the way Genshin is, but the room for suspicion is there because they put that on the store, and players feeling they don't need it, clearly doesn't indicate the game isn't designed to push many players to feel the other way. A game should not, ever, be selling gameplay mechanics as a paid DLC, EVER, unless their game is designed to encourage that purchase to play. If the game truly doesn't need it, then there'd be no value in selling it on the store. If Capcom believed in their gameplay system and item density, they would not be selling in-game items for real currency. Simple as that.
Imagine Spiderman 3 selling web-sling packs 10 for $1. And players insisting "I don't need web slinging, I can just walk and the game is 10/10 great!" Something doesn't connect.
@AverageGamer true, I guess. I bought the game day one on pc and while I don’t like any form of mtx within games, there really isn’t any need to engage with those in this one. There are far better examples of predatory mtx implementation in games than those available in DD2. The poor optimisation at launch is a far bigger issue imo.
MH rise had worse mtx at launch as did MH world, yet I don’t remember those titles receiving the levels of gamer outrage DD2 has. I suspect that the majority of those complaining haven’t even played the game to understand how the available mtx impact gameplay and progression.
That is such a mental gymnastic comparison lol. Comparing DD2 to Genshin and those games is insane. Spiderman swings MTX? Christ almighty dude, if you wanna complain about MTX, do it with the countless of Ubisoft or other predetory companies.
Here's the deal: the game is done and dusted and balanced for the optimal playthrough.
In comes in the Capcom CEO demanding in game items to be sold separately/ extra.
The devs do as they say and change nothing in game.
ALL the reviews you've seen are from the same exact game. Did the reviewers have any need for the fast travel items, which are abundant inside the game? No.
Take you complaining elsewhere. It's not relevant here.
Quality games are rare these days and the vulture mentality of gamers nowadays is to pick on the best piece of meat.
Go complain about the gazillionth copy/ paste Ubisoft game. I know none of you do.
Terribly written, terrible gameplay, game design, drawn out, garbage. Why is everyone buying those games without thinking twice?
@Specky I don't see why you're jumping down the throats of everyone who doesn't care for the game. You like the game, fantastic. Let people have their criticisms.
@Neither_scene I don’t really care about the mtx in DD2. I personally haven’t picked it up yet cause of the poor performance at a $70 price tag.
MH gameplay loop make it very hard for the general public to get invested in. So a lot of the MH playerbase are dedicated heavily to the franchise, and are less likely to make complaints. DD2 is much more approachable, so you’re going to hear a lot more complaints.
@ConsoleGamer86 I won’t?
Awesome game. The fast travel is actually really easy to use and I like that you have to use your head about where to place those port crystals. Most of the main locations all have portals anyway and its very easy to buy new ferrystones so I don't understand the whole argument about the fast travel. The mtx debacle is just that and they really are a nothing that people are moaning about. The performance is the only legitimate gripe and that will hopefully be sorted out soon.
@AverageGamer I mean MH world and its expansion has sold over 24 million units to date. I wouldn’t say that’s very niche, in fact it probably ranks as one of the highest selling titles of all time. It’s no GTA or Skyrim, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s in the top 10. It’s capcom’s most successful title ever.
It was the MH title that finally broke the mainstream market.
I really hope we get a DD3. Love this series, Master.
@Neither_scene It sold 24 million. But what is the actual trophy/achievement ratio? Most people probably haven’t even made it past the opening area. I have a lot of friends including myself that bought it out hype but haven’t even killed the first major monster.
@AverageGamer my point was that MH world and rise are bigger games from a sales perspective with more egregious mtx implementation yet none of the outcry. Achievements and trophy ratios are irrelevant to the mtx in those games.
I had no idea that the first had sold that many copies. I suppose there’s a Netflix show as well. Anyway, very impressive sales and a huge congrats to Capcom!
I'd like to know what proportion of people who are crying about mtx have actually played the game, and understood what the mtx content is..
All of the mtx content is available to earn in the game. Nothing is locked behind a paywall.
Seriously, these sausages need a life.
It's a discussion maybe? Or I got replied to?
Saying you don't like the game because some outrage shmuck on YouTube didn't like the game for attention isn't really an opinion.
@Specky It really doesn't seem like a discussion when someone comments about their grievances and you come to the table with, "Take you complaining elsewhere, it's not relevant here".
Also, all my grievances are in my comments on my profile. Did a 6 point list about my grievances with the game, just didn't see a point in repeating them here. I didn't just "dislike the game because of some outrage shmuck" 🫤
A lot of the animosity towards Dragons Dogma is because people, like yourself, don't get Dragon's Dogma.
Port Crystals, Wakestones, Camping Kits, Ferrystones, RC are all available to be earned in game, but they are deliberately rare.
Capcom have introduced the microtransactions to feed the hunger of the instant gratification generation which can't handle rare resources in game, and don't understand why those resources are rare in the first place.
It's funny because Capcom are basically trolling the people who complain about the game mechanics which fans of Dragons Dogma love with microtransactions.
That's worst than FF16 and likely FF7 Rebirth as well. Those were on one platform and considered failures.
@Flaming_Kaiser It doesn't sell you fast travel and Jim is a hypocrite.
Loving it. Haven’t put it down since launch. Such a fun experience. I’m loving gathering and exploring every nook and cranny of the world and even the random escort missions that take me in the opposite direction of where I was intending to go mean a new cave or treasure chest I missed. Pure adventure at its core.
@DennisReynolds @b1g_f4t_0ld_g1t Seriously they sell you a solution to a problem. Oh its optional is nonsense they sell you the items for fasttravel.
@Flaming_Kaiser They don't sell you fast travel. Ferrystones can only obtained in game and no where else.
Dude, I don't know how I can make this any clearer..
If you are annoyed by the design decisions of the game, then that is on you as a consumer for not doing your due diligence.
@b1g_f4t_0ld_g1t You can earn it does not make it right. After Monster Hunter World who has done microtransactions right its a big disappointment.
You have just as much right to like something like me to not. Optional is a nonsense defence these are game alternating DLC when a game already is almost €80 im not keen on so much MT its a way to tesr the water. Im going to get the game later when its in a better optimised state and cheaper.
@Specky Agreeing with points of a reviewer is totally acceptable in my eyes.
That i agree with some of his reviews doesn't really matter i can disagree just as easy. No person is complete in the right always and thats normal in real life.
Capcom has fantastic games and sometimes makes terrible choices especially on MT in games.
@b1g_f4t_0ld_g1t Dude that still isnt a good excuse to me.
@Flaming_Kaiser Do you even know what the MTX actually are? I don't think you do going by your comments.
The fact that you are upset that Capcom offer you the option to either:
a) play their game and earn content in the game, or;
b) offer the same content to be purchased with real world money if you want to skip the deliberate design choices of making these resources rare in the first place
is absolutely mental.
But quite obviously there is no reasoning with you because 'DIS GAME GOT MTX FOR STUFF THATS HARD TO GET IN GAME SO 1/5 STARZ LOLLLLLLL'
I have been playing on my ps5 since release, and sure I’ve read about the mtx. but I havnt seen or been prompted to by them in game. So I wouldn’t know how even if I wanted to. I have to cast my vote with the most complaining havnt actually played side.
It's like the 5 monkeys experiment.
Flaming_Kaiser doesn't even understand what he's raving about but because other people are raving he's raving as well.
@DennisReynolds @Adol-Bannings
@ConsoleGamer86 Do you even know what that is because it ain't a Ferrystone.
The hate that this game is getting for the microtransactions when many many other games do the exact same thing is incredible... I've completed a first playthrough and playing again, you don't need to buy the items, they are optional! You get them by playing the game anyway!
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