The PS5 version of Fallout 4 should now be available to all PS Plus members no matter how you first claimed the game, as Bethesda has confirmed the edition provided by the now defunct PS Plus Collection will offer the free upgrade. There were some initial issues surrounding PS Plus Extra users gaining access, which were the first to be resolved, and now it won't block those who redeemed the RPG through the PS Plus Collection either.
If you navigate to the Fallout 4 PS5 version on the PS Store, you should now be able to download the game. Note that only the base game was offered with the PS5 launch offer Sony provided to PS Plus subscribers, so you'll need to buy the DLC if you want it. The Far Harbor expansion is considered some of the best content in the game.
"Thanks for letting us know that some PS Plus subscribers have been unable to access the free next gen update of Fallout 4 on PlayStation," said the Bethesda Twitter account. "This issue has now been successfully resolved. Subscribers who have previously received Fallout 4 from the PlayStation Plus Collection should now be able to access the update as intended."
We published our Fallout 4 PS5 review yesterday, noting how engaging its open world design continues to be almost a decade later. "Fallout 4's core gameplay loop is still enough to hold everything together, even if the surrounding adventure is really showing its age, almost a decade after its initial release. A smooth 60fps performance mode is exactly what a lot of returning players will have wanted, and there's still fun to be had in roaming post-apocalyptic Boston — especially with the timeless V.A.T.S. system at the ready."
Were you one of the unlucky ones made to wait until last for the PS Plus Collection version to offer the upgrade? Let us know in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 33
I didn't wait for that and bought game on day one. Nothing to do, sometimes there are small "L's"
Bethesda is lying to not losing their face, but I‘m fine with that. Next time, please make these updates available to everyone from the start.
EDIT: The app doesn’t show the PS5 version yet.
Just checked a few minutes ago and thought it still wasn’t working. However noticed where it said game before the price there was a drop down arrow next to ‘Game’. Clicking on that showed a second option of also ‘Game’. Choosing that changed the price to download.
A bit of a mess to find but it is there.
I hope @GamingFan4Lyf is going to pop in again and tell us how Sony were purposely hiding this behind a paywall.
"We realized this went over like a lead balloon and no one was buying the upgrade so now it's free, aren't we so generous?!"
"Thanks for letting us know that some PS Plus subscribers have been unable to access..."
It's okay, they just didn't know 😂
@BearsEatBeets I would've been spitting out coffee if it got to "clicking on that showed a third option" 😂
To me it seems like this was a Sony issue given how they had to butcher the Store UI to make it work
@Intr1n5ic Sony's backend sucks and until this was "fixed"...it was stuck behind a paywall for those affected by Sony's ridiculous SKU design. This shouldn't have been an issue to begin with.
But it's okay, continue to enjoy archaic designs without contention while everyone else on different platforms had zero headache waiting for an update to finish downloading (now the actual consequence of the update is a different kind of headache - lol).
@GamingFan4Lyf It does suck, that has been evident for years, but let's not pretend that you weren't trying to imply it was a deliberate decision by Sony to restrict the upgrade for people who received the game via the collection.
@Intr1n5ic Oh it was definitely a pessimistic jab at Sony because of the way it nickels and dimes people like charging $10 for upgrades for the same game because...DualSense (I guess?)...when other publishers were offering free updates.
I wouldn't put it past Sony to simply ignore that version because it's an "expired" way to have the game and force people to either subscribe to PS Plus Extra and claim it there or buy the game outright.
Managed to "upgrade" the PS Collection version via my phone on Saturday, however, Sony could do with streamlining its licensing and how this works moving forward, amid the minor chaos of Friday's release/update and the lack of clear information.
Plus, it's not the first time, mistakes have been made on the store.
I was happy to wait personally, to see what was going on, but I can imagine a few annoyed souls out there, who paid when they didn't need to, won't be so pleased..
@GamingFan4Lyf "I wouldn't put it past Sony to simply ignore that version because it's an "expired" way to have the game and force people to either subscribe to PS Plus Extra and claim it there or buy the game outright."
It's okay to be wrong.
@Intr1n5ic Oh I don't mind being wrong - I am glad I was in this instance!
I just hope this generation has been a learning experience for Sony for the future - especially if the PS6 also does backwards compatibility, cross-gen releases, and upgrade paths.
@GamingFan4Lyf There's been conflicting issues on the store for years. I don't have much hope in them ever addressing it.
The charged upgrade path I'm not against. I don't know when this mindset began with people who think because they bought a version of something years ago, they should be entitled to any future version of it for free. Improvements to framerate, assets, resolution etc, all take a significant amount of dev time and money. $10 for that is nothing.
You know what. Everytime this happens people blame Sony typically but I feel like it's actually the devs. Like they've updated the listing to be PS4 + PS5 version bundle but forgot to properly mark the listing as PS5 UPGRADE FREE.
I was close to just buying the game for the third time lol. I'll be downloading when I get home.
@Intr1n5ic me like others felt we should get it free because we were told we would. I wouldn't have been mad if from the beginning they said essential customers don't get it free. Because then we could pay attention to sales. That would be fair.
@Cutmastavictory That's different. I'm not talking about situations where the customer is told they'll receive something, I'm talking about instances where the automatic assumption is I should be entitled to this for free because I bought it once.
Nothing like jumping in again only to be promptly killed by a mosquito on jet.
@TechaNinja Nope...still blame Sony for making it that complicated for developers/publishers to have to sort out every "iteration" of the same game because Sony has a separate SKU for physical, digital, PS Plus Extra, PS Plus Collection, etc. etc.
Developers should just mark the upgrade for the game and it updates regardless of how the game was procured.
@Intr1n5ic For me, it's about what's in the update.
Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut was a cash grab because there was zero difference between the PS5 version and the PS4 Pro version running in backwards compatibility. It was literally an extra charge for the ability to use DualSense ($20 for PS4 DLC or $30 to upgrade to the Director's Cut with same DLC).
God of War Ragnarok had no content differences, only looked better (sorry, but improved game settings aren't a reason to charge extra in my eyes). $60 for PS4 and $70 for PS5.
Horizon Forbidden West cost $60 for PS4 and $70 for PS5, but if you bought the PS4 version you got a free upgrade - very sneaky tactic for those not in the know and a ton of people ended up paying more money. Even this site noted that 70% of physical discs bought in the UK were the more expensive PS5 version despite paying less with PS4 and upgrading. In my eyes, Sony charged you a $10 convenience fee to not go through the upgrade process (no thanks).
Now, Death Stranding Director's Cut had extra content and the $10 was more for the additional content and not just a settings difference.
Same with The Last of Part 2 "Remastered" - it had additional content worth the $10.
Square Enix made the base version of Final Fantasy VII Remake free and charged $10 to access the Intergrade DLC. That was a valid charge.
Now everyone can try it for 5 minutes, sigh and go back to Stellar Blade etc instead.
Well at time of writing I still can’t upgrade for free. Only the PS4 version is downloadable and to get the PS5 version I need to pay. 🤷♂️
@GamingFan4Lyf "Ghost of Tsushima Directors Cut was literally a cash grab because there was zero difference between the PS5 version and the PS4 Pro version running in backwards compatibility. It was literally $10 for the ability to use DualSense."
Not true. The PS5 version is 4K whilst the pro version is 1800p. The PS5 version also loads faster, even though the load times were already amazing. It supports 3d audio as well.
"God of War Ragnarok had no content differences, only looked better (sorry, but improved game settings aren't a reason to charge extra in my eyes). $60 for PS4 and $70 for PS5."
That's cool, maybe Sony can use that as an excuse to not pay the devs for the extra time it takes improving all those things.
The game not only looked better, it ran better as well. The pro versions framerate is all over the place in the 40 to mid 50 range, PS5 is solid 60.
"Even this site noted that 70% of physical discs bought in the UK were the more expensive PS5 version despite paying less with PS4 and upgrading. In my eyes, Sony charged you a $10 convenience fee to not go through the upgrade process (no thanks)."
And what percentage of that 70% were fully aware of the upgrade but wanted to own the physical PS5 version instead of a digital copy?. I know I was one of them. It was worth the extra $10 to me because I could do what I wanted with it when I was finished.
Fantastic. Just bought it … 🥲
@Intr1n5ic "It supports 3d audio as well."
The game already used 3D Audio on PS4 but it was locked behind owning the Platinum Headset (actually a lot of first-party games used 3D Audio on PS4 but was locked behind using the Platinum Headset). The PS5 does enable this capability for PS4 games for any headset, but it was originally not like that.
" The PS5 version is 4K whilst the pro version is 1800p."
The 4K was also a checkerboarded 4K (so it could probably still being running at 1800p native).
"That's cool, maybe Sony can use that as an excuse to not pay the devs for the extra time it takes improving all those things."
While I hate to inject Microsoft into this because it triggers people into thinking I am doing console war stuff, but the developers of Forza Horizon 5 optimized a game for not 2 not 3, but 6 different "platforms" during development (base X1, X1S, X1X, Series S, Series X, PC) for that game and Microsoft still only charged X1 prices for it upon release!
The Witcher 3 - free upgrade
Cyberpunk 2077 - free upgrade
Final Fantasy VII Remake - free upgrade for base version
Rise & Shadow of the Tomb Raider - free upgrades
Resident Evil 2, 3, 7 - free upgrades
Jedi Fallen Order - free upgrade
Fallout 4 - free upgrade
If you owned the PC versions of Quake and Quake 2 (or even got them for free from Bethesda when they gave them out and then added them to Steam when the Bethesda launcher shut down), those got upgraded to the Remastered versions for free.
Sure, Sony is in its right to charge what it wants, but it shouldn't go unchecked or uncontested when there were plenty of other developers and publishers who were willing to give these perks at no extra cost.
It doesn't matter if you do or don't like the publisher or games that got free upgrades or if you feel Sony's quality tops the games listed, it's the fact that these developers/publishers chose to give gamers a good deal - whether we deserved it or not - and Sony chose not to.
@GamingFan4Lyf I'm not defending anything. To put it simply, you believe extra work should incur no extra cost to the consumer, or in some cases, should be free. I believe the superior version of any product, one that takes more time to create and incurs most costs to develop, is perfectly reasonable to charge slightly more for. I don't care what anyone else does, it doesn't factor in to my opinion on that.
You're saying I've been conditioned to accept these "things". I'd suggest, being the Xbox fan that I know you are as I've called you out on your blatant bias in the comments here in the past, that you're projecting. Gamepass has conditioned gamers, particularly the xbox community, to not want to pay for anything, so your position doesn't surprise me.
@Intr1n5ic I pay for games I want on Xbox and don't use Game Pass as a crutch. I'm not one of those "wait for Game Pass" people. Now that being said, I won't buy a game if it is on Game Pass because that would economically wasteful for me to do so.
I do apologize for the inflammatory accusation about just "accepting" things and deleted it prior to reading your response - that was wrong of me. So please accept my apology for the accusatory language there.
I look at things from a PC lens, though:
Developers spend time optimizing for a huge range of hardware and they don't charge different prices for a version that runs on $2000 PC and one that runs on a $500 potato. It makes no sense! Most times, PC games don't release for $70, either!
Steam has given away a ton of upgrades over the years as new versions come out. Heck, Epic Games hands out free games weekly despite losing money on it! I think GOG also provides access to the "latest" version of games as they come, but can't confirm as I only buy games from the 80's, 90's and early 00' on that platform.
I am an Xbox fan. I am a PlayStation fan. I am a Nintendo fan. I am a PC fan. I like gaming as a whole and I am pro-consumer, not pro "please charge me more, multi-million dollar corporation, for tweaking a few settings".
Despite liking the exclusives that have come to PlayStation, I do feel like Sony abuses its power as the market leader to nickel and dime its customers.
I am sure if Microsoft was market leader, it probably would have been the same or worse.
The same with Nintendo.
The only side I take is my wallet's side.
"I don't care what anyone else does, it doesn't factor in to my opinion on that"
I do think that is the most dangerous mentality to take from a consumer standpoint. You should be looking at what others are doing! That's the entire point of maintaining healthy competition and the exact kind of mentality that continues to drive prices upwards! If people just accept things without even considering what others are doing to offer a better deal, then the one not offering the better deal will continue doing what its doing because it's not being penalized for it!
@GamingFan4Lyf No need to apologise, I didn't take it personally, you've never been that type of commenter.
I think applying a PC lens to console gaming hasn't been applicable for 40 years and still isn't comparable today. A lot of games often release completely unoptimised on a range of configurations, with the budget ones priced comparatively to console often performing horribly or being excluded entirely. It's also a completely different ecosystem with it's own unique challenges, the biggest financial one being piracy. It's impossible to apply a differing price structure to that platform or charge more with the disparity in performance.
"Despite liking the exclusives that have come to PlayStation, I do feel like Sony abuses its power as the market leader to nickel and dime its customers."
They absolutely do in some cases, you'll struggle to find a market leader in any field that doesn't do the same. I don't believe $10 more for a better version of a game is an example of that though, especially one that releases years later.
@Intr1n5ic "I don't believe $10 more for a better version of a game is an example of that though, especially one that releases years later."
Fair enough.
I feel it's a slippery slope to worse things down the road and I hope I am wrong about it.
@Futureshark Personally, I'm not playing Stellar Blade. I've been having a blast with FO4 again
Presumably Bethesda or Sony will be refunding those people that believed on launch day that the ps plus version would not include a free upgrade (even though they had it) and now that it has will be due a refund of £15?
@BigNickUK yeah i brought the game again and was going to ask that question too.
Shame it doesn't include the DLC. I've put well over 130 hrs into the xbox one version with all the DLC. Not sure I wanna double dip again on next gen.
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