Bend Studio is going above and beyond for its PS Plus Premium classic title, Resistance: Retribution. Originally a spinoff developed for PSP, the game is now playable on PS5 and PS4 for members, complete with Trophies and all the other usual enhancements. Rather than leave it as it is, though, the developer is soon to release a patch that not only makes some fixes, but also adds in a fan-requested feature.
Patch 1.02 is set to arrive sometime next week. The headline addition is Infected Mode, which was a special feature of the original game missing from the recent re-release. This mode allows you to play an alternate version of the campaign in which James Grayson becomes infected, has regenerating health, and can breathe underwater. There's new intel to find, and some cutscenes and dialogue changes too.
As well as that, a bugged Trophy will be fixed in this update, and a few brand new Trophies, related to Infected Mode, will also be added. So, if you've been playing this throwback shooter, there's soon to be more reason for a revisit once this patch drops.
Have you been playing Resistance: Retribution on PS Plus Premium? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source bendstudio.com]
Comments 40
Why would anyone play these old games when there are modern masterpieces like Skull and Bones to enjoy
insomniac should let bend studio take over the Resistance franchise since they aren't going to do anything with it.
@Areus I listened to a last stand podcast with the old bend heads talking about how they pitched Sony a new resistance game that would be open world, but was rejected. Would love to see the franchise come back and actually show the pure chimera. Maybe if Sony makes a movie/show we will get a new game.
Already platinum it, but might go back for the trophies.
man i miss when games used to look like this . not all colorful and clean looking like a cartoon in a HD play-doh world, but instead gritty and highly detailed with more muted colors; call it the gray/brown era (which i think is an exaggeration) and me “edgy” all you want , idc , i love it . different tastes . bring aesthetics back to games again
Is it crazy that I'm considering upgrading my membership just to play this game haha
I actually never got around to playing the Infected version of Retribution back in the day so this is pretty cool of them to do.
Can we finally get the remastered treatment for the actual trilogy please? I want these games released from PS3 limbo along with the God Of War collections and Ascension (Yes I liked Ascension shut up 😅)
@Keyblade-Dan I support that idea 100%!
I had a PS3 but didn’t play any of the Resistance games unfortunately. I’d love to have the remastered trilogy on PS5!
Rather play disruptor, how about it Sony?
Definitely would have helped when it initially came out and i Platinummed it. Well theres always the PS4 version to plat again
One doesn't usually expect a PSP game to get a patch and new content in 2024 indeed.🍻
@FTerrier17 You can purchase it without a membership. I know. That's one of the cool thing about the classic titles. A lot of them you can just our right buy. No membership required.
Well that was unexpected. I think Bend have too much time on their hands. 😂
Been playing this, loving some of the unlocks. Like the ps3s dual shock mode.
Sadly this game has not aged well. It really should have had vita remake instead of burning skies or even released along side it.
I found it playable with the edge controller using a lot of remapping. Some for convenience, others just to bring it more in line with modern layouts. After all the controller has evolved to suit the shooter. Here we are pressing buttons that make no sense for one on a psp game emulated on ps4/5. So there will be some adjustment needed unless you want to be living in accessibility mode till you finish the game. Aiming is just going to be a rough experience no matter what you do. At least analog stick mode removes the games worst feature that tried to emulate a right analog stick. To this day the lack of a right analog stick has to be the dumbest thing they ever did to the psp. Only sony hardware to do this. Almost like they forgot that sony was the genesis for dual analog support on a console. God of War absolutely needed it and it wasn't even for camera control. Anyway tangent.
Graphically it's rough. For its time bend was trying to do a lot to bring resistance to psp and it was good for its time. No amount of filters is going to save this game. R&C Size Matters some how manages to visually out class this game in some ways, so I'm not sure what happened here that they went for metal gear solid and fell short visually.
It's a fun game. Grayson is a character I wish we saw more of, but this is a title for the hard-core resistance fan that wants to show their support for the dormant franchise. Do we ever need resistance to come back with fanfare so loud that you hear it across the world.
@Keyblade-Dan actually insane that Sony has an amazing IP and refuse to do anything with it. Not everything has to be AAA budgeted
This is insane and should be celebrated.
I had zero interest in this game or plus premium, but now...
Ps. Let Bend make Days Gone 2 FFS Sony. They've set up all the hard work for an easy Part 2 and... Actually I don't know what the hell Sony is doing anymore man
@ItsAlwaysSunnyyy Exactly (clutches Sly Cooper collection as a single tear rolls down face)
First Premium game with DLC trophies.
My dream remasters would be Gears of War 1-3 and Resistance 1-3 on unreal engine 5. I loved both those series enemies and worlds so much. Yes i am somewhat known as the guy that dislikes Sony controllers. But i enjoyed Resistance so much i battled past the PS3 controllers that at the time were my least favorite controllers on the market. I barely remember the PSP game, maybe i need to play this.
@Czar_Khastik someone promote this man!
Resistance games are awsome.more resistance games are welcome.word up son
The last trophy glitched so I couldn't get the platinum glad to hear a patch is coming
@Robocrop_Duster Something I think Nintendo should copy is have their older games separately purchasable from the service... Like their Virtual Console service.
@LikelySatan Thanks, man! The staff did want to promote me but after giving that low review score to LOTR: Gollum I refused because I don't want to be part of this agenda
I was rather disappointed to see it only running at 30 FPS. It was really jarring experience
I hope they add an option to turn on the auto aim for future play throughs. I had a good time getting the platnum, but those smaller enemies were clearly made with the auto aim in mind.
Got to mission 3 inside the cannon but kept running out of ammo and so I have up lol
@Keyblade-Dan Imagine a complete god of war collection WITH betrayal as a bonus lol
i hope people support this , maybe they'll see that people want the series back. i'd love to at least see the original 3 games remastered for the ps5.
@SoulsBourne128 That would be amazing I NEED IT!!!!😭😭😭
Implicit Conversions have been responsible for porting all of the PlayStation classic range to the PS4/5 using their in-house syrup engine so they are the one responsible for this update and not studio bend.
Bend is probably just promoting it because they care about their back catalogue.
Got this game as a birthday present from our dog lol, still have it and my PSP and it’s a great game to play on it.
@Czar_Khastik My case, i am happy to replay these game on big tv and replay them after more than 10 years that almost forgot about them.
Been playing through them again recently on PS3 and it's such a shame Sony has abandoned them and killzone to make the same 3rd person adult open world Rpg lite over and over again.... As least put them on PS+ or whatever it is so we can download them
Need the patch to get my platinum for this. Loving all these retro re-releases. Just played through Jet Moto 2 last night. So cool going back to the classics with trophy support
@nomither6 I know what you mean. I enjoyed the Killzone 2 look. Had what you described which helped with the vibe a lot. I agree not everything has to be bright and vibrant. I think that style is preferred because of the HDR and Dolby vision era. People are obsessed with brighter color palettes which equals good to many. Same for movies.
@Vaako007 killzone 2 , gears of war 2, need for speed most wanted , zelda twilight princess, Assassin creed 1 & 2, COD4 - Black ops 1, saints row 2, GTA4; man i miss the aesthetic and agree it was a vibe and atmosphere that added to the game & made it feel immersive in a way without even trying. it’s really unfortunate how homogenized and stale this hdr crap is because i’m so tired of it & don’t like it. everything has its place , but this skittles era is overblown now & does not fit every mood or type of game. helldivers 2 for example is too clean and plastic looking with not enough texture details , but hey - the colors are all in your face! smh
thanks for understanding my comment though 👍
@nomither6 no problem mate! I’m always pleased that someone else messes the art directions of older games. Personally I think art in the modern west is at a stale point. As everyone is going for the too clean and simple look. With predictable plots, characters etc.. the same is true for western movies today. It’s like studios are afraid to actually take risks on new IPs and just doing something different. As the bean counters that run the show only truly care about profit. Which unfortunately means taking the path of least resistance and going with the flow. Companies always cared about profit don’t get me wrong but each studio expects hit level profits. The gaming industry has suffered like the movie industry. As gone are the days of cool various AA and A titles from previous generations. I digress! I have only watched gameplay of hell divers 2 since I’m playing other things presently but that game would be a great candidate for a gritty darker art style. The world of the movies wasn’t colorful.
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