Stellar Blade has launched to huge acclaim this weekend, but not every fan is delighted with Shift Up’s PS5 debut. Eagle-eyed players spotted some changes to a couple of costumes in the final product, prompting accusations of censorship from publisher Sony. Of course, it wouldn’t be the first time the Japanese giant has requested changes in PlayStation games, as more titillating cutscenes in titles like Devil May Cry 5 were inexplicably edited on PS4 in the past. This decision was later reversed.
A petition on Change.org, with the accompanying hashtag #FreeStellarBlade, has blown up this weekend after the title’s day one patch – which also bundles in New Game Plus – is alleged to have changed a couple of outfits due to censorship. The crux of the issue appears to centre on two unlockable outfits in the outing: the Holiday Rabbit and Cybernetic Bondage. In both cases, additional material has been added to the costumes to cover up protagonist Eve’s plentiful cleavage.
Those who purchased the Blu-ray retail release of the game, without the patch installed, can still unlock the original, more revealing versions of the Nano Suits, causing fans to ponder whether the outfits were censored. Director Hyung-Tae Kim, when asked directly about this during a launch event, denied any accusations, stressing “the final costume we wanted to show you is indeed the costume [in the patch]”. However, he admitted this answer “may not be enough to convince our users” and that discussions are taking place “internally” on the matter.
Our view is that Kim is likely telling the truth, because other costumes in the game, like the bikini-style Blue Monsoon, remain readily available and unedited. Surely if this was part of an agenda to cover up Eve’s more revealing costumes, it would apply to all her outfits? The reality is there are a lot of costumes to choose from in the final game, irrespective of whether you want something more revealing or more practical. We suspect the criticism will remain unless the decision is reversed, but don’t let the noise turn you off what is ultimately an excellent game.
[source change.org, via reddit.com]
Comments 239
@BeerIsAwesome The whole concept of covering up female breasts is ridiculous anyway. I never heard any discussion about male torsos being shown.
At least they don’t pretend to did this „inadvertently“.
Do... fans of this game even play the game at all?
When I read that a petition has hit Change.org requesting more cleavage on a digital video game character my faith in humanity dropped. Gamers are only just starting to shed the reputation of being awkward, sweaty, Mountain Dew chugging, neckbeard types and then we go and petition for more cleavage. I get the overall discussion around censorship is important but this just seems like a really bizarre hill to die on.
Christ almighty, have these people really got nothing more important going on in their lives?
OMG...who complaint again. Someone from dwarfland sorry there are no beautiful ladies there but in fact those exist...a lot.
@Darude84 Because the female chest is considered to be a secondary sexual characteristic whilst the male chest isn't. That is why it is considered to be sexual assault to touch a woman's chest but not to touch a man's chest.
Don't shoot the messenger, I didn't design our society, i'm merely telling you how it is.
"may not be enough to convince our users” Yup. Because a lot of them are out their frickin' mind.
But this will be interesting to see how so many of this game's Stans will immediately swallow the explanation given here. The same people created elaborate fantasies full of monsters and motivations and subterfuge to explain why the TR remakes had pinup posters removed, even after they explained that it was just a mistake. Nope! It was censorship!
It's all really, really dumb.
I actually think that the second pic looks better.
Aaaaand this kind of discourse is why I will sadly be avoiding an otherwise seemingly excellent game. Just a big “nah”. Shame. Either way, hope those who pick up the game enjoy it and those who feel the need to actually petition developers over this manage to find something better to do with their time.
If your happy to be dictated to by these corporations (lets face it, it was Sony that put the censorship in place despite what Shift Up might come out and state) what you can and cant play then thats fine but when someone that drops £70 on a game that is claiming to be uncensored and an uncensored demo drops and no word is stated of any sort of censorship patch before the game launches (they obvioustly knew people would lose their heads and people would boycott the game) its a snakey thing to do. You should be paying for the product youve been lead to believe your paying for.
Sure, there are some that may want to just look at more ass etc but there is a bigger picture here too. You have games like DMC that got censored by Sony then BG3 that has got full on frontal scenes of men and woman's genitalia with animal sex scenes that get a pass, also Cyberpunk has full frontal nudity that leaves nothing to the imagination to the point where you can choose the size of your wang?
If a dev or Sony etc want to censor a game thats fine but people should be aware before the game launches. Censorship is bad for everyone and just leads to more censorship. Im not interested in the tits and ass as ive got a wife for that but as a grown man i also dont want to be told by someone else (Sony, MS, the big N, government and politicians) that think they know whats good for me and what i am and am not ALLOWED to view. It goes deeper than horny guys not having something to whack one out to but i agree there is a portion of people id imagine wish this game launched with a photo mode 🤣
The whole discourse around this game is wearisome and once again it's always the minority shouting the loudest on either side
I hate censorship. Censorship is bad. No matter what. People want to see it? Let them. Let it be an OPTION. Don’t just take it away. That said people are overreacting. And this is most likely Sony at fault. So getting angry at ShiftUp is stupid.
BUT it should also be said a similar thing happened when NIKKE launched. People assumed that time it was Tencent behind that censorship.
After scrolling through the Stellar blade sub Reddit, I was surprised to see that the game had a 4.8 out of 5 rating on the PlayStation store with a little under 20,000 user ratings, it’s almost like it’s just a handful of people on Reddit and twitter in a CENSORSHIP!! circle jerk.
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Removed - inappropriate; user is banned
@BeerIsAwesome Again, it’s just a chest. Kratos is showing his upper body as well. I guess that’s considered “willingly disrobing” as well?
@BeerIsAwesome Yeah, that’s the explanation people came up with. Doesn’t mean it’s logical though.
So those poster made their way back to tomb raider remasters? Maybe they'll reverse the changes here? Maybe they'll make milestone costumes (for game sales etc) that are raunchy to make up?
Hard to keep up with the true intentions of the game industry these days.
I remember the days of old where gamers cared about gameplay and story.
Suppose most people just want their tit fix these days hey?
A sublime amount of hype, controversy and coverage (or lack thereof...) for a game that is really not that sensational. It's like half the fanbase just bought into it for the promise of cleavage. Well, no such thing as 'bad press' they say.
Who cares? Seriously?
@itsfoz so what happens when you start getting story and gameplay elements censored for you? "thanks for dropping your hard earned on our adult rated game but Mr itsfoz, we just dont think, even as an adult you should be seeing these adult story beats in a game so we censored it for you" thats what it will end up coming down to buddy. We already live under the boots of corrupt governments who tell us what we can and cant do and say without upsetting or offending everyone else.
Its deeper than a pair of tits or ass cheek and this was a snakey move with Stellar blade.
@itsfoz They still care about gameplay and story, they just also prefer their games to not get censored.
It's an overreaction but I don't blame those signing the petition. You can claim they're neckbeards or incels or whatever tired term you want, at the end of the day a mature rated game that claimed to be uncensored was censored.
Fans a weird. Who cares if she's covered. From what I can tell you see her back most of the time anyways.
@Kanji-Tatsumi if it wouldn't have been an issue if they planned her to wear a bulky mech suit the entire time, it shouldn't matter now.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@SASnake Okay I'll bite. Why shouldn't "sad, lonely, horny anime loving gamers" get the game that was promised? Why does anything about the fanbase even matter? Why is gaming as an industry so scared of the dreaded "male-gaze" but a game with full frontal male nudity wins game of the year?
Gamers get out more challenge.
They always have Daggerfall lol. Some of those female sprites were completely nude.
Had not been following this game much. Was there seriously people looking to buy this largely as an alternative to erotic content? Seems like a steep price for what was on offer pre-update.
@Yorozayu No. They were promised "uncensored", and that is not what they got. You can spin it however you want, censorship is bad and we should let adults make their own decisions.
It's rather suspicious that the director said that this was always supposed to be the final design despite it being in the review copy of the game. If it really was supposed to be the final design why was it never done before it got released?
This is ***** gamergate rubbish
One of the outfits is a bikini. It was done for style reasons
@Steel76 the gore part isn't true from what I've heard, it just has to do with being in performance mode instead of being in balanced or quality mode.
1) This is not alleged, it is clear
2) you minimised the actual censorship, which is also below the waist, and what differentiated this outfit from the rest, making this article completely misleading (although there are actually many outfits that have had the cleavage covered not just this one, a quick google search is enough to see that).
Most importantly, they made it part of the marketing that the game wasn’t censored, then snuck it in post the disc going gold.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Content will always be censored and not just for the sake of it. Sure Last of Us had numerous rewrites to cool down certain content to not overwhelm the story with violence.
It’s not all got to be wild cultural agenda’s and the end result will never be no sex, no gore and no swearing. That will literally never happen. And in countries where that may happen one day well in the future (and even then I really believe it won’t), I’d probably argue that there will be a lot more in those specific countries to fight for outside of gaming censorship. If they’re clamping down on censorship in games, chances are there’s a whole load of laws that will need to be challenged before you get anywhere near gaming..
Anyway, that’s my own opinion on it.
Why did you minimise the actual censorship, which is not only the cleavage, but also the lower half? Are you unaware? You seem to have used a cropped image. This is why the outfit was censored and others with cleavage were left.
Plus, do you actually think it’s only a couple of outfits for which Eve’s cleavage has been covered up?
Also, why no mention of the devs making it a marketing ploy to say the game is uncensored and then sneaking it in?
Could you answer these questions please?
Everyone thinks everyone is lying these days, but it's always felt to me like this was a last minute design choice, especially given that there are other revealing suits that have not been edited.
They'll either switch it back or add a toggle to switch between both versions of both suits in an upcoming patch, and that will be that.
I see this type of censorship every day. People wear clothes in public to censor themselves, me included.
There's more explicit looks in the game so i doubt this is censorship and is more an artistic change. Spider-Man 2 has seen changes made to various suits as well because yeah sometimes Devs make changes.
Of course instead of just moving on and enjoying the game people are proving T&A was all they cared about with the game.
@Nepp67 "It's rather suspicious that the director said that this was always supposed to be the final design despite it being in the review copy of the game. If it really was supposed to be the final design why was it never done before it got released?"
Thank f**k someone gets it instead of the standard "horny sweat guys" comments from people. Its not the content thats been censored its the lies and hoodwinking after taking people money for a product they were shown and promised.
Without a doubt, this is the great moral outrage of our times.
@Darude84 Breasts are way more sexualized then a male torso that's a difference something any mature adult can work out.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Last minute change it happens. The Amazing 2 Spidey suit saw a change in the Day 1 patch as well in SM2.
I'm against censorship in general but this is embarrassing. Based of the reactions, you'd think they've put the character in a burka. Even with the minor changes on a couple of outfits, the game still is far more explicit than anything else out there (not counting actual hentai games on Steam) Those people are no better than the banshees on Twitter.
Good god, absolutely ridiculous, I respect getting the internet traffic though from something like this especially on a Sunday 😂
At this point I don't know if these "fans" want to play the game or watch anime porn. Who cares, really? It's not like they altered the story or something like that...
I do find these articles interesting. There are only really 4 types of people who comment. The first kind are those who set up the petition mentioned here. I think I’ll list them:
1) Those who believe that censorship is a bad thing, especially when controlled by a platform holder with such market share, and get genuinely insulted and frustrated
2) Those who love to take every opportunity to insult others, and have seen that reducing this argument to saying someone doesn’t have access to T&A, and that’s the only reason they are against censorship, is a way to do this without repercussion.
3) Those who don’t care about censorship and are happy to be dictated to.
4) Those who secretly agree with the censorship but can’t come up with a reasonable argument for it, so default to just trying to say everyone should ignore it as it isn’t important. These people will commonly also try to hide the extent of said censorship or claim in was an “artistic choice” even if that isn’t supported by the rest of the artistic choices in the game.
Not saying any of these opinions and approaches are worse or less moral than any other (with the possible exception of 2 of course). Just interesting.
@thefourfoldroot1 i dont think you will get that answer and I think we both know why the bottom half was cropped with no full before and after image. Once again PS tiptoeing around the real issue.
Personally, I’m not at all bothered by the outfit changes, but I do have a question. I bought the physical disc version of Stellar Blade, but when I inserted the disc it automatically had version 1.2 on disc, with no separate download file. Is it me or did I miss something?
Regarding the actual game, it’s fantastic. I’m only 4 or 5 hours in, but I’m really enjoying it. The combat, exploration, visuals, score and overall vibe are amongst some of the very best I’ve experienced in quite a while. This is shaping up to potentially becoming my favourite game of the year so far.
The bottom and backside was also censored, Pushsquare just decided yo yo mention this and to use a cropped image, and only of the front, for reasons
@The_Pixel_King It probably installed automatically when you entered the disc. You can disconnect from the Internet entirely if you don’t want it to install.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Absolutely this.
Removed - unconstructive
The reaction is a bit overblown but at the end of the day, censorship of an m rated game that was promised to not be censored is absolutely wrong. And it rubs the wrong way even more when it always seems to be specifically Japanese or Asian flavored games that get censored
That being said, I still see this as a win for this type of game. Even if the censorship was probably their doing, I'm surprised Sony actually picked this game up when they seem so hellbent on promoting games that look like the last of us for a long while now. Instead they let a game with a sexy female character, with hilarious jiggle physics, and plenty of "male gaze" outfits go out to the public. So I still think if this kind of stuff is that important to you. It's probably best to support the game. Especially cause it's actually an incredibly fun game
@ApostateMage It does but these guys don't understand good fashion.
These guys wanted SB to review in the 50-60's range so they could blame woke media for hating the game. The game did well critically so now they've had to pivot their argument to something so stupid especially when it isn't even close to the skimpiest outfit in the game.
Also I'm pretty sure Eve is more buxom/shapely than the early footage. Take the win my guys.
@thefourfoldroot1 Then there's people like you who refuse to look at other options on what could off happened because you're too upset over digital cleavage. Honest question have you even played the game yet? If you have you would know there's way more explicit looks in the game, hell my current outfit has way more cleavage on show then the bathing suit. You want it to be censorship though and you refuse to consider maybe the Devs wanted this, maybe the concept art was less revealing for it so they decided to make it match that. Spider-Man 2 saw the Raimi suit get changed in the NG+ update why? To make it match the film version more. Cosmetics get altered all the time in updates for various reasons so maybe it wasn't censorship and was just something the Devs wanted, as i said a nude skin suit is in the game and that's way more revealing then the bathing suit and other one.
@breakneck Eve's has boob physics and her ass even has physics as well. The idea the game is censored is laughable.
You have to be offline to play the original version.
At first I rolled my eyes at this, but then I thought about how annoyed I’d be if they censored Gale’s cleavage in Minthara’s armor. But THEN I remembered that Gale isn’t a melee fighter and doesn’t need the coverage, so my outrage would be totally valid 😌
It seems that some people are itching to see something to get mad about.
After watching several YouTube videos, I realized that there is a market for this particular type of outrage.
I would not say that it’s all misplaced anger, but now people get upset over the slightest hint of something that may be censored. My particular preference is to keep the ladies attractive, but they don’t need to be practically naked for my gaming enjoyment.
Breast 😀😄😂😅.come on people's.its still showing.its no big deal.wtf.word up son
Why do companies babysit adult gamers with censorship in the first place? it's a game for ADULTS, if this was a movie you would see all type of explicit detail and nobody would bat an eye but when it's a game everyone goes nuts??? what's up with that?!
I was seeing it more as;
1) Those who are convinced that it was/was not censorship.
2) Those who are yet to be convinced one way or the other. (🤚).
3) Those who insult rather than engage with a different opinion.
4) Those who troll.
5) Those light-hearted individuals who love to post funny comments regardless of the topic and who keep the rest of us grounded and humble (@Hoodie718 😂😂).
I don't think anyone is happy to be dictated to or told what to think (hence the state of the world atm).
Personally it seems to me like a last minute design choice.
But I won't know that for certain until they patch the costumes.
If they patch them. The fact that they are discussing it internally suggests that they might.
@8bit4Life Funny thing is the game has an outfit where you are practically naked and its why i refuse to believe Sony censored the game.
Why are people defending this disgusting practice? The fact remains that they promised the game would not be censored, yet they went ahead and censored it, which is blatant lying.
Most people couldn't care less about the appearance of the modifications, the main issue here is the blatant misleading and lying.
That's not that bad. Still looks good to me. If you wait til it's out on PC, you can have fun with modding it.
I don't even care about the censorship anymore, played around 3 hours yesterday and now it's on ebay. Absolutely hate Soulsborne games and I didn't expect this game to be one but even on story mode it's quite difficult and as soon as I camped the first time and saw the message about enemies have been respawned I knew the direction this game was taking. These kinda games just aren't for me as I kinda suck and don't have the patience to redo bosses over and over to learn their attack patterns and more dodging/parrying than actaul attacking, my fault for not reading more about the game as I was expecting a Nier/Bayonetta experience rather than a Souls one.
In terms of censorship though I think it's disgusting the developers released a statement a couple days before release sayings it's uncensored worldwide and then on release there's a patch to censor it, it's like they tricked certain people into buying the game day one as they knew there were some who wouldn't buy the game if it was censored. Wether it was Sony's decision or Shift Ups decision it needs to be fixed and some clarity on why it happened would be nice.
Ah, the changes are only alleged. Nice to know!
They should release some tit tape game merchandise, as the stuff used for that first version of the costume and others in general must be the strongest on Earth, when she's spinning, cartwheeling and pirouetting during a fight..
Physical is king 👑
@UltimateOtaku91 Did Sony censor the Raimi suit in Spider-Man 2 with the NG+ update?
I keep bringing this up and no one is answering it. Its only censored it censoring was the intent.
The developer EXPLICITLY advertised it as being free of the normal censorship that plague these sort of releases on Playstation consoles on their official Twitter account. So I think it's perfectly reasonable for people to be upset with this, given those circumstances. The dev not communicating these changes makes me think they were trying to lie by omission to avoid a rash of pre-order cancellations and were just hoping people wouldn't notice for a while.
As if the sort of people who lose sleep over video game booba being covered up weren't pouring over these outfits with hawk eyes anyway lol
@UltimateOtaku91 Playing the demo would have been a much cheaper way of discovering you dislike the style of combat in this game. Just saying.
@Radekbejbl1 Yep no NG+, no 30 extra outfits, has input delay and has missing graphical settings.
@Ralizah Yeah I've learnt my lesson, I will definitely be more inclined to give demo's a try going forward.
@UltimateOtaku91 It's okay, we all do it. I grabbed Unicorn Overlord without trying the demo, despite it apparently having a VERY weird take on SRPG combat. So we'll see how that goes. Just saw it on sale and couldn't resist.
Hey, at least you still have FFVII Rebirth. Or are you done with that already?
I have already burned my PS5 in protest of this censorship and am now boycotting anything Sony puts out, us gamers need to show that we have zero tolerance for censorship because if not the industry will continue to push us around.
@Ralizah So then perhaps it’s not censorship, but indeed an artistic choice for that particular outfit? This actually seems the likelier situation, considering other more revealing outfits remain unchanged.
I guess I can understand people being upset if they prefer the look of the original costume, but no one crying “censorship” seems able to explain that discrepancy. A would-be censor is unlikely to only have a problem with this one outfit and not several others in the game.
Maybe Sony should stop acting as a parent and let developers unleash their creativity and do the things they want their way?
Developer: “We made this change ourselves - no one told us to.”
Developer: [leaves other far more revealing costumes unaltered]
Terminally Online “Fans”: “I can’t believe Sony forced them to do this!! Censorship!!!1!1”
@Ralizah Not quite done yet, I'm about 85% according to the games main mission progress, I've got Sand Land as well to keep me busy.
Also completed Unicorn Overlord a couple days ago, definitely a unique game but I found it enjoyable, ending up skipping fights instead of watching them after 20 hours or so as it can get tedious watching those.
Yeah if they like straight up removed the bikini costume alongside these changes then perhaps there could be a conversation. The director has been pretty up front about this game however so I believe him when he says it was honestly a design choice.
Also just putting it out there. The game itself is awesome by the way! I find it a shame some folks are apparently avoiding the game just because of discussions like this. If your interested in the game then just play it. Who cares what anyone online is arguing about?
You are incorrect, I did consider that they may have made an artistic choice, before concluding that this would be a foolish opinion given everything we know about the game and the devs who made this and other games of similar titalative appeal.
I played the trial, didn’t buy the censored version. As the censorship is visual however, playing the censored content is not necassary to form an opinion, visually seeing it is all that’s required.
I think what you are doing is ignoring all context and what we know about this dev, publisher, and about Sony and their completely irrational, moralistic, yet inconsistent censorship policy.
You are also ignoring that many outfits have had the cleavage covered up, not just the one “artistic change” to the one outfit.
The only thing you are correct about is that there is one more revealing outfit in the game. The so called “nude” outfit. There are obviously various differences with this, but I think the two main points would be that Sony likely do not have a policy on “skin colour” suits that actually cover an avatar because, you know, Sony. And also that this skin outfit actually has a gameplay mechanic tied to it (which makes the game more difficult), so it is not the same as a purely cosmetic change.
I’ll ignore the straw man of the Spider-Man suite because, clearly, I am not saying that it is not possible for a dev to change an outfit for reasons other than censorship.
@DennisReynolds The game is censored. They censored graffiti. Stop pretending the game wasn't censored and stop strawmaning people's positions. Everyone is clearly saying why they see upset - the game was censored after it being marketed as uncensored - and you keep telling them they are mad about digital breasts.
@Kidfunkadelic83 There is a reason the slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy.
Most games are already censoring the characters privates. Otherwise every character would be fully nude. So based on the "slippery slope" argument, it's just a matter of time until the entire game is censored out of existence.
The reality is, there is no slippery slope. There is a line. A line that should not be crossed. As long as they don't cross that line, then there really isn't an issue. But once they do, now things definitely need to change.
Adding less cleavage to a single costume in a game with a huge amount of costumes (some with more cleavage) is not crossing that line.
It's amazing that for this game, absolutely nobody has anything to say about the story, the level design, the combos you can do to beat a boss, etc.... It's like dressing your doll with a bikini is what matter the most to the players.
@Darude84 in this day and age of equality, that’s a very good point.
Thank you Push Square for keeping us abreast of the situation
@Sondheimist It's actually apparently not the only outfit that was changed. From just a casual search, I'm seeing images online of discrepancies with at least one other outfit. The predictable alteration: less cleavage.
Moreover, considering the developer has a reputation for leaning on sex appeal for their games, I find the notion that they had an "artistic" impulse to suddenly cover up the breasts in a few of their outfits at the last moment (considering the version that was shipped on discs features unaltered costumes) to be... implausible. Especially, when, let's be fair, Sony has a very recent history of making developers censor their games.
Regardless of what the actual explanation is, considering how they chose to advertise the game, they should have communicated the changes online prior to launch.
Given that there's other costumes with blatant amounts of up skirt, the prospect that they actively toned down the game's sex appeal is doubtful.
This game has some of the worse discourse. There's no better way to see the ridiculous priorities of some gamers than to read through these impressions. Don't boycott a game because of cleavage. Don't go out of your way not to update a game for the sake of cleavage. Don't attack people that find overt sexualization troubling. Don't attack people that like overt sexualization.
Just play the damn game or don't. No one cares about your opinion of virtual breasts. And the more you talk about it, the less I'm convinced you actually care about the game on any substantive level.
@DennisReynolds You state it like that’s a fact. It’s not though.
Removed - trolling/baiting
I cringed so hard reading this, I think it broke my spine.
This is wrong. If it was already intended, it should not have gone gold.
This is changing the product bought, not updating, changing and taking away.
They should have added an “alt” version to choose, not removed the original.
For context, I prefer the one of the right (post-patch) and think it’s more tasteful. However, the game went gold, and they sold it. This is important for them to understand. I’m not sure I believe him and I don’t side with him.
I mean it is their game, if they want to change it to suit their vision then that’s up to them and to get angry because you can’t see fake tits is a joke
@NotoriousWhiz Tell the slippery slope is false to Japanese devs who have no idea of their game will be sold on PlayStation (while having no duty) while CyberPunk and Baldur’s Gate have a dong slider. (Which for point of reference, I think disallowing something that extreme as a clear company policy is reasonable, clear being an operative word).
Glad to see the convo has at least shifted from 'uh, there weren't any changes, this is all a hoax' to 'okay, there were changes but it's really no big deal'.
A game rated M shouldn't be toned down with a pre-release patch. Particularly after crowing about how it would be uncensored in all territories. It's absolute nonsense. Also, worth noting to those who claim this is the dev's intent, Sony has a gag order on all changes dictated to partner studios. You cannot come out and say 'Sony requested these changes, we complied' without facing legal and financial repercussions.
And the people making fun of those who enjoy risque content are as immature as those they like to claim superiority over. It's the human body, it's fine to admire it. We don't need this new form of puritanism. I didn't care for the 'moral majority' toning down content in the 80s/90s to avoid tempting sinners and I don't care for the 'social justice' crowd doing it to avoid 'the male gaze' now. Both should mind their own business.
1000s of staff are being laid off in an increasingly unstable economy industry, but no, yellow paint and not being able to ogle a digital facsimile of a real woman are the actual crises facing gaming. Actually embarrassing.
Yeah everyone playing tomb raider back in the day just cared about story. Donkey Kong country and Super Mario Bros had excellent narratives as well.
Anyway from what I've seen is that people are upset that the devs lied by telling people that the game would be uncensored when in fact it was. Simple matter of being lied to and being upset about it.
@NinjaNicky It's funny to me that it's ok to stereotype people in this way. You're literally doing what you would hate being done to you. Both sides aren't so different afterall.
@DiggleDog People are getting turned into red mist in Gaza right now. You're not allowed to worry about those layoffs, because it's less important. Homeless is exploding around the western world, you also have to discuss that before worrying about anything gaming related.
See how nonsensical that line of thinking is now? It's possible, and even necessary, for people to have multiple concerns at once. 'This bigger problem exists therefore you are foolish for worrying about that lesser problem' is not a logical argument.
@glennthefrog respectfully, crying censorship about anime boobs is not a rational concern. It just perpetuates all the worst assumptions people have about gamers.
Has anyone actually looked at the garment that's covering up her cleavage? It's black, it looks lacey, it's largely see through. It looks like lingerie to me. You don't make an outfit less sexualised by adding lingerie.
Also, if you look at her top in the "before pic", you'll see that it's showing cleavage because it's unzipped. Wouldn't a "censored" version just be one where Eve has pulled the zip up?
@DiggleDog And yet you took the time to come in here and be sanctimonious. Shouldn't you be advocating for something more important? Don't waste your time on us!
Ya need girlfriends.
@glennthefrog you’re right: this isn’t important and is a waste of time. Have fun.
The game was advertised as "uncensored" everywhere and was made a selling point by Sony. The game was released and then censored day one! This is a dishonest sales practice and should be reversed. It's small now but will become bigger issue in subsequent games if nothing is done.
Removed - unconstructive
Not that I care about digital boobs either. But I do think that you should be able to turn this on and off yourself when playing. This feels a bit like an obligation.
@Kidfunkadelic83 "so what happens when you start getting story and gameplay elements censored for you?"
Sorry to be the one to tell you this but games have been getting censored since the 80's and there's lists of them online but a lot more get censored behind the scenes in order to get rated you just don't usually find out about them.
Censorship definitely sucks and deserves some pushback but it is also needed to a certain degree so no matter what it'll never stop, it will just continue behind the scenes as usual. The studios will just be more careful next time to make sure people don't find out about it.
Is it bad I find it weird how upset some people get over this? If you want to, fine, but some people go WAY overboard about it.
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@Ambassador_Kong They "censored" graffiti that unintentionally was extremely racist, the Devs being Korean wasn't aware at first but when made aware they naturally wanted to fix things. Cry all you want over it but if you are you're basically supporting racism. If i was you i would think hard about your response to this comment.
@thefourfoldroot1 Difference between me and you is i've put over 10 hours now into the game and see a good lot of the outfits and seen how revealing they are. Its funny how people ignore my comments about the nude skin or the bikini skins or my current look that has a stupid amount of cleavage. End of the day you haven't really played the game and can't form a proper thought on this, i don't think it was censoring because i've seen objectively far far more revealing outfits in the game then the changed ones meaning the censoring would make no sense as why censor a bathing suit but allow me to play naked that shows everything barring nipples? I've asked you these past few days many questions and you don't answer any of it because you can't, again did Sony censor the Raimi suit in the NG+ update for Spidey 2? Give me an answer.
@BeerIsAwesome I played the demo last night the gore shocked me and I'm in my 40s and have played many a video game, it's definitely not for kids.
I gave you an answer to the Spider-Man suit. No, of course they didn’t. You even answered that question yourself. Why do you keep bringing up a completely irrelevant topic?
And why do I have to see other “non censored” outfits to have an opinion on the ones that were censored?
Are you expecting Sony to be consistent? Because if so you haven’t been paying attention these last 6 years.
What's this? Someone has already found a way to get all the horny kids that purchased the game to see a female in skimpy outfits to list themselves?! Bahahahhaaha!
This thread section is damned comical. This isn't censorship. It's a design choice. Developers can develop whatever games they want, but it will always be subject to Sony's review and input, this is because Sony own the console platform and decide what gets released on it.
Sony own the PS5 and have every right to decide what does or doesn't get launched on their console. This would be like me owning a museum and refusing to display pictures of scantily clad women that a boy drew with a sharpie, just to end up with a rabble shouting that it's censorship. It's not censorship. It's a choice.
Content can be censored. People playing videogames cannot.
To those people crying "no-one has the right censor me!" and "no-one can decide what I can and can't see!" You do realize that you're arguing that if T&A exist anywhere in the world, you have every right to see it? It'd be like a hot woman wearing a top that exposes a little bit of side-boob for two days and then covering it up on the third, just to have you shout "I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO SEE YOUR SIDE-BOOB!". No, you don't. If that woman decides to cover up, that is their choice. You have absolutely no right to see a scantily clad female in a videogame, what you see in a videogame is decided by the developers and publishers, just as that woman decides when to cover-up.
@Darude84 I mean it is fact. Breasts are things a lot of people like in a sexual manor, when my GF had her boob job (she's Trans) i was itching to see them why? Because i'm male and love boobs. A male torso is not considered a sexual thing and while many like a fit buff dude most don't look at it like the way boobs are looked at. I can tell you Margot Robbie going full frontal in The Wolf of Wall Street got way more of a sexual response from audiences then Chris Hemsworth going topless in what ever Marvel film he strips off in. Breasts can get a sexual response from both parties, some women even play with their breasts during self pleasure. Basically a topless woman is just a way bigger deal and always has been.
The fact i've had to explain this to you really tells how inexperienced you are with this topic.
@thefourfoldroot1 Why is changing the Raimi suit not censoring but changing a bathing suit is?
@DennisReynolds I see you end up in debates going personal with all kinds of users, so I'll just leave it at this.
The spider man outfit was changed simply to reflect the suit in the movies. I’m not sure what you are not getting about that. You do know that every change is not censorship right. Censorship is when someone with overall control changes something because they deem it to be inappropriate morally for people other than themselves. That does not apply to Spider-Man. You know this, so why are you being deliberately disingenuous?
Yes, I’m going to join you. Not worth reasoned debate in some cases.
@Darude84 Because its tiring dealing with people who very clearly aren't experienced enough in life to discuss this stuff. I mean come you think bare breasts are the same as a bare male torso, i mean why sugercoat my replies with that line of thinking.
@thefourfoldroot1 Well i disagree the Raimi suit was censored and their excuse as to why is BS. Come dude surely you can work out what i'm doing here.
Fact is dude the Devs have said they haven't censored the game and if they changed one of the full body suits you wouldn't think otherwise.
My wife and children spontaneously appeared in my home one day. Funny enough, my new wife is also on the house mortgage and my bank accounts!
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@Ashina Preach!! Did yall even buy the game to play it, or just to ogle at some digital tat tats.
These people clearly have a lot going on in Thier lives....rollseyes ....most of us normal people wouldn't even notice the change or just be like oh yeah and not be thinking about it 1 minute later
@DennisReynolds Why do you want people to complain about Spiderman in a article about Stellar Blade? Its not like people need to bring up a laundry list over censorship to complain about censorship in completely unrelated games. You feel Spiderman is censored? Complain about it in articles about the Spiderman game. People also said Tifa was censored, but you don’t see people here bring it up here to say that Eve’s costumes were censored.
well, pushsquare wrote up a story (prior to launch) congratulating sony for not censoring the game. yet, the game has been censored several times over since then. why is pushsquare not critical of sony for not keeping to its word? i don't own a ps5 and don't care about the content of the censorship, but i do care about accountability. if sony had always intended to censor the game and flat out lied about it prior to launch, that requires an explanation. people do not like being lied to.
How many people are ACTUALLY complaining out of the total gaming community or even the people who are playing this game?
I bet the Internet is making a mountain out of a molehill like they usually do.
@MrBook imo so far its my GOTY. Ive not stopped playing it for 2 days lol. The combat can be tricky but there is so many checkpoints that you never have to take out too many enemy again to get back to where you were, certainly not as many as a souls type game. If you can imagine the fast paced combat of Nier with an easier parry mechanic of Sekiro you getting the right idea. Its a bloody good game imo.
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@DennisReynolds You bring up that you think Spiderman is censored, in a article not about Spiderman. I’m saying people can complain about Eve from Stellar Blade in articles about Stellar Blade without having to talk about Spiderman. You are free ro think Spiderman is censored if you think so, but I’m suggesting you take that in Spderman articles. I brought up Tifa as a similar example. People did say she is censored. And they have managed to not bring it up in articles about Stellar Blade.
Personaly I don’t think Tifa was censored, atleast as far as I know. Just the first similar unrelated example that came to mind, like your Spiderman thing.
And their censorship policies are not exactly clear, so I can’t tell you why. If they actually shared their policies public, I could perhaps point it out for you. I can’t tell you why Doki doki literature club had to turn blood black either, despite games like Stellar blade gets away with red.
EDIT: I fixed an error in my post, I originaly wrote doki doki panic but ment doki doki literature club.
@Porco The game isn't censored. The Devs made artistic changes and rather then accept that a certain crowd are throwing a hissy fit shouting censorship because a bit of cleavage was removed for whatever reason.
The whole thing is moving goal posts to be frank. Chuds wanted this to be a big F U to western gaming and they clearly thought critics would cry about it being "anti woke" but critics like or love it so the chuds have to the move goal post in this fake battle against western media by claiming censorship.
@Darude84 Im going to be rude to you but these things make it clear why gamers are not taken seriousvand are seen as incels do you even own the game?
@DennisReynolds that is clearly up for debate. there were also changes made to the blood spray on eve when comparing the demo to the day 1 patch. at this point, there are far too many changes post patch for me to believe the game isn't censored.
@Tobiaku Tifa got the luxury of a bra and i think she looks fantastic in FF7R.
@Tobiaku Jesus christ 🙄🙄🙄 I'm comparing games dude. Spider-Man 2 changes suits with updates and quite rightly no one thinks censorship but when Stellar Blade changes suits its considered censorship. The point i'm making is why can't we accept that maybe just maybe the changes in SB are done with the same intent as the changes in SM2. If Stellar Blade saw a suit change colour in an update would people cry censorship? No so why can't the same mentally being applied to what has happened? I bring up SM2 because its also a game that see's suits receive changes in updates and i'm using it to point out how flawed the it can only be censorship opinion is because clearly it could be for any number of reasons like with other games. Sure it might be censorship but right now we have no clear answer so it might not be censorship either.
@Porco The game also see's pretty gory and violent moments later on.
MK1 and The Last of Us Part 2 exist do you really think Sony care about violence?
@Porco There is a bikini and a bondage suit yeah this is a crime.....
@DennisReynolds why was the blood spray reduced then? unless you have a good reason other than protecting sony every chance you can get, i don't think we will be able to deny the possibility that censorship is in fact a thing here.
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@Flaming_Kaiser relax. i already clarrified that i don't own a ps5 and don't care about the content of the censorship. i do care about accountability, however. sony never should have promised a censor-free game if they didn't mean it. that is my concern here. people don't like being lied to.
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Eve could be dressed as a nun for all I care. Shes still hot.
And... you're doing it again. You are assuming my position which I haven't stated. Assuming that I am in favor (crying) about about racist things being removed.
You stated that the game wasn't censored and I pointed out it is. That's all I did. You just assumed that meant I was in favor of racism. You assume a lot about the motives of the people here and it is tiring. Spend less time and a little more time listening. You'll be better for it.
Sucks that the costumes were changed. I see why people are upset, I get it. But it’s definitely not a deal breaker for me. Enjoying the game and it might be my game of the year.
From the ign interview:
Speaking of which, Mr. Kim, I wanted to ask you if there were any fights with Sony Interactive Enteratainment (SIE), since they are publishing Stellar Blade.
Kim: (Glances at SIE staff members in the room and laughs.) The people at SIE are… very, very nice!
Yoko: SIE’s staff members are pulling faces I’ve never seen before. I wish the readers of this article could see it!
Yeah, I'm sure Sony had nothing to do with the costumes being censored and it was all Shift Up /sarcasm
Holy ***** dudes, go to a porn site if you need more boobies.
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@Porco I don't know maybe the same reason a lot of stuff gets changed in post. Ever see a trailer for a film only for a shot in a film to not match how the trailer showed it? Remember puddlegate for Spidey PS4? Stellar Blade has characters being dismembered, impaled, ripped apart and has Eve kill monsters in a way that would make Mortal Kombat smile. Why did they alter blood splatter? Who knows but for censorship reasons i highly doubt considering way more violent stuff happens later on.
@Ambassador_Kong Removing racist imagery isn't censorship dude its just being a good person. The fact you even bring it up means i don't even need to assume.
As for assuming and judging others well i've been arguing with some of them for days now so i've got a good picture of them by now. I'm also only judging those that make stupid statements like yourself or are coming out with in depth opinions on a game they haven't played and know little about. They don't see the broken logic in censoring a bathing suit but leaving a nude skin suit and bikini outfit unchanged because they haven't played the game to see said looks. Its like censoring a bare ass in a film but having no issue showing the guys erect dong, it wouldn't make any sense and that's why i don't think SB is censored because the game contains far more explicit imagery then the outfits that were changed.
I get why people think this is silly to argue over, and yes, we could just pull up pornhub if we really needed to. However that's not the issue here at all. We all know what the real issue is but I am not allowed to say it without getting my comment pulled. However anyone that would argue against the points many are making for the revealing outfits to be put as they originally were are hypocrites. The same people telling guys (and girls by nature) to stop lusting over pixels and go look on pornhub instead have NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER when the sexes are changed. Just look at any game with shirtless dudes glistening in the sun and chisled abs so perfectly formed that Hercules himself would bow down before them. These people have no problem with that, but a little side boob and these psychos lose their minds. Not to mention it's not just dudes that are pissed... many lesbian gamers were probably stoked as well to see this chick in as revealing attire as possible...
However we all know what's going on. I'll be buying it physically and never updating it.
@DennisReynolds We can know through reason and prudence. In fact, all situations with a vague similarity are not the same and don’t need to be treated the same. There’s been a pattern here and we all know there’s not a good reason to think “but muh Spider-Man” is the same thing.
@DennisReynolds The definition of censorship does not in fact change when you agree with it. You have in fact admitted the game’s been censored now and lost your entire argument.
@PapaGlitch Neither do you it seems.
@Ashina They do. That's why they're complaining to begin with. What are you even missing?
And the second had embarrassed continues
@GeeEssEff Nobody wants to live in that politically correct paradise of yours dude.
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@Pistolega ", i think you should get hanged if you advertise a product to coomers and then decide to take away the reaso"
Yup. Appropriate punishment. 100%
But we should start first with people who don't return books library books on time. There are some things in life that are simply unforgivable.
@Ken_Kaniff Am I not allowed to do both now? How is that concept beyond you!?
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@guestwork SMH grow up. 🤦♂️
Good God!
I planned on getting this game at launch, but after all the weird discussion on this game I'll wait until after the culture war moves on to its next target.
What did they change with the cybernetic costume? I unlocked it yesterday and it is too spicy for me as is. Lol.
@Foxhound Did you see the other costumes.
@naruball and people who leave the toilet seat up.
@AllenSnyder you should ignore the culture war and get it anyway if you like action games. It is a really good game and a lot of fun. Especially the boss battles are extremely well done.
The game is still a ton of fun to play, regardless of costume changes.
If ever there was a comment section in need of a post from @Czar_Khastik , this one is it.
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Maybe if we press the Nier: Automata, self destruct buttons, her bra will blow away and the true Birthday suit shows.
@Northern_munkey oh, those are even worse. But the question is, what should their punishment be? Surely, it must be severe.
I'm grateful that Stellar Blade exists. The game is mediocre but it gives us entertaining threads like this we wouldn't have otherwise. It's made Push so much more entertaining. Can we have weekly Taking Points about Koi Koi Love Blossoms, too?
@Ambassador_Kong That interview is great. Reminds me of the uncomfortable interview with the square ff people over the meeting in the 90s with Nintendo's Yamauchi after launching on ps.
@naruball I'm convinced that the number one problem facing the world today is an insufficient number of guillotines.
@Pranwell the bigger problem is society lol. Companies can't do ***** anymore because society (who btw moves more money than what people think because economy relies on public perception, they don't need to buy or not buy the product to make companies stock fall) is used to talk sh*t ABOUT EVERYTHING.
"Then why NIKKE ..." because as much money as they make people barely know nikke. That's why nikke fans are worried about shift up going public. Because if a big company enters and makes everything bigger society can change their games, already did.
@Jaz007 Dude as i've said a million times the game contains far more explicit and and revealing looks then the changed looks. Yeah Sony are so prude that a one piece bathing suit is bad to them but bikini's are fine as is a nude skin suit that shows nearly everything 🙄
@Jaz007 If you think removing extremely racist imagery is censorship then you have lost the argument and told us all what kinda person you are.
Unless the Devs say otherwise the changes to the two outfits are for artistic reasons and not because of censorship. Tell me if they just changed the colours instead would you cry censorship?
@NEStalgia Nah the game is a pretty solid 8/10. It has great combat, great music and visuals and even offers a pretty decent scaled down mini open world. Mediocre it is not.
@DennisReynolds I think the combat is debatable. Agree on music and am impressed with the fps performance for the visuals. But... it's a solid AA game masquerading as a super ultra premium game on marketing alone. Now, I'm not against AA games I do want to see more of that, especially from Sony who dumped most of their AA studios and IMO those were their best games. But the placebo effect of marketing turning this into something its not really irritates me. I've said it a few times but if you remove replace the protagonist with a samurai dude, remove the "published by Sony" label that automatically boosts perceived quality to many, and better yet make it so MS instead of Sony bought the marketing rights I 100% guarantee you the conversation and hype around the game would be extremely different. Similarly make Wo Long a ps exclusive and watch that become hype central. There's a lot of Internet gamers (read not actual market just Internet gamers) that are less interested in the games than a "win" for "their" brand. Nothing irritates me more than watching people's minds shaped by marketing. Nothing.
That doesn't mean I'm saying you shouldn't like it for what it is if it's your bag, but only that I'd hope you'd like it as much if it were a game pass exclusive launch title rather than as "omg ps excluuiuusive" which Even minus the over the top marketing automatically shapes the opinions of many.
Now this particular game, I know you're not part of it but let's be real 40% percent of sales are going to be all about the soft porn. And I'm being generous at only 40%. The Dev knows that, they're not stupid, is part of their marketing schtick.
delete the game, disconnection then reinstall it. no connection, no patch, no censorship. happy gaming.
The Question that needs to be asked is What are 3d Models ? they seem so simmilar to the modern human in likeness and appearence WHAT are 3d models? These are not the 3d models of the PS1 era and N64 era no longer and technology has elevated us to levels of detail that now there are ppl who want to monitor it all , again what are 3d models? what is their purpose?
It's not just about skimpy outfits, the gore too.
But also, it's about the double standard at Sony Playstation. Why is TLOUII allowed to have so much gore and a full nude intercourse scene but Eve can't have a bunny suit?
Better yet, let's look at Baldur's Gate 3, you can have intercourse between entire different species which again contains full nudity.
Sony treats western developers differently than eastern ones.
I'm in the camp of no censorship. We have a rating system for a reason. I have cancelled my playstation plus subscription.
Even for a guy who hates sexual censorship,this does feel a bit to minor of an inconvenience to cry about,but I do respect their policy.
The dev promised no censorship all over the world,it was kinda their selling point,yet on day one,there is a patch that censors "Hard R" to "Crime R", Gore and random costumes. So yeah,while I do feel that this censorship are to inconsequential for someone to return the game,I respect the anti-censorship who are true to their believes. It's their money and rights.
Again the complaints does look pathetic and gooner like,but you'll should stop standing for a multi million dollar company who ran a "no censorship " campaign on social media just to literally censor it in a day 1 patch,no matter how miniscule and inconsequential you think the changes maybe. Those refunding aren't in the wrong "You give them an inch, and they will take a mile".
I honestly just find the censorship thing just weird and random,like it wouldn't change much for an M rated game to be without those censorship.
Hope the game still sells well,and they give an option to toggle between the original and revised version.
@DennisReynolds Dude, censorship doesn’t mean “removing something bad” it means removing something because it upsets some sort of sensibility. If a word doesn’t sound nice, it no longer applies the moment you think you’re in the right even if it’s the same thing is not how words work. Or not how they should anyway.
You like censorship, just admit it.
That or words change their meaning dynamically to make you look better.
@PJ5 It is rated M for mature...
@Kelrics90 have you considered that you perceive double-standards that aren't actually there? PushSquare give the response from the game director;
Director Hyung-Tae Kim, when asked directly about this during a launch event, denied any accusations, stressing “the final costume we wanted to show you is indeed the costume [in the patch]”. However, he admitted this answer “may not be enough to convince our users” and that discussions are taking place “internally” on the matter.
The only people that are claiming Sony forced censorship on the game are the players, who literally have zero knowledge of what those internal discussions are. You can't accuse Sony of double-standards and censorship when Sony appear to have had nothing to do with it.
@naruball well it has to fit the crime so they should be made to play the gollum game until they platinum it.
@Jaz007 Removing racist imagery the Devs accidently made by mistake isn't censorship dude its them not wanting racist imagery in the game they made. You really want to die on this hill?
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@warspite then why the censorship?
If this is the story of thing that makes videogames players angry then I think they need to go outside for a bit for a walk.
In an age when it should be mandatory for all publishers at a software level we still don’t have things like universal rebinding of buttons for accessibility purposes and not all game soundtracks are available for purchase or streaming. How about the complete lack of any real family centric gaming titles I can play with my kids?
There is a lot in gaming to get irate about but covering up some female body parts ain’t one of them.
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My god...it really seems like a lot of people has interest on this game for the wrong cause..
@zancoooo Even though the devs advertised the fanservice and has a history of doing so too. They knew what they're doing.
Oh no, a tiny bit of fabric. 29 sexy outfits are not enough, if the 30th outfit is adding a bit of fabric because the developers think it might just LOOK better, I'm feeling censored and limited in my desire to enjoy a good womans breast.
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@NinjaNicky Because sex-appeal is THAT unnatural in the U.K.? Sex appeal has always been a thing, genius. Same goes to hating censorship too. And it will continue to do so no matter how much prudes like you think we don't deserve to exist.
@NinjaNicky "I have a preconceived notion about who these people are, their intentions and why they are upset and thus I will openly mock them because I feel it is the right and correct thing to do."
Like I said, two sides of the same coin.
@Porco I dont own the PS5 and not the game. The game has more revealing outfits what is there to account for?
@SgtTruth If she sees this game she will probably have a heart attack. 30 revealing costumes with bikinis and leather yeah this piece of cloth will make her day. 🤣
@rawzeku What if they like this design better? In all seriousness did you see the othee costumes including a see-through suit and a bikini. 🤣
@guestwork Isnt there enough fanservice in the game already? Cant a developer say ok we like this better? Then again this is a community that sends death threats to actors because they play a gay character NVM i just answered my own question.
@Jaz007 So you are telling developer if you change something then its always censorship?
If a developer thinks yeah i like this better then its no no we as the gamers tell you how to make your game. The worst thing is you call removing racism is censorship?
If they didn't know it was racist and they dont want to be affiliated with it that sucks because i think you don't have the right to?
For the people saying it's just a few trolls who are against censorship, the petition has over 40,000 signatures.
The company promised an uncensored game and they didn't deliver on it. Don't the players have a right to voice their opinions?
Plus it's not just cleavage that got changed other things got censored too.
Why are naked scenes in Western games okay like 'The Last of us 2' or 'Baldur's Gate 3'. But in an Asian game that only presents cleavage it's bad?
It's just racist I think, asia games have to be censored while western games like baldur gate 3 can have full frontal nudity, and I think there's sex scene uncensored in tlou 2. Sometime the truth is actually quite simple.
@DETfaninATL I really appreciate you summoning me, thank you. I have been absent for a while because it is time for my annual LOTR: Gollum playthrough.
This Stellar Blade news is quite concerning to someone like me because I spend hundreds of dollars on costumes for my in-game characters where the costumes make them naked, ironically. This is mainly because of performance reasons since less clothes means better framerate.
All in all, this right here is a scummy move from the Shift Up devs where they sacrifice the game performance but also the story itself is not the same due to costume being changed. I will continue to boycott this game and meanwhile enjoy myself with naked Gollum.
@NinjaNicky Talk about backtracking. How is people complaining that they got a watered down content (on a game already M-Rated) grounds for both dismissing opinions and "stereotyping" them for even valuing it then? I don't care how many bytes of porn there is on the internet, it's the principle of the matter, and it was a scummy move on their part.
@Shepherd_Tallon I think it'd be nice to have it as a toggle on and I would not mind having them add in more costumes however covered or sexy the designs will be.
But srsly, why this game and why now? What rock have the anti-fapsters been hiding under during the Cyberpunk 2077 relelase? I'm not even starting on Bayonetta and/or the likes of Catherine & Pantsu hunter...like really...some random 40+ cat-lady youtuber starts bragging about that and the snowball starts rolling...what an era.
I signed it. Eat me
He's lying. They censored it to please the ones who won't even play the games.
@Czar_Khastik 🤣🤣🤣 I knew you wouldn’t disappoint. That response was PURE GOLD. I have to say, I may just be your biggest fan on this site as, admittedly, I always find myself looking through the responses to whatever articles I click on for your posts. Keep up the fantastic work and I hope you’re doing well!
@JokerBoy422 I could go call it censoring but there are a llt more skins that show much more skin so i think its total nonsense.
@DETfaninATL Thank you for the kind words 😎 It means a lot when I see people are having a laugh or two on my behalf in the comment section.
I'm doing well, but I've had a couple of busy weeks with work and family celebrations so I've been absent a bit. It's nice to get back to this community and spread the laughter. I also hope you're doing well and blasting through whatever game you fancy (I hope its Gollum)
@Czar_Khastik Thanks m8! I'm busy as well with a lot of family stuff going on but it's all good. Just been spending some time gaming with SKULL ISLAND: The Rise Of Kong. If you like that Gollum game you'll love Skull Island (LOLOLOL). Be well!!
@DETfaninATL Glad to see you're a man of culture as well
@Ashina the jury's still out on that - action combat typically requires the use of both hands, after all.
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@Ashina According to reddit, mostly but with only one hand.
Can I just say that this is one of the dumbest controversies I've ever seen....this week?
I'm just playing the game lol.
So a Japanese company like Sony is censoring something like this. This is just dripping with both irony and hypocrisy.
Concerns aside. The game is actually fantastic and I highly recommend it to anybody who may take an interest. It’s just a refreshing take, and fun to play. Get a good few hours in before making a decision on the game.
@Darude84 Fun fact, male nipples used to also be banned, and it was illegal for men to show them publicly. But then there were some fight from men to gain the right, and it was given to them. Since women rights always lag behind, they still don't have the right to show their nipples. But there's a feminist movement called freethenipple that tries to have women have equal nipple rights.
This is the the US. Not sure elsewhere. In the end, you can blame religion and the patriarchy.
My real issue is that she's just uncanny. The boob physics is cartoony, and it doesn't make sense. I'd want her to just be better looking, not in the design, but there's something about her, and a lot of those Japanese games, where it's more hilarious than it's sexy. I can't fully explain it, but the shape, the movement, the skin detail, something is a miss.
@Monochrome321 It’s simply a different style, which is subjective. What you dislike, others may like, and vice versa.
Are we living in Saudi Arabia?????????
WTF is going on in this world.
Any kid can press 3 letters on google and see real nude pictures or videos, First time i watched porn i was 10years old and that was 24 years ago and that time i was living in the middle east and there was no internet.
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@Mortal I have considered it and I don't take the words of the Director at Face Value. Oh he said it so it must be true!
If that was what they intended from the beginning then why would the lack of censorship be on the disc? Why is sony marking the 1.0.2 update as "Mandatory" so that the PS5 downloads the update regardless of the auto update settings?
His response sounds like Sony canned/approved response because he's under NDA.
@SegaBlueSky That doesn't even make sense. You're "sadly" avoiding an amazing game because some people are crying about video game bewbs? If it's sad to you, why avoid it? It has a 9.3 user score on Metacritic. Your loss.
@Almost_Ghostly Im not really a fan of games that use “jiggle physics” to excite a bunch of nerds. I could maybe ignore it but the fact that said manbabies are arguing with each other over the internet about it makes it even less appealing. That’s the shame - a good game that would have been every bit as good without all of this going on, which I don’t want to be associated with. And no, it’s not my loss - there’s literally too many excellent games out there to play and this one doesn’t make the grade because of those reasons. I’m not the one missing out.
@SegaBlueSky Tons of excellent reviews were there prior to this stuff. Just because some people are having a fit about a couple outfits getting changed doesn't mean it's no longer a great game. When I'm playing I don't even pay much attention to what suit shes wearing or the jiggles. I'm just playing a great game because it's a great game. Imo, yes, you are missing out for what I feel are lame reasons.
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