Amazon Games Signs PS5 Open World Driving Game from Ex-Forza Horizon Devs 1

Amazon Games is clearly expanding its publishing portfolio beyond its handful of MMOs — Tomb Raider, anyone? — and it's just signed on to help bring another upcoming title to market. The publisher is collaborating with developer Maverick Games on a new, open world, narrative-led driving game.

It's heading to multiple platforms, including PS5, which is noteworthy because the people leading Maverick Games were the brains behind Forza Horizon at Playground. Formed in 2022, Maverick Games was founded by "several of the core team" behind Microsoft's open world racer. Now, the studio is building a triple-A open world driving experience that leans into narrative.

Writer Jamie Brittain is on board to pen the story for this new racing title. He's best known for his work on TV drama Skins, with other writing credits on the likes of Breeders and The Royal Mob. It'll be interesting to see how this narrative focus will work in the open world racing genre — not one known for its engrossing stories.

Are you interested in this new game from Amazon and Maverick? Tell us in the comments section below.

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