The cinematic announcement trailer for Assassin's Creed Shadows has been — and is being — utterly bombarded with dislikes on YouTube across basically every channel it's appeared on. The most viewed version of the video is on Ubisoft's official channel — breaking 7 million views in roughly four days — but it's fair to say that people are torn on the reveal. At the time of writing, the trailer has 263,000 likes compared to a whopping 586,000 dislikes.
It's a similar story on the official PlayStation channel (15,000 likes to 26,000 dislikes) and media channels like IGN (8,300 likes to 36,000 dislikes). The follow-up 'Who Are Naoe and Yasuke?' video — which details the game's dual protagonists — is also being flooded with negative engagement, sitting at 29,000 likes and 83,000 dislikes on Ubisoft's channel, at around 1 million views.
By our count, this is by far the most disliked reveal of any mainline Assassin's Creed game to date.
We're looking at a pretty serious backlash here, but why is it happening? Well, going by social media reactions — and YouTube's own comments section — a lot of the negativity stems from the inclusion of Yasuke as a main character. Historical records show that Yasuke was a real person — a man of African origin who ended up serving under all-important warlord Nobunaga Oda — but his time in Japan is largely undocumented.
As such, Yasuke has become something of a folklore figure, and has been portrayed in numerous games, manga, and anime over the years. However, it seems as though Yasuke's portrayal in Shadows has caused a stir; some people are upset that Assassin's Creed's first foray into Japan doesn't star native Japanese leads (female protagonist Naoe is Japanese, it should be noted), while others have criticised the game's potential lack of historical accuracy. Of course, Assassin's Creed has always played fast and loose with its historical leanings.
In any case, there's a clear target on Shadows' back right now, and it probably doesn't help that the mere mention of Ubisoft tends to conjure some negative reactions these days. Still, there are reports that Shadows' pre-order numbers have already started strong, so we'll have to wait and see whether this perceived backlash has any real impact on the game's commercial performance when it releases in November.
Comments 191
I watched the trailer and got curious. Looking forward to it, however I did not like the male protagonist.
Just want to clear something up here.
The dislikes are based on how many user of the dislike extension basically dislike content, it's a made up number created by an algorithm.
Gotta go give it my like. I forgot.
Please look into the algorithm used for generating dislikes on videos that were uploaded after the dislike bar was removed.
It uses the like/dislike ratio of the extension users and multiplies it with the number of likes to generate way more dislikes than what it is in reality. I've seen videos with 5 views that has 25 dislikes.
@NoHope You haven't even played the game but you just don't like the guy...🙄
In some way, I think this is an irresponsible article to make given how unnuanced it is in its reporting in addition to giving credence to the people who is dislike bombing this game by giving them a headline they can point to.
As long as it sells enough copies I don't think they care too much about people disliking the trailer on YouTube.
The concept seems cool, but no gameplay whatsoever! I just feel like Ubisoft should release this further apart from the Star Wars game.
It would be a good idea to report how the non-official "dislike" count is calculated. it is not just like the "like" count. As someone said, it is an estimated based on the extensions' users dislike count projected using the like count.
Hmmm I wonder why....
Seems a lot of people need educating, most just think they've included a black guy just for the sake of it and don't actually know he's a real historical figure from that Japanese time period.
I do feel kind of bad for Naoe. These people act upset that it doesn't star a Japanese lead...even though Naoe is absolutely a Japanese lead.🤷♂️ Are people just ignoring that on purpose?
Or the whole "It's not historically accurate" argument. Newsflash! Assassins Creed has NEVER been historically accurate. It's called Historical Fiction. Plus if you want historical facts however the series does support that desire too nowadays with the whole Discovery Tour mode. That's literally the entire point of that mode!
I gotta say the drama over this whole thing has made absolutely zero sense. Just utter nonsense if you ask me. If people just have to attack it for something how about the expensive editions of the game? At least that complaint makes sense considering they are pretty expensive.
I personally am very much looking forward to Shadows.
Lets be real.they are upset because its a black man.come on son.theyre is a lot of racist people online.and they would still buy the 🤔game.a lot of racist hypocrites everywhere.assasin creeed shadows trailer looks amazing.and im playing as yasuke.word up son
No one complained about having a white protagonist in a Japanese setting with Nioh😂
@TheArt. He dont like that hes a black man.lets be real.thats what he meant🤔.next thing they say oh assassins creed shadows is woke.who say that.bigot mind people.assasins creed shadows looks amazing and im playing as that black man yasuke.word up son
Honestly speaking tho, I hate the constant outrage and negativity that surrounds pretty much anything related to entertainment. Whether it be a film or a game, there is always something that shouldn't have even been considered controversial to begin with😂.
Edit: Funny thing is it takes away from the things one should be critical of in the first place. You're complaining about a black dude in a videogame when the real problem is Ubisoft's absurd pricing schemes😭
I think the trailer was excellent.White or black I don't care so long as the game is decent.
So strange I think both characters look cool, and to me sounds very interesting Yasuke, based on his backstory. I would’ve understand if they’d black washed a real Japanese person, changing the ethnicity. But in this case, it’s just too weird why it makes people upset to me.
@NoHope it's funny, you don't like him from a cgi trailer, zero gameplay, no personality showen, also you don't like literally the only AC main character that actually has some real life history
But please elaborate on why
Maybe they should have just changed the name of the game already
@NoHope Me neither, but we have Ghost of Tsushima which is a better AC game than AC lol
@Korgon "I gotta say the drama over this whole thing has made absolutely zero sense."
Some people have way too much time on their hands😂. Making drama out of thin air at this point.
@UltimateOtaku91 @Korgon It's taken great efforts to use real history and to be accurate in many ways in the past. Every single protagonist in the past has been a character that ethnically belonged and that would reasonable blend in as the creed demands. Arab, Italian, Egyptian, Native American, British, French, etc have all been used before. No one complained because they all made sense and were accurate and normal.
Yasuke being real also goes against series history.
Playing as Tom Cruise in this instance, despite the Last Samurai being a great movie, would also be horrificly dumb.
Yasuke being a shadowy figure who's doing a bunch of Assassin stuff is just ridiculous on its face. I also think Nobunaga liked to show him off because he was different.
Nor have any of them been real people. It's very odd and goes against AC's premise.
I'll also say not only should Yasuke be removed as a playable character, playing as a Samurai should also be removed entirely as well as that's also missing the point.
I have no desire to play any AC games, including this one, but I did just read up on Yasuke. He sound like pretty intriguing person, so kudos to Ubisoft for wanting to tell a story about him. We don't really know much about him historically, so his story has already become a mythological in nature, which I think would align him perfectly for this role in a fictional video game. I think this was a smart move on Ubisoft's part, because it they told the story of some anonymous Japanese samurai then it probably wouldn't stand out as much from Ghost of Tsushima, which people are going to inevitably draw comparisons to this new AC game.
TBH ragebait and review bombing is not newsworthy or interesting to me, Push Square. This is the main gaming site I visit because you guys tend to resist these topics
Like Tomb Raider this looks like manufactured controversy from their end, the people that lead these companies aren't dumb and know what to do if they want to maximize profit. This is exactly the reaction they expected and the reaction they wanted.
They didn't randomly pick Yasuke because they care about diversity or anything like that, they knew that it would cause a strong reaction from both sides. Instead of being just another generic AC game they now have engagement (positive & negative) through the roof, I promise the higher ups are giggling right now at all this "drama" 😐
It’s the reason why they have a person of colour. In assassins creed origin you play as Bayek who is a person of color. No backlash and he is one of the best protagonists in the creed games. Yasuke should have been a side character or DLC or even in a sequel to assassins creed shadow. But to be honest Ubisoft should just give us a character creator
@playstation1995 Word up. 👍
Oh, and I read the indignation in your 2nd comment in Barret's voice (just watched my kid finish FF7R, the first one, last night) and it worked really well. Barret is certainly the most "human" of that lot, the rest are all a bit 1 dimensional. Yuffie is great though, even after only an hour of her DLC. Looking forward to Barret constantly telling her to shut up in Rebirth. 😂
Both sides of this argument are blowing this out of the water. It’s a fair point that the dude wasn’t a samurai but there’s also a lot of other people that are being anti woke snowflakes as well. As usual the vocal minority on both sides of this stupid argument are ruining what is an intriguing ac game.
Oh no gamers are angry about something especially if it doesn’t look like them. Anyway.
Ubisoft is only gonna care about sales. BOTW divided the Zelda fanbase…it also is one of their most lauded games and best sellers. Not saying this will be as good as BOTW but a bunch of angry gamers is meaningless. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it. People that like it will buy anyway.
That’s why Ubisoft always had that disclaimer at the beginning of AC.
The last Ubisoft game I really enjoyed, was AC Origins. Everything since has just been bland og straight up bad. Watchdogs 3 was so bad. Odyssey and Valhalla are a never-ending slog fest. The Crew 2 was so ugly I can't touch it. I dunno. I hope the Stsr Wars game delivers.
People who got angry and thinks Yasuke is the only protag, it's like they watched the trailer where Naoe doesn't exist lmao. Really weird how people this days are lacking of attention and easily got upset / angry over nothing.
I wonder if Afro Samurai released today and people will get angry too, calling it woke sweet baby inc or whatever. It's not like Yasuke the first black samurai in video games either. Outside Afro Samurai, there's Nagoriyuki in Guilty Gear Strive; a black vampire samurai who according to GG creator Daisuke Ishiwatari he was inspired by Yasuke.
I'm a sucker for samurai games and I am interested in this, even though I haven't touched an AC game since Origins.
This is crazy given Yasuke’s been adapted a few times already. I dunno what these people even want from games.
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Ubi are smart! They thrive on Yasuke's inclusion buzz just to cover up their terrible anti-consumer practices and pricing
Just like their Jedi Outlaws and Frontiers of Pandora.
Hahaha sorry but criticising a videogame for a lack of historical accuracy is one of the funniest things I've read on here for a while!
How dare a dev have any creative freedom on their game lol
Oh and... let's list all the historically accurate videogames that exist AND are fun. I'll go first.
Assassin's Creed has hardly ever been historically accurate so there is no issue at all on that front.
The racist chuds really are getting out of hand nowadays. Unless its a white straight male or an anime doll they just spread hate.
I kind of get where the negativity is coming from - Ubisoft have the chance to create an AC story based in a mystic foreign land, to create strong Japanese characters, but instead they go with Yasuke. It feels like when it came to character design, they were worried about having a character that wasn't relatable to western markets, so they default to a notable non-Japanese historical figure so Western markets can relate.
Also to everyone up top that's trying to debunk dislikes - can someone provide a link to the source of the idea that dislikes are made-up? I don't use a browser extension but I definitely have the dislike function (YouTube Revanced) and I see the dislikes. I also don't often dislike videos, I'd guess maybe 1 in every 100 as my feed is tailored to my interests, so how does this work? My understanding is that the dislike function wasn't removed, the button was simply removed from the UI, hence extensions and reworked apps can return it, and all of us with it see the same number of dislikes on videos.
@Jaz007 but you're just assuming he is supposed to be a super shadowy assassin so you can still moan about it? The trailer clearly shows one stealthy assassin and one tanky warrior and you get to choose which you use throughout.
It is the ultimate amalgamation of the modern AC's, warrior combat gameplay where you fight everyone and stealth gameplay where you assassinate people, but with a seperate character for each so you can mix it up.
So doesn't that now make sense gameplay wise, rendering your argument void? 🤪
@Jaz007 "Context matters and people don't seem to realize there actually is a time and a place for the "black samurai" idea and a place where it's being shoved in and doesn't make sense."
It's a video game, not a documentary. So why would video games devs need people permission or considerate about the time and place to add black samurai in their games? lmao. With your logic, devs shouldn't used any black character in their games at all or they will get called woke lol.
It's funny that no one got angry or scream white man supremacy when Nioh 1 has William Adams as a samurai and main protagonist, participating in real historical event like Battle of Sekigahara, and slashing yokai or real historical figures like Nobunaga Oda. But a black samurai in AssCreed game and people lose their mind lmao.
People this days are oversensitive over nothing lol.
I take it as a thinly veiled outburst of racism from the people who consider themselves "gaming community", trying to hide behind appeals to historical accuracy which has never been the case in any AC game, besides providing the setting.
Given a choice I take female over male, voice acting for starters. But it seems there's a definitive reason to swap, but as an assassin I'll play ninja. Played the best Samurai game already. And with my rose tinted glasses on it best be as good as Last ninja C64 was when I was 13.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
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@Ravix No, the tank shouldn't be there. I also protest a Samurai being playable at all. The trailer also has Yasuke be handed a note about secret stuff and then a little girl naturally gawks at him, making him a poor choice for Shadow stuff.
AC having a tank character in of itself is definitely poor form.
I've actually been pretty consistently upset with every AC game but Mirage for a while now for many historical, RPG, non-assassin, not being what AC is about, etc reasons.
But you see, you kind of proved my points.
Has AC been accurate in many ways? Sure but not 100% historically accurate. That is the entire point of Historical Fiction. The creator fills in the gaps with their own lore. In this case, Yasuke is a real person that lived but his life is not very well documented. The perfect fit for AC to do something with really.
Leonardo Da Vinci did not actually create the many weapons and tools used in AC2 and Brotherhood. He was a brilliant mind sure but didn't create a Renaissance era battle tank. Again, Historical Fiction.
And Yasuke isn't an assassin in this game. He is the more brute force samurai playstyle for people not interested in the stealth approach. Heck it has already been confirmed he doesn't even have a hidden blade!
Naoe is the assassin type character. She is more like the traditional AC protagonist that it sounds like your looking for. She is Japanese. She is a Shinobi. She is primarily geared towards the stealth approach as opposed to Yasuke's brute force.
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Not a fan of Disney's forced inclusion, since it has been done in movies with very weak scripts, making it seems that they only care for that and not the story. But on the other hand Spider-Verse films are the best and also f.ex as controversial as black Velaryons can be in the House Of Dragon world, the screenwriters made it make sense for the plot.
But hating on this game based only on that trailer is just free online racism. Yasuke is a historical figure, and even if it wasn't, there is not enough story/gameplay being revealed to make it the most disliked. Just people feeling hurt about the character.
It was a cinematic trailer that didn't make me fall asleep, so that's a plus in my book. Let's judge it by it's gameplay. People and pushsquare just trying to brew up some unnecessary controversy. Yasuke existed so no problem there. And if anybody gets serious about historical accuracy in assassin's creed, that person is moron anyways. Also didn't hear any outcries when the first Nioh game was released and Japan tried to cater to western audiences.
If I could dislike that trailer more than once, I would. It's Ubisoft that I (and most others) hate as a company. Remember this is the company that said you should "get used to not owning their games", countless tales of employee abuse, charging $130 for 3 whole days of early access, saying Skull and Bones was a "AAAA" title that justified a $70 price tag,deleting The Crew from your library and god know what other stuff I'm forgetting.
If defending Ubisoft is the hill you're willing to die on, than good luck with that. I'll never buy their games again, never. But sure, go ahead and claim its racism. Whatever.
I heard that next year there's going to be an Assassins Creed game where you are a Zulu warrior in the 1870's fighting against the British.
However in the good sense of diversity and inclusion, your character will be a Japanese Zulu.
Oh god here we go again!
I can't get into any more of this BS but I'm actually looking forward to the game. The split protagonists is a great way to serve both main styles of AC gameplay. Also I've been waiting for the series to go to Japan forever!
I recommend the Shogun TV show for anyone else who's interested in the game btw.
@EchoRange I came here to say the same thing. The dislikes are NOT accurate. They are only estimates based off of anyone who has the "Return YouTube Dislike" extension installed, which by the very fact you have such a button installed means you are more predisposed to dislike things!
As for the trailer itself? It's a CGI trailer, it tells us very little about the game to be excited or unexcited about. I'll wait to see gameplay and hear from the leads about their goals before judging anything.
I think we're focusing on the wrong thing in this article - having just spent 10 minutes reading the Japanese comments on the clip, it's more apparent that the Japanese people themselves are upset with Ubisoft for not showing any understanding or care toward Japanese history.
If there is any one thing that the western world needs to understand about Japanese society, it's that the Japanese hold their history in reverence, they honor their ancestors and take pride in their history and where they've come from. The comments from Japanese viewers highlights that Ubisoft doesn't appear to have done any research - the buildings are wrong, the doors are wrong, the tatami are wrong, Yasuke wasn't a samurai (he was a servant/long sword holder), Yasuke in the clip is wearing Warlord armor because Ubisoft didn't research the different grades of armor. Basically, Ubisoft have decided to make a game based in Japanese history, but have done no research which in itself is a huge insult to Japan. If there is one country in the world that you can play fast and loose with historical representations with, Japan is not that country.
@SuperJag86 Can also recommend Shogun. Not for everyone though it's a slow burn political intrigue type affair.
@DennisReynolds Please stop assert racism as why people are unhappy with this game when they are explicitly saying why they aren't happy with the game and it isn't racism.
What could be considered racist is telling Japanese people that they (and their history) isn't interesting enough and they need to add a character that isn't Japanese. Unlike every other Assassin's Creed game that used indigenous characters.
@Mortal I don't know about all that. All I do know is that Ubisoft have a pretty good track record about studying the cultures and architecture in their previous AC games. Hell the Notre Dame Cathedral, which burnt down in a fire, got their plans to rebuild from Ubisoft because of Assassin's Creed as they had done 3D scans of the building for the games. That's not an isolated incident.
That doesn't mean everything is, or has to be, historically accurate. Gameplay, story and other factors mean creative changes are often necessary. But perhaps for this one they didn't go into as much depth this time.
Jaz007 wrote:
Say hello to Edward Kenway very ethically Caribbe... errr Welsh.
@themightyant The pirates were usually and often European, so for him to be a pirate that’s actually accurate.
@Ambassador_Kong Critical Drinker fan?
@Cloud39472 Maybe the inclusion of one doesn’t negate something not making sense elsewhere? It’s not about having a “token representative” so what happens elsewhere doesn’t matter.
I do find the racism claims amusing. If they included a lone Irish guy for an African AC, I wonder how many of the same people would call the pushback against that racist?
@Jaz007 And Yasuke was a real historical figure in Japan at the time. Granted they have taken some creative liberties with his story, but same as every other AC protagonist/villain. What's your point?
@viktorcode So... it's racist to think that one minority (the one that represents the historic period) should be represented over another minority? You all should think before you go for the knee-jerk accusations of racism.
Hold on, I thought you couldn't see likes and dislikes on YouTube, anymore?
@themightyant This goes beyond creative liberties at a point. Part AC history is to use real people as NPCs that fits in the history, hence why the MC(s) should be a fictional Japanese character. Yasuke should be in the game as an NPC that's an ode to his real role in history.
AC has been playing too loose with history for a while now. Some fiction doesn't justify just ignoring history and I don't except much love or accuracy for history from the game in general.
@themightyant The point is that there are more significant characters from Japanese history that could have filled the role instead of taking a character that very little is known about. It's deeply disrespectful of Japanese history and culture and feels like it was done to check a DEI box.
@Ambassador_Kong And had they taken a "more significant character from Japanese history" (likely with a more established history than Yasuke, who's deeds are relatively unknown) then people would be crying about cultural appropriation or some other point about changing their story. Frankly I don't think they can win. Some people just like to whinge.
@Cloud39472 Yasuke was a one off oddity that stands out. He's not a natural selection for a Japanese AC at all or the way they interact with so much of history. The fact that a one-off oddity that is being based on one real person (no one person was used for a character before) to justify shows this.
You should be pulling from a group of many examples in history to make an AC protagonist.
It's a square in a round hole even if the square existed one time.
Gamers downvote and refund everything all the time. Its just about normal unless its a meme game on Twitch.
People ranting about respect for history in a game series where you single handedly win the Peloponosian war, cartoonishly inaccurate and anachronistic collection of mythic and historical people in early medieval England, the Pope hid a gigantic futuristic super computer in Old St. Peter’s, etc.
@themightyant Counter point, don't use a real person as a protagonist. Take inspiration from the many others that could have been for a much more rounded and in-setting idea.
"uhhh, when history is a big point of a series?"
But they never advertised the series as 100% historical accurate like a documentary. Which means they're free to add fictions for their characters or story.
Do you think there's a real historical item called "Pieces of Eden", made by an alien race called Isu and all these real historical figures like George Washington or Leonardo Da Vinci knows the existent about this item? Or a real virtual reality device called "Animus" where we can live our ancestors life through our genetic? lol come on.
AC is like Onimusha, Nioh, or Dynasty Warriors where real history used only as a device to told a "what if" story for entertainment purpose. If you got mad over historical fiction then the problem is you, not the developers.
"Black people aren't naturally in feudal Japan, they are naturally in plenty of other areas, believe it or not they are not mythical creatures."
White man aren't naturally in feudal Japan either but we still seen them as a protagonist in multiple games / anime / manga. So why black character like Yasuke as a protag is a big no???
"You wouldn't use a Japanese person in a African AC game either, it would be forced, you use, you guessed, a black African."
I would if i'm the director. Just give enough backstory of why that Japanese character is in Africa and bam job's done.
I mean, it still makes sense based on AC lore where the Assassins Brotherhood are travelling around the world to search Apple of Eden and also help their fellow assassins to fight Templar. Like Ezio, an Italian btw, who traveled to Ottoman Empire (Turkey nowaday) in AC Revelations. Or in AC Embers where Shao Jun, a Chinese, traveled to Italy to meet Ezio and seek his guidance. So a Japanese protag in AC Africa can still work.
Very odd seems to be around the lead being White.
To those people I'd say check out the Shogun Series on Disney+ with the Anajin. A white key character can fit in a Japanese setting.
Or go further back and watch The Samurai film with Tom Cruise.
I agree with other posters it's probably the algorithm misleading but if not the hate is rather over the top tbh.
Can't win here.
@Korgon How many other Assassin's Creed had a protagonist from a different origin than the game that it was set on? 0
Some people are angry because it looks like they're pandering to a certain crowd.
Of course you also have the people that are angry due to obvious racist reasons.
Overall I think it's a mix of people upset that a game set in Japan is not going to have a Japanese protagonist and some horrible people being horrible.
@Hobbesyall Thanks for this. I won't even waste my time watching it now. What's the point of a game trailer if it's not going to show the gameplay? These kinds of trailers are infuriating.
@Jaz007 I imagine they did use a real person because they have a specific story they want to tell, else why use him at all.
The power of this brand is a real force. Whether to whet the appetite for Shadows or to get away from the nonsense, I recommend the excellent Rise of the Ronin, a historically beholden Assassin’s Creed style samurai sim in which you can create any protagonist you fancy and developed by a passionate Japanese developer.
@PuppetMaster You see, not 100% accurate is not a justification to abandoning history entirely and I think that claim is just dumb.
However, at least your consistent with a the bizarre idea of a Japanese protagonist of a game that should be about social stealth in Africa. I think that’s horrible and would push back.
Is this series still relevant and fun to play? The last AC game i played and enjoyed is Origins. Yesterday I purchased AC odyssey on deck because it’s on sale and kinda cheap. Play a little while and got bored. Same gameplay only difference mythology. But not gonna lie,AC Odyssey performance on steam deck is kinda good and beautiful
@amatmulisha odyssey is IMHO the last truly great AC. Valhalla is fun but if your tired of Odyssey its more of that in a much larger game.
Mirage is fun but its basically a gigantic DLC of Valhalla… but way more emphasis on the stealth. Running into battle in Mirage means you are dead (like the OG AC)
@Pat_trick The game does have a Japanese protagonist though.
Gamers being gamers (and not entirely unjustified in this case) I'm not so sure any backlash a the protagonist is based on what media and "(anti)social media" would like to keep painting as "racism." Anyone interested in an AC game is presumably an AC fan and has already played black characters, arab characters, female characters, and presumably dislikes this because this isn't meeting their expectations from those games. I don't recall backlash from Origin playing an Egyptian, or AC1 playing a Syrian, or Liberation playing an American slave.
Out of any series this one is the least one I think a backlash due to race issues would be expected. Thus, I expect the backlash is more specific, I.E. having a non-Japanese character in a Japanese "historical" game, even if the character was real, the context is so absurd and contrary to anything Japanese, while fans waited many years for a Japanese AC game. Bayek is a series fan favorite. I'm not sure playing the "racist" card works for the AC fanbase other than for social media points. Ok, everyone forgets about Aveline, but I blame Vita for that.
Ultimately I expect they chose this protag for 2 main reasons: Differentiating itself from GoT which is basically just "better Assassin's Creed in Japan before Ubisoft got around to giving fans what they wanted for years", and to keep the in-series-lore in tact that the assassin's and bloodlines are this thing flowing form Egypt to Syria then behind, it keeps the heredity consistent in-universe I suppose. But I don't think fans were asking to play a gaijin in feudal Japan. And that's probably where the backlash comes from.
Actually there has been one that featured a protagonist not native to the settings it took place in. Revelations took place in Constantinople and you play as Ezio who is obviously from Italy.
But again Shadows has a protagonist that is native to Japan with Naoe. I don't understand why it seems like people are just pretending she isn't in the game. I feel like I'm going crazy here!🤣
So just because there was one notable black person serving in Japan, we need to play as them instead of thousands of noteworthy japanese samurai, ninja, etc.
I don't wanna do that. I'd just feel out of place all the time in a setting like that. Even if we have the other protagonist. She'll probably lack half the skills the black one will have. Well, not like I'm not drowning in games I like.
@Cloud39472 You see, now you're just arguing in bad faith with the racism by making assumptions. I don't know how to interpret this other than assuming that anyone who disagrees with you here is racist, which is very wrong and I really hope I'm wrong about that interpretation.
AC has lore that is special, yes, but it's treated as extraordinary and the people in history act like it's out of place and doesn't belong. It takes a lot of care with the history outside of that.
Leonardo made helicopter designs and all sorts of thing they didn't have the tech to build, so that's fine and a neat nod to the real man.
But Ragnorok, oh boy, Valhalla's story is a mess and the total fantasy it turns into is awful. It has assassin stuff shoved in and from what I've read all around is careless with the history is a rather offensive manner for the series. Odin? Really, Odin? This isn't some AC conspiracy lore, this is... I don't even know what they're trying to do.
Valhalla should not have been an AC game and is a terrible use of the name.
I also disliked and felt the liberties that Syndicate took, the grappling hook wasn't even attempted to have justification, and the train wasn't there with a lame "stomach ache" excuse, and I could feel the lack of care and love for the history compared to Unity.
Plenty has ruined the AC games lately. You see, you just made a weird assumption that none of that bothered me, because for some reason people like assuming racism without any good reason. I've been moaning about the state of AC for years, I just didn't include years worth of moaning for this particular discussion. I could keep going with my moaning about other AC games if you'd like, I have enough material to write a book.
I'm no defender of Ubisoft, especially when games debut with no gameplay, but my god, gamers can be some of the worst demographics sometimes.
Assassin's Creed has never been historically accurate, it's historical fiction. That was the entire point of why the concept of AC was cool and interesting.
Naoe is also Japanese herself, yet she's being outright ignored by some? It's amazing how the depiction of a sole black person totally breaks some people's brains....
@EVIL-C because the same people who would get angry having to play as a black person couldn’t even consider playing a woman.
Which is funny as Kassandra and female Eivor had the better voice acting by miles.
@UltimateOtaku91 I think this is a more nuanced argument than this though. Nobody is denying that this man was real. But you can’t tell me Ubisoft didn’t do this on purpose to reach an arbitrary diversity checkbox. I highly doubt they made this decision because they wanted to tell this story. They could’ve given us 1 or 2 actually Japanese protagonists and nobody would’ve batted an eye. But no, they knew what this was going to do. I don’t care about playing as a black person, especially in this series with Adewale and the Liberation girl. But this has some kind of sweet baby inc stink all over it
@Konks Mmhmm, I was also thinking that also. There is a term for that, but... yeah, that crowd lives in endless denial. 🤦♂️
@Fyz306903 you can restore the dislike functionality with a browser extension or a custom app like YouTube Revanced. YouTube never actually took dislikes away, they just removed visibility and the dislike button from the UI.
@Pat_trick and don't forget the Japanese people that are down voting the clip because of the inaccurate representation of feudal Japan, not so much that Ubisoft chose to make Yasuke the main character, more so that everything else they've chosen to represent is wrong.
@Konks yeah i heard same thing. Odyssey is kinda good that is why im decided to buy it. Well maybe i should give it a 2nd try. Game looks great though.
@Jaz007 "You see, not 100% accurate is not a justification to abandoning history entirely and I think that claim is just dumb."
You mean developers must makes games with 100% historical accuracy? That's just dumb and limited the creativity.
By your logic, we wouldn't have fun games like Onimusha, Nioh, Dynasty Warriors, AC, or Ghost of Tsushima who aren't 100% historical accurate. Heck, Yakuza Ishin that took place in Bakumatsu era and used real historical figures also not 100% historical accurate. But it's still a fun game.
And arguing about historical fiction isn't accurate also dumb. It's like arguing about William Adams never slash a yokai or killed Oda Nobunaga in real history and then called Nioh made by dumb people because they don't understand real history.
Or arguing feudal Japan in Onimusha 2 & 3 are not historical accurate because Oda Nobunaga has robots and yokai as his armies lol.
A Japanese protag in AC Africa isn't a bizzare idea. Again, AC lore showed Assassins with different race are travelling around the world. AC Revelations has Ezio, an Italian, as a protag in Constantinopel / Ottoman Empire. Shao Jun, a Chinese, traveled to Italy in AC Embers. There's also Basim, an Arab, traveled to Norway in AC Valhalla. Heck. Desmon Miles has ancestors with different race from Arab, Italian, Britih, and Native American. People who pushback the idea of black samurai as a protagonist or Japanese protag for AC Africa are either racist or doesn't have a fking clue how fiction works.
@DennisReynolds Nope. Drinker makes a lot of valid points about the modern entertainment industry and their prioritizing of social engineering over telling a good story, but he seems to be a supporter of right wing politics (not as much as the pack he runs around with, but still) and I am not a "fan" of anyone that sits on that side of the political fence. I'm old school liberal from back when we actually listened to what people had to say and responded to that. This new habit of assuming a person's position is intellectually lazy.
@Cloud39472 I appreciate the apology man. A lot of people would just double down, so thanks!
Removed - disrespecting others
This just tells me people can't enjoy themselves anymore
Does it really matter? It's just a game. Your energy is better spent doing something productive, instead of just being outraged for something as insignificant as a game protagonist. This society is ridiculous, we need some bloody perspective that stops us from taking offence at every little thing.
So, I went and read the comments on the game trailer, and, boy-howdy, there are A LOT of pissed off Japanese people. The main complaint from Japanese people is that they feel Ubisoft is tackling cultural appropriation with more cultural appropriation. The art, clothing, customs, etiquette, and architecture are apparently waaaaaaay off the mark in terms of having any historical accuracy.
It seems gone are the days of in-game Notre Dame being so accurate that they can use it to repair the real Notre Dame.
@Ambassador_Kong You see what i see is this its ok for Nioh to have a white male lead based on a historical person but its not ok for AC to have a black male lead based on an historical person. Fun fact Afro Samurai was heavily based on Yasuke so i guess that anime was bad as well?
@B_Lindz Funny how Japan have no issue with Nioh though or Ghost taking liberties with history.
Removed - inappropriate
@djlard you are right I don’t know if this is just a joke or if its actually her, but co funder of SBI was supposedly in a staff photo for this game
In the final boss battle of Assassins Creed 2 you fistfight the pope to retrieve a magical golden ball and sceptre. Historical accuracy a thinly veiled excuse to hide blatant racism.
Anyway, this trailer looked dope, i dont know what the hell people are smoking.
Its crazy how many people have downvoted because they are racist/sexist.
If only their real names were visible, things would be a lot different.
@Fishmasterflex96 every other game before this he was a samurai.... ppl complaining now. Weird.
I'm curious to see how the game plays, if it is just a Japan AC Valhalla I won't be interested. I am hoping the innovate on the gameplay.
@Ambassador_Kong Representation of a minority is not the cause for outrage. The thinking among those crowds goes like this: "they add a black man as the central character in a game set in Japan to satisfy the pressure from minority rights activists that want to put black people in every media product regardless of the historical setting. They want to ruing our games!"
Those people don't see Yasuke — a very famous figure in Japan. Instead, they see a samurai which is black. But samurais supposed to be native Japanese.
This is blatantly racist. And that racism is not a secret to anyone who reads comments in different gaming-related publications and reddit threads. I won't even mention Discord.
Disliking videos has as much importance as a snail winning a race against a crippled turtle.
The trailer has no gameplay, but the concept seems more fun than the previous 2 AC games. Mixing styles and different characters taking on different roles sounds fun. I'm putting a pin on it for sure.
@homelesscretin Better yet, no one complained about Yasuke being a samurai in Nioh 2. 🤷♂️ It's okay there, but not here?
I'm very much so looking forward to it
Jeez it’s a game.
It’s pretend. Made up. Not real.
Who cares if you play as a Japanese guy? A black woman or a pink elephant.
The real problem here is that Ubisoft is about 5 games late to getting to a Japanese / Samurai setting. It is nearly saturated at this point.
Imagine what could be done if people put this much energy into something positive or productive.
Backlash for the trailer because of that is ridiculous. It's a video game. It doesn't have to be completely accurate. I'm excited for the game.
True that the AC games have never been about accuracy, but I feel that Ubisoft are playing the woke card. Imagine an AC set in America and the main character was a Chinese or Indian person playing the main "important" character, interacting with all these historical figures. There would be an uproar. As long as the gameplay is fun and the cutscenes ar skip-able.
Come on ppl you don't like Lebron in Ass Creed shadows? Men after he unifies Japan, he'll go to Korea and make family so we will finally find out true reason why previous leader of north Korea loved basketball so much !!! DLC confirmed
That’s very silly and IF it isn’t just algorithm shenanigans, then the gaming majority really needs to do better.
Yasuke has already been portrayed in anime as highly fictionalized. There isn’t enough actual historical reference to go by, so all there will ever be, is high fiction.
The discussion around this game is going to be worthy of completly. ignoring, it's a shame. I was slightly curious.
It's going to bring out the worst on both sides of the aisle.
You all enjoy your tantrums. 🫡
@Hobbesyall it's assassin's creed you don't need to see gameplay to know what it's like
@EchoRange @KeanuReaves you are correct that it’s only guessing.
However, it’s actually the opposite of what you might think. The plugins usually underestimate the dislikes.
I work in online marketing and manage a few YouTube channels for some large corporations with lots of subscribers.
Ubisoft will be able to see the real numbers and will know exactly how many dislikes there are on each video.
We did a test about 6 months ago when one of our clients wanted to be reassured that people weren’t seeing all the negatives, and we could happily report that the real dislike numbers were about 20% higher in reality than what users of the plugins would see (that was worse case, sometimes it was more accurate), but we span it to them that what we could see wasn’t visible to users.
It helped them feel that negativity was hidden from the public, but was a bit of a silly way to look at it. Instead of trying to please their audience they just wanted to ignore reality as long as they could preserve their image and carry on doing what they wanted. Which I think is kind of what is going on here.
@viktorcode black people aren't even a minority though. Black or African population is estimated to be around 14% of the global population. Even worse is I hear people say Asians are a minority!? 60% of the worlds population is not a minority
@viktorcode not to rain on your parade but I live in Japan and 1/15 Japanese people I’ve asked about Yasuke know who he was by name.
But do you know who everyone knows? When they think of Samurai and shinobi, the demon himself…. From the same period.
I wanted Hanzo, but Ubisoft
decided Yasuke was a better Hanzo than Hanzo….. IMO this sucks because Hanzo so much more so synonymous with samurai, shinobi and assassinations. I truly think they didn’t want to do that because they assumed gamers would confuse Hanzo and Jin from Ghost - which they wanted to copy anyway…..
Eh I'm not interested because I think Ubisoft & most big western developed games are just ***** these days.
Though I do enjoy watching you guys eat each other in the comments over it all😄
Reading the comments on all these sites has been rather interesting. My only gripe with Yasuke is his play style. My favorite parts of Assassin’s Creed are the parkour, stealth, and assassinations. But we have the other protagonist for that, so I’ll just wait for the gameplay reveal. Looks interesting, though.
Yasuke should have been dlc and I don’t think anyone would have complained. It would have been a cool side story to explore. But making him one of the main characters in the main game seems ridiculous and feels like pandering. They’ll try and turn this into ‘everyone’s racist’ but it’s just not what most people envisioned of this game.
@homelesscretin This. Nioh 1, like you said, forced you play as a white man who was a real Samurai during that period. Nobody cared, so it's clear the backlash to this is because it's a black man this time, even though he too was historical (he's even in Nioh).
I was hoping the dislikes would be simply because it's Ubisoft and Ubisoft have not put out a good game since forever but no, the dislikes are from racist idiots who are triggered by a black man being ONE of the TWO protagonists you can select. The other one being Japanese.
Was it pandering when William Adams, a white man, was the protagonist of Nioh 1? It seems it's only pandering to some people when it's a black person. This isn't pandering. The other protagonist is Japanese.
Look I get it, I hate "woke" identity politics too. But this isn't that. Yasuke was a historical person, an actual black person in Japan at the time. They haven't just put him there for no reason, just like William Adams wasn't the protagonist of Nioh 1 for no reason.
@ReadySlayerOne You literally interviewed every Japanese person in Japan? Tens of millions? Must have taken you years.
You have a second protagonist who is Japanese. Where were these complaints about Nioh having a white man as a protagonist?
So you have enchanted artifacts, expertise with every weapon there is with no training, jump from 50m high towers, has an eagle that scouts for you, kills 873738 thousand people per game, fight mythical monsters, go back in time to change history, but the black protagonist that existed, oh, that's where you draw the line?
That's ridiculous, and extremely racist, specially when you do have a Japanese protagonist.
It should be very interesting to see the development of the story playing as someone who should be mostly rejected by a major part of the population at the time. The Japanese culture will still be represented, if you believe he wasn't a Samurai, it doesn't matter, you'll work your way up in the game. You're not living though history, it's retelling history through a game. And guess what, that's pretty much what every game does.
I gotta say though, it's so funny to see the snowflakes feeling like they've been offended. At least they'll study history now. That's a first.
@Radekbejbl1 Again, where were you when Nioh 1 featured a white man as the protagonist? Or is it only pandering if it's a black person? Meanwhile if it's Cletus Clyde in a non European setting, running around and yodeling about good ol' England or America whilst drinking moonshine, that's OK? You guys are hilarious.
I believe that this historical character came to Japan with Italian jesuit priests. He impressed the locals with his strength.
@NEStalgia well said. I thought nearly the same thing, but you put it more concisely than I would have.
@TruestoryYep was home didn't care and drank beer,now I'm not going to explain why this is wrong but I think u can deduce it. I liked Nioh,Larry Bird sure did kick monster's butts. Have fun buddy and grab a cool beer,helps alot.
Removed - flaming/arguing
This does come across as racist.
Yasuke is historical. There are portrayals of him in paintings and his story has been explored many times in portrayals of the period. It was a very interesting choice to make him playable.
Don't like? Don't buy.
Ubi's fault for having waited so long to deliver japan AC and let people draw their own fantasies that would never survive contact with reality.
Hey... this one is based on the warring states. There is setting for another japan one based on the end of the shogunate.
I doubt these people even know anything about Japan's history anyways.
But seriously... Nobunaga more than 500 years ago forewent racism and recognised the talents of this man for who he was and now we have supposedly educated people 500 years later uncappable of seeing past it. Some people can be truly despicable. Seems their branch in the evolution tree devolved. I know this is lack of proper education but man... it's sad.
@TruestoryYep AC is a much bigger franchise though with more mainstream appeal. Nioh is small fry compared to AC. If anyone cared enough about Nioh, I’m sure there would have been more backlash. But most people don’t care about Nioh - probably never even heard of it.
Just did a quick Google search and the combined lifetime sales of both Nioh games is 7 million. AC Valhalla alone probably sold three times as many copies, so you can’t really compare an A-list franchise to a D-list franchise (in terms of popularity).
AC fans have waited years for Japanese AC and a black Samurai is probably the last thing anyone expected or wanted. Hence the backlash.
Removed - unconstructive
@GagaOooLaLa Yasuke is a popular tale of the warring states period.
If it was the last thing people expected it's cause people don't know what they want.
Ignorance isn't an excuse for racism.
@Jaz007 To state Africans can only be in GTA games or settings involving Africa, otherwise they're forced on you is just utterly disgusting. Yasuke is a historical figure, like others have stated, they may have taken liberties since not much was known, but to disregard the trailer and call him an assasin instead of a tank is clearly you focusing your bias on him alone. Others in the thread claiming it's disrespectful to Japanese culture, is utter garbage as well. Whether shes female or whatever, shouldnt matter she's JAPANESE, and a "pRoTaGoNiSt". News Flash, It's a video game. Made by Ubisoft. All of your replies will show you you clearly have a distain for Yasuke in particular. As you keep trying to put it in a box, wrap it in paper and put a bow on top, is blatant and obvious racism. Under the justification that it's historically inaccurate. In a VIDEO GAME
and yet it will prob sell a lot and be one of their most popular game in the series. we finally get a game set in japan , and its not a carbon copy of already existing games like rise of roninn or ghosts. 100% if they didn't use this story and used another one , people would have just called it a copycat of ghosts like they did with rise of roninn.
@Callmegil Wait. There's Yasuke in Nioh 2 and you fight him? Then WTF are people complaining about lmao.
I only played Nioh 2 demo and this talk about Yasuke makes me wants to download the game lol.
Pretty sure no one was bothered by Nioh 1's protagonist being a white guy as it was made by Team Ninja, an actual Japanese developer who (surprisingly) are staffed by actual Japanese people. It's their history, so I think they can do what they want.
What an absolute mess of a comment thread. You have loads of people calling anyone who speaks out against this in anyway a racist, and you have a few people giving decent reasons as to why people have issues with the game, even the Japanese who are upset about WAY more than just the characters etc...and then those calling anything and everything as racist are ignoring all the reasons and just claiming more racism when plenty of honest and decent reasons as to why it's not racism, have been given by a few here.
Wouldn't be surprised if I'm now a racist because of my comment or some rubbish.
Not everything is racism believe it or not people, maybe listen to people's concerns and reasons instead of endlessly retorting with "but he was real therefore you are racist!".
Just trying to be a voice of common sense and reason here.
"Bu bu but Japanese are upset and doesn't like Yasuke too!"
That's not a solid justification considering plenty of Japanese especially young generations doesn't aware or have a single clue about their own history.
You can try ask Japanese under 18-25 years old if they know the fact that Japan has war history of attacking / invading countries from China, Korea, Indonesia, or USA / Pearl Harbour and i bet their answer is they didn't know because their teacher and history book doesn't teach them about that timeline.
And just because a portion of Japanese dislike Yasuke doesn't mean all of them dislike him. This is like saying all Japanese must be friendly and not racist towards non-Japanese when plenty of them still Xenophobic to this day.
So i'm not surprise if some Japanese throw a dislike for Yasuke or AC Shadow video.
The discourse is so incredibly toxic, it's shameful. For some reason it's really bringing out a few really loud people who are the absolute worst in the gaming community. I've seen similar stuff on FB comments on Ubisoft/Assassin's Creed promo posts.
Besides just some actual racism, some of these babies are saying they won't buy the game simply because Yasuke is a samurai when "there's no historical proof." So what? Why are they dying on that hill when Assassin's Creed has been so anachronistic with so many things in history? Yeah, because Leonardi DaVinci toooooootally invented hidden blades and gave a gliding machine a bomber. Totally. And George Washington had a Native American bodyguard too.
I don't get it, I really don't get it. Even Vidic himself warned Desmond in the very first game not to believe everything he heard/read.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@DennisReynolds if it's racism and people only want white men or anime dolls then explain why didn't AC Origins and AC Freedom Cry didn't have the same backlash?
@KeanuReaves actually wrong, the dislikes are actually lower than they are in reality that's how it works so in actuality the videos should have more dislikes not less
@Kienda The plug-in relies entirely on how representative a sample the pool of users who have it are. And when it comes to gaming the vast majority of plug-in users are all a part of this mob. The mob that think hiding the dislikes is a woke statement in the first place.
So no I know exactly how it works and why its misrepresenting THIS example as worse than it is.
@Deityjester Wrong! The algorithm is public so I know exactly what I'm talking about. It relies on the users who have the plug-in. And the vast majority of people who use it, thinks hiding the dislike bar is a woke statement and so they are more likely to be anti-wokers than anything else.
I know exactly how its impacting this video and its way worse than if it was any other topic. Gamers are especially quick to use such plug-ins in an organized way to review bomb/dislike bomb things like crying babies.
Meanwhile the game journalists who claimed back in 2020 that ghost of tsushima was cultural appropriation because made by western studio like this game and RE5 is "racist" are in full damage control shilling hard for what will be Valhalla reskin.
I played the previous game and it's the only assassin's creed i couldn't finish i was so bored, that too was basically valhalla, a scrapped dlc at that, was it good? No it was just a mirage and this game will come out from the shadows and the user score will be 7.0 purely because it's set in Japan and so many people seem infatuated with the place so it will gain a higher rating based on that.
@KeanuReaves You clearly don't know what you're talking about, did you even work on it? if not don't tell me how it supposedly works because you're an outsider peeking behind the curtains.
Oh look, yet another "controversy"...
Honestly, 40+ years of gaming and I don't think I have ever seen the overall gaming community become so whiney.
Just hope the Japanese female character doesn't have any clothing changed or we will be off again...
@PrettyPawsome Because the "decent and reasonable" complaints are not congruent when challenged. Thus it is easy to see between the lines. Here's a small freebie:
I don't think you're racist, but you're very hard to play Feelings Police on a topic that shouldn't be that deep to begin with. You can feel however you wish, we don't have to consider your feelings. When your arguments fail to align with reason, you might have ulterior motives.
@Deityjester It says on their website that their numbers are purely an extrapolation based on its users and isn't based on real data for the video.
Tbh fed up of assassin's creed games....bring on something different their too similar 😩
A lot of misguided racism accusations, and of course there are, because what day would be complete without that?
I could comment about the controversy, but why bother. The real issue is a broader one with Ubisoft, who I wouldn't buy another game from regardless of the protagonist.
@NoHope ok and
Yes, that's what I stated. Something wrong with that? You never have a first impression of something/someone, a first impulse? Feels just out of place and he looks so bulky. Might be because I just finished Ghost of Tsushima a few weeks ago and I realy like the main in that game.
It has nothing to do with the colour of his skin, if he would be purple, yellow, white whatever. This would still be my tirst impression, well if he was purple, it would be weird on top of all.
Besides that, I do not care for historical background.
Sorry to disapoint you, it has nothing to do with the colour of his skin, so wrong assumption on your part. Why do you have to make this about race? We are all the same underneath.
Do not mistake me for people that dislike that a black Samurai is the main lead charakter or so. And is this even the reason for the dislikes? Why are so many offended by MY opinion, it is my first impression.
For example to this day I can not stand Tobey Maguire, did not like him the first time I saw him act and it never changed. I do not like Nathan Drake, to generic (optics only). Do not like Will Smith.
Am I a racist now? No, I just stated my first thoughts, likes and dislikes.
Maybe Ubisoft gives him a good story, makes him intertesting and I might change my mind. Nothing is set in stone.
Or lets go with another example certain smells, cinnamon. I can not stand the smell of it. Did I choose this, I did not. But I can also not tell you were this is coming from. Gut feeling maybe.
@Callmegil strange, the people that were giving genuine and honest reasons, as well as myself, don't actually have ulterior motives...you seem to be looking for racism here where there isn't any, or assuming that everyone who isn't too keen on this game has the exact same mindset as each other. Not saying that there aren't any racists online etc hating on it, but the people here have listed valid reasons but sure, equate everything to racism and "feelings"...have not even mentioned my feelings on this at all, my comment was clearly put across as a fence sitter watching both sides go at each other, I even said so...
Why the hell does everything have to be so black and white these days, good or bad, with us or against us, doesn't seem like anyone is allowed to have any views or opinions that lie in a middle ground. Stuff like "WE don't have to take into account your feelings" is exactly what I'm on about, speaking to me as if I'm on the opposite side to you or something...
@PrettyPawsome Feel free to give me an example of a genuine and honest complaint that doesn't automatically go into "DEI" or "woke". I personally haven't seen any, I gave you the examples I have seen that are the loudest.
Because it is black and white, the moment you get involved you're sitting on one side or the other, neither are good or bad, we're just talking. I would love to debate this with someone who genuinely has a complaint but I haven't seen anyone who does. My only references are the ones I gave you.
@Callmegil well I'm not a fan of the series myself so I can't really say too much other than what I'm seeing whilst perched up on my grey fence here, so I won't pretend to know everything about the series (played a few of them but not all etc), but one of the arguments I do see thrown about is that the AC series has generally had a protagonist that has been faithful to the region...granted they do have the female character too which is great, I would have thought though, like many others, that they would have gone for someone that was also notable but native to Japan I guess, as has been standard for the series? Like I said, not a font of knowledge when it comes to AC, my head only has space for Gundam and Mad Max mostly, so if I'm wrong there, correct me.
I too prefer discussing stuff properly because at the end of the day, when it comes to stuff like this, buzzwords and accusations get thrown about in all directions and nobody can actually have a real discussion once it gets to that point.
@PrettyPawsome Just as you sent this, I read a comment that actually addressed the issue and it's from a perspective I didn't consider it. I understand what they're saying now, it's just so happens that the loudest voices are using their voices in the wrong way.
This is what it said: "The concern is more about representation, specifically how East Asian men are portrayed in Western media. There is a perception that East Asian men are often depicted in a way that undermines their masculinity. They are frequently shown as less masculine, more feminine, or as comic relief, rather than as strong, heroic, or powerful figures.
When a role that could showcase a strong, masculine East Asian character is given to a character of a different race (in this case, a black samurai), it can feel to some that another opportunity for positive masculine representation of East Asians is lost. This is seen as part of a broader pattern where East Asian men are not given the same opportunities to be seen as masculine heroes in Western media"
I totally understand this now, I didn't before. I'm sorry I'm not addressing your points directly, but I understand what you're
saying also in contrast to this.
@PrettyPawsome you evidently didn't read the comment section or see the dozens of videos about it. It's just another battle in these maniacs war against "wokeness". The major complaint being that they claim yasuke was essentially a pet and the female has a square jaw. So yeah, even if you didn't research before you commented, there was no gameplay shown, so what else could the vitriol be about
@Callmegil this makes.no sense when you consider that Japanese studios make their own Japanese characters look white. I'm playing persona 3 reload and I guess these characters are supposed to be Japanese but nothing about their appearance indicates that. DMC, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, etc etc etc...these are all opportunities for Japanese companies to make strong Japanese leading men. Maybe it's about money. It's always about money.
@Callmegil Nice to have actual discussion, so cheers for that, and yeah, I think that's sort of what I've been trying to explain but worded poorly, what you just commented hit the nail on the head and I'm running on no sleep for the last two nights, surprised I'm even able to type anything that makes slight sense at this point 😂
@mvhess I guess all I can say to you is that yes, I did read every comment, I don't comment in threads without reading them first, all the way through, might have missed the odd comment here or there but I'm running on fumes here.
Read what me and @Callmegil have been posting and you'll see what we're discussing and one of the decent points being made, because they nailed itt... perhaps you should read before commenting or making assumptions on me? To add on, when it comes to games with an anime aesthetic, well that's the art style, most characters in animes rarely look like where they are from, this goes for a lot of the games you mentioned but in the case of AC, they're going for a realistic look, which is why it makes sense here, moreso than in something with a completely different art style.
@PrettyPawsome I wasn't trying to belittle you but type in assassin's creed shadows into YouTube and you will come across dozens of videos attacking the supposed wokeness, dei, whatever they are calling it, a lot of then before you even get to the trailer. So yes, it's a prevalent theme. As for games, I don't who I play as. They are works of fiction and the choice of the dev team.
@mvhess Oh don't worry, there's always going to be a few loud voices with ill intent shouting loudly in their videos etc, my issue was that people who do have other issues are being lumped in with those people and then any points that get made just get drowned out by everyone shouting "racists!" etc, but yeah, this is and always will be the case...as a Mad Max fan, I see the same stuff with Furiosa, it's apparently woke because female lead, even though the series has always had decent female characters... just the way things are I guess.
@homelesscretin that's because there isn't a White protagonist in the game
@s22222 Freedom Cry was a spin off/DLC and Bayek wasn't black so racists can pretend he's white. Remember racists tend to only see two races white and black. Japan gets a pass because a lot of internet racists who play games are also weebs as well.
@DennisReynolds you must be sarcastic.
@s22222 Nah i'm telling you how it is.
@DennisReynolds https://twitter.com/Raiby0u/status/1793057781240742347?t=eofRmb2415_mH4LsLj4rmw&s=19
Just another example of trolling and bombing. I loathe Ubisoft, but there's a pretty obvious reason why people are taking issue with this particular matter.
At the end of the day, I don't think it makes much of a difference. It's definitely going to sell.
@s22222 Bayek isn't black so you haven't really got me, if anything you're proving my point in seeing only black and white.
Lol you keep using strawman arguement, I'm still not really sure if you are being sarcastic or genuinely believe what you're saying. My point wasn't that he's black it's that he isn't white. You understand that not white doesn't mean black right? And I'm not sure where you came up with that people only consider others as only black or white when brown and asian people are clearly recognised as such.
You in your earlier response said peple consider Bayek to be white but the tweet and its engagement clearly show you so many don't consider him white. This refutes your original point that people only want white men or otherwise they won't be happy, a point that's objectively incorrect considering AC Origins that didn't have a white hero didn't receive that hate AC Shadows received.
As an Asian, I think that ubisoft is making a game set here but doesn't understand anything about the culture of Asian peoples. Unlike Western countries, where a duke of this country can succeed the throne in another country without much reaction, or different from America where from the beginning of the nation's formation it was a process of centralization. combination of many different ethnic groups. East Asian countries, such as China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, etc., have extremely high racial purity and national spirit. These are established countries with thousands of years of history where no foreign dynasty can legally exist unless they invade by force. Asians have a spirit of solidarity and boundless national pride. Every decision of national significance, every historical or political movement must be decided by the local people themselves to be considered legal and reasonable. Any movement or government built on foreign elements will be boycotted and destroyed. If there is a government imposed by another race, those people will spend 30 years, 50 years, 100 hundred years or even 1,000 thousand years (like the way the Vietnamese fought against China) to overthrow the regime. which they consider was not built by their ethnic people.
This is not a matter of racism or not, those people still respect white and black people, because they themselves are people of color. but they believe that their race has enough intelligence to decide everything for themselves without someone coming and telling them what to do.
Second, samurai are considered symbols of the best of the Japanese people. and historically the samurai were their aristocracy, pure blood, hereditary. Not everyone who holds a weapon can be a samurai, especially a non-native person. He can hold weapons and fight alongside the Japanese. But to become a samurai is never.
Therefore, if ubisoft only builds Yasuke as a normal warrior, it's okay, but if it turns Yasuke into a samurai and even the leader of a certain movement of the Japanese people. For the Japanese, it was an insult, because they had to bow their heads and listen to a foreigner tell them where to go and what to do.
Because it's just a trailer, Japanese reactions are still limited, but when the game comes out, Yasuke is portrayed in the way I've presented. Surely ubisoft will receive a wave of terrible reactions from this country.
@ReadySlayerOne You seem to be implying that I stated the game is about the most known figure of the time period in Japan, which I did not. Whatever parade you've rained on wasn't mine 😊
As I said, Yasuke is a famous figure in Japan. The amount of media about him produced in the country is the testament to that. Also, the amount of reactions coming from white dudes with fragile egos outraged that a samurai can be a non-ethnic Japanese will surely bring more attention to the game in mainstream media, which can lead to more sales.
@Giophieudu268 Ubisoft doesn't understand European and American culture either, if you take it from AC games.
@viktorcode @viktorcode I’m telling you that his name isn’t that popular. You might underestimate the sheer amount of fictional samurai era media over here. I think over estimating his impact or influence or relevance is the same bias as people saying he wasn’t a real samurai. It’s just lame on both accounts.
I mentioned that regardless of skin color, sales or backlash. They could have done shinobi proud. The angle and gameplay (so far) screams of unoriginality and full of trope.
@playstation1995 I mostly play the characters i like that will be 99% the female character. Evie was my favorite character in the last Assassins Creed i played.
But to be fair i will choose the character that represents me the most if i have the choice if i dont like the female character. Nothing racist about that.
My biggest issue is that the game has DRM where i need a online connection to install the game i bought.
@UltimateOtaku91 dude was a retainer, carried swords for a Samurai, did find himself in one fight, he lost, left Japan within a year..that's why
@viktorcode lol ..he was not famous for his prowess..dud had one fight, and lost. He was only a retainer, who left within a year..no Samurai
@PuppetMaster r/woooosh lol
@DarianStarfrog You go find a mirror and wooosh yourself.
@DarianStarfrog And you have the source saying Yasuke wasn't a samurai?
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