Astro Bot is the name of the cutesy robot's big new game, and this time it's a full length excursion rather than just a tech demo. The trailer has put a smile on all our tired faces — it looks utterly delightful.
Team Asobi's platformer will feature more than 80 levels across six galaxies, which you'll explore in order to find Astro's crewmates. Our hero will be able to toy with 15 new abilities as he goes through the story, all bringing the developer's trademark imagination to the gameplay once more. We're particularly fond of Astro turning into a giant sponge.
The game also packs over 70 enemy types to tango with, including a whole host of oversized bosses. On top of that, Astro Bot will encounter various PlayStation characters from the platform's back catalogue — you'll no doubt spot PaRappa, Kratos, and a couple more in the trailer, and they look to play a larger part in the adventure.
Astro Bot is due to launch exclusively on PS5 on 6th September, 2024. What do you think? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 104
Day one buy for me.
This, Dynasty Warriors and MonHun were the highlights.
The new Astro Bot game looks sadistic!! Wow!
This looks like everything I had hoped it would be and more. I'm ECSTATIC right now.
I'm so excited for this, it looked incredible.
Looks amazing and exactly what I was hoping for after the small bit we got with the PS5 on console launch.
Looks cute, but ultimately not something I’ll be throwing money at. Maybe on a deep sale…
Day one for me. If you love platformers and miss the kind of games Japan Studio made before their unceremonious closure, don't sleep on this, lest Team Asobi meet the same fate...

Its very rare that a single game announcement can almost turn my entire mood towards a presentation around but goddamnit: the little bot that could found a way. I'm so happy they're finally committing to Astro being a tentpole series for Playstation and literally everything here from the platforming to the gimmicks to the cameos all just screams a deep love for Playstation as a whole. This'll be an instant purchase if/when I ever grab a PS5 and major props to Team Asobi: they deserve a title like this 🩵
Day one buy for me as well, looks incredible.
My only worry is that this game doesn't sell well and ASOBI get shuttered, so Im hoping it does really well and we get more in the future, if it turns out good of course.
Haven't been this excited for a game in ages, easily the winner of the show.
Is it the final title though, it's a bit weird considering it's not the first in the series.
Probably going to contend with Rebirth and Infinite Wealth for my GOTY unless Nintendo pulls something truly special out of their hat for the fall.
This looks awesome.
This game looks FANTASTIC and it was announced the same year it will the released.
Now I hope all the people who always remember how
-Sony shut down JapanS (even when no one said thank you for keeping the last guardian alive for what felt like a decade)
-How Sony should be more like Nintendo
-How Sony needs smaller games
Actually buy this beautiful game.
This note should be the center of news in this website, not whatever reaction Sammy is going to write.
This is all I need from PlayStation for the rest of the year. I love 3D platformers and games that focus on silly, creative fun. This is bursting with all of that. I’m stoked.
@zidane4028 As awful as Japan Studio's closure is, at least this is a testament they still lived on somewhat.
Well here's the acid people love Astro enough to want to buy it. The trophy completion rate on Playroom was quite low despite it been an easy game and free.
Seriously though the Astro games are chill, imaginative platformers with buckets of charm, I really hope that it's his coming out party.
@GymratAmarillo Don't worry, I am buying this day one.
@UltimateOtaku91 The PS5 pack-in tech demo is the best ad they could ever ask for to juice interest in Astro, so I am optimistic it will have an audience.
If it's not a full 70 that would also be a big help, but I'm going to assume it is. I'll be there day one regardless.
@DonkeyFantasy I would pay £70 in a heartbeat for Astrobot. Pure joy is priceless
Both excited and furious at the same time as this to me does mean that the whole Jim Ryan being against PSVR2 from the start rings true. Makes me feel quite betrayed to be honest.
The best (and only for some) thing of the show, I expected nothing less from the remnants of Japan Studio! Even just few of the developers left of that wonderful studio are able to put out something beautiful and creative like this!
This is the most hyped I have ever been about a PlayStation Studios game! I hope it's as good as it looks and as fun as the PS5 pack in! The cameos looked amazing!
And wash your mouth before badmouthing 2024 as it got me Rebirth, Stellar Blade (just got the plat!) and now this!
Easily my most anticipated game of the year. Would be even happier if it happened to be co-op.
And it sounds like a much larger game than Rescue Mission or Playroom; I'll happily pay £70
@UltimateOtaku91 they have realistic expectations so don't worry. There was a difference in how they presented games between the Days gone fiasco and Returnal selling only 500k being a success enough to buy the studio.
They know this won't sell a lot because as you can see there is no enough demographic. If you want to be worried about a studio you can worry about MediaMolecule lol. Those guys were the next in line to execution
This looks awesome. It's a shame that Sony doesn't view Astro Bot as a major franchise. It definitely should be.
Astro was by far the best part of the show. It's not even a competition. This is Sony's Mario Odyssey (in the world of platformers, there is not much higher praise I can give it).
@glennthefrog Yeah I think it's success may depend on the price, like you I will buy it at £70 but the majority won't especially those not familiar with the PS5 tech demo. I would expect pre orders to be live soon so we shouldn't have long to find out.
The PS5 finally has a worthwhile exclusive, what do you know! This looks killer.
Wow this looks really great. Definitely pre-ordering.
Like I said, Sony needs AA games badly, Helldivers proved that. Just more games over graphics, personally.
I felt as if this entire showcase had been rather bland. Other than Silent Hill and Monster Hunter.
It's looks super fun and i hope Sony price it right so more people can buy it.
Day one for me.
It looks like it improved on so much from the first game which was already awesome. Tempting Day 1 buy for me. Looks excellent
Definitely one of the most exciting PS5 games this year. Astro's Playroom was so much fun, and this one seems to be more of the same. A lot more.
Looked at the trailer again and the game really oozes heart and passion, the developers really are pouring everything they have into the game. That said like someone above mentioned it needs to be priced accordingly, most people aren't going to spend $70 on a platformer (especially not one without the Nintendo seal).
If this was 2 player like sack boy I would die a happy man. Looks awesome
Surely day one for me too but I was hoping for a VR2 hybrid.
@Tecinthebrain Not even Nintendo asks 70 for a platformer, iirc the only 1st party title they've ever sold at that price is Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
Astro really needs to be 50. That is the sweet spot imo. Parents can easily find Mario Wonder/Odyssey at that price or lower. Astro needs to target the same audience.
Finally a great exclusive for PS5! Rescue Mission was wonderful. If I ever get a PS5, this is top of my to buy list.
Astro Bot to launch with the Pro 👀
Bro...I'm speechless. I CAN NOT WAIT!
Had a smile on my face throughout the entirety of the trailer.
Game of the Year.
So excited! Astro’s Playroom was such a delightful celebration of classic PlayStation, and this looks like it manages to recapture that classic PlayStation spirit while still massively expanding on Playroom. September can’t get here soon enough. I hope it knocks it out of the park for Team Asobi, and Sony realizes that they don’t need every game to be the next big AAA live service game.
Day one. Astro Bot deserves the world. Love that fella.
Wanted this type of game since the day I loaded up astro bot on the PS5 at launch. Can't wait!!
This was the star of the show for me!
The visuals are jaw-dropping, and the continued homages to PlayStation's legacy had me grinning from ear to ear (just like they did in Astro's Playroom)!
Plus, it just looks downright fun!
@Bentleyma Must have been a nice change considering the frown we all had for 30 mins prior
Easily my favorite announcement today, and a Day One buy for me. I hope it sells really well, to let Sony know that there is an audience for games like this.
Aside from GoW2 on pc, this was the only highlight of the entire presentation for me. This looks delightful.
The gem of the show - cant wait!
I was pleasantly surprised by Astros Playroom. Best tech demo ever made and makes me excited for this game.
@get2sammyb "game of the year"
Would be great if it is - my fingers are crossed as the trailer brought with it a massive smile, and was certainly better than i hoped (and its not as if i had low expectations).
They missed a trick on the trailer though -
As the playstation ships join formation, the "flagship" should have been revealed to be the PS5 PRO, and astro could have hopped on board...
@get2sammyb definitely ain't nobody can deny that
Definitely will buy it once it's PC bound.
Right now this is my most-wanted game for the rest of the year. Big fan of Astro's Playroom, look forward to seeing what the team does with a more full game.
@Rich33 I kinda feel the black one coming up from the sand might have been the Pro.
80 levels??? I didn’t catch that before. This game looks like it’ll be worth every penny. I’ll probably support it Day 1 because it’s clear how much love the devs put into the first game. Here’s hoping the 2nd is just as great!
I am happy. We loved Astro's playroom at home and i am going to get this for us.
Though... probably after a price cut. End of the year there will probably be good deals around. It will be perfect for christmas.
PSVR2 mode or bust.
Mario killer.
The main mascot of each PlayStation generation.
Curious on how much this will actually sell.
@ORO_ERICIUS Yeah, exactly. I don’t think I’ve ever been super hyped and super annoyed at a game reveal before. Haha. Day one purchase.
The only highlight of the presentation. Man this looks very good.
Great stuff. A new game, not by Nintendo, that I will actually buy. Happy days.
@XionV it was a PS5 without the face plates
Definitely getting this on release, it looks amazing.
Wow! This looks so good! Like Mario Odyssey vs Sonic and all stars racing 😄🥰
I loved Astros playroom but it was very short and left you needing more.
Thankfully now we're getting it and I for one can't wait
Astros playroom is still my favorite game on the PS5! Now there is finally something to look forward to on what has been the most disappointing PlayStation generation yet. Can’t wait,
This looks fun! Dig the little bots animations
This looks aqesome. It legit gave me the mario odyssey feels. Hope they dont disappoint. Day1 for me
No VR2 support is disappointing, but still looks incredible.
Really exited for this one. Its about bloody time Sony pulled their fingers out of the butt holes and got a full blown Astro adventure on the PS5. The bundled tech demo is still the best use of the dual sence controller and the most fun ive had on a ps5 game (not necessarily the best ps5 game) it has however solidified something for me. I will never but another VR2. That thing has been left to rot and since selling mine (about 2 months after launch) i still dont regret it. I did however nearly buckle and grab another in the sale for £430 but after the lack of support, especially with the lack of a game that was so beloved on the origional VR the writings on the wall for VR2, imo.
This game really saved the show and proves again that Sony's only reliable pillar are Japanese studios.
I don't own a psvr2 but would hope that this game would be hybrid flat and VR release.
OMG, this will break records in sales and pre-orders. This is so cool
Btw guys, did we just had a look on PS5 pro design? The black one? Was that teaser?
@glennthefrog Why shouldn’t they ask 70 bucks for it? Ubi is doing it for their games, and while they may last for 30+ hours, maximum only half of them is fun. Here you will get an maybe 15 hours game, but with almost every second of fun, on a higher level than what Ubi usually achieve.
This game will be an intense ride, one to remember!
Mock me if you want I don't care......I would pay 70 for this 😅
I agree - obviously hope its a bit less, but i have seen many games without the same Quality & Content launch for 70.
Having been gaming since the Speccy days, it does feel that whilst the RRP of games gets a lot of bad comments, it hasnt really gone up that much in recent years, and inflation adjusted may well have gone down - all while dev costs and expectations have skyrocketted.
I was sat there watching and wondering if it would be changed into PRO as it was 'fixed' but alas, it was just a normal PS5.
Still say they missed a trick - even a case reveal for PRO would have shot coverage of the trailer through the roof!
@Sergo I think that was the actual Dev Kit for a PS5
My first day one purchase of the PS5 generation (I'm usually a bit behind with a lot of the major releases, but won't be able to wait for this one!)
Ooo this looks great! Loved playing Astro bot's adventures in VR and 'normal' modes, so will definitely be buying this. And it's released the day after my birthday (a big one ending in an 0), so a perfect gift too
This absolutely stole the show. I'm so so so hyped for this game.
Honestly, lost count how many Nintendo-tropes were copied in this trailer! It looks fantastic...but mostly because of it's "inspiration."
Astro is just such a great joyful vibe, all the right levels of whimsy and fun. LOVE it!
I will not allowed Astro Bot game in my PS5 machine.
Tomorrow I will buy PS5 machine and the first thing I will do is delete Astro Bot game from my PS5 machine.
@Max_the_German The kids market is $10 lower and this needs to appeal to that group to maximize sales, at least imo.
I don't dispute it's going to be great, I love Astro and it will surely be worth 70 for me. I just think they should try to push it against Mario games, which are all at the 50 to 60 price point.
Definitely getting it. Glad we don't have a long wait.
@Anti-Matter ???
Now we're talking. This is the kind of game I wanted to see to get me interested in a PS5.
@Anti-Matter what's the problem???
@PuppetMaster @Max_the_German
Gentlemen, I will explain the reason I banned Astro's Playroom game.
When I found the rated 18+ games characters inside Astro Playroom as cute characters in disguise, I was really shocked and immediately I changed my mind as I never allowed any rated 18+ games characters in kids games.
From my perspective, selling the rated 18+ things reference in kids games is like selling drugs / dangerous stuffs in cartoonish / kiddie looking and if I am a parent with kids and I found stuffs like that inside my kid's games, I will sue the developer for putting stuffs like that inside kids games.
When the developers make the games for kids , it really means for kids so don't put any inappropriate stuffs in disguise even the characters from rated 18+ games as cute looking characters because if I am a parent and my kid liking the rated 18+ characters from Astro Bot games, they will get suggested for rated 18+ games references which lead my kids to getting know about rated 18+ games after they played Astro Bot and I don't want my kids liking rated 18+ games. It's like wolf in sheep skin disguise and I'm really against with stuffs like that because it will plunge the kids into fallacy.
I have a reason to ban Astro Bot games after I found something like that, you can disagree with my perspective / opinion but the reason I did like this because I really concern with kids games or kids stuffs today that might be get invaded by inappropriate stuffs in disguise.
Hello there fellow gamers.
This was without a doubt the best game anouncemnt of this State of Play.
As I was watching the trailer being super colorfull and whimsical and then the music started....... I´m 6 months way for being 40 years old, but watching this trailer almost made cry of happiness.
I don´t really know why or how to express..... It´s both nostalgia, joy and feel good moment.
You can defenetely feel the passion Team Asobi has for, not only Astro as a franchise and as character (new official PS mascot), but also every other major character and Sony Playstation franchise.
Cannot wait for this gem.
Cheers everyone and happy gaming to us all
Very much excited for this game.
@Anti-Matter Sounds like an over exaggeration especially if your kids doesn't know at all about that rated 18+ characters. But i guess you didn't let your kids played Nintendo games either since they "promoted" violence, animal cruelty, and sex like Link slash and dice his enemies with a sword, Samus killed her enemies with a gun, Mario masacred a lot of Goomba by stomping their head, Xenoblade 2 or Bayonetta showed a lot of skins, and Ash hunting Pokemon and trapped them in a ball 😱
But hey, you do you and feel free to sue whoever company that threatening your kids. I can only say good luck to you 👍
I still allowed Nintendo games with their Mild Violence or Cartoonish Violence inside the games as it still looks tolerable for me.
I allowed the games with rated E, E10+, a few rated Teen games as long they don't have contents that really against with my gaming rules. I still allowed these contents according from ESRB rating.
Comic Mischief
Mild Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Violence (from rated Teen games like Street Fighter, Final Fantasy / RPG games, Beat Em Up games)
Mild Blood & Animated Blood (from rated E10+ / certain Teen games)
Suggestive Theme (As long still tolerable for me)
Alcohol Reference (Cooking Mama games)
Mild Language
Mild LGBT things (The Sims games, current Story of Seasons games & Harvest Moon games, Youtubers Life games)
Oh, also I am still single forever, not interested in getting married, doesn't even have kids and I will be 40 years old on this year.
I said IF I am a parent with kids.
Also, I don't like Xenoblade games either..
I don't like big boobs female characters.
It just look Eww... in my opinion.
Look so damn fun. The first game i played when i bought my ps5 is astro bot and im immediately hooked. The dualsense haptic feedback for this game is outstanding
Removed - inappropriate
This or helldivers 2 will be my goty I’m sure it’s going to be HD though. Awesome game
Can't wait to play this game, I wonder if it will be a reboot.
GOTY incoming
As others have said, excactly the game i was waiting for...ps5 has been so boring for me in the last year..
Not sure if the price matters that much, since it will compete in an rather empty space of new 3d platformers on the ps5..... at christmas though mario odyssey 2 might be announced for the switch 2.. we'll see....
astro's palyroom was short, but one of the few games which enticed me to get it to all trophies, since it felt it coukd be reached within the time contraints i have, so i got more play outof it then supposed triple AAA games...
it will be 70 though... sony want to set that as the default...
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