After the disappointment that was Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, wouldn't an entirely new entry in the Batman: Arkham series go over nicely? Well, that wish has come true, but you won't find it on any PlayStation hardware. Batman: Arkham Shadow is a VR title exclusive to Meta Quest 3, releasing at the end of 2024. Catch it in the teaser trailer above, with more details set to be shared next month at Summer Game Fest.
The YouTube description explains: "Gotham City is in danger. And you’re the only one who can save it. Batman: Arkham Shadow, coming late 2024. Only on Meta Quest 3." Of course, this isn't the first time Batman has experimented with VR, as the Arkham spin-off game Batman: Arkham VR graced Sony's first PSVR headset at launch. This new title is being developed by Camouflaj, which is now owned by Oculus Studios after it previously made Marvel's Iron Man VR for Sony.
Since this is a first-party project for the Meta Quest 3, the chances of it ever being ported to PSVR2 appear slim. Would you have played it on Sony's VR device? Let us know in the comments below.
Comments 39
It's things like this that made me sell the PSVR2 and I'll be picking up the Quest 3 at some point instead
Too bad. It's not a franchise that I follow but I can understand the disappointment.
For myself, I'm still regularly dropping into Moss II, GT7, No Man's Sky, Horizon and Legendary Tales on my PSVR2. I haven't started Arizona Sunshine II yet, and Behemoth is still lurking around somewhere. There's plenty to play there.
I wouldn't complain if Half-Life: Alyx made the jump though...
The previous Batman VR game was amazing, so I'm sure this will be spectacular too!
Great job Sony! Another great game for PSVR2!
Well done! Learned a lot from PSVITA!
Pretty much everything will be exclusive to meta quest 3 in the beginning (especially with meta owned devs like this) because it’s sold way more. It’s cheaper and doesn’t need a ps5 after all. We just hope when it comes to psvr2, if it does, that it takes advantage of the hardware to be loads better.
As already mentioned it’s why I sold my PSVR2
after 6 months of ownership.
The support for it is not there and this would have annoyed me further tbh.
@Specky The Devs are Camouflaj who made Iron Man VR for PSVR1, but then got bought by Meta so that would explain the exclusivity. We can hope it's a timed exclusive and there's some sort of deal going on like with Beat Saber I guess.
Psvr2 is pretty much dead, I don't expect anything for first party for it sadly.
Man those folks at Warner Bros are so smart
I didn't know Meta Quest was up to 3, I do recall MQ 2 launching a few years back, but I guess that shows how vested I am in VR. Haven't hooked my OG PSVR up to either my PS4 or PS5 in awhile, PS VR2 never seemed like a viable option, at any price.
I’m happy with my PSVR2 purchase given how much time I spend with it on my face and games I’ve purchased, but this is just ridiculous. I’m still waiting on that Assassin’s Creed vr game. Hoping both are timed exclusives.
Not to mention, both would probably look and perform better with the tech the PS5 packs.
I can understand console games being platform exclusive because of the larger player base, But I draw the line here.
Wish I never bothered with the psvr2....not many games as it is ...and scum bags be making exclusives for an already tiny market
It's not like the ps5s raw power will push VR Further, but rather accessibility and ease of use. Though it pains me to speak well of them, Meta have figured that out. Sony fanboys were so wrong on the wireless vs visual fidelity arguement.
If Sony wants to continue selling vr software they should just collab and make quest compatible with the ps5. It's not like their headset sales were ever going to make a meaningful profit and eye tracking and feveat rendering aren't essential features either. Opening psvr2 to pc is good, but they won't make money with games that way.
They just don't seem to want to make money with the franchise anymore. Shame, really.
I feel like the Suicide Squad game should have been the VR spinoff while this should have been the PS5 game. 😅
Makes games no-one really wanted for the most popular hardware in a blatant Money grabbing exercise and makes a game that would likely sell on mainstream consoles for a 'niche' VR market...
And you wonder why the Industry is struggling.
People saying VR2 is dead are stupid or what? There are a bunch of games coming this year to VR2.
I still own my VR2 and I'll buy a Quest 3, best of two worlds.
I returned both PSVR 1+2 after a two week trial period. Decent hardware but lacking support overall. Quest 3 is an excellent bit of hardware, standalone or paired with a decent PC. Sales are impressive and the VR market is really picking up after serious stagnation during and after the pandemic. I was a VR sceptic but games like Half Life Alyx, Asgards Wrath 2 and Microsoft Flight Simulator really show what it's capable of, not to mention all the fun/unique/quirky games which are priced accordingly. I wish Sony and Microsoft somehow allowed third party headsets to cater to a VR ecosystem on their consoles - maybe in a future gen. I'm not generally a fan of exclusives.
@BAMozzy true. WB likely got a nice payday from zuckerberg. in which case, the sales performance of these "experiments" are inconsequential for the publisher. meta will obviously take a loss on it in exchage for a tiny bump to their market share of headsets.
Meta is what used to be Facebook (they own Facebook and Instragram it seems) and they have for a year or more been trying to push Meta Verse (which is a VR equivalent to the defunct PlayStation Home "universe" you could say).
So far they haven't had much luck, barely anyone uses it and they loose $1 billion a month I just read yesterday.
It's clearly WB is being money hatted into making this game in order for Meta to sell some more Meta Quest headsets. So Meta Verse can become a success.
The problem as I see it, is that 3D effect is simply not healthy for your brain as it cheats you into believing you're seeing a 3D image when you're actually seeing 2 slightly different 2D images (one per eye).
(and in my personal experience playing on my 3DSs with 3D effect on it stresses your brain double up compared to playing without the 3D effect - I even saw double once when I turned my head away from the 3D image and looked out the window)
@StylesT you stuck for a game with 207 on the playstation store in 14 months?
@ROTTIEMAN16 Quantity far exceeds any quality
I guess It's true Sony abandoned the PSVR2 completely.
They are not even trying on give us a reason to invest on such device.
The studio is owned by Facebook should have been the first thing mentioned no the last
Sony needs to make some AAA PSVR2 exclusives but the way the gaming industry is heading, it doesn't seem likely. Love my PSVR2 though. It's only been a year so I wouldn't say its dead yet. Sony does need to announce some exclusives though
PSVR 2 is practically the Vita. I am expecting them to fold on it within next year.
This is why I purchased my Quest 3 day 1. It my go to device for mainstream stuff. I am currently waiting for my Big Screen beyond to arrive today to replace my ancient Index for Sims and VRChat. Sorry, PSVR2, it was fun for month and half I used you. Back into the box you go.
I chose the quest 3 over psvr 2 after learning most of my psvr 1 library was not going to be playable. I'm glad I made a clean break when I did, I'm very happy with the quest 3. As things stand, I doubt PS will make a 3rd headset.
@StylesT it's all *****...on one hand it's 'not enough games' but when people realise there's 207 games in 14 months it's 'there's no quality'.You've either not tried psvr2 or your expectations were wack as there's plenty of quality games on the store
@ROTTIEMAN16 My days read between the lines ...there are not enough good games...or first party support for a product we payed almost £600's bizarre you are so upset that others don't think as highly about the psvr2 as you apparently do...if you are happy with your purchase then good for you....odd that you seemingly require others to love it for you to find justification in your purchase
I haven't tried it ..I've tried and bought more games than I should for the psvr2 seen as lots of them haven't represented value for money...I will gladly take a photo of my psvr 2 when I'm back from work...just to prove the fanboy weirdo you are wrong
@StylesT I'm a 'fanboy weirdo' with a quest 3,psvr2,ps5,series x and a pc so not really.I just think it's ridiculous to say there's no games when there's at least 30-40 really good games on the platform what are much better than the quest versions when available.Im pissed off there aren't more exclusives but if you can't find anything decent to play your not really looking
@Americansamurai1 So far PSVR has a substantial catalog between 7 exclusives (+3 more between pc), multiplats, AA classics and indie gems-of 180 there’s at least 80-100+/dozens of objectively solid games/experiences (estimate of consensus high/well acclaimed scores and praise from those who’ve played them). Some good stuff also been releasing/ed in 2024.
I wonder who's going to voice Batman and if they're going to try and do their best Kevin Conroy impression.
@cantthinkofaname @CieloAzure @CieloAzure @CieloAzure @TrickyDicky99 @CieloAzure @OnlyGaming @AmanK_Art
For gosh sakes the studio devs got bought by meta so this is the reason for current exclusivity. If vr not for everyone/you tis fine but - so far PSVR has a substantial catalog between 7 exclusives (+3 more between pc), multiplats, AA classics and indie gems-of 180 there’s at least 80-100+/dozens of objectively solid games/experiences (estimate of consensus high/well acclaimed scores and praise from those who’ve played them). Some significantly good stuff also been releasing/ed in 2024.
I've had PSVR2 since day one & still use it weekly & love it much. But I have a full cockpit set-up for GT7 VR so I'm particularly biased.
That said, Meta rules VR. Period. Why? It's simple really.. Meta has the best refund policy & a referral code system that gives everyone who uses it more funds for VR games.
I got Contractors Showdown on day one for half price. Using $5 credit & a 25% off referral code. And I'll make $10 in game credit because of the two referral codes I've given out.
As for the question that ends the article.. I would definitely not be getting this game for PSVR2. Unless a PSVR2 version were to be released at the same time as Quest 3. Of course, that's not gonna happen. And if there were a future PSVR2 version, I wouldn't be double dipping.
Sold my PSVR2, when I got Quest 3.
Being able to also play PCVR games, wireless, makes it the best of both worlds.
The only thing PSVR2 did better, was the haptics in the controllers. But that's something I can live without.
@Vault_Mcfly Sir I say this with kindness but you are in denial 🙁 PSVR2 has already been "Vita" by Sony. Yeah you'll see a few new PSVR2 games by third parties here and there (just like Vita) but Sony has washed it's hands of the device (again like Vita).
Sony has Spider-Man game rights.
Spider-Man POV is unmatched if done well. I doubt Sony will do anything tho.
Wanted PSVR2 for RE7, but that's not even available on it, so their best game is old hardware? Wtf is Sony doing
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