Discord has announced that it will roll back its ambitious plans to become a broader communication app after rediscovering its roots as a private place to yell at your friends while gaming. This means an opportunity for a redesign with group messages, voice chats, video calls and more being reworked.

In a message to users (thanks, The Verge), Discord CEO Jason Citron says the company must narrow its focus and back away from "broadly being a community-centric chat app" and will instead endeavour to "help people deepen their friendships around games and shared interests".

These changes are expected to arrive sometime this year and purport to improve the reliability of its voice, video, and streaming technology. Discord support was added in a recent PS5 firmware update, which works remarkably well and is essential when playing cross-platform games like Helldivers 2 with PC friends. If you find Discord overwhelming, you aren't alone but sleep soundly knowing we've put together an informative guide on how to connect to PS5 and transfer voice chat.

Are you glad to see Discord double down on games and gamers? Are there any features you'd like to see supported on PS5? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source youtu.be]