The PS5 version of Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 is here, and it's a free upgrade if you already own the game on PS4. The fighting RPG originally released in what now feels like a completely different age, all the way back in 2016. Over the years, support for XenoVerse 2 has been outstanding, with loads of substantial free updates dropping alongside paid DLCs and expansions. It's bordering on being an MMO in terms of consistent additions.
Anyway, the new PS5 version has a few key enhancements: it runs at 60 frames-per-second, boasts improved visuals, and the load times — which could be quite lengthy on PS4 — have been dramatically reduced. The current-gen edition weighs in at a reasonable 19.3GB.
DLC that you own on PS4 should also be available automatically on PS5, and you can even use your PS4 save data to pick up where you left off. It's also worth noting that the base game is going cheap these days — £15.99 / $19.99 on the PS Store — if you're not taking advantage of the free upgrade.
Will you be diving back into Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 with this PS5 version? Create the ultimate Saiyan in the comments section below.
Comments 21
I will pay a million dollars for rockstar to make a DBZ open world rpg set on planet Namek.. enough with these fighting games
I absolutely despise these low budget games. Pisses me off.
What's even worse is that these so called "fans' defend these garbage games.
I was crucified by fanboys for saying the upcoming DBZ game is same old same old and we need them make something with the quality of an Arkham game.
Same thing with Activision bringing out garbage Spider-Man games for over a decade. Always the fanboys defending those chappy games and god forbid you ask for something better.
Bandai can shove these games up theirs.
Love this, my friends and I jump back on every update, probably have 300 hours in this game now.
@Specky . Yea to many great IPs are held hostage by crappy developers or console exclusivity... I need a DBZ, a pokemon game, and mario game on PS5... made by the goat Rockstar... or let Hideo make em... peace
@Waitinonpsvr2 Give me Ice Climbers by Mary Makes Games (Celeste) and Mario Bros by Yacht Club (Shovel Knight).
Exclusivity is a good thing though lol.
Nintendo makes quality games to sell their consoles and more power to them.
Other than that, every single developer/ publisher ever has the power to develop a game for 5+ years and come close to the quality and revenue of Rockstar games. But they never do. Yearly mediocre releases. That's the game of the industry
Few inconsistencies in the article:
1. The PS4 version already ran at 60FPS on PS4, so mentioning it as an "upgrade" doesn't really make sense.
2. The "enhanced graphics" are mostly draw-distance based, or Dimps removing the awful de-saturation filter on the game as a default.
3. The PS5 port has a physical edition (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dragon-Ball-Xenoverse-2-PS5/dp/B0CXTCTX3B+) and other stores are shipping it too.
The decreased load times is the big draw for me.
Thats so sad though.. nintendo needs to hold these ips for life just to sell consoles.. you sad greedy no confidence company.. when if you freed the ip pokemon and mario would literally make a billion dollars on other consoles.. someone make T Shirts that say FREE THE IP,s!!!!
My kid may have gotten this day 1 on PS4, but I think after so many hours on the first game they didn’t play this as much, though they still played it to death, including the first year or 2 of dlc. They just started FF7 Rebirth and are waiting impatiently for both Destiny 2 and Elden Ring dlc so not sure they’ll have time for this but we’ll probably check it out just to see if we can move the save over. I spent an entire afternoon trying to get their FF7R save from the PS4 version to the PS5 version w/o success.
@rjejr have done it myself, no issue with the transfer (just need the save file on the console, then after the opening cinematic, log in as normal and it prompts if you want to import the PS4 save. Trophies mostly carry over (the ones that didn't on my end were quick tutorial-esque ones , nothing game-breaking).
Jeez dude, how old are you?
There's a reason Sony and Nintendo are so successful for decades...
They've got their big exclusive games that sell consoles. It's healthy competition that's good for the consumers. If you want Nintendo games, buy their console.
Why should Sony release their Spider-Man or God of Ware games on other consoles? It defeats the whole purpose.
Microsoft is desperate and buying everything nowadays and acting as a 3rd party publisher now in the hopes of making some money back.
There's a reason PS5 is outselling xbox 5 to 1 now. It's generations of trust and quality exclusives
Bro eventually the exclusivity ends... spiderman and god of war will end up on pc at least.. over time they say f it and just release it to all... your telling me they cant release nintendo games that are years old to other consoles? and save newer games for exclusivity? be reasonable
@DarkTron " no issue with the transfer (just need the save file on the console "
Thanks. I think you're wrong though, you need more than just the "save file" on the console. My kid played FF7 R on the PS4 when we had PS+ and it was available on there. Fast forward 3 years and we no longer have PS+ so we don't have access to the game. Now in order to get access to the game I purchased the digital version on FF7 Rebirth on our PS5, which includes the PS5 version on FF7 R, but not the PS4 version, on either the PS4 or the PS5.
So, having the PS5 version of FF7 R on our PS5 I went to our PS4, which no longer had the PS4 version of FF7 R nor could I get it on it, but I did find the save file from that game and transferred to a USB thumbdrive, and then transferred it to the PS5, where you can see it under "Save File Management". But when I opened the PS5 version of FF7 R, the game the save file was from, it couldn't open it, and reading up on the internet to solve the problem I found that you had to OUTPUT the PS4 game save file before the PS5 version would input it, you can't just transfer it over on a thumbdrive.
So that's how I wasted an afternoon. So you don't just need the save file, unless I'm doing it wrong, you need the save file EXPORTED from the PS4 version of the game. Which we no longer have. Even though we have the PS5 version, my other kid just played it. And Yuffie dlc.
What I did do, on that kid's account, was start all 3 games - FF7 R, FF7 Intergrade, and the FF7 Rebirth demo, so that when my kid did boot up FF 7 Rebirth the game did give them everything they were supposed to get from having save files. I count playing all 3 of those to the first "Save file' point as part of my wasted afternoon, b/c I wouldn't have done all that if the save file form the PS4 could have been read by the PS5 version after I transferred it to the PS5 on the thumbdrive.
And now you can probably see why I didn't go into detail the first time, I was hoping no one would comment and I 'd have to explain all that, but since you did...
@rjejr I was referring simply to Xenoverse 2, as that was your original question. Why you've decided to blast me for the rest of it is beyond me.
@Waitinonpsvr2 If people are willing to buy an entire console for one of your franchises or even just one of your games you'd be dumb to drop that shtick. It creates an ongoing relationship with the customer, which is way more money than going multiplat
@DarkTron Oopsie. 😂
@rjejr yeah, act like a complete ***** because you misinterpreted your own comment, completely blast me for unrelated issues you had, then respond "whoops, I'm sowwy" when it finally gets through your thick skull.
Sony sells more consoles more than anybody. And after a while they let there exclusivities end and allow it to go to pc at least is my point... because sony are not complete psycos like nintendo who will never release anything even years old titles that people wont buy a console for... and nintendo would make billions doing this
@Waitinonpsvr2 Nintendo actually has the most consoles sold this generation while 50% of Sony's user base is still on the PS4 lmao. But alright, you clearly don't know much about business or even gaming. Stick to CoD little bro.
@DarkTron "misinterpreted your own comment"
First off, I didn't misinterpret my own comment, I misinterpreted your incomplete easily misunderstood comment b/c you couldn't be bothered to write DBX when responding to my comment where I mentioned FF7, FF7 Rebirth, Destiny 2 and Elden Ring but only referred to DBX w/ "this". So out of all the games I mentioned you picked 1, but didn't say which 1, so that's on you. ALL OF THIS could have and would have been simply avoided had you simply said DBX2. Or even DB. you chose not you when you replied to me so that's on you.
"act like a complete *****"
Secondly, the only 1 being rude here is you, end of story. I said I thought you were wrong then went on a very lengthy detailed explanation as to why. There are no insults, derogatives or necessarily resorting to *** in place of curse words b/c you don't know how to act. Go copy and paste some @#$% or straight up insults and show me why you felt so put upon that you felt the need to respond w/ what you did.
Think about it.
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