After eons in the wilderness, Square Enix appears ready to re-acknowledge the existence of Dragon Quest 3’s anticipated HD-2D remake – and could there be more to it? A new trailer to celebrate Dragon Quest Day says that “the legacy begins”, but there’s no mention of Dragon Quest 3 specifically, leading some to speculate the entire trilogy could be getting the re-release treatment here.
It’d certainly make sense: it’s been three years since our first glimpse of Dragon Quest 3 running in Square Enix’s spangly HD-2D engine, and the project has effectively been missing in action since then. It’s important to note that only PS5 is mentioned in the trailer, despite the remake originally being announced for PS4.
Nevertheless, considering the legendary nature of the classic Dragon Quest games, and the success of recent HD-2D remakes like Live A Live, this will be one to watch as more news nears.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 29
Let's gooooooooooo!
I imagine it's more that Erdrick is one of the big characters of the series, and is where it really took off, thus were it begins.
Like how Persona began at 3 in the public consciousness.
And weird how this is now skipping PS4. But also still coming out on a tablet.
@Haruki_NLI Not the brightest idea either, considering how slow people have been to drop their PS4s and upgrade.
@LikelySatan To be fair, from the publishers view, its a remake of Dragon Quest 3, of course it should release on the biggest platform Japan has ever had. That'd just be leaving money on the table.
But to not also put it on a still massively used, more capable but older machine that is used widely worldwide? Odd.
@Haruki_NLI The Switch is actually the biggest platform Japan has ever had but either way it's a bit odd this is missing PS4.
HD-2D remakes haven't historically been the most graphically demanding titles so PS4 should be well able to run it.
@Haruki_NLI yes and no really. There is a bigger user base on PS4 so it will sell alot. However, If they want to sell the new PS5 titles they need to drop support of older consoles so gamers have no other choice then to buy the newer consoles. That way the other PS5 games will also sell more copies.
@Rob3008 I know Switch is the biggest platform Japan has ever had, that's what I meant by "Of course it should release of the biggest platform Japan has ever had."
But youd also think theyd release it on the 11 year old more capable system thats still widely used the world over too, for extra money.
It says the legend begins because Dragon Quest 3 is a prequel. And it’s the only game where you play as Erdrick.
@Haruki_NLI Erdrick is mentioned throughout 1 and 2 as you’re a descendant of him, similar to King Arthur in that he becomes a sort of mythical figure. 3 completes the trilogy so I wouldn’t say that it took off like Persona 3, as much as it’s just a more story-focused game set in the world of 1 and 2 that makes much more sense to remake.
@Haruki_NLI Maybe it was planned to be Switch successor instead of the current Switch but then the successor got delayed far enough into the future that they ported it to the current Switch instead?
Isn’t that bird logo thing DQIII’s logo though? Lol
It's really nice of Square to actually announce something for Dragon Quest day.
I wish they would do the series a solid and release an anthology like they did with the FF Series....I really enjoyed that. The Dragon Warrior Series has been neglected in my opinion.
Well, now we know something that’ll be announced at the Sony Showcase/Xbox Showcase/Nintendo Direct/Summer Games Fest, and it’s a good one
Awesome! Been waiting for this forever!
@Grumblevolcano Doubt it. It’s an HD-2D remake and the Switch has a lot of HD-2D games. It was probably planned for Switch but usually with this HD-2D games, it’s usually some form of Switch exclusivity or just released on fewer platforms. And they will also release it on other platforms later on. But this one, they’re bringing it to ALL the main platforms (minus Xbox one and PS4) so this is a bit new for them.
Man I want squareenix to remake final fantasy 1-6 or at least final fantasy 4-6 and chrono trigger with this engine
i keep up with leaks and some reliable sources are reporting that it is a remake of the original trilogy and not just 3. Heres hoping!
@wiiware Maybe some time later. One day
@__Seraph Hmm yes I did hear about that. Some leaker named Midori stated that there will be 3 games. Im guessing 3 remake first and then the others later.
@Haruki_NLI Dragon Quest III is also a prequel to the first two, no?
@__Seraph That would be amazing
Thank god it's been 84 years 🙏 🙌
@nessisonett Yep — in fact, when you complete DQIII on the Switch, after the credits roll, it says "To be continued in DQI&II" — it'd be ace if they just knock out all three games in one package (DQ1 is incredibly short)
@Andee The SNES had 1+2 ported on the one cart after all, both the games take a day or two each to complete.
@nessisonett Yeah, I played all three about a year or so ago — DQ1 felt almost like a demo for DQ2 in how short it was. Still a solid little game in its own right though, a very formative and fascinating experience.
I hope the release of this leads to Builders 3.
@Andee The cave at the end of 2 still gives me nightmares. What a horrible dungeon!
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