
There was immense pressure on Sony at the beginning of the generation to copy Xbox Game Pass’ model of day one first-party releases, but as time goes by, it’s beginning to look like the Japanese giant dodged a bullet. While it has significantly improved its PS Plus offerings, the platform holder has always argued Microsoft’s model of giving away first-party titles day one is “unsustainable”, and with the closure of Bethesda stalwarts Tango Gameworks and Arkane Austin this week, that’s looking increasingly true.
However, this isn’t just opinion: it’s backed up by fact. Circana analyst Mat Piscatella noted last April that United States consumer spending on non-mobile video game subscriptions had stalled, growing just two per cent year-over-year. And that remains true now: “March 2024 non-mobile video game subscription spending was only up 1 per cent vs April 2023.”
In other words, subscriptions like PS Plus and Xbox Game Pass are not the game changing business models they were billed to be. Yes, there’s clearly money to be made from them, but growth would need to be much more significant than what we’re currently seeing for them to be the future of an industry that already finds itself on uncertain footing.
Our view, with the benefit of hindsight, is that subscriptions only ever really appealed to the vocal enthusiasts, who play dozens upon dozens of new releases every month. The vast majority of consumers are satisfied with purchasing one or two titles a year, and sticking with their favourite free-to-play titles, like Fortnite or Genshin Impact. And as gaming requires a much greater time investment than television or music, it’s perhaps not a surprise that the subscription market is stalling like it is.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 89
There's too much content and not enough time. I really enjoy Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail. If I wanted to keep up with both fully, it'd probably require me to drop all other games I play. But I also like Fortnite! And Zenless Zone Zero is coming out!
So it's fantastic I can get Dave the Diver on PS Plus right now. I want to play it! But when am I supposed to find time, along with all the other things I need to do in the day?
Yes, because many of us console owners are paying the subscription so we can access online multiplayer, not for the games.
Good, I never liked the idea of this model as the dominant way to deliver video games to players. I know there's an argument to be made you never truly own your games, especially not when bought digitally, but on a sub you definitely don't own or even have any sort of control over your access to them.
Interesting that you see a causal relationship between GP and the closure of these studios. I can’t see that. Please explain it further!
An industry that drives towards both a subscription model and a game as a service model is fundamentally schizophrenic. They are two completely opposed characters; one requiring a gamer to play lots of different games to be worthwhile, the other requiring a gamer to shackle themselves to the one product. It seems the latter type is winning, largely because they are often free to play or very cheap, and encourage social engagement that pulls friends of gamers in.
I guess the argument is that, due to a lack of enough subscribers, Gamepass profits don’t cover the cost of running these studios, even supplemented by full price sales of their games on Xbox and other platforms.
If you think about it, MS shuttering devs who could make first party games (which are day one releases on Gamepass) because they don’t feel these studios would be profitable, is basically a tacit admission that they don’t feel these games will grow Gamepass significantly in order to make the studios profitable.
Good riddance.
Buying games cheap and having Plus essential is more than someone with a normal life can handle.
Also have numerous streaming subs, so who cares about some stupid game pass.
Games aren't 1 hour short episodes
I cancel my plus from month to month. Only reason i subscribe is to play online, when im dug in to a game like Stellar or FF and i know i wont be playing for a month or so i cancel. I dont want to give these companies any more than i already am by buying the console and the games i want. Even buying the games ive cut down on drastically. Im now far more selective of my purchases and its gone from 3,4 or 5 a month to 2 at the most.
I've always thought that, on the whole, these gaming subscription services have resulted in the dilution of games.
They have their place in highlighting games from Indie developers that would otherwise struggle in the marketplace (best example I can think of is Rocket League).
With such a glut of content on GP and PS+, games sort of lose their appeal IMO and become disposable or forgettable.
Also, time is a big factor for any gamer. I can't find the time and energy to play and complete the games that I've purchased, so there's no way I'll even think about subscribing to PS+ or EA Play.
There seems to be a focus on quantity over quality with these services, and I don't think that's sustainable for the gaming industry.
I like the subscriptions however gamepass day 1 games doenst make financial sense. subscription services should be for older games once sales have died down.
EA actually do this best you have to buy it if you want to play in the first year but you know after a year it will be on EA play
Here's the problem with the gaming subscription model: this is not how the vast number of people actually play games. Fortnite for example gets 221 million players per month despite being six years old. Minecraft gets 166 million despite being thirteen years old. GTA5 gets far less but still is at a healthy 100,000 ten years later.
Most people have their one or two games that they play on repeat year after year and are very happy with that. They do not want or need access to a thousand other games.
I love plus extra, but I see this kind of subs like an extra (pun not intended) or complement, Plus is cheap if you buy it with an offer and ps cards, and it allows me to play minor games, or try another ones that maybe I would never tried.
However when I want to play a game I buy it, and I see this way the better. I am totally against the politic of triple A day 1 on sub
Actually, I expect the number of subscribers will start to go down soon. A lot of subscribers, including myself, signed up for a year or more. Speaking for myself, I was happy to give premium/extra a go, but now I’d rather pay for the games I want and play them when I want.
@N1ghtW1ng quality asks for a lot of money tho lol. and that isn't necessary the point, actually what you say about quantity is the purpose. Xbox is partner with most indie festivals because they want to get as many indies as possible on gamepass, if you have "new games" even if they aren't excellent people will see it as a good offer. Both gamepass and ps+ have games with excellent quality but they are old so, not a lot of people see value in that because they already got the game or know the game aren't for them.
I still want to see if MS will put the next COD on gamepass this year, they aren't dumb they know that's A LOT of money people will pay even if the game is trash so if a had to bet I would say they won't but after the bad pr of yesterday maybe they don't have another option. Still I think they won't lol.
at the moment only 23% of games played have come out in the last 3 years
new releases are in big trouble
I don't think subscriptions in general are growing whether it be gaming, Disney plus, Netflix or whoever. Most only have PS plus because Sony lock online gaming and cloud saves behind it
We all have a finite amount of time and I've got rid of all my subscriptions. I struggle to find time to play the games I buy, let alone the 100's that are on subscriptions. Whilst for movies, I find those I want to watch are spread across multiple subs so I've long since gone back to buying them on Blu ray. I'll never use another gaming/TV/music subscription
I think there is an argument also that those of us who went digital still like to buy our games outright too. So while there is value in these subscriptions in terms of volume if you compare that to the monthly cost and then to the time it takes to finish lets say a sizable single player experience and then again compare that to how low some of these games go in price in sales then yeah at least in my friends group we opt to actually just buy the the game outright.
Like all the Yakuza games are/were on the service, but to buy every game between 0-6 costs only about the same as 3 months of the service when they are on sale (which is often). And there is more than 3 months worth of game playing in them. Also the DLC isn't included in the Plus service.
Honestly I don't see the value in the subscription long term. Might be fun for abit but ultimately I think buying games on Sale is actually a far far far better deal.
@GymratAmarillo I'm also EXTREMELY curious to see what happens with Call of Duty this year. My guess is it won't be on Game Pass at launch, but let's see.
"Too much content, too little time".
This sums up gaming and media in general. My backlog forever increases with each new month of PS Plus additions.
Great problem to have but I now almost never buy anything full price because there is something I have to catch up on
Like others have stated, I only buy these subscriptions to play online. For Sony I have the lowest tier and for Microsoft I have the lowest tier. I hate that microsoft got rid of xbox live because I count now towards their gamepass metric's which they love to brag about. I truly despise the gamepass model and it is only a thing because Microsoft has software money to throw around. I pay full price for my physical games as I believe in supporting the ecosystem as a fellow professional to these game developers.
I hope that for consumers sake, others in mass start to reduce their signing up for subscriptions in general.
Good, perhaps it will cause a rethink.
What, you're saying that infinite growth in the free market is not sustainable? Mind blown!
@Kienda yup, the only reason for me. But I'll take the games if they're my bag.
Not only are they not growing but I’d argue that they’ve had an impact in regards to the current industry crisis.
Online subscription for games in itself is not a good business model, unlike shows and music. It actually cannibalizes the good games/devs if that's the only thing a platform does.
What PS is doing is probably the best form of gaming online sub.
Extra is good value for money if you have lots of free time and no backlog. I signed up to extra for the rest of my sub which runs out in September but I will drop down to essential as I dont have enough time to get through the games I have purchased let alone the many games on extra.
That's a good thing. The outlines of a entertainment future where everything is locked behind a multitude of subscriptions is slowly fading away.
I’ll keep saying it til I’m blue in the face. Generation z don’t care about consoles. That’s why there no growth. The only people still subbing to gaming subs like these are all old farts like me who’ve been playing ps since inception. There will be no growth on these subs forever more until consoles don’t exist. It’s tragic but now inevitable
This is nothing new, we have known this for several years. Subscription numbers have stayed static, or in the case of PS+ fallen just a little. But they have changed the services increasing the value proposition and increasing the revenue instead. That is why PS+ changed, but again there is a natural saturation point for that, and we are there.
Wasn't this pressured mostly by Pushsquare. I don't recall other sites posting about this weekly.
Glad to see the downsides are coming in the news online.
get2sammyb wrote:
I tend to agree... BUT that goes against what they said as recently as their business update where they reiterated that going forward ALL their games were coming to Game Pass Day 1. Perhaps they think that will move the needle forward for them in terms of Game Pass numbers, and even console numbers if they stuck with it. It's worth a punt imo.
I'm in the same boat, and I think it's come to the point where I need to stop playing these games everyday as the sacrifice / opportunity cost of not playing so many others games is just not worth it. But easier said than done.
I think we can both be honest that they are cynically designed to be a timesink, it REALLY shouldn't take so long to farm and level up everything but they are specifically designed to keep us playing.
So... errr... you pulling Robin? lol
It's because the average gamer isn't interested in the games on those subscription services. They want to play the big free to play games and games like Call of duty, Fifa and NFL etc. To top it off they will play the big AAA single player game here and there but theses subscription services don't get the biggest releases day one.
So to the casuals these subscriptions just aren't worth it, plus you have people cutting back on subscriptions to save money due to the cost of living going up. You have gamers still buying £60-£70 games whilst also subscribed, so maybe it's too much for them to continue doing that.
Much like most media is consumed, streaming subscriptions will be the future of gaming. Personally I'm happy paying for multiple atm (gamepass, EA, UBI+, GFN PS+ extra). Makes life easier and I have to buy less games
People will complain and say it won't but people also said the same about downloading games, music and then streaming general and 🤷
@get2sammyb I am years behind with games so i cant agree more i dont need a service to make it even more like a job already. I seriously have difficulty to choose what i need to finish first.
@thefourfoldroot1 that's abit of a reach as considering the last 12 months or so thousands of people in the games Industry have been fired by plenty of companies that have nothing to do with streaming. Xbox getting rid of more people isn't really any kind of admission of issues with gamepass
@Kienda Absolutely right on the multi-player. If there was an even lower tier that just supported multi-player, I'd be all over that.
At least I can back up my PS4 game saves on the Pro (or the Tub o' Lard) to USB stick.
@Stickleman If its going to be completely streaming i will be going retro there is so much content to be bought. The strange thing is the more content there is the less i feel like watching i have so 3 steaming services and i only use them to watch with a group when im solo i dont use them.
@sanderson72 I believe you can backup your saves on a stick if im not wrong but i agree the PS4 way is so much more user friendly.
@Flaming_Kaiser Yes, the PS5 (mine is named "The Tub o' Lard") can back up PS4 saves to USB stick but point blank refuses to let PS5 saves be saved in the same way. The PS4 is much more user friendly though.
I'll be dropping to Essential when my bargain-bin Extra runs out in early December as I need it for online play. And I'll be using Shop To vouchers to add credit to my account to pay for it (irritating that they haven't introduced a £60 gift card)
Because the games aren’t great- a lot of filler. More trials and more classic games would be good too, to keep people subscribed to the higher tiers
I think the problem is the rotating nature of them. With ps+ basic, at least you get some feeling of ownership because they stay in your library indefinitely after you've claimed them. Even my old PS3 games that I claimed 10 years ago are still accessable.
The new model, you don't even know if the game is going to around long enough to even finish it. You feel like you are playing on some hidden time limit, which I don't think most people like.
@get2sammyb Those statistics are based on spending in one single month which is a poor way to measure changes.
Why are they not showing us changes for a whole year? I bought a 1 year subscription in December which means I spent nothing in April.
I’m not surprised at the lack of growth, for all the reasons stated in the article.
However, I do still strongly believe I get a nice value for my Extra subscription. You don’t have to play dozens of games a year to get back your investment. It’s a smaller margin now that they hiked up the sub prices, but I have been lucky enough to get a year sub on sale for about $100. At the average price of roughly $20 a game, all I need to play is 5 games from the service in a year to break even. I’m not nearly as prolific a gamer as I used to be, but I still manage to do that fairly easily. In the last year and a half I count 11 that I’ve played from the service (counting both Essential and Extra games). That’s on top of 10 that I have played which were games I bought outright, mostly new releases. So I’m still engaged in the purchasing market as well as the subscription market and get value from PS+.
And then cloud saves, online gaming, and occasional sale prices are just icing on the cake from there.
But the cutoff is probably about one game every other month that you need to play from the service to be worth the money, and like has been said, if you play mostly Fortnite and Genshin then you don’t have time to get around to other games that often.
These services are only worthwhile if they have stuff you want to try. If you love indie games then it’s great- but then it’s probably greater if you could play them on the go on Switch or Steam.
Current AAA games have not been up to par recently.
It's been incredibly useful for me as I was only able to get a ps4 a couple of years ago, so most of my gaming has been from the service. If and when I ever get to level up to ps5 I know I won't have to find £80 any time I want a new game. I know my situation isn't average tho
At the moment Plus suits me well. I buy the games I want at or near release to support those games, and if I play 2 to 4 games on PS Plus a year I'm getting good value for those games I am not sure about fully owning myself. The fact that I use it often for online play means the upgrade cost is not much compared to buying those plus games outright.
But I don't think a subscription should ever be the main way for everyone to play games, it's just a supplement. There is no way first party devs letting their games go on to a sub sustains budgets for their next games, and Xbox is in panic mode in this regard. They can't just give hundreds of millions to Bethesda to make the next Elder Scrolls, for example, just to stick it on a gamepass that isn't growing. It is literally insane to think that would work out for anyone involved. And MS has had enough of Phil telling them otherwise
Not surprising, based on comments on this site and others every time PS plus line up is announced - if your £5-15 monthly subscription fee doesn't give you 3x AAA £70 new releases for free and access to another 20x AAA £70 releases on rental basis per month it's really bad value!
Jim Ryan said this a couple years ago that's why they put a lot of focus on live service titles.
It was incredibly stupid for playstation to raise the price and do this tier bs just to try and siphon more from fans. I let mine lapse last week. I'll miss the few games I didn't want to buy popping up. I won't miss being price gouged and not getting anything new for it.
Having this argument elsewhere with friends but ultimately, subscription services has two inherent flaws... it treats content as something that has no inherent value and it needs constant growth to be profitable. No streaming service on any content type has managed to be truly profitable and it has affected the value of the product.
Example given, I wanted to play Prince of Persia Lost Crown soon after launch. I could have paid the RRP of about £50 or spend £15 for 1 months of Ubisoft + and play on PC and/or Xbox. So that's what I did. The only difference is that I don't own the game but.. with digital content, do I even own it anyway?
The same will be true with Hellblade 2. Really looking forward to that game. I bought the original week 1 but now I could sign up and play on Xbox or PC and with a game likely to be sub 20 hours, can easily complete in a months sub.
Take Hi Fi Rush as a main one here. This game was released suddenly, got great reviews, great buzz and would probably, under normal publishing multiplatform have been a pretty modest hit. But on gamepass? Who knows. People won't buy a sub just to play this sort of game.
The whole strategy of Xbox is really a failure.
Personally I don't have time to play most of the games. I just stick to buying the games I want and make the most of them.
I find that the greatest strength of a subscription service, access to games that you might not ordinarily buy, is also it's greatest weakness, in that you waste time on things which are not to your taste.
I had a lot of fun whilst subscribed last year but I prefer to research and pick my games more carefully.
Don't they have to? They said all first party releases are day one on Game Pass. Call of Duty is first party now. It was always going to be a dumb decision because people with Game Pass would be dumb to buy Call of Duty when they already have it and others will pay $10 to play the game instead of $70. Any way you slice it, it will be a massive revenue hit, which is why ABK games were not on subscriptions before and certainly not day one.
@get2sammyb this is the thing, it doesn't work like movie subscriptions. A "short game" could be 10-15 hours, which is approximately 7 movies! I'd rather spend money simply on the individual games I want, which works out cheaper AND I get to own them, as opposed to the risk of them all being ripped off the cloud at a moment's notice
Well yeah, and it won't grow more because there's nowhere to grow anymore.
Unless they start expanding to other countries those numbers won't budge.
Honestly, the only reason I got PSPlus was for cloud-saving. But even that's no longer worth it after the latest price hike. With inflation and constant rise in cost of living, subcriptions are the first to go.
It's alright for indies, they get more exposure to their new games, as well as a nice bit of money to go with it.
AAA games on the other hand isn't sustainable.
Well here's the good thing:
Playstation hasn't done day one for its heavy hitters unlike the idiots at Xbox which means they still have a "healthier" ecosystem. The problem, a lot of indies rely on that money and with these payments drying up we me see even more reduced visibility for new indies.
@Kienda. This is true for me. I dropped my sub last year once the online games I was playing just whittled down to just Street Fighter 6.
The fewer character drops vs SF5 just caused me to lose interest so I dropped the sub. (I was very rarely playing plus games as I have already got a sizable backlog of games that I wanted to play but just hadnt found the time for)
Admitedly Ill probably find Ill re sub come Monster Hunter World 2 unless they announce cross play......Id probably go the PC route in that case
I have PS+ and have had Game Pass since launch. I’d say I’m happy with both. But then I like to play lots of different games and I guess the reality is that for a pretty hefty chunk of the world’s gamers, CoD, Fortnite and FIFA (as was) are all they really want.
"The vast majority of consumers are satisfied with purchasing one or two titles a year, and sticking with their favourite free-to-play titles, like Fortnite or Genshin Impact."
This is the fundamental problems for BOTH subscriptions and for game sales which have been falling. It's hard to gauge right now with a lousy economy as people have pulled back on both subscriptions and purchasing things, so both have been falling. But that's the real problem with the whole gaming industry. The majority of GAMERS may want to play games, buy games, subscribe, whatever. But the market of GAMERS is tiny and not going to grow, so product needs to be cheaper, not more expensive to make and distribute to that market. The overall masses essentially no longer have an interest in buying or subscribing to any games, they just pick their one or two games, maybe F2P and play it forever and ever. They don't "play games" they "play fortnite." How does the industry survive when the industry has mostly settled on selling one product per person per lifetime?
Forget Game Pass and Plus, if the game industry wants to survive it needs to kill the "platform game" idea. But those games make so much money on mtx they won't. This is why the game industry is in trouble. You don't need 200 studios making a game every year. You need 10 studios making one game each for the next 25 years, that's it, that's all the industry that's really needed. That's what the market has capacity for.
The subscriptions were a great idea to basically take a bunch of smaller single player games and make them kind of like those big platform games, instead of "playing fortnite" GAMERS can "play game pass" or "play plus" and have their one platform to play on, just like the fortnite and genshin players have their platform game.
But that market is split between people that refuse to pay a sub when they can pay $70, the dinosaurs that won't let go of physical buy/sell schemes while claiming they support full priced games, and people who embrace it, which is a large number, but a number that isn't going to grow, because interest in large single social platform games is all that's growing.
We talk about "consoles are dying" but in a lot of ways, gaming in general is dying. Most growth is in social platform games, and among single player type games, you get a hit here and there that sells big, but not nearly enough for what these studios need a return on for the budgets their spending. The problem runs deeper than subscriptions are stalling. Gaming as a whole outside a handful of individual social platform games has stalled. It's all stalled.
@Old_Man_Harper Agreed. Its works for some like yourself, but for others, like me, I prefer to pick just a handful of games a year, usually on sale. Thus the £20x6 games per annum is better value than the £17x12 GPU subscription when I may not even get the 6 games I really want to play on the sub service.
Horses for courses.
Only have Plus for Online like many here, wouldn't bother if I had a choice. I like having ownership of my games so was never interested in GP, even the "free" Plus games you're just renting them till your subscription runs.
The games I like (Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate, Dragon's Dogma) are not on subscription services. Even if they were, I would buy them regardless, as I spend months on each of those games and like to go back for another run after months/years. The subscription model is totally against my gaming habits.
I've dipped my toe into PS Plus a couple of times since they overhauled it and just whenever I do I just plain don't bother actually playing anything on it so I've kind of just written it off as not for me. I don't even have the Essential at this point because I'm far more interested in playing alone than playing online.
As for Gamepass I have a year of it that's running out in August and I don't think I'm going to renew it. Again, I kind of just never use it for anything.
@Kienda Exactly that. I pay Plus for the multiplayer, I don't even have enough time to enjoy the games I own lol
"While it has significantly improved its PS Plus offerings"... I'm not sure this is true. They may have improved some of the content offered, but they still raised their price point. $80 for an annual subscription for the base PSN is flat out insulting. Especially considering that they only offer mediocre-at-best games at that tier. I bought one more online subscription so I can invade/co-op when the Elden Ring DLC drops. I'll continue to buy some of their select games on PC, provided they don't try and charge PC users a PS Plus subscription to play their online games
I have both Plus and GPU, (and Nintendo online) I get enough value from both, but I’m definitely more savvy with what I buy.
Some games you just know will come to a subscription so I don’t buy them, others I still buy. For instance, bought rebirth for £50 traded it in upon completion, got £43 back for it and cost me a further £12 to get dd2.
Gaming is more like a book than music or movie, you can't drive your car while playing games (unlike driving and listening to music), and I don't think you can finish normal AAA or indie games in one day (in saturday or sunday), unlike watching a couple of season of netflix series or a movie.
Rather, gaming is like a book where you have to spend a couple of hours reading that one book, you can't be distracted by anything else, so a service that offer too many games is kind of useless since you rarely have time to play it all. That's why most people bought games and books, rather than using subscription services like watching movie or listening to music.
Subscription in gaming is more of an addition to your main games rather than the primary ways to play games, like playing retro games (nes, snes, gba, n64) on my switch with a cheap family subscription (about $12 per year), or playing indie games that I missed (like tunic) on psplus.
Before my psplus expires though since I don't plan to buy a $80 subscription service peryear, lol.
It's almost like barely having any notable games for the past 4-5 years along with barely selling any consoles for those years, equals a subscription service that doesn't have any growth.
Boy, who could have seen this happening?
Wondering if microsoft heads like nadella wants to kill xbox to get rid of gamepass effectively and just have people buy games everywhere else with a subscription for eventual back catalogue of games with the note of its due to other peoples platform stance
And Lo! Yesterday's XBox studio shutterings and layoffs are explained. They're paying the price for a lack of growth.
@KundaliniRising333 You can thank your fellow gamers for that. Begging and pressuring Sony for an answer to Gamepass. They had to come up with a way for what the consumers asked for without breaking the bank for themselves because they know the model doesn't work.
@TrickyDicky99. What is the one online game that you still play?
I just prefer to just own a game and not need to worry about if what I want to play is in the subscription service I'm tied to. Life is too short to just play whatever a subscription service offers. That said, subscriptionshave a place in the market. I'm just not part of that market.
@o2w4e yeah but let's be real here they're not actually doing much of that model they just increased prices and chopped up what they already offered.
They don't do day and date releases for any major titles whatsoever just a few Indie projects or maybe something that's been self-published but no they aren't even doing the model they just increased prices to siphon more Money from their install base.
GamePass is one of the reasons Tango was shuttered. Two million players (user engagement) in the first three months, but poor sales because it was an Xbox exclusive released on GamePass Day One. Despite the user engagement talk, it’s obviously about dollars spent, and if subscriptions only grew by 2% across all services 22-23 and 1% 23-24, it’s definitely not sustainable.
@Stickleman You need to read between the lines. Game budgets are increasing but subscription numbers are not and that is basically Xbox's only model these days.
Phil's special interview with IGN that's scheduled after the showcase is going to be interesting. He's either going to announce more games going to the competition or say cod isn't going into gamepass day one or maybe he will say cod is going in but he'll announce a price increase along with it.
They are trying to put more 1st party content into it but without a subscription number bump it means less profit. If Hellblade fails to make an impact on subs then Ninja Theory will probably be closed next as well.
As someone who has tried all the PS Plus tiers, and currently have Game Pass Ultimate through my purchase plan with my Xbox Series X for 24 months, I am of the opinion that the more expensive plans are generally not worth the money. I personally don’t care about most of the games offered, or I already own them in the case of PlayStation. PlayStation Plus Essentials is all that most people need.
I'm surprised it hasn't dropped considering the most played games are F2P and don't require a sub.
Jim boy was right, didn’t think he would be but here we are. Also as it turns out putting your big games and big third party ones on your subscription platform isn’t a sustainable business model, which many have said previously.
I subscribe to the extra tier. I play a lot of games and a lot of the games I've wanted to play are on that service so it's great value for me. I don't play as many games through the summer months because it's golf course weather so I feed that addiction instead. My wife is extremely busy with her art commisions so if I can stay out of her way and not disturb her it's all good. I'm happy to stay on the extra tier for the foreseeable.
@get2sammyb dave the diver is brilliant. It's my go to chill out game as I can just play for an hour or an afternoon. I did not expect it to be that good of a game but it really is superb.
I know it's kind of implied in the article, but I feel it should be made clearer: the problem is not lack of growth per se. It's lack of growth at a point where the subscribers base is much lower than it needs to be for the service to be profitable.
Game Pass is stuck at thirty something million users, whereas it must get to the hundreds of millions to become the money-making machine Microsoft envisioned.
Now, they're really between a rock and a hard place, especially after the ABK deal.
Well I hope Extra sticks around because I enjoy it quite a bit. I like trying out lots of things.
Well personally I think it's the best value subscription out there and even more so with the regular discounts
Actually I think Amazon Prime might just be the best value but my ps plus extra is definitely second
21p a day is simply incredible for the entertainment given and that's me paying 80 uk pounds for a year of extra, I could upgrade right now for 15 pounds and get 258 days of premium, insane haha
MS would get more of they added 360 games to the xcloud service or 360 games to the actual pass. Someone asked when could they see their purchases 360 library coming to PC or Xbox and apparently Phil replied soon.
@sanderson72 I totally agree i loved my PS4 backup option i did it once a month afree my PS3 died after 3 years losing all my saves.
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