Everyone is loving Helldivers 2 right now, but if you remember, the game was a bit of mess when it launched. There were all sorts of problems as the game's servers were overflowing with eager Super Earth patriots looking to conquer the galaxy. Now, though, the co-op shooter is in a far more stable state, but something else has cropped up that's catching a lot of PC players by surprise.
An official update on Steam explains that, starting soon, PC users will need to link their Steam accounts to a PlayStation Network account in order to play the game. "Due to technical issues at the launch of HELLDIVERS™ 2, we allowed the linking requirements for Steam accounts to a PlayStation Network account to be temporarily optional. That grace period will now expire," the statement reads.
In a nutshell, after 6th May, any new players will need to link Steam and PSN accounts. Existing players, meanwhile, have a little longer to get this sorted; the mandatory PSN login will start to appear for them starting 30th May, and will need to link their accounts by 4th June.
If you dare to view the responses to this on Steam or Reddit, you'll be met with a vast number of irate comments. Broadly speaking, PC players aren't happy they now need to link accounts, create PSN accounts they don't want, and so on. Many feel that they've been hoodwinked and that this PSN requirement has come out of the blue. However, that's not quite the case.
As evidenced by this archived capture of Helldivers 2's Steam page, it was always noted, even pre-launch, that the game would need you to have a PSN account to play. This requirement was dropped amid the game's early troubles, but now it's firmly on its feet, Sony and Arrowhead are bringing it back in.
This isn't a new practice; many publishers now require you to have accounts with them in order to play their games. Epic, Capcom, Ubisoft, and Warner Bros., to name a few, each require you to sign up with them to play their online titles. Sony is doing the same for its games on PC, but Helldivers 2's teething issues meant it was temporarily exempt, and the change is causing a fair amount of confusion.
What do you think of this? Is Sony the devil incarnate for reinstating its PSN account requirement for Helldivers 2? Discuss in the comments section below.
[source steamcommunity.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 90
I thought this was coming anyway for all Sony PC games, starting with Ghost of Tsushima, to get trophies, matchmaking etc.?
For some people, being upset over things is a way of life
It's no different from some Microsoft games on playstation needing an account, or Diablo forcing you to have a Battle net account etc
Just a few weeks ago PSN trophies on PC was a good thing, no?
How did people think that was going to work?
If I ever find the time to play Sea of Thieves I'm fully expecting to have to link my XBOX account. Just be smart with your passwords and thank feck for GDPR, or whatever equivalent of that you might have.
@naruball Woke and anti-woke culture warriors in a nutshell. I'm almost happy whenever I see people freaking out over PSN account requirements. It's just as petty, but at least politics aren't involved.
@Paleblood how is it woke or anti-woke warriors? It's just angry gamers isn't it?
I guess it's annoying if you don't own a PlayStation but not a big deal.
If people are getting mad at the psn requirements, they need to get a grip on life. Sony could have simply left pc players out of the game full stop, but they didn't. Pc players moaning again, shocker
Already seeing a review bomb happening on Steam. This is the audience Sony is so desperate to get in bed with so enjoy the consequences of not unconditionally bending to their will.
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No different then needing a MS account to play Sea of Thieves on PS5
And now the review bombing has started, how pathetic these people are. The same people who have most likely had to create an EA, Ubisoft, Battle.net and Microsoft accounts to play other games and didn't bat an eye lid. Yet there's somehow a problem with creating a Playstation Account? Either that or it's some certain crowd waiting for any chance they can to bring the game down no matter how trivial.
@UltimateOtaku91 Outrage culture in general. There was always going to be something that turned players against this game. I've been waiting since launch to see what it would be.
Edit: I wonder if there's somewhere we can place bets on things like this 🤔💸
Come the 30th, the realisation they can no longer play will sink in, they'll quickly spend the 5 minutes it takes to create an account, and never acknowledge what a reactionary petty a**hole they are.
PC players always crying over the smallest things as usual.
Sweet liberty Nooooo lol
Ok so there's a bit of nuance here.
PSN isn't available in all regions Steam is. Now sure, it always said the account was required but the link could also be skipped.
Now here's the thing - imagine you bought the game and then found out your region is not on Sony's list. If the requirement was enforced from the beginning, you could easily have refunded it (as Steam policy supports automatic refunds for games played under 2 hours and owned for less than 2 weeks) - 3 months later it's no longer that simple.
I imagine they'd still refund it but you have to go through support now.
And yeah, in practice you can just lie when selecting your region and nobody will check that but technically it's against TOS and can get the account banned.
@Voltan That's fair. I hadn't considered that.
It was no secret that this would be a requirement, but I wonder if there's a legit workaround. Like making this mandatory only in regions where PSN is available. It would be a shame to cut out players based on geography.
@Shepherd_Tallon Maybe an addition to this site lol, it can be called "PushBets".
When Sony doesnt even support most of European Union countries with dedicated regions. They should then abolish such Regional thinking if till now they can't create those or merge together.
It's not sudden, it was always there in the terms. Just people didn't read it and now it's a suprise. Takes a minute to make an account on pc or mobile.
What an inconvenience
The steam crowd are so frikin precious absolute tuna melts
@Steel76 indeed 👍
@TrickyDicky99 no they shouldn’t . let $ony continue getting away with ruining their own platform with paywall scams on inferior hardware with d-tier shovelware “free” games every month as a justifiable reason to there loyalists. the moment they charge for ps plus on pc im uninstalling helldivers 2 and deleting my cloud save if it’s possible
Other than those in regions where PSN isn't officially supported, I really don't understand the issue here. There are plenty of online games on PC that require logging into a specific user account!
It's certainly an interesting social study as to why the backlash in this case is specific to Sony when no other publisher making online-only games has had this kind of reaction.
Maybe it's a PC Master Race vs. Console thing as Sony is still very much an outsider to that community?
@GamingFan4Lyf i don’t think that’s the reason, because you need an xbox account to play ms games. i think the complaints on pc are usually when the dev forces you to download their launcher or something like that
The only problem here is people agreeing to things they don't read first.
@nomither6 Yeah, but the chances of people already having Microsoft accounts on a PC is significantly higher than PC players having PSN accounts.
Plus, Microsoft has had a PC presence for significantly longer than Sony...as...you know...Windows and all that.
I still think they are being babies about it and I think that they might be feeling territorial about their gaming space and, unlike Microsoft, Sony is very much an outsider to them.
I don't think anyone batted an eye when Mojang was bought and eventually required Microsoft accounts for Minecraft.
It just seems odd to single out Sony for something that's been going on for years with other companies (including Microsoft).
All I see is a bunch of "PC Master Racers" holding up two keyboards in the shape of a cross and standing in front of Sony HQ yelling "You have no power here!" 😅
@BeerIsAwesome That is very interesting and should be highlighted, nice one dude 👍
To be clear if we ever get Gears for example (not interested in the 4 releases so far) I can just log in using my outlook details and don't need a separate Xbox account or does this just apply to online only games like Sea of Thieves?
Always annoying when you have to juggle yet another account to play your Steam games, but considering this is a necessary step for cross-play, trophy support integration, etc. I think it's justified.
And anyway, it's an online game, so you'd expect interaction with PSN.
PC Master Crybaby Race
@Mostik your outlook account is the same as a Microsoft account. Microsoft account is all in one.
Why does every inconsequential thing have to turn into the biggest drama?! Stop crying pull up your big boy pants and make a burner psn account.
Related question. Doesn't Halo Infinite need Microsoft/Xbox log in on pc? And if so, are the pc community okay with that?
It’s not a big deal for me, but some people are particularly adverse to giving companies they don’t trust personal information such as email, date of birth, name etc.
I’m not sure if such people still remember the psn outage of 2011.Sony essentially tried to cover up the fact that millions of people’s data had been compromised for over a week after the event.
If the requirement for a psn account wasn’t present at launch for helldivers on pc, it’s not surprising that the player base are kicking off. That’s pretty much how they operate lol.
@NinjaNicky is PS Plus needed for users playing on PC with a PSN account?
Saw my mail carrier yesterday and I asked him if he knows why I've been missing a lot of it lately. Nervously, he said, "Oh that unit has been vacant for some time, but I'll make a note and you should be good"... I've been here since 2017... make a note? that's not how it works at all...think the guy is stealing it.
Just wanted to share incase anyone wanted a better reason to be upset for another lol 😀
@GamingFan4Lyf I think part of is that in the same way that PS core enthusiasts categorically reject everything MS as inherently evil, and the destruction of gaming, and thus can't stop bashing Xbox, PC fans feel the exact same way about Sony, which is why they don't play on PS to begin with.
Plus, PC players have never really accepted having to create separate accounts outside Steam any more than console players accepted having separate logins for every game outside PS/XB. It exists for EA, Ubi, B.net etc, but it has never really gone down well. But the worst thing you can do is give people something and then take it away.
King of awkward remains Bethesda and Blizzard though. It's a separate MS account along with your MS account so you have 3 MS accounts just to play 1st party games. I know, legacy logins after mergers, but it's still one of those 'how did younot fix this day one? things.
@BeerIsAwesome @CutchuSlow thank you both, I have no issue making an Xbox account if needs be but really cool to know I wouldn't have to setup another one to play Xbox games!
It sucks when you need an EA account, Ubisoft account or Epic account to play your games. And yes, it also sucks when you need a PS account to play a game that clearly doesn't actually need it whatsoever (it has worked just fine so far, right?).
Now, review bombing is childish and unnecessary, but I think it's not unreasonable to want to play games without having to create an account. It should be enough that you have whatever account the store uses.
Sony just wants to hoover up more data to sell off; like all of em.
No accounts. None. I disable my PS5 networking when playing Immortals cause Ubi forced an account login. Why? To hoover up more data to sell.
This has to end. Just let people buy and play the game. Why is this so damn hard anymore?
Apparently this will lock out players from regions without access to PSN, which does suck.
The PS account requirement should have been communicated more clearly, and it shouldn't have been sold in territories that would eventually run into issues caused by this.
Hopefully Sony is accounting for all this and will give players in affected regions a workaround.
While it is bleh that some people can't make PS Accounts due to region restrictions, it's not a big deal.
I remember Grounded on Steam requires an Xbox account, and once you do the login, you forget it's a thing since you auto login when you start the game.
Doesn't bother me. I usually make an account for games I play and forget about it.
I think having an account is useful for cross save and cross platform play. Without these 2, then there really isn't a need for having an account.
@Voltan there is a very simple solution to PSN not being available in your region - use fake details. A lot of Gran Turismo 7 streamers use this trick to play on other region servers.
Go to Google Maps. Pick a city at random in the region that does have PSN. Pick a random gas station or McDonalds. Click it and Google gives you the full address. Now go to the PlayStation website and create an account using the address details Google provided. Done. You can now play HD2 with a PSN account even if PSN isn't natively available in your region.
PSN accounts are free and don't have any kind of IP check to confirm region when you make them. You can literally create PSN accounts for every region across the globe and login to them from anywhere without Sony preventing it.
@naruball Anything to make sure that as many people as possible know how angry you are about something that doesn't matter.
Welp. That's the end of that game. It was fun while it lasted!
This seems like a nontroversy to me. Just make a burner email and move on with your day.
I hate when any company does this. Saying it is for the user's benefit is an outright lie. They want your data and they want to sell your data. I hope they (and everyone else) do get a lot of backlash for this. If you purchase a game on Steam then a valid steam account should be all that is needed.
@nomither6 You do nothing but bitch about Sony every chance you get. I really have no idea why you would come to any Sony affiliated site you are just looking for a reason to get mad. Your hate runs so deep its sad or maybe even funny at this point i really can't deside.
You know, it wouldn't surprise me if Sony and Microsoft start integrating these things to try and force requiring a plus or game pass sub to play their games online. It must annoy them that PC players have been living without that tax and they could be planning to finally change that, at least for their games on PC.
Meh. They already paid so who gives a sh*t. If making an account stops you from playing a game you were "so much in love with" then you never loved the game you were only there because it was the popular game.
I was getting tired of all the bull in the Helldivers reddit so now that the numbers are going down this is the perfect purge.
@Mortal That's still missing the point a little, though (note: I have a steam copy of Helldivers II and own a PS5 so this whole topic doesn't upset me personally).
For the people that can easily make a burner PSN account (for their unsupported region) with a fake locale, the concern is IF Sony did any checks on the account, there's the potential for an account ban, and they would of course lose the ability to Helldive. It's very unlikely, but still a possibility, so not a completely bulletproof solution. That being said, I spoofed a Japanese PSN account back on the PS3 and it's still active, so they'd most likely be safe 🤷♂️
@Broosh I doubt Sony would ever check. They're fully aware that people use this practice. Take SuperGT, TheKie25 and Tidgney as examples - they're all prominent Gran Turismo 7 streamers that openly use fake accounts to race in different regions. SuperGT is regularly invited to Polyphony Digital (who are owned by Sony) events and Tidgney is an ex-World Tour racer who has an avatar you race against in the game.
Sony know they couldn't ban a regular Joe without also banning a chunk of content creators for doing something that isn't actually hurting anyone. It'd just hurt their own brand.
Lot of them bringing up the Sony hack from the 'PS3' days as an excuse to moan. Pathetic. I have all of the accounts listed in the article. Mere seconds to set up. PC gamers pride been hurt is all this is.
People always find something to complain about.
A PSN account takes a couple of minutes to create and is free. Pretty much every big publisher requires you to create one of their useless acounts and link it to Steam or PSN and nobody cares. Why now all of a sudden? The Steam page even says since day 1 that a PSN account is required to play.
The outcry over this is even dumber than the Stellar Blade petition, lol.
Or basically every PC game from EA, Ubisoft, Activision, Microsoft, R* and the list goes on and on, lol. You have to create an account and install their launchers even if you buy and launch the game through Steam.
@Mortal That's an excellent point! At the end of the day, PC players are making a mountain out of an anthill here 😮💨
Every single PC user have a MS account, since it's mandatory for Windows. That's the reason why there are complains about PSN but not Microsoft.
@termiki Don't know whether it works with Windows 11 but with Windows 10, you can skip Microsoft account stuff by turning on airplane mode during the initial setup.
PC players are betas
Wow, 21,000 negative Steam reviews today. A review bomb is kind of ironic given all the "for democracy" satire in the game.
I don't like linking my gaming account to each others, if I play on steam there's no way I want to link my account to others gaming portal (like ubisoft, ea, sony, etc).
@Northern_munkey I specifically stated that this issue has nothing to do with politics. I was referring to naruball's comment:
"For some people, being upset over things is a way of life"
This sentence summarizes the mindset of culture warriors. That's all I was pointing out. I'm perfectly aware that the Helldivers situation has nothing to do with culture wars.
Reading through some of the steam reviews today and it just shows the mindset of PC players and how pathetic some are, some comments are just hurling abuse at Sony and others calling for Japan to be nuked again 🤦. If I was Sony I wouldn't bother porting games to PC, obvious these people have an agenda with Playstation to go so far not to create a PSN account, so it makes you wonder why they even bought the game to begin with.
@Paleblood fair enough.
@UltimateOtaku91 Let's not pretend that uPlay, EA Acc and Xbox Account requirements were not met by some kind of backlash.
It's just...people got used to it. But it was similar ***** storm.
But Helldivers 2 is worse. Because they are enforcing this requirement 3 months after release. So if you live in country unsupported by PSN (Philippines for example) and you bought Helldivers 2 at release, you are *****.
@Godot25 Then Sony need to remove that requirement for unsupported countries, which they probably will after the backlash they've gotten today. Its obvious they plan on implementing the PSN account feature in their future live service games and have been rumoured to be looking into having their own PC storefront, so PC players will just have to get used to this or miss out on certain games. After all they aren't the only ones who have to sign up to multiple accounts as us console players have to do the same as well.
@UltimateOtaku91 Logical thing would be to let Helldivers 2 slip, since they could not managed to have it in working shape at release and just introduce mandatory PSN account in next Sony games.
@Godot25 I'm perplexed...
Take a step back from the HD2 situation and look at the situation in the Philippines - if PSN isn't available there, does that mean that Sony does not sell PlayStation consoles in the Philippines?
Do people in the Philippines just select the closest region from the drop down menu and carry on?
That's all that the PC players need to do. Problem solved.
This has been spreading like wildfire all over the internet. If Sony doesn't contain the situation soon it can spell disaster for all the upcoming live service games launching on PC. We all know how fickle PC gamers are.
@Mortal You know that lying about your residence when creating PSN account is against Sony TOS right? And can lead to ban of your account, right?
I see no problem in letting it "as it is" If game works without additional "sign up" there is no need forcing people to do so. These artificial accounts are only waste of resources...
I feel bad for Arrowhead. A 100-person team works a decade to create as much of a fun game as they could, it blows up and is on its way to become one of the biggest Sony published game of all time, and then big publisher suddenly makes a requirement that gets their game review bombed, something Arrowhead has zero control over.
For those who don't know, pc players DONOT like control of big companies. They review bomb if anybody forces a second account, tries to control mods, tries to charge for something new, pretty much anything that doesn't relate to a developer trying to improve the game via feedback. Hence why steam is so 'open', why other launchers always fail, why multiplayer doesn't cost, why games are generally cheaper, why 'passion projects' are so common in the pc space and a million other examples.
Sony is used to their exisiting fanbase mostly swallowing minor inconveniences, this does not fly in the pc space.
@Godot25 close but no cigar.
You'll find that they state that during account creation you must select the "region"* of your address. They do not state that your account will be banned if you select the incorrect country or provide incorrect address details. As I've previously pointed out - prominent content creators openly use accounts setup in other regions to play on those servers, Sony know about this and do nothing.
*A region is not a city or country. NA (North America) is the server region for Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil etc. You may live in a country that is technically South America and find that you can only select NA, because NA is the closest region to you.
Sony do not state that you have to list your exact city or country. They only ask for you to select your region, and so people in the Philippines simply have to select the closest region.
@Flaming_Kaiser 4 years into 9th gen & still underwhelming has me moody but i don’t hate anything
@TrickyDicky99 i did want and bought helldivers 2 though ? i said if they slap a fee on it to play online then it’ll be an issue. you & me both agree that paying for online isn’t ok anymore , it’s why i even got it on PC to dodge the ps plus fee.
And of course, review bombing…
Gamers seem to have the most problems and the least problems simultaneously.
Removed - disrespecting others
@TrickyDicky99 “ Giving PC players free online will mean they will lose quite a few console players, which is how they make their money.”
i don’t know about “quite a few” , some ? yes, but i seriously doubt it was any significant migration of players from playing on ps5 to PC; couple the fact that Helldivers 2 is a sony IP & whether a player is on PC or PS5 - the player count online population is all the same. Sony has a strong monopoly on the console market, and has been the leader for about 10 years (i consider nintendo its own thing), there is always going to be a market for people that prefer console, & if anyone wants one then they’re getting a playstation .
“ It's the continued slow demise of Playstation which has seen their profit margins collapse, console sales failed to meet forecast sales, PSVR2 died instantly and PS+ numbers have been dwindling to the point Sony now refuse to report how many PS+ subs they have.”
sounds a lot like corporate problems to me. i’m more focused on the brand/console demise - console sales have failed but yet they’re still the leading platform, PSVR2 is still on the market irregardless of its library & their ps portal is picking up the slack, as for ps + failing ? have you seen the most popular and played games on playstation ? i’d say F2P and underwhelming free monthly games could be the reason
@guestwork there’s that constructive discourse I’ve come to love about gamers! 👍🏾
I hate when bethesda does it.
I hate whrn Blizzard Does it.
I hate when MS. does it.
I hate when Ubi does it.
I would also hate if sony did it (but I already play on playatation so no stress there).
So I get not liking it but the review bombing is proof that these kinds of pc players are entitled crybabies.
@guestwork do YOU not have psn in your country?
This is the most flawed strawman argument ever because how hell does someone have a PC that can buy, run and play helldivers online but not go to the us playstation website and create an account?
And It’s Going Down About as Well as You’d Expect...with plenty of gamer blindsided by Sony.
Well its a bit of a problem when you do it months after launch and refunds cannot be given. This needs to be something there at launch. I know people who would not give soyny the time of day.
Never got into this game but have many games on Steam and many that require these sort of logins.
A lot of the people complaining are Steam shills I would assume, who do not tell you or are too ignorant to know all your purchase and gameplay data harvested by Steam is marketed and sold to companies that use its platform.
I have about 200 games on Steam and am not stupid. The day will come when Valve is bought out, and the service will become like any other corporate platform. A lot of gamers are just ignorant or naive.
I have the game on PS5, but I don't know how so many people can be defending Sony on this.
Had the requirement actually been enforced on release, and had the game not been sold in countries where creating a PSN account isn't officially supported, I see no issue.
However, turning this into a true requirement this 3 months after the game is out is pretty bad, particularly because the reason why it wasn't being enforced is because their account system wasn't ready for prime time, by their own admission. It's not the consumer's fault their system was broken when the game was released, but the consumer is now inconvenienced by their decision to start enforcing it.
That's no good and no one should be supporting a company doing something like that. Sony just need to take the L on this one, because it was their fault it wasn't ready, and keep it as an optional requirement.
What they should do instead is find ways to make people want to create a PSN account. I.e. Let's say people who have linked to PSN account (and PS5 owners obviously) get 100 free super credits per month or something like that. Or perhaps limit "full" functionality without straight up preventing you from playing the game, like you can only cross-play or use the in-game voice chat if you have a PSN account - I think that would be a lot easier to swallow for many.
There are ways for them to drive people to creating a PSN accounts without making a hard requirement. Then, maybe after 6 months of those incentives being place, you find that 90% of the active player base has PSN accounts - at that point you make it a hard requirement and it's met with much less resistance.
I wonder if they left the basement to complain to their mom and dad.
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@__jamiie exactly
Oh No gamers are mad about something.
Anyway, moving on.
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