For all you democracy dealers out there, a brand new Warbond is soon to join Helldivers 2, giving you yet more rewards to earn. Launching on 9th May, Polar Patriots is its name, and this snowy-themed Warbond is frozen over with cool new stuff.

Ice Your Enemies with Helldivers 2's Latest Premium Warbond, Polar Patriots 2

It includes three new primary weapons — the AR-61 Tenderizer, SMG-72 Pummeler, and PLAS-101 Purifier, each of which can be seen in the above trailer. You'll also be able to spend those medals on a new incendiary grenade, the Motivational Shocks utility item — which shocks players back to normal after being slowed by enemy attacks — and secondary weapon, the P-113 Verdict. On top of all that, there are three new armour sets, player banners, capes, and emotes to unlock.

Premium Warbonds can be unlocked by spending 1,000 Super Credits — a premium currency you can either purchase or, if you play enough, earn plenty of in-game.

Will you be working your way through the Polar Patriots Warbond in Helldivers 2? Deploy in the comments section below.

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