Crash Bandicoot 4

Speculation surrounding a new game from Toys for Bob is currently doing the rounds after the team updated its website to a singular shot of its Crash Bandicoot-inspired logo of a purple Tiki mask. The studio, which went independent earlier this year, is best known for its work creating Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time and the Spyro Reignited Trilogy, which brought back the first three PS1 classics on PS4.

Now scrubbed of any news articles, game information, or contact points, the official website simply dons the following logo without any links to other pages:

Toys for Bob website

After going indie in February 2024, the developer said: "We believe that now is the time to take the studio and our future games to the next level. This opportunity allows us to return to our roots of being a small and nimble studio. While we’re in the early days of developing our next new game and a ways away from making any announcements, our team is excited to develop new stories, new characters, and new gameplay experiences."

Since we are only a few months on from the statement being made, it's unlikely Toys for Bob is directly teasing a new game with this website update. It explained it's "a ways away from making any announcements" just two months ago.

Despite that, there's been speculation Toys for Bob will still be working with Microsoft on a new game — the company that owns the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon IPs following its purchase of Activision. There's a history of new Crash Bandicoot titles getting announced at Summer Game Fest, but it seems a bit too early for Toys for Bob right now.

[source, via]