The state of the world and the video game industry at large can get a bit gloomy at times, so a brand-new Care Bears game is exactly what jaded Millennials need to help them start caring again. Care Bears: To the Rescue has been officially announced for PS5, reminding us of simpler times.

Not to be confused with the similarly titled 2010 family feature Care Bears to the Rescue, Care Bears: To the Rescue will follow the titular bears as they team up to gather lots of Caring Energy to restore peace and maintain happiness. This will take the form of some fairly rigorous platforming across 30 levels in five nostalgic worlds with, no doubt, the ability to express pure joy in the form of a rainbow energy blast. You can play alone, but everything is better together, so Care Bears: To the Rescue supports a four-player local co-op mode

Can you believe the Care Bears are back in 2024? What do you think of To the Rescue, and does the sight of so many familiar faces make you nostalgic for the late 80s/early 90s? Prepare your own Care Bear Stare in the comments section below.
