Sony has replaced outgoing CEO Jim Ryan with an all-star tag-team partnership: Hermen Hulst will lead PS Studios and its intellectual property, while Hideaki Nishino will focus on hardware and services. The pair, together, will be tasked with leading PlayStation into a new era, as PS5 enters the latter half of its lifecycle and the company explores new initiatives, like PC, mobile, and television.
For interim CEO Hiroki Totoki, who will continue to serve as Sony Interactive Entertainment’s chairman, the future is looking bright. “Since I became Chairman in October 2023, I have been inspired by your enthusiasm, innovative approaches, and teamwork,” he said in an email to staff, which has been published publicly. “These values will serve us well as we embark on the exciting future for SIE.”
Totoki teased that Sony will reveal its long-term vision later this month, and that PlayStation will play a pivotal role in that. “As I mentioned previously, FY24 marks the start of the Mid-Range Plan period for Sony Group in which we will set the course for sustainable growth,” he said. Exciting stuff is on the horizon, then – let’s wait and see what the coming weeks have in store.
[source sonyinteractive.com]
Comments 49
I like this duo. I just really wish we would see games like resistance, Socom, Sly, Motorstrom etc etc. i love my PS, sure i like the Xbox controller better, but i love me some PS. But i grew insanely tired of PS4 action adventure climb here only, quick time event games. Sure they are good too, but need some variety. Deliver that and rumors of MS bringing over legacy titles and collections to older games and PS is setup great even if i think they are losing players slowly to PC, as all consoles maybe outside of Nintendo are seeing PC surge forward. Wish these 2 the best of luck and they are some nice picks.
Show me what you got Hiroki Totoki Literature Club.
They need to sort psvr2 out for everyone who spent almost 600 quid on it
@HonestHick Yes lets make sequels to games that were flops, genius business!
@Kraaatos The Insomniac leaks recently had digital data on revenue and downloads for all playstation published games. So many of these games people cry about did horrible business.
@HonestHick motorstorm was amazing. I remember getting my ps3 day one and that was the only game I had for ages and I loved it. I’d love a new one
@Kraaatos you sold me, give us HD3. Just stay the heck away from more horizon! Not sure motorstrom was a flop tho. Had 3 titles quickly and i see fans asking for its return. Maybe not. I loved it and this is coming from someone that hated the PS3 controller so much i only played games I thought were worth playing with that trash pad.
@DNortonX I hated the heck out of the PS3 controller and still played 100 hours on MS and resistance. I know we wont see those again but hey an old fan can dream in this business. We will get more spider-Man and Marvel ip’s.
@Kraaatos motorstorm,socom,sly Cooper and resistance flops? Maybe not massively super selling games along the likes of call of duty etc but hardly flops..bring them back especially socom and resistance.
I think the problem with revisiting some of those fan favourite PS3 franchises is that game development cycles are long and expensive now, and the games did fine on PS3 but are unlikely to make back their money on budgets like four or fives times bigger than what they had back then.
I'd like to see Sony invest a little more in its emulation efforts, that way we could realistically get these PS3 classics back as part of PS Plus Premium or something.
That seems more logical to me than greenlighting new entries when, honestly, the audience for those titles is quite niche on the kind of budgets they'd require in 2024.
@get2sammyb big corps decide that the games have to be so massively expensive because they can only think in maximalist terms.
Indie studios get by fine and they innovate. Before being bought up by Microsoft Ninja Theory went guerilla dev with the first hellblade and made a tripleA game on a low to moderate budget. Now Microsoft is throwing all the money at it and will probably not make ends meet.
Sony could revisit all these old series, without going high risk on it, but that's just not the way these companies think anymore because they all just want to make shareholders happy.
@get2sammyb PS Premium needs to be far better value than it currently is. It is very hard to justify its price right now imo.
Put Tekken 3 on it. Original Resident Evil 2. Timesplitters. Gran Turismo 2. There are people who would flock to it I promise you.
@Northern_munkey yeah I agree. *****, how about supporting the PSVR2 & giving us SOCOM VR & Motostorm VR? (Even though they killed the original teams)
Please Sony shift your strategy, not every game needs to be AAA
If it's like what we've got so far,, then im not particularly that excited.
This ps5 generation is a bit rubbish to be honest.
Not every game needs to be AAA there are plenty of AA games out there that are enjoyable and do just fine.
I think they could test the waters when it comes to interest in Resistance by doing a ps5 remaster trilogy. If it sells well it will show a lot of people would be likely to buy a resistance 4.
It just won't be done by insomniac I don't think.
In mean time if we get more Ghost of Tsushima, ratchet, Spiderman, god of war, horizon etc I'll be happy. Only issue is games take so long to make now
@get2sammyb excellent comments and spot on! Make the older titles ready to play and spruced up and see how much interest they generate. This should show Sony where to lean into certain titles
I used to be optimistic, but it seems like empty promises lately. They've been saying this for years now, and yet they don't show it. I never thought I would say this again but Nintendo is killing it. They generated an incredible amount of hype by just announcing they will share news about a successor this year, while every bit of news about playstation is basically meh or bad.
Go back to your roots and look at what made the PSone and PS2 great.
@Northern_munkey from insomniac leaks we saw resistance 3 didnt sell a million, you will never see another one.
Sony has always sat somewhere in between XBox and Nintendo. Mature and Family, Big Budget and Smaller Clever Idea.
Currently it’s pretty obvious the market cares more about the latter than the former, and I think it makes sense for Sony to support the mid tier and indie titles, with a few triple A games scattered between. Not every game has to sell 10m copies for £70. There is a land underneath where games can be turned around quicker and are more fun. This is the market Nintendo has completely, and the Playstation has lost ground on. They also need to stop mentioning the more powerful successor and the PS5 being in the end of its life. All it does is make people uncertain and drive people away.
@DNortonX I second this! I've missed motorstorm so much, hugely fun game I used to play with my daughter when she was in single figures, it's been so long she's nearly finished her Uni course now and I'm still waiting for another one!
@MrGawain yeah I agree. Playstation was always the middle ground and that's why it was so successful. Them mentioning the successor and the end of life of the PS5 was the most stupid thing they did. It even made me panic and raising a few eyebrows. It will be probably that it will still be 4-5 years before the PS6 sees the light of day, but those remarks made it seem they are pulling a Wii U thing by releasing a new console after a couple of years. Nobody will spend 500 easily after that, they should have done some damage control after that.
@get2sammyb I think you're being optimistic if you think that the PS5 can emulate the PS3's zany architecture with any kind of decent performance. I mean, look at the specs needed for RPCS3. The poor Tub o' Lard would melt! (might look better though...)
Perhaps we'll see something with the PS6 (even number PlayStations tend to be better) and finally it might have the raw horsepower required.
"The Future Is Incredibly Bright for PlayStation"
Given the current PS5 exclusive portfolio and the PS roadmap shown so far... I bet that incredible brightness will come from their new mini led Bravia TV panels
Their longterm vision ok, I'd like to see a very huge tasty slice of that in a showcase. Pretty sure PlayStation themselves ain't idiots and have looked into the reactions of their previous showcases and some SoPs and gone yh its been pretty disappointing reaction wise from fans these last 2 or 3 years and now we need to do something about this, you'd like to imagine that's their thought process. Not surprising though given how big triple AAA games these days are having longer development times than before. A bit more of a peep would be nice for what's to come
Never seen a company say "our future is doomed, we have no hope".
I just want to see them give up on the whole gaas drive - sure do 1 or 2, but its the big single player games that have made Sonys platform, and its arguably what they can do better than anyone else.
If they dont do games they can do better than enyone else they run the risk of becoming just any other developer.
For me personally, a bright future would consist of more JRPGs and WRPGs, and then a load of VR games. Now, admittedly I have more on PSVR2 games than I can possibly find time to play, and I have a backlog of JRPGs to get through, but in the longer term Sony pivoting to live service stuff, and then everything else focusing on existing IP, well, it doesn’t inspire me. Plus it would be nice to know Sony are working on a method for flat games to be converted to VR easily.
I wonder how many layoffs = sustainable growth
@HonestHick I still don't understand why the Resistance franchise is not all on Premium, or just re-released as a trilogy bundle for PS4/5.
I still own my PS3 copies as I loved the game, but my PS3 broke and for some weird reason they only have Resistance 3 on Premium. They do need to show these old IP's some love as they were really good imo.
@Kraaatos resistance failed mostly because halo, cod, battlefield were all at their most popular and first person shooters needed to really stand out. They were good games and reviewed decently well. They might do better in the current climate of cod and halo with their reputations in the dirt (even if they aren't producing particular games)
I agree that some remasters would be the way to go, especially of PS3 Greats like Resistance, Killzone, Motorstorm, Infamous etc. Not every game needs a full remake that takes years to make.
@Styledvinny79 what's wrong with it, the psvr2? Asking coz I don't have one and haven't heard anything about it.
@Victor_Meldrew Didn’t know that you were a gamer, Conan.
So playstation on xbox then? Tee hee......
@Ilyn i loved the enemies in Resistance. But this is what happens when that studio became the Marvel machine. Imagine if Bluepoint redid it. Man that game would look insane on PS5. Be a day one for me.
Good to know.hopefully old legendary franchises come back.and some remastered and remakes of iconic franchises.word up son
@CutchuSlow Nothing at all is up with PSVR2, but for some reason people like to pile on and make it out to be awful due to a lack of first party games.
They act like the only game available on it is Horizon: CotW and ignore the vast, and ever increasing, library of smaller 3rd party releases because it doesn't fit their arguement.
@HonestHick Being from the North I would like to see that, if only to put Manchester Cathedral back on the game drama map
@breakneck i was going to say the same thing, i want some of those games back just as much or more then other people , but lets be realistic , if they aren't selling , they aren't going to keep making these games, if you want certain games to be made people are going to have to buy them.
Nice to see.
It's certainly better than making liars of your exec team and throwing them under the bus.
i feel like the next few years we'll finally see what sonys been cooking up , considering they launched a console during a crazy period and have kept going between covid delays , removing time crunch no longer forcing them work 80+ hour work weeks to get games out faster. I'd say once we see those games ( hopefully soon) people will be pretty excited.
@playstation1995 @HonestHick Hello there friends.
I absolutely agree that games like Resistance, Socom, inFamous, Little Big Planet and Motorstorm to make a return.
As much has I enjoy Horizon, Last of Us, Spiderman and many others, I feel like some of the more unique games have been missing.
Sony Playstation needs games like Killzone, Resistance and Motorstorm as much as it needs games like Ghost of Tsushima, Bloodborne and Days Gone.
PS needs to have a bit more variety in it´s gaming portfolio.
And yes, if Resistance gets a Remake it´s a day one purchase.
Having said that, I do think Playstation´s Future is a bright one.
Just give your developer teams time and good managment and they will use their creative prowess to make awesome games.
It´s just my opinion on the matter.
Cheers everyone and happy gaming
Remains to be seen but I am cautiously optimistic now that we have two new CEO
Wishful thinking but I hope they would do something for their Japanese devs. While Japan Studio is no more (and I'm still salty about it) they need to do something for Team ASOBI outside of just Astrobot
@RaZieLDaNtE. Whats good playa.yes more resistance is welcome.its one of my favorite favorites video games franchises ever word up son
@RaZieLDaNtE yeah i agree they need more variety. PS4 started to get a little to much same same for me. Sony is just like all the others tho they have to make money and if they think there isn’t enough money in those IP’s we miss then they are not getting any love. Sad tho cause those are some of my favorite games.
We need a actual new ip with new ideas. God of war 2 was good but more of thr same as the first one. Horizon FW was good but more of the same. Spider man 2..........you get the picture. I can't even bring my self to finish the new God of war as its all the same as before. Sony you need to be better!
Give me a reason to buy the ps5 pro. Im sick of all these remakes and remasters... where are the console exclusives that push the limits of the ps5? Im thinking of moving to pc since sony keeps selling their exclusives. Also you ps plus price hike sucks decrease it back to 40 bucks. All the free monthly games suck too
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