Sony will add a new feature to PS5 later this year, allowing users to invite others to a multiplayer game by generating a shareable link on the console or via the PlayStation App. This link can then be shared on social media or via direct message, allowing AFK, offline, or even players you aren't friends with (yet) to secure a spot.
Announced over on the PlayStation Blog, Sony's senior director of product management and platform experience, Sabrina Meditz, described how this as-yet-unnamed feature could be used: "For example, if you just met some new friends on your favourite social platform, you can send them a PS5 session invite in the same chat and start playing together right away, without needing to add each other as friends on PS5 first."
Meditz says this feature complements existing methods of joining a session from within a PS5 game and will work consistently for all supported games. Some PS5 titles may need a small update, but Sony will collaborate with development partners to ensure they work seamlessly. Further, a unique PS5 widget has been developed for Discord, which dynamically refreshes to show the multiplayer session status, so you'll know if it's still active before joining.