Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree is less than 24 hours away from release, so at this point, you likely won't want to view any spoilers. Therefore, the newly published launch trailer for the expansion is one you'll want to avoid. We've put it above for anyone who isn't bothered, but for those wishing to go in for a fresh experience, a lot of major bosses feature in the footage you'll want to see for yourself in-game.

In our Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree PS5 review, we awarded an 8/10 rating, while overall the DLC has gone on to become the highest-rated expansion ever made. "By doubling down on what made the base game so sublime, FromSoftware has crafted an Elden Ring expansion that's just as great as it is familiar," we concluded. "Shadow of the Erdtree delivers more of the same style of content you loved two years ago rather than introducing new ways to engage."

For more information covering Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree DLC release times, click the link to find out when exactly you can head to the Realm of Shadow. Are you excited by the prospect? Let us know in the comments below.

[source youtube.com]