Minecraft is fully playable on PS5 through backwards compatibility, but a native new-gen version is on the way – and you may be eligible to test it from today. Those of you who own the iconic indie will be able to test out a “preview” of the updated release by navigating to ‘Settings’ > ‘Preview’ within the existing PS4 version of the game. Do keep in mind, however, that this edition will only work on a PS5, for obvious reasons.
“This preview includes the new Tricky Trials Update, so you can venture into the trial chambers, meet a breeze, craft a mace, and more – all while trying out a version of Minecraft that’s designed for your console,” a blog post from Mojang explains. “As this is a preview version, we’ll need your help in hunting bugs (and we’re not talking about the silverfish spawning from trial spawners), as well as gathering any feedback.” You can find more information on how to share feedback through here.
As for why Mojang is making a native PS5 version, here’s what it had to say: “Currently, the only way to play Minecraft on a PS5 is by purchasing the PS4 version of the game. By developing a native version of Minecraft for PS5 we’ll be able to make the game run more effectively on the PS5’s hardware. So, you can lose your inventory in lava in the smoothest possible way!”
It should be noted there’ll be no Minecraft Store in this version of the game, and other features may be missing or underdeveloped. Will you be trialling this native new-gen port? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source minecraft.net]
Comments 18
I prefer Dragon Quest Builders 3 on PS5 instead of Minecraft.
More aesthetic and more cartoonish looking.
@Anti-Matter If only they made a 3rd one, I would love that!! The second one is amazing and far improved on Minecraft imo.
There is a paragraph in the article where they explained why they are doing this. So this leaves me with just one question: why?
Hope they improve textures... those 8bit are horrible..
(sarcasm, I don't care Minecraft at all)
I like Minecraft I think it's a pretty chill game (BS microtransantions aside), so I'll probably check this out at some point
Ray tracing? 120fps? I mean, really it's Minecraft, so I echo the question by @Czar_Khastik - why?
I suppose it might save a few GB on the Tub o' Lard's microscopic hard drive.
The PS4 version had PS VR1 support. Does the PS5 version include PS VR2 support?
Just read an article on another site that said M$ is adding AI to all their games, starting with Minecraft. The AI is supposed to help the player but I can't stop wondering how much data it will collect from our systems.
I will never ever install any game that collect AI data in the background. I rather just go back to my Amiga 500 and PS3/PS4 that I can play offline.
I can't understand how everyone seems ok with AI without any rules attached to it, It's intrusive af right now and it will destroy all our privacy within a few years if no laws are controlling this trial and error way to approach AI that is the current model.
And for us gamers, it seem to start with Minecraft, just so you know. 👀🤷
I don't understand this either. Yesterday there was an article on a 2D RPG remake having a performance mode.
Just allround craziness
@sanderson72 Minecraft with RT looks great on PC.
I may try this, but I've tried to get into Minecraft many times, to no avail. What's with the villager NPCs? Some sort of congenital defect? I'm think I'm just way too old for the game..
@Specky I can only think of poor programming with no optimizations. I would like to be wrong, but what other explanation makes sense
@Zeke68 thing is AI is the modern way to package in an easier sell for what has been being done for years. Data collection is in everything already, with varying degrees of intrusiveness. The "AI" banner means people are more likely to accept even more intrusive collection, because it means.... Well, AI right? Even though no one actually knows how to use AI some something useful yet and the capability isn't there other than it effectively being a modern web crawler with far more information than previously provided, there is very little intelligence in current AI.
So sure, sign away your data for a purpose unknown when it brings no real benefit to you the consumer! It's a backwards world where until recently companies used to pay huge amounts of money to get the type of data we now give away for free, because it comes under a "feature" banner.
Apple started this with iPods which have been collecting data since then, Google has been doing it since day1, and Amazon is scary what they collect. If you disagree with any of this, your online life will become quite limited and that's the issue - if you don't accept the terms, you don't get much functionality!
@Blofse You pretty much summed up my concerns. I can just agree. Still don't like the intrusion in stuff like my game collection.
@ThaBEN Since it's in development the features are yet to be announced. They warned as it is a preview there are no store functions.
Minecraft has lots of potential to be better with more power. Just because it's blocky doesn't mean it doesn't use resources. Draw distance is my first thought, it actually has quite a short distance on the PS4 version, the details like npcs and buildings disappear from not too far away.
I hope so! The PS VR1 version made use of the Dualsense controller, not the move controllers. So it should be an "easy" way to port it to PS VR2 in regards to control scheme.
Hopefully a automatic trophy pop for PS4 trophies earned
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