The next Gran Turismo 7 update will be revealed next weekend, on 6th July 2024, but not in the usual way. Rather than a teaser tweet from series creator Kazunori Yamauchi, the 1.49 patch for PS5 and PS4 will be "introduced" within the Gran Turismo World Series Esports event.
The monthly updates Polyphony Digital delivers for Gran Turismo 7 usually consist of a handful of new cars, Menus for the GT Café, extra Scapes, and the odd track variation. More substantial updates have brought new features like the advanced AI system Sophy and a Spec II refresh. Given the fact the next patch will be announced during a livestream rather than a Twitter post, there's a good chance it'll be packing more substantial content than usual.
"The opening round of the Gran Turismo World Series 2024 on July 6 hosted in Montreal, Canada will be broadcast live," the official Gran Turismo Twitter account posted earlier today. "There will also be an introduction of the July Update for GT7 during the broadcast, so don't miss it!"
What sort of content and features do you want for Gran Turismo 7 next? Share your hopes in the comments below.
[source x.com]
Comments 52
Really surprised it hasn't came to PC yet.
Every so often I consider picking GT up, but I'm still a bit wary of a) the seeming reliance of MTs and b) the always-online/service aspect. Are these still as prevalent as they were when the game launched?
Well I'll throw a few in and hope some of them stick! More tracks, more real cars, revised microtransactions, dynamic/adjustable weather on all tracks, more single player championships and menus (please). PC version would be nice too.
@Americansamurai1 I hope it never comes. It's a success on PS5, multiplayer is huge and very alive, and it's receiving a lot of content.
PC players usually sh*t on Gran Turismo saying they have better racing games, so they don't need GT.
@Gooseman42 You play on PC or PS5? I didn't know this site was about PC gaming tho. Don't PC players hate GT and say they have better options? Why ask for GT then?
@Andee The always online requirement is still there but not an issue, the servers are rock solid.
The MTX are still there but really a non issue (as they where when the game came out), you by make plenty of cash just doing the single player races
Would love some more tracks to race around in VR.
@Andee I’ve been playing since day and haven’t used any MTs and enjoy it. It’s a blast
@Andee the always online will most likely never change.
There’s 0 reasons to spend money on MTX etc. of course without spending you will have to run more races to get your money.
I certainly wouldn’t miss out the game over the worry of mtx
More real world tracks.
Just look back at the amount that Project CARS had. They've been laser-scanned already, just a few licences and good to go.
@dgmgeneral07 @nitram2k11 Cheers folks — i'll keep 'em peeled for a sale
@Andee no need to be wary of micros. They are a complete non issue. They arnt even advertised at all unless you click on a tab to actually go to buy them and the grind for credits is no more than any other GT game. Every car is unlockable and credits readily given. They are more there as an "if you want to" ive got 2 mates who have been playing this for the past 3 months and didnt even know you could buy credits in it. There are weekly offline challenge races that provide big credits, the more you do the bigger the bonus(5 races in total) Do yourself a favour anfd pick it up. You wont regret it mate.
@Vault_Mcfly I am fortunate enough to have a PS5 and decent PC. I play it on PSVR2 a couple of times a week and it's absolutely amazing.
It's always nice to have choice, and for other people to be able to experience GT. Sure there's some elitists out there who might scoff that's it's not a 'proper sim' but I'm sure there's plenty of people that would buy it and it would only give Polphony's income a boost for future projects for Playstation (especially since their profits are on the downturn). It's a very generous racer in the amount of content compared to say Assetto Corsas or Automobilista 2 which are both great but have a lot of paid dlc.
It's not like Sony hasn't ported other titles to PC either, so don't think it's a taboo subject on here! Also the PC version would look stunning on a good setup.
@Kidfunkadelic83 Nice one — will do! One could argue that the new Resi games' MTs are a factor, but they barely even register for me!
The only game to have never been deleted from my SSD since release. Love me some Sport mode and car tuning 😁
I'd like, at the very least, a brand new track. Preferably a dirt track, but that'd be some high hopes right there.
@Vault_Mcfly just curious to see how it does on PC.
@Andee Just wanted to reiterate what everyone else has said. The main issue around the MTs was the fact that Polyphony didn’t include them in the review copies of the game but added them to the retail release. This was seen as shady, which tbf it was but they absolutely aren’t necessary to enjoy the game. GT7 was my most played game of 2022 by a significant margin and I didn’t spend a penny extra than what I spent on the disk. If you love racing games it’s an absolute must play! Especially with the consistent support it’s received over the last 2 years.
@Andee thats exactly the same here mate. You wont even see them or need them.
@GeeEssEff Yep, I'm by no means a racing/car aficionado, but I do really enjoy the "caRPG" elements of earlier GTs (i've only really played the very first two on PS1), and would like to check back in with the series after so long
@Vault_Mcfly as a PS5 and PC gamer I hope it does. The community would grow even more and being able to play it maxed out would be amazing. Don’t let the loud minority generalize the silent majority.
@Andee Me neither to be fair. I have always enjoyed sim racers but never been particularly amazing at them. I played a fair amount GT sport on the PS4 but GT7 grabbed me by the Crown Jewels and wouldn’t let them go for a solid 12 months! Hope you enjoy it if you decide to take the plunge mate.
Hope we get a new track, from my recollection we haven’t had one in quite some time (Grand Valley I believe).
@Americansamurai1 please do that's the only thing i turn on my ps5 for.
@Andee as everyone else has said the servers are fine, sometimes they’re down for maintenance when an update is being added (like 2 hours in a month). I’ve been playing for two years (600 hours) and never gone into an online race or seen a micro transaction. I finished all the championships within two weeks, but there’s tonnes to do including 5 weekly updated races which gets you around 600k-1m credits. I'm grinding to get every car, and up to about 450, just avoiding the 20 million credit ones! Also, if you have psvr2 it’s amazing!
@Americansamurai1 I think they're saving it for 2025. 2023 was a rather quiet year for PS Studios so by the approximate 2+ year rule (Ragnarok was a bit under 2 years), 2025 would be a quiet year for newly eligible PC releases. Hence they'd fill in the gaps with older stuff, I think 2025 for PC would look like:
I now own all 505 cars in GT7 since about a week ago. I love to collect cars but would love a new track or 2! 🥰
We’re/I’m good at complaining, but GT7 really is an excellent example of live service games gone right. It’s simply fantastic how they keep on improving the overall experience. Compared to the content available at launch the current state of the game is really stunning, at least for single player gamers like me.
Rumour has it that it'll be circuit gille villeneuve being added. It's been discussed as a "leak" for months now so it'd make sense to announce it in Montreal.
Im in montreal, never even heard there was a presentation here soon.
Admittedly, i had uninstalled gts a couple years ago, and been into more hardcore sims with a wheel etc.
But, i re-installed gts just few days ago and im amazed at how nice a game it is really, even if a little shallow in the sp side.
Best replay sounds in a game i ever tried.
Ai races pretty well really, looks great on ps5, smooth controls with the gyroscope on ds5, can do long races in custom race, pitstops, etc.
Gonna look into gt7 now, seems it has a little improved physics, sounds, added 3 old favorite tracks.
Just the ai seeems really poor apart from sophie update, which for now is still limited i think in sp modes?
Im only into sp play so..
It sure take a lot of storage gts though, 100g ouch. At least i can install and run it from my external hdd, where as gt7 will use up all that on the precious expensive ssd.
Aren't they supposed to expand Sophie to more sp options?
@Andee The MTs are only an issue if you don't like racing. Which is another way of saying that it's a non-isue that's been widely overblown when the game came out. If you just boot up the game and play, you'll soon find yourself with plenty of money to buy whatever car you want.
As for the online requirement... is you ISP really that unreliable? What's your worry, specifically?
@Vault_Mcfly Exactly. A PC version is an unnecessary distraction both for Polyphony and for PC gamers who have far superior options, right? Right?
This might be very unrealistic, but the main feature I'd like to see in GT7 at this point is the complete replacement of the regular AI with Sophy.
@Art_Vandelay my worry is the idea of them shutting the servers down in years to come when I might actually want to play it
@TrickyDicky99 Plus as soon as it's on PC then you'll have all the cheaters and having to waste resources cracking down on them instead of releasing new tracks etc.
@Andee In ten years when the servers shut down you'll be too busy playing GT8 to care.
@Andee I second @Critonic. Are you really that worried about protecting your $70 investment? I get the sentiment, but it makes no sense when you think objectively.
There will be a much better iteration of Gran Turismo years before the GT7 servers go down. Then again, I get the retro/nostalgia kick people get from playing old games, but that really shouldn't stop you from enjoying one of the best titles on the PS5.
@Critonic @Art_Vandelay right, but whether the servers stay up for ten years, or ten months, it's the principle of being beholden to the fact that it's ultimately temporary — and I'm not completely naive - I will most likely give GT7 a go at some point - nor am I steadfastly against the idea of games as a service, there are plenty of people who enjoy that type of thing. I'm just not personally into online/multiplayer, and the fact that mandatory online seems to have crept into single player games, something I treasure as a private pastime, that I can enjoy without the threat of it being shut down some day, just saddens me a little.
@Andee Sure, and I'm right there with you: single player from stem to stern. And I do feel like the old man yelling at clouds sometimes.
What I'm trying to convey though, is that relaxing our stance a little can be beneficial to our own selves. Especially in the case of GT7 as, some have pointed out, is "live service done right".
GT7 is great in VR and who wouldn't want more of a good thing?
I should play it more! But I caught the Fallout 4 PS5 version bug and it is just not leaving my system.
I'm amazed to hear how many are grinding for all/a lot of cars.
No sale until there's offline single player so it can't be killed like The Crew.
@TheDaddyOtaku @Mustoe you realise they released a patch for GTS so that online is is not a requirement now the servers are down.
The same will happen with gt7 I suspect.
I think it's a fabulous game.....however I prefer the more traditional club race etc. I like them more than cafe mode. Yes it is astonishing in VR but I have to limit my time in it because of motion sickness.
Update 1.49: 5 new cars, Circuit Gilles Villeneuve (Montreal), Scapes, Online lobby updates with the addition of a free-roam mode (Shutoko Revival style).
Thanks PD!
Well, one of the most talked about speculations was that it would be a introduction of pikes peak, as that has been teased....
I hope its a big update, I need remotivating. I only need 20 cars to complete the collection, but they are all expensive classics....must be about 80 mils worth.
New tracks and high value races please 🤞
@Mustoe That's good that you are sticking to your principles but the online requirement was needed as part of the deal for the FIA stuff if you believe what was behind the reasoning and you are missing out on a good GT game because of something that has little effect in reality.
Its not ideal if you are ever without internet but it is what it is.
But all the power to you for sticking to your guns.
I sure hope so!
Although GT7 is the best argument for PSVR2. I'd say it's an expensive investment for one game, but then I sunk a grand into a wheel and pedals... 🙄
PS5 Pro In game Ray Tracing anyone? Nah probably not......
"I refuse, on principle, to support any game that requires a mandatory online connection," says the guy with the Quake avatar. Haven't you needed a connection since 1996?
I travel a lot and don't always have Internet connections that are any good, so when GT7 pulls a GT Sport and makes the single player work offline like both should have at launch, let me know.
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