
Publisher 2K will reveal the next entry in one of its "biggest and most beloved franchises" tomorrow at Summer Game Fest, and according to a member of the Exputer forum — who has shared correct leaks in the past — that game will be Borderlands 4. No other details, such as a release date, have been shared, but since Geoff Keighley has said the show will focus on games releasing in the fairly near future, a launch within the next 18 months seems likely.

With the movie adaptation now just two months away (out on 9th August 2024), it makes sense for Gearbox to have a new video game entry it can point to once fans and newcomers have seen the film. Other contenders for the reveal were BioShock, Mafia, and Civilization, but it appears those fanbases will need to wait longer for their big moment. A silver lining for BioShock and Mafia fans, at least, is that new entries in both those franchises are already confirmed to be in development. It's simply a case of when — not if — we see them.

Alongside the 2K announcement, titles such as Metaphor: ReFantazio and Slitterhead are confirmed to be at the show. For more information on When Is Summer Game Fest Live Showcase 2024, click the link. Are you glad to see it might be Borderlands 4, or were you hoping to see something else tomorrow? Share your reaction in the comments below.
