New Tales Game

If Bandai Namco announced a new Tales game tomorrow, it wouldn't come as a huge surprise. The series' most recent instalment, Tales of Arise, released in 2021, and almost immediately became the fastest selling Tales title ever. It had topped 3 million sales by February of this year, and so we'd be more shocked if there wasn't a new Tales game in the works.

Still, Bandai Namco appears to have dropped a hint that it has plans for the Tales franchise's 30th anniversary, which takes place next year. During the company's latest shareholders meeting, a representative was asked whether the publisher has any new Tales titles in development, ahead of the aforementioned anniversary.

As per @gasu_y, the representative gave a fairly interesting answer, complete with a suggestive expression: "There are some things I can't tell you here, but please look forward to future official announcements." As noted, companies usually reply to such queries by simply waving them off with a dismissive statement, so this response definitely raises an eyebrow.

But again, a new Tales game being in development is hardly unexpected — it's just a case of when it'll be revealed. It's entirely possible that we'll have an entire year to wait before we hear anything official — with the 30th anniversary's Tales of Festival set for July 2025 — but it's worth mentioning that Bandai Namco has a big showcase planned for Anime Expo next month. Maybe, just maybe...

What are your hopes and dreams for the next Tales game? Break out your blazing sword in the comments section below.
