Medieval follow-up Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 could only be about 25 per cent bigger than the original game due to the limitations imposed by the Xbox Series S console, Warhorse Studios has claimed. Speaking at the Game Access Conference, as reported by Czech outlet, producer Martin Klíma suggested the 10GB of RAM in the cheaper Microsoft system limited what the team could do in the sequel. As a result, the second game is only 25 per cent larger than the first.
While the less powerful Xbox Series S utilises 10GB of RAM, the PS5 and Xbox Series X both contain 16GB. According to Warhorse Studios, this has been enough of an issue during development to limit the scope of its game. This isn't the first time there have been reports of the Xbox Series S causing issues for developers, with it also being a factor in why Baldur's Gate 3 arrived late on Microsoft boxes.

Also during the conference, it was confirmed Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 will utilise a 4K resolution at 30 frames-per-second on PS5 and Xbox Series X. On Xbox Series S, it targets the same frame rate at 1440p.
Warhorse Studios spoke of its "bigger, better, and more ambitious" sequel upon its original reveal in April, where it confirmed a play space "two times bigger" than the first game along with almost double the amount of cutscenes.
"Live life through the eyes and actions of Henry, a young man on a quest to avenge his murdered parents. His story – illustrated with over five hours of stunning cinematics – takes him from aspiring warrior to rebel, crossing paths with a charismatic cast of characters and an unforgettable set of adventures, as he goes up against the King of Hungary, Sigismund the Red Fox and his fearsome allies." The game is scheduled to release for PS5 this year.
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[source, via]
Comments 73
Idk who is gonna catch the flak for this one xbox or warhorse studios 🤔
Oh. Cheers, Phil.
The Series S is probably the biggest reason we haven't left the old gen apart from the size of the install base on the old gen. Bu the S neutered this Gen's ability to make forward progress technologically
4k 30fps, but no 1080p 60fps?
Yeah I remember when the Witcher 3 got ported to Switch and they had to halve the size of the map because of the lack of RAM 🙄
Maybe this is why PlayStation Exclusives are a good thing.
Why does PlayStation have to suffer
We all knew this was going to be a problem yet Xbox players would rather blame the dev for incompetence.
The reason we are getting so many PS4 versions of games is because these devs have to make a scaled back version to run on the Series S, so they probably think why not release it on PS4 whilst they're there and earn some more money. Which is a shame as now us PS5 players have to play games that aren't at their best because of the Series S.
I wonder how many more games are like this but the devs are scared of the backlash to say anything.
@DonkeyFantasy Now you know how the PC folk feel
Size doesn't matter, quality matters!
The issue here is that they can't skip Xbox SS and publish the game on SX, they are obliged to publish on both and given that SS is much more popular than SX, it doesn't make sense to skip SS.
Also, maybe it's time for me to play the first game on PS5
It´s all nice and games if you have enough money for a Series X or PS5, but if not you can get a very nice gaming experience on a Series X for around 50% of the price of the full fat consoles.
So I think it is good that it exist and that MS force this so more people can afford gaming on a budget. Most new games looks and plays great on Series S.
The Series Potato Strikes Again.
Should have not released it on Xbox then.
@Sveakungen Nah as this article proves SS is holding back gaming, i own a SS its limitations are fairly obvious and i wish more devs would ditch Xbox if the SS is an issue.
@Sifi "the 10GB of RAM in the cheaper Microsoft system limited what the team could do in the sequel"
Nothing to do with Sony. Do you actually believe the nonsense you come here and spout?
With estimates putting the Series X/S sales as low as 200k a month now I suspect games in the future will start dropping Xbox. Development times are so long that we might not see an effect for years though.
@DennisReynolds I suppose you have a Series S and a PS5! Of course you notice the difference, but for those that only can afford say a Series S will probably be very happy what their cheap console can provide. Especially in combo with Game Pass!
This surely can't be true. Between PS5, PC, and Xbox, you're looking at, what, 20% of the sales maximum being on Xbox (and even less specifically Series S). And they're adjusting the entire design of the game for that?
Seems utterly insane.
I guess the lower spec would also allow for more PC sales, plus means there is less difficulty getting it to run well on the higher spec consoles. Also would mean less game to actually make, so less dev time and expense. It’s not like they are the biggest studio. Not saying I like it, just that I can see the business case for them.
I think they are either a little pi$$ed off and bitter they bothered with it and are just venting their frustrations, realising their sales on Xbox won't be great anyway. Or it's a misquote...
KCD was pretty big though, so not really worried about anything. And that was always a game made with PC in mind. They actually made the last game so it would run in Ultra settings but only on PC's of the future, and pushed it to its absolute limits. Technically, they push their games to insane levels.
You claim that the S is the reason we are getting so many PS4 games, @UltimateOtaku91, with absolutely no proof whatsoever. Not one iota of proof. You are just bashing Xbox because that is one of your favourite pastimes.
The developer here clearly states that the game is smaller because of the S. So yes, the console would seem to be the fault there (if you take the developer at their word). However, 50% of PlayStation gamers still game on a PlayStation 4. That is the reason that so many games are still cross-generation, but that does not suit your agenda to bash Xbox, does it?
Now, if you can produce proof that the Series S is the reason that we have so many cross-generation games, then fine. Let me see it, because I follow these topics closely (and I am not a fan of the S anyway, as I think it was a mistake), but I do not recall ever seeing anyone saying that they are making a cross-generation game due to the existence of the S. Correct me if I am wrong...
How do developers code for low end PCs then for high end PCs? The Xbox series S and Series X have the same architecture. Also the consoles haven’t had unique architecture since X360/PS3. This is just developers complaining about having to do additional work for the Xbox. Developers hold the series X back and PS5.
I read this more of them making an excuse for their programming skills than anything. Series S beats your average low/mid tier gaming PC in most areas. Just look at Steam's hardware survey, mostly XX60 cards and other generations old cards many with 8GB VRAM or less.
if only they could make it work with Kinect.
To be fair, depth of gameplay is much more important than map size.
@Drago201 Both will get blamed from different circles, Xbox, and specifically Series S users will blame Warhorse and say they are just lazy Devs. Whereas non Xbox fans will say the Series S is holding this generation back.
I remember when xbox unveiled the S. They and most media heads/podcasters were saying it was more powerful then the PS5 and would have ridiculous performance and everything 60 FPS at 4k on it. As someone who has one for back compat. it is better than an xbox one but still struggles to even run some newer games. Its fine for the 360 and OG back compat games though.
Kingdom come deliverance 2 is going to be best be playing on PlayStation.not x box.word up son
The Series S always sounded like a terrible idea to me. Seeing yet another example of an upcoming game being held back and downsized due to that system only validates my opinion further.
How can it be twice as big as the original and only 25% bigger than the original at the same time?
bigger game worlds dont make better games
Ubisoft im looking at you here
All you had to do was save your money a little longer and get the X. Patience is a thing you know. I've never understood the existence of the S and never will do
I think the other part of this story is that the game is locked at 30 fps even on the more powerful consoles. Every time this comes up we get a backlash of people who can’t tolerate less than 60 fps. Perhaps they are seeing that it didn’t seem to affect sales of Dragon’s Dogma 2?
so no 60fps option on any console thats it push the blame to someone else.
using CryEngine for this game wasnt a good choice
Mehhhh wouldn't play this anyway. Got my series s because it was £184 brand new last xmas (LOL @ you cex). And it is really to play the back catalogue of xbox games i missed out on for 20 years and then it is getting turned into a retroarch beast.
That’s your weekend sorted then
While I don't think this is true and seems like a weird statement to make, I'm all for smaller worlds in games like these. I'm really enjoying the fact that Dragon's Dogma 2 has a great sense of scale when you're wondering around, but it doesn't actually take that long to get anywhere. The first KC game's map was plenty big enough.
@Sifi The PS4 sold extremely well, as has the PS5. MS needed a cheaper Xbox far more than Sony need a cheaper PS5, the sales figures demonstrate that. An underpowered PS5 makes no sense within the PlayStation ecosystem.
But just one month ago the developers stated in the reveal that it was a play space “two times bigger” than the original. Certainly they realized the limitations of the Series S before then.
Sorry, but this article was just to start the flames.
Xbox holding back gaming?! I just can't believe it.
(Obvious sarcasm)
I would argue the first game limited the amount of fun one could have on an Xbox. Hopefully this time they tweak the formula a little bit so the game feels like something other than a chore or a punishment.
@MrHabushi You absolutely hit the nail on the head. The Series S was a desperation move born out of the knowledge that the Series X could never hold it's own against the PS5, so they needed a cheaper, entry-level model if you will, to entice people who don't know any better.
What does 25% bigger mean? Map size? Number of quests? General game length? The first was about 100hrs for me so 125hrs for the sequel? That sounds more than fine.
More ammo for the "console war". Now it's allegedly xbox that's holding back the PS5...
TBH, I'm rather sceptical.
Small, niche, A to AA PC-centric dev claims XSS held back their design, and Push is running console war articles based on it like a major story. I know console wars sell, but there's a certain amount of flame fanning that's just unbecoming.
As for these guys claims, considering they're primarily PC focused to begin with, their games kind of need to be targeting systems with lower specs than XSS if they hope to turn a profit, I highly doubt XSS is the root of their design. What's the excuse going to be when every game targets the hyper popular Switch 2 which is rumored to at best be par with XSS? Maybe, just maybe, the majority of the game market isn't actually using power consoles and 4080s, and that's not the target.
I love the Series S especially with the xscreen attached. I can live with kingdom come deliverance 2 "only" being 25% bigger than the 40+ hour original.
BTW Here is a recent headline from IGN that contradicts this claim of it only being 25% bigger.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Announced, Will be 'Twice as Big' as the Original: ‘A Behemoth of a Game’
Here is a push square article also citing the two times as big quote directly from the studio. Plus this gem "One dev even joked it's main city is almost too big."
Oh no, now I must skip this game, because its world is too small for my ego.
Seriously, good entertainment is not limited by technical limitations. And limited tools can be inspiring for making art. But in regard of video games, we obviously live in a more mundane world.
Oh great. Another article designed start pointless "my Dad could beat up your Dad" arguments.
XBox needs to either make the X and S match specs or get rid of the S.
It's not the size of the map, it's what you can do with it.
Surely the ram itself shouldn't be much of a factor in the overall size of the game and that comes more down to storage space and how large the file size is? Unless it's only referring to the size of what can be loaded into the immediate area in which 25% larger seems like quite a significant increase.
I have always had this question: How is the series S not basically a last gen console marketed as a next gen console? Given most people know its weaker than xbox one x.
@UltraGuy So why wasn't that the same for the previous gens?
My PS5 and Series S are the perfect combo. I still have access to game pass and all the games I've bought digitally in the Xbox ecosystem over the years, without having to pay for a Series X. There's just not enough of a difference between the Series X and the PS5 to justify the cost for both, and when you play Forza on Series S it's hard to think of it as a downgrade.
@reek Cause being weaker then something doesn’t technically make it last gen. The only thing weaker about the S is the GPU, and the fact it has less available memory. It has a significantly better architecture, faster storage, a better CPU, support for Ray tracing… etc.
I don't really believe this anyway ,as very recently its been said that it's twice the size ,so which one is it ,it can't be both lol,either way it'll be a great game I would think.i don't think the series s would hold back ps5 version anyway as developers would've had the consoles technical info way before release of these consoles and had the time to work with development kits etc,think it'll be a great game though when it releases
1st thing i thought reading this article - With devs ambitions far exceeding their own talent on console hardware, thank goodness for Series S keeping them in check a bit.
2nd thing i thought reading this article - 30fps... never mind, thats abother game off my wishlist for what amounts to incompetence.
They should have just made the game they wanted and told Xbox to go away. They don't need the small sales from them. Screwed PC and PS players instead. Terrible studio.
Microsoft screwed everyone with their junk console just to make some money knowing they were going to lose even with the X.
@get2sammyb In game development 20% market share you can enter is a mandatory market share. I saw game designs being altered for something like 5% share.
Wish they'd optimize the 1st game 1st,,runs poorly on ps4.
At least give an update to it so it runs better on ps5 in bc mode.
I like the game but it's not pleasant really as it runs still now.
This was me. Never had an Xbox so got a series S to go through the xbox catalogue and any gamepass games day 1
Why are we still seeing games developed for obsolete systems? It literally brings down the experience for current consoles….
Yeah, I'm not sure I buy this. You don't let a console that constitutes such a small part of the overall gaming market have such an enormous impact on the core design of your multiplatform game.
Beyond that, the idea of a sequel getting x% larger, when the first game was already huge, simply doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. That's such an outdated concept and when I see it advertised, it's almost a red flag for me.
Blaming series s is lazy, might as well blame low and mid tier PCs as well. But of course loads of people here are looking for a scapegoat to continue their asinine tribalism.
Yes. The PC.
Home to ground breaking games like TLOU2, Horizon, RDR2 and GTA.
It's the consoles that lead, motivate and finance the technological development of gaming. Not your crappy PC playing blockbuster games behind your tiny monitor.
Except for xbox which has always been a liability
the game looks boring anyway. don't need it.
@ATaco I honestly feel like this is one for the reason why we won’t see FF16 and Rebirtth on Xbox
@Specky Now consider how much better TLOU2, Horizon, RDR2 and GTA could have been if they weren't held back by weak console specs.
I find it a bit dumb to defend Microsoft. They purposely created a last-gen console to complement their new-gen X-model.
Of course it will hold back game development. The proof of that are developers at conventions admitting this. People saying 'where is the evidence' are reading the evidence (article). It's bizarre.
I feel like I cursed this lousy machine way back when this abomination was revealed and now Microsoft is a vassal state in Sony's gaming kingdom, in that they provide software to Sony's hardware.
Might Microsoft kill it off? Or is this about maintaining a world in where their developers are able to output games? Like, do Microsoft developers, as a whole, lack the know-how to create new-gen quality games?
That's not how the world works though buddy.
If you want groundbreaking games for PC, go pull Gabe Newell's XXL shirt
@Specky if you're ok with games being held back by consoles because "that's the way the world works" then i take it you're in favour of the wars in ukraine and gaza?
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