Anime Expo 2024
Image: Push Square

Anime Expo 2024 is happening in Los Angeles this weekend (starting on Thursday the 4th July), and it should actually be a pretty important event when it comes to gaming. Numerous Japanese publishers will be present — including Atlus, Bandai Namco, and SEGA — and most of them are hosting their own panels and exhibition booths. It's incredibly likely that we'll get a bunch of announcements over the next few days.

Now, naturally, anime games will be the sole focus of said announcements, but we're still talking about a wide range of projects here. From Metaphor: ReFantazio — which has its own panel on Friday — to the usual suspects like Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero and Sword Art Online Fractured Daydream, there's a lot to look out for.

Indeed, the Bandai Namco Summer Showcase alone should give us plenty to write about.

Falcom's also going to have a significant presence at Anime Expo. The developer behind the Trails and Ys games will be hosting not one, not two, but three panels, covering Ys X: Nordics, Trails through Daybreak, and the Trails series as a whole.

Of course, we'll be penning articles on anything relevant to PlayStation, so keep an eye on the site.

Are you looking forward to Anime Expo 2024? Are there any dream announcements you'd like to see happen? Go full weeb in the comments section below.