Raw gameplay from Dynasty Warriors: Origins has emerged from PlayStation's stage at ChinaJoy 2024. This is the first time we've seen the game itself in action, and the footage actually confirms a bunch of important details.
For starters, Origins has character switching. In the gameplay, we see the nameless protagonist fighting alongside a young Guan Yu, before the player calls the legendary warrior to their position. From there, it looks like you're free to control your allied officer, and we get to see Guan Yu's skills for a couple of minutes.

This is a fairly big deal because Origins' reveal made it seem like you'd be stuck playing solely as the main hero — but that isn't necessarily the case. While we doubt that you'll be able to pick and choose your playable character from a typically gigantic Dynasty Warriors roster, character switching should bring some welcome variety.
Next, we've got confirmation of a world map. This is where you'll choose to join specific battles, and it also looks like you'll be able to interact with famous officers at your leisure.
On top of the gameplay, Koei Tecmo has issued a lengthy press release, complete with loads of new screenshots. It states that Origins officially boasts the largest number of on-screen soldiers in series history — but to be fair, that seemed somewhat obvious going by the initial trailer. Still, the sheer volume of troops in this new footage — and in the screenshots — is pretty impressive.
Dynasty Warriors Origins is targeting a 2025 release, and we're sure that we'll be seeing much more of it over the coming months.
What do you make of this new information? Are you hyped for the return of Dynasty Warriors? Get Guan Yu to help you out in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 21
The state of play trailer already got me hyped for this, such a classic franchise, hopefully it's here to stay for years to come!
Looks like Dynasty Warriors, with improved graphics and reduced frame rate, I’m sold!
Hyped beyond reason for this.
I'm trying to keep my hype in check after how badly I was burned by DW9, but this is a damn good first impression.
Hearing “Eve” was so hype. Can’t wait for more info. : D
I absolutely love this franchise and while the 9th entry was a disappointment, I still look forward to their future release. Hopefully Origins would be the experimental release that eventually merged both regular Dynasty Warriors game with their Empire counterpart for more RPG experience.
Ok. It's difficult to say still.
Not being open world is a huge plus. I don't think it fit the musou format and just slowed the pace of the game.
The combat i can't tell yet. Does not seem to be DW8 or DW9. Seems to be... something else?
Combat is vital for my enjoyment of the game so i can't tell yet.
@Nem it looks like a “crazier” version of the samurai warriors 5 combat. Make of that what you will.
Also, sorry for the random ping but do you know what was said when the old titles were shown? Just some random history lesson? Nothing at all @ShogunRok ? It’s not leaving my mind D:
@Yousef- I think they were just talking about the dev's past experiences with the franchise, and how the older games have informed what they're trying to do with Origins. Nothing crazy, from what I can tell.
@ShogunRok alright, I see, much obliged. : )
@ShogunRok It's nice to see they finally upgraded the looks of the game now let's see how big the roster will be.
If it has decent performance and gameplay I'm all in!
Since this is origins I wonder if there will not be as many of the characters as previous games.
It's looking good I'm excited for this one
I think I saw an enemy fight back. Obviously a pre-alpha build.
@QiaraIris why in the world would they do that when fans will buy both?
DW3 was my last DW game I ever played and that for a PS2 game was awesome
@LikelySatan yes, no reason. Plus empires are too different. Empires you customize battles, select every specific officer and control each one, it’s not mindless and might be tricky to combine (but I still hope it won’t be overpriced)
@pharos_haven yes, I have a similar theory in mind. Only showing Guan Yu doesn’t bode well. Maybe the roster will be tiny.
I'd be more stoked about it if 9 didn't absolutely burn me. The devs need to be upfront about if there will be multiplayer or not. That and how the character switching will work. Personally I miss old dynasty warriors story style where every officer had their own musou mode. None of the each mission has certain people you can use that they've gone with.
@ShogunRok apologies if you’ve already been informed of this but I felt this was really interesting to share as they’ve done interesting interviews after the event with a lot of cool details to share (the interviews are on famitsu, 4gamer and billibilli)
Now if the translations on this post are accurate then, we’re getting cool stuff like:
Anyways I just thought this was really cool hope you have a good day : )
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