Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn drops on PS5 and PS4 next week, on 18th July, and to tide us over in the meantime, we've been besieged by a suitably epic story trailer.
Developed by New Zealand-based studio A44 Games, Flintlock's narrative is one of vengeance. Playing as Nor, you are aided by a mysterious, foxlike being named Enki as you seek to rid the world of Kian of its overbearing gods. In proper Soulslike fashion, we are introduced to some of the deities who, unfortunately, must die: from the winged Uru, who guards the door to the Great Below, to the multi-armed Rammuha, who hates the power gunpowder gives to mortals.
What do you think of Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn? Does this look like an assault you'd like to be a part of? Keep your powder dry in the comments section below.
[source youtu.be]
Comments 21
It looks like it might be worth a shot. I made the mistake of looking at the YouTube comments though, eesh, looks like this one has really stirred up the basement dwellers.
Looks great. Hope it plays as great too!!!
I really want this one to be great; still worried they have excellent trailer creators working for them. I don't see a lot of the stylisation in the trailers in the actual gameplay. Let's see next week 👀
@AgentMantis That lot are scared of their own shadow. You literally cannot win. I’m glad devs are just completely ignoring it and telling the stories they want to, it’s so obvious looking at protagonists of the PS3 era specifically that creativity was being shunned in favour of having protagonists that looked exactly the same. At least the PS2 era had far more fantasy characters rather than white dudes with skinheads.
Looks super interesting. I just wish we got a demo as I believe one was released for Steam during the summer games period. Would have liked to try it.
Looks interesting but the visuals are not really clicking for me, probably one I will wait on.
It looks gorgeous in places and then it looks quite janky in others (the first shot of the arena combat sequence looked really out of place), so I echo @SeanOhOgain's worry that they have exquisite trailers covering a janky game.
Time (and reviews) will tell, but I am intrigued and will keep an eye out.
@AgentMantis I literally can't play a game without a white male protagonist or I'll have a rage and have to stay with my dad over summer. /s
Really want this to be great as could do with a new game like this.
Will wait for reviews then decide.
This game looks bad
The setting looks nice but I can't shake the feeling there's a bit of floatiness and/or jank to the animations during gameplay. That's usually not a great sign for a soulslike.
Completed the game, turns out Nor is the founder of Norway, and Enki is a Sumarian water god.
I dunno why the article says it's coming to ps4 because it's not. It's next gen only.
@KillerBoy really? Might want to get your eyes checked
I really liked their previous game Ashen so I’ll be there day one for this and that amazing looking No One Wants to Die that comes out the day before
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@dark_knightmare2 my eyes are fine, thank you. Can’t same the same for yours though
Looks great - if it has even half the style of those trailers it'll be terrific.
N.i.c.e. flinlock the siege of dawn always looks interesting.i enjoy soulslike video games.and this one bring something new to experience.word up son
Looks ok, but from the trailer at least I don't think it'll surpass a rating of 7...
However, since it's on game pass, I'll give it a try - you never know where a hidden gem can lie.
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