Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 thrusts players into an exceedingly dire universe full of horrible things, from hideous daemons to the ever-present threat of alien xenos. Thankfully, the answer to most of these problems was found a very long time ago (in the setting), and developer Saber Interactive and publisher Focus Entertainment have blessed us with a short trailer to explain.
Firing rounds of a ridiculous calibre, munitions from the Heavy Bolter hit with the concussive force of a cannonball, detonating like a grenade a heartbeat after impact, reducing most things known to the Imperium of Man to mush. With the hive-mind-controlled Tyranid swarm being the threat Ultramarine Lieutenant Demetrian Titus and company must contend with this time, that's a beautiful combo.
In another trailer, we see some of Space Marine 2's seriously impressive Tyranid swarms in action. We still think that what Days Gone managed with its unfortunately named Freakers was incredibly exciting, but the sheer number of xenos on the screen here is on another level, likely to put your PS5 through its paces.
Are you looking forward to tangling with Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2's Tyranid swarms? Be sure to bring plenty of reloads into the comments section below.
[source youtube.com, via youtube.com]
Comments 6
Looking good, though bizarrely enough after playing Rogue Trader, I’m more interested in how well executed the story is. So much lore and potential in this universe, hopefully it sticks to be interesting.
A friend said the biggest problem with the games an all in 40k is that it is always centered around the Space Marines. What about the other factions? I remember a PS2 game with a Tau main protagonist, e.g.
Too bad!
@PerpetualBoredom Sadly, I too remember Fire Warrior.
@AlexOlney What do you mean by that?
@PerpetualBoredom It wasn't great, was it?
"with its unfortunately named Freakers"
Wait, what? Whats wrong with Freakers?
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