Think you’ve got game? It’s time to put it to the test: acclaimed Chinese dating sim Love Is All Around appears to be PlayStation bound, following its surprise hit release on PC. The game – an FMV affair where you assume the role of apparent alpha male Gu Yi – will require you to use your new-found rizz, as you attempt to woo one of six beauties, each with their own totally-not-stereotypical personalities.
It’s a full first-person experience, where the characters all interact with you directly. As the developer itself explains: “We are all nerds who want to have a date every day, but will never step out of the house to the real world. Therefore, we would like use interactive video as tool to create one fantasy dream after another, to create dreams for players, and to make our dreams come true for ourselves.”

This trailer was uploaded to PlayStation Asia’s YouTube channel, so it’s already fully localised with English subtitles. There’s actually no confirmation of whether this will be available on PS5 or PS4, but given the fact it’s entirely presented in FMV, it doesn’t really make a difference. We’ll try and get confirmation of a release date in the West.
Comments 30
@zhoont easy for you to say
Where are Wet Wet Wet when you need them?
Lol i suddenly remember that funny dating sim called Super Seducer and how dunkey made a fun of it 🤣
Asking for a friend: Will there be maturity?? Sorry, I mean nudity?
@EfYI It's like a chinese drama converted into an interactive game. so no nudity or anything like that
I mean, whoo?
I actually clicked the link. That was extremely funny, but I am super confused if the game actually allows you to Metal Gear sneak away from girls and if he really did roll up to his first date IN A TANK😂😂😂
@DragoonZied so nothing like those porn games on steam?
I mean, you had the perfect opportunity for the sub heading to read "I feel it in my fingers"...but nope, you went and squandered it....I hope your'e proud of yourselves 😄
I'm not a FMV guy but I honestly feel compelled to try this out for research. Thats all...research.
@ironcrow86 I'm ashamed.
@ironcrow86 @get2sammyb Who knows, maybe there’ll be a Christmas themed sequel starring Bill Nighy?
🤣 🤣 🤣 I've played through the silliness that is Super Seducer. This definitely has the appearance of an Asian drama series. 😂
Ready my what now??
Removed - inappropriate; user is banned
As close to the real thing most gamers will get.
I dunno but the developer's comment is kinda sad.
James Cage White's favourite video game
Very cool very swag I like it!
I can’t be the only one who misread the sub-header, right?
Removed - foreign languages
@Zeroo More like Five Dates or Super Seducer (as western FMV dating game examples) I assume.
But with whatever Chinese flare.
5 Dates was on PS4 and was more date themed and the webcam choices things. They are pretty clean games. No idea if some topics maybe are saucy but the visuals are yes clean not graphic, it wouldn't be on console otherwise.
Any others I can think of that your referring to at least are more animated or cheap 3D model whatever scenario garbage or whatever eroge visual novels. I don't know enough or really care about many FMV related ones of that sort similar to this. That or whatever the bigger than Steam app for those sorts of games video I saw exists. Which is it's own thing entirely for that audience. Struggling to find that video (it is clean just about the business practices and companies behind it).
This is just sad.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Zeroo nope , but it's still a good game that you can enjoy if you are really into drama
@Rmg0731 Why bother making stuff up just to get mad at?
@Rmg0731 Wow what a witty and insightful take. You truly understand the world and made up scenarios.
@zhoont you really must love ice cream
I will direct them all to my bedroom. For I am John Woo
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