Even at the point of its 2007 release, Jeanne d’Arc was considered a stone cold classic – and the passing of time has only elevated the tactics title’s standing in the eyes of fans. Developed by Level-5, during a period when everything the developer touched turned to gold, this is a strategy RPG akin to Final Fantasy Tactics and Fire Emblem. It’s also equally as good as the aforementioned – if not, dare we say, better.
The game – loosely based upon the story of real-life patron saint Joan of Arc – sees you navigating a historical map of France, with major narrative moments marked by amazing anime cut-scenes. The turn-based combat system has a rock-paper-scissors-style strategy to it, much like in Fire Emblem where certain classes can overpower others. The difficulty is perfectly pitched, so even tactics newbies can enjoy it – but there’s plenty of depth for genre veterans, too.
Fascinatingly, this game never actually released in Europe, as publisher Sony decided not to bring it to the region. For that reason, many of you may have missed it; this author was forced to import a US copy at the time, as it was region-free. That makes the title’s surprise release on PS5 and PS4 as part of PS Plus Premium all the more important; you’ll be able to download and enjoy this emulated version with up-rendering and rewind from 16th July. It’ll likely also be available to buy standalone.
Sony’s got a lot of criticism for its approach to retro releases, but if it can continue plunging the well with acclaimed games like this, it’s going to be build up quite the selection. If you’ve never played Jeanne d’Arc but have even a passing interest in tactics titles, we implore you to give this a go – it’s one of the genre’s very best.
[source News: 13 New Games Land on PS Plus Extra, Premium Next Week]
Comments 45
Was this the game that had a japanese life action trailer set in a japanese office?
I will be playing this one. More Tactical RPGs, please. I'd be happy with a FFT port or a remaster.
One of my favorites on PSP and one of the best SRPGs I've played to date.
You're spot on with the praise for Level-5. Dark cloud, Dragon Quest VIII, Rouge Galaxy and possibly one of the best games ever: Ni No Kuni: the wrath of the white witch. All within ten years or so. Plus all the Layton games. I see myself picking this up. I don't have playstation plus but I don't mind paying for the games.
I wonder if there's now a chance for Tactics Ogre to get released as well
Damn I remember retro YouTubers talking about this.
Never played it, so pretty cool to see it on PS5. Might give it a chance if it's really really really good
@Monstermash40 They were incredible during that period, I played all their games, then they dropped off considerably for some reason. I'm hoping both Decapolice and a return to Layton will bring them back to their former Level.
I've literally just got this on my Vita, might hold off to see if the PS5 version has trophies
@SodaPop6548 They're heavily rumoured to be doing a remake.
Got it on physical still on PSP. I can attest it’s a great SRPG
@themightyant I was just having a look at their games post 2012. I'd not heard of any of them. I just thought it was me being distracted with kids and life. I'll check out Decapolice, though.
@AdamNovice I think that got remastered a while back unless your talking about the original.
@themightyant They seem like they're going to make a comeback! Both Decapolice and the new Inazuma look very good!
@Monstermash40 After the PSP they pretty much went full on Nintendo exclusive with Inazuma, Layton, Fantasy Life, Yo Kai Watch and Little Battlers. Obviously that didn't work out for them as they nearly went bust and had to close their localization studio. Hopefully they bring more multiplatform games out now, seeing Yo Kai Watch and Inazuma go multiplatform and Decapolice coming to playstation is great, although I wouldn't expect Layton to come over.
I know I’ll get a lot of eye rolling for this, but are trophy challenges included?
@thefourfoldroot1 i wanna know to. You are not alone!
@Areus I was talking about the original but I also forgot about the remake.
@The_Pixel_King I believe you should just be able to purchase this as a one off rather than go with a Premium sub. It should work out cheaper unless there are other games on that tier you want to play as well.
@themightyant yeah, because right now they are Level-4
@get2sammyb I've heard a lot about it, I just wish we could get out of the rumor phase and into an announcement. Not complaining by any means, I am excited and just impatient!
I played this on psp when its released way back then, it's a really good trpg game, good gameplay and good story. It's my favs trpg games beside final fantasy tactics and vandal hearts 1
@thefourfoldroot1 It'll almost certainly have Trophies, but we'll need to wait until next week to know for definite.
Isn’t DQ Square Enix?
Tactics Ogre has a remaster out called Tactics Ogre Reborn so doubt they’ll release the old version but you never know
@Dragoon1994 Square Enix is a publisher. They sometimes go out of their owned developers for their IP. Like Team Ninja made final fantasy stranger of paradise, even though team ninja is an independent studio. Level 5 made DQ8 and 9.
@UltimateOtaku91 I'm not a big Nintendo player so that explains why I've not heard of many of these. I'll keep an eye out for these games, now. My lad is getting into some great RGPs now, too. Be nice to have a new game to experience together.
@themightyant THey had "dropped" off for awhile because games weren't selling so they focused strickly on releases in Japan for a long time until Ni No was finally ported by Namco to the West but had already been out for some years.
If they add trophies I'll give it a shot.
Still have it on my PSP/Vita so no thanks.
I'll be so into this, great addition!
JR: Stone Cold!! Stone Cold!!
Real talk, I dig the aesthetic. PSP rpgs are something I’ve been meaning to dive into.
Jeanne d’Arc really deserves a physical release that game is fantastic i loved the story.
I see never knew level 5 were behind DQ8
I really reccomended this game especially for SRPG fans. Not sure why this game wasn't sold well back then despite it got very positive reviews.
I will buy this game again since i lost my UMD copy years ago 😔. If only Sony release a physical copy for this port cause i would buy it.
I got it digitally years back so I'm definitely playing again
I'm going to chalk this up to my poor reading skills, and not lack of info in article, but can we buy this without a subscription and is there any more info on what the updates and upscale will look like?
@pharos_haven thanks for the added insight. I remember trying White Knight Chronicle and feeling it sucked
@themightyant No problem! If you go to like wiki or something you will see they have made tones of Japan-only games that will probably never see a western release but they've been busy.
I just want to buy it on PS5
I did tyvm ^_^
Will for sure play it.
I hope it gets a trophy list.
@Dragoon1994 DQ typically hasn't been developed in-house, even when it was just Enix. In fact, I think only X and XI have been developed purely by Square Enix or Enix. I-V were made by Chunsoft, the people that made the Zero Escape series and who created the Mystery Dungeon series (and subgenre).
Even the mundane parts of this game are not remotely based on the life of Joan of Arc. For example. she said bluntly (during the fourth session of her trial) that she didn’t fight in combat but instead carried her banner in battle, confirmed by numerous eyewitness accounts; but the game shows her fighting.
@CGesange Level 5 never try to make this game as historical accurate. I mean, in this game Jeanne fight demon more than fight English troops.
But I live in Europe and I have bought Jeanne d'Arc I think I didnt import it?
@CGesange It's a game you think Dynasty Warriors was a real thing?
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