Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster – the forthcoming Capcom remake of its legendary PS3-era undead roguelike – will strip the release of its ‘Erotica’ feature, which awarded bonus points for titillating photographs. In the original version, you’d earn PP (or Prestige Points) for capturing shots of ladies’ cleavage or underwear, but that’ll no longer be the case in the PS5 version.
It’s perhaps worth pointing out the photography feature is not being removed entirely, and you will still earn PP for snapping gore, violence, or other amusing scenes. You just won’t be earning any PP for moments which stimulate your peepee, like girls in compromising positions or in states of undress. We suppose it has been almost 20 years since the original released, so times have changed.
Aside from this minor alteration, however, this is sounding like a pretty faithful re-release. Capcom is incorporating quality of life improvements, like a more modern control scheme and auto-saving, but it’s largely staying true to the original experience overall. One thing worth noting, however, is that Frank West’s original voice actor will not return, as Terence J Rotolo will not reprise his role.
Is Capcom right to remove 'Erotica' photos from Dead Rising PS5? (1,571 votes)
- Yes, that kind of thing is not appropriate anymore
- Eh, I don't know and I don't really care
- No, this is a remake and should retain all original features
[source eurogamer.net]
Comments 121
It's so dumb. Titillation is frowned upon but killing stuff is meat and drink for games.
I voted I don't really care. Tbh it's been so long since I've played the original that I probably wouldn't of even noticed they'd removed it.
"Times have changed". No they haven't. Most gamers are straight men, and they like to look at pretty women.
@Thumper Capcom clearly thinks times have changed. But looking at the poll results so far, many disagree.
@Thumper Actually times most certainly have changed. A scene from the first American pie (where the main character struggles while watching a video with terrible quality just to find something to ... entertain himself) shows the vast difference. Back in the day straight male teenagers didn't have many options. So even Lara Croft's pixelated chest was a pretty big deal. Now they can easily access all sorts of material online.
They've gone Sbi or Dei or woke or whatever. Time to make a 45 minute video on YouTube crying about this while selling Nord VPN subscriptions or something.
In all honesty, it's quite silly to remove this but I also understand they want to be a little more sensitive now that they're a big company and stuff like this will get discourse one way or another. Maybe it no longer reflects the feeling of the devs and team and they're embarrassed by the feature.
I guess the next grifter vid is sorted. The thing is… UPSKIRTING IS A CRIME. Japan has a huge problem with these photos being taken without consent and with general sexual harassment and so it makes perfect sense that they wouldn’t encourage behaviour like that.
I’m very much a prude. No sex before marriage. No looking at porn. Dress appropriately. Etc.
However, I find it so stupid that the video game industry has wholesale glorified gore, violence, vulgarity, and swearing, but sex is too far.
Despite my personal feelings, there is no denying the female form is a beautiful thing. I would much rather someone is a little bit of a pervert over pixels than someone enjoy seeing excessive gore and violence.
In fact, Mortal Kombat (a game I wouldn’t play in a million years) seems to allow you to tear scantily clad women limb from limb. But if someone shows a woman’s panties or rewards cleavage shots, that’s a step too far?
I think we are giving in to the mob far too easily. I would equally defend both gore in games as much as sex in games, despite personally playing games with neither. And I think it’s wrong to change games to suit people who have no interest in the game other than destroying the enjoyment of the fans of the game.
I’m also quite a big fan of game preservation. So why not give the option to include it or remove it depending on the player?
Honestly, we live in such an embarrassing time cause this is ridiculous.
Swear we live in a society of babies.
Can have a head chopped off or someone being eaten alive but god forbid you see some underwear.
It is so hypocritical that one of the things in the world that can be the most beautiful, positively emotional and life-affirming is removed, but „gore, violence, or other amusing scenes“ (i.e. life-negating) is acceptable.
I know there is a lot of sexism. However, in what kind of society do we live?
@DonkeyFantasy you are right, we shouldn’t encourage upskirting.
However, if this game encourages upskirting, then we are getting into the territory that violence in games creates murderers and school shooters, and we know that isn’t the case.
It's more to do with it being advertised as this creepy non consensual perving activity, I think, rather than it being just because "look, b00bies"
But it is all very silly in a game filled with violence. Maybe just embarrassed that they added it in the first place. But people will still perve on those fine, fine pixels, as people are just weirdos, and that's okay as long as they are doing it in the privacy of their own home with their crispy socks on standby 😛 but the game won't advertise it as a goal, and that's okay too.
Overall, who gives a sh**, the people that will get mad by the decision will always get mad by these decisions, and the people that won't, won't 😅
Hey, it's sunny out 😁
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Honestly it doesn't take away from the experience if it's gone. It's still Dead Rising at the end of the day.
@nessisonett upskirting is a crime, but murder isn't? lol in this game you murder not only zombies but human bosses too. In this logic then they're also encouraging murdering, but somehow some people think death is less serious of a crime than taking a picture of boobs. We're living in a twisted world.
Welp, they did remove the points and not the whole feature because they knew this move will stink a lot and they'll have to reverse course once the refunds starts popping.
But hey, you have to signal something to the DEI crowd, despite that crowd not being the one spending money on your product.
@DonkeyFantasy and people also don't go harassing others after playing games like this, your point doesn't make sense. According to your comment "its great that people have normalized violence and murder, the worst possible crime, in media, yay! but taking a picture of some boobs nooo how awful, that's worse than death itself!"
@Kienda I agree, although much of the mainstream media outside of gaming don’t share that rational understanding.
In 2011, after the horrific massacre in Norway by the right wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, many uk newspapers were claiming he’d used call of duty as a training aid. Absolutely ridiculous.
I don’t blame capcom for removing the feature in case of negative publicity from non-gaming media.
I didn’t even remember this from the original game so no big loss. I do agree with some of the points being made on violence in video games. I love when a game gives me the choice not to be a mass murderer. Death Stranding was my 2019 GOTY and I never entered combat unless it was one of the few forced fights.
Is this for the new modern audience
So its ok for gore violence.but breast cleavage etc.is a no no.man this generation is so soft.its ridiculous.word up son
20 years ago Upskirting and revenge porn were legal.
Now it is literally a crime in the majority of countries around the world.
It is not surprising that Capcom would want to remove the gameplay function that goes "NICE 100 POINTS " every time you commit what is considered to be a sex crime.
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Demolition man is day by day closer, I'm scared
@DeepEyes Isn’t demolition man about a utopia where people from the past return and destroy it.
@nessisonett yup, and this site can be proud in helping stoking up the story. brilliant. i cant wait for 4 weeks of videos of the sweatiest looking men complaining about this
@LordAinsley I get your point.
But then you have gta. Or payday. Or CoD. Or so on and so on.
@ashipaw you do not need to tell people not to murder people (or in this case, zombies/psychopaths that are trying to kill you, but whatever).
you do need to tell people that upskirting is illegal unfortunately. it happens too often, even in spite of it now being illegal.
@Thumper the difference is tone. In Bg3 it always consential between the player character and their romantic interest and the relationships are built with care.
Going around taking silly shots of Zombies is juvenile and nowhere near the same thing.
@LordAinsley I honestly dont know anymore if you are being sarcastic or not...
Why the first example you take as people will know is bad but the second one needs people to be told that its bad? If we are going to those lengths lets ban both of them from VGs.
That cherry picking with the discourse is annoying...
@LordAinsley the trains in Hong Kong have to put ads reminding people not to do that and that it is a criminal offense.
@DeepEyes I'm sorry, but do you need me to explain to you why its unnecessary to explain to people why after killing zombies in a videogame, you shouldnt go outside and kill people in real life?
I just cant understand the point you're making at all.
So the objectification of women on OF is empowerment but sexy zombies is bad? Make it make sense.
I don't understand. I see Japanese games all the time depicting woman in erotic positions and nothing seems to be said about that, but this is wrong?
@Ken_Kaniff if you are on the beach and you see a good looking person, and you enjoy this, its fine.
if you whip out a camera and start taking photos so you can check them out later, its a crime.
Same case here.
I think it's strange that people are offended by the very silly and campy idea of taking "erotic" pics of female zombies in a silly pastiche of 80s zombie horror. It's 'exploitative', yes- but so was a lot of zombie horror from the time, and I think it's fine to consider that the game is ironically doing the same thing. You get a "reward", as in points, but it isn't meant to make you feel good about it- it's silly at best, and a bit cringe otherwise.
But my god, you best leave in the sexy outfits in Stella Blade, so my character (based on a real actress/ model) can look super hot, while I perv on her bouncing ass as I slaughter monsters and have her covered in 'blood'. Oh, and a photo mode is a must have!
Why the outcry for one thing, but not the other?
Anyone who murders, rapes, takes drugs or assaults someone because they saw it in a video game was going to do that shizzle anyway. Because guess what? Bad or crazy people are always excuse hunting.
''GTA made me do this.''
No it didn't. You're lying. You were already a bad egg to begin with.
People can't have fun taking innapropriate shots of zombies in a DEI filled world.
Killing them is fine though for some reason.
Killing a dead corpse is allowed but taking pictures of them isn't, let that sink in.
@Thumper what even?
Me being more upset that the original voice actor is not returning 😕
@Ken_Kaniff well, yes. There's little thing called consent. So quite the difference there.
BTW, you know what really grinds my gears about this sort of thing? We have NEVER lived in a more sexually charged time than 2024. There are women out there making a fortune on OnlyFans. We have people twerking at the Olympics. We have chart-topping songs with titles that are variations of the words ''soggy cat''. We have award winning tv shows like Game of Thrones that has nudity every other episode.
Why is anyone pretending that there are standards or that society somehow finds sex unacceptable nowadays? It doesn't. It is everywhere.
I swear free Internet porn has ruined society.
Yes, on one side you have the Chuds who whine incessantly about MJ, Aloy etc, in games with more grounded realistic art direction because they've been so ruined by it.
But on the other hand you have the Neo-Puritans who'se heads explode trying to grasp the concept of light cheesecake in media, not understanding that hardcore porn isn't, and never was, a substitution for it.
@LordAinsley Don't adjust it with killing "zombies", there is a lot of games where you kill other people just for fun and aren't banned, if you will ban one bad thing then ban it all and ban all games where you kill PEOPLE
Really couldn't care less but i'm sure the certain crowd will cry over this.
@Thumper Straight "single" men going by how they react over this and stuff like Stellar Blade.
@Kienda "game preservation" the original game exists to download and buy.
Killing zombies is even worse than killing living people.
Its considered a war crime by the Geneva Convention.
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@Undeadcop going by your profile pic maybe you should do the same...
@DeepEyes It's the act of reward for killing that needs to be considered.
If you shoot civilians in COD, the mission fails. Killing civilians in GTA doesnt reward you with extra guns or trophies or anything.
You can still take photos of women in this game. You can still kill women, take a photo up their skirts and then stroke your stuff to your hearts content.
It's the act of giving you Prestige Points and rewarding you for doing it thats problematic and why they've disabled this in the remaster.
@Jacko11 awww yall will be ok and not important
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@Tecinthebrain go play the 2006 version or the 2016 remastered problem solved
I voted i don't care since i don't have any plan to buy this game.
But it's weird that Capcom removed this feature but with SF 6 they put a lot of effort to make Chun Li, Cammy, and Juri model looks sexy complete with muscle jiggle physics for their assets. Now i wonder if they gonna toned down Mai, Elena, or any of female characters for their future games...
@Undeadcop 🤣🤣 not judging bud, you do you...
@LordAinsley In GTA and similar games there is missions where you need to kill other people or you cant progress in the story, people thay by law will get you in jail, the "they were all bad" doesnt work in the real world
@DeepEyes GTA has missions where you have to kill an innocent civilian who does not at all challenge you, doesn't not pull out a weapon and fight back and in no way in construed to be a bad person in the game?
This is looking less and less like a remaster and more and more like a remake. Don't deceive people by calling it something that it isn't.
@LordAinsley Again "they were all bad" doesnt work in the real world
Same as it is a zombie game so taking pics without consent is bad
"it's not appropriate anymore"
It was never appropriate, that's why it's in a game full of gore and violence. They should have just also started awarding points for man-butts and bulges.
No surprise that nuance is lost online again. And the argument is false equivalence.
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I suspect you won’t even be able to take those pictures, not just that you won’t get points for them. It’ll also impact some quests. And is just insulting and stupid. Also, it’s not necassary to have “a peepee” to like girls. But, you know, not worth having those conversations online, because people like insulting others.
If I wanted to play the game I’d not get the remaster and just get the full game instead. Graphics are not that important to me.
I didn't really like Dead Rising much as a game but I did find the concept pretty funny of how this dude is basically taking wacky magazine cover shots of zombies in wacky situations. I always just saw it as a spoof on magazine covers rather than something meant to be titillating (I mean, they're friggin zombies for goodness sake, who would find that hot anyway!?) but well it is 2024.
There's just no room for different interpretation anymore. It's sad but that's just how it is.
@DeepEyes I don't even think you know what you're trying to say at this point.
Capcom dont want the game to reward you for this behaviour as its now considered to be a crime. It wasn't when the game came out. You can still still do these things, you just wont get 100PP every time you do it. In the same way that you can still run over pedestrians in GTA but you dont get rewarded for it.
You're still free to do it.
Whatever your opinion on it, getting rid of this sort of thing is the only way gaming will be taken seriously. It will only ever be seen as an adolescent pastime by many in the meantime
@LordAinsley If you go in the street and shot and kill a drug lord you will pay jail time, even if he was bad you can't take law in your hands, in GTA because you incarnate a bad boy there is missions where you need to kill people that plot convenient is "bad" so you supposedly can do it...
So, if taking pics without consent in an appocaliptic world is bad because in a civilized world its a crime, then why we condemn a crime here but not others in other games? Because its normalized? Because killing people is fine as long as the plot says they are bad?
You talk about rewards, in games like GTA you cant continue the story if you dont do that, you could say that in GTA you are a bad person so you can do it, so the bar depends of the protagonist and the plot and you can do or not do things in a game as long as the background permit it?
I just say, condemn this and condemn all the other games, lets not kill people in any way in any game, just zombies, mutants or phantasy creatures without rights...
Boobs are bad. They are more dangerous to the psyche than blowing a person's head clean off their shoulders using an AR-15 with brains and blood spraying everywhere
Make that make sense.
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@Gremio108 So a good thing?
I can see how taking lewd photos could go against the character of Frank West: a photojournalist trying to break an important story. At any rate, the original is available to play.
@PuppetMaster Seriously it's so confusing on what they're doing rn
@get2sammyb come on Sammy it's time to pull the plug on the comments section as it's getting silly now.
@jrt87 I remember that throttling dogs thing. Has absolutely nothing to do with the current conversation, but hey, its cool to remember things congrats.
If 2006 Frank West is a satire of a photojournalist grabbing sleezy upskirt shots to sell to the newspaper, in 2024 page 3 no longer exists and if you brought a photo of a random womans breasts to a newspaper editor he'd ask you to leave.
@Northern_munkey Yeah traffic achieved, piss boiled, shut it down.
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@LordAinsley he's shut them down for far less in the past..
83 comments and counting with people getting visibly angry over pixelated underwear textures… holy hell some of you need to live a little.
This kinda stuff doesn’t affect the game and if it does for you, then a mirror might be needed.
@jrt87 Thats not what I think at all but cool, just put words in my mouth.
I'm really just explaining why a decision like this gets made.
It boils down to ratings boards. Getting an AO rating is tied to in-game behaviour deemed damaging to society. Remember Hatred? You could argue it's the same as GTA and if you're simplistic it is, but it's not the same. The game rewards the player and its story is to massacre innocent civilians as much as possible.
The points for Erotica in this game used to not really be much of a thought in 2006. But now, this action is a crime in real life. When this game gets to the censor board, it will be pulled up that the game features a mechanic where the player is rewarded for taking creep shots of unsuspecting women and judged on that.
And when a game gets rated AO, Walmart wont stock it and a lot of countires (including the UK) have rules about publicly advertisting it.
It's an ass covering exercise by Capcom. Thats it
I feel a lot of people are conflating no sexy women allowed ever with taking degrading pictures of unconsenting women in compromising positions as a standard gameplay mechanic.
@IamJT You missed the part where the corrupt government of said utopia was the first to bring someone from the past to do their dirty work... But thats ok...
@LifeGirl I finally agree with one of your takes lol
I myself don't understand why Japan of all places is censoring stuff like this, like there's Japanese games literally dedicated to just taking panty shots like the Gal Gun series so... 🤷
Just give the NPCs only fans accounts. Everyone knows it's only sexualizing women if a man takes a picture, let the npc sell pics of their butt for 9.99 in game
@Northern_munkey Feel free to report any comments you feel break our community rules.
You can find the rules here: https://www.pushsquare.com/rules
@get2sammyb yes I'm more than well aware of the process but thanks anyway.
Next year, someone will make a game that is exclusively Dead Rising style upskirt paparazzi missions, in a mall full of zombies. Now what to call it... 🤔
Head Rising? Dead Ricin? Red Dicing?
Well it's their decision to make as it is ours to buy the game or not.
@Nepp67 Yeah. I wonder if this the result of their new localization team. They said they want to "increase inclusivity, cultural sensivity, representation" etc that sounds like they hired someone from SBI.
I'm just happy to see people are starting to see the argument I've been making for years now. Sex is bad but extreme gore and violence is ok? Oh well, people will vote with their wallets if this truly matters to them.
@get2sammyb With ESG and DEI creeping into the industry more and more, it doesn''t take much for Capcom to say so especially when investments are involved. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
@breakneck A company that lives in a country that has hentai is embarrassed about such content? X to doubt.
@Kienda I’m with you, also it only seems that lesser stuff like this is bad and gets removed. If you want to put full nudity and have genitals sliders it’s great and celebrated, but this is too much.
It makes no sense. This is mild and frankly silly compared to that stuff, and I am opposed to the blatant nudity and such being in games.
There are plenty of other games coming out in fall, so there's no reason to tolerate a neutered version.
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I haven't played the original game nor will I be playing this reimagination of a game. I am thoroughly against violence against zombies. People think it is okay to just shoot zombies and it isn't. These are people with a disability. They should get handicap parking not a bullet to the brain!
If you find a zombie in your game take heed: they are people who need treatment. Keep all zombies you find in your basement and remember to feed them until we can cure them. But remember to only consentually trap them. They should sign an agreement or at least establish a verbal understanding. In zombie you can say: "raaaaaagr huuiiiinmmh" if I remember my high school zombie correct.
this was a great read , i love dram- i mean , informative articles and comments
@Malaise I don't think it's that simple. "Just a joke"/ "just a game", etc. We all know murder is wrong. Not only wrong for the victim, but also for their family (if they have one). When someone dies, it tends to be a big deal. Entire movements can start after the murder/killing of a human being (George Floyd, Stonewall, etc).
The same cannot be said about other things, like upskirting. Sure, both are illegal, but so is pirating movies or opening an envelop addressed to someone else (in some/most countries), but people will openly admit they downloaded a game or a movie/ that they read someone's mail, as opposed to killing someone.
I vividly remember a friend of mine (who is currently a judge) telling me a trick on how to grope women in public and get away with it. He said he did it all the time and had faced no consequences because if you're in a big crowd (e.g. on a bus), you can easily act like it was accidental. I very much doubt he'd be bragging about all the people he's killing (if he were a murderer). And he mentioned that all his friends did it too. So, it wasn't a big deal in his eyes.
For me, that's the difference. We all know that murder is wrong, but there are illegal things that are not considered a big deal by the average person and such games (where you're rewarded for doing it) only normalize it/ make it seem more acceptable.
Wow what a disappointing reaction.
Firstly are we still perpetuating the falsehood that gamers are all/largely straight men and therefore this is what they want? Because that’s just not true on both levels. And even if it were true on a numbers level (which is is not), do we not want to share games and expand their audience and our community?
Secondly, sexual harassment is a very real, very common thing many people across the world face, especially women. It’s not something that should be encouraged or made to be seen as harmless fun. And the straw man argument of “but what about the violence, are we saying that video games cause violence now?”, no we are not. Because the simple fact is it takes a lot more from a person to smash someone’s face in with a hammer than it does to upskirt a woman. In the same way that seeing an advert for an ice cold Pepsi does make me want an ice cold Pepsi, but watching American Psyco does not make me want to murder people. It’s not a one size fits all statement, there is nuance. Advertising exists and it exists because people can be sold and swayed by media that the intake.
Also the violence, whilst presented as fun, is not being presented as harmless. People die as a result of violence in video games, it might be fun but a digital simulation of a life has ended. You see a direct correlation between your actions that also applies to those actions in real life. That is not the case with the perving on women in the game, which is presented as entirely positive and harmless. You are not faced with the disgust and trauma that it causes. You are not faced with the damage that sort of behaviour being constantly inflicted on a person causes. You’re just rewarded. It’s completely different. And it’s not even the point of the game, homage to equally exploitative horror movies of old or not, it’s not necessary.
And it’s not a slippery slope as some may say, because sexual harassment is very common and something many experience on a daily basis. This isn’t censoring for the stable masses due to a few unstable individuals, the statistics on sexual harassment are disgustingly high. It’s sadly not something restricted to a few unstable individuals and it never will be if we make light of it in this particular way.
Let’s all have some perspective.
@Malaise but don't you think that through our interactions with other people or other things, we tend to normalize things? My dad told me that when he was young, he and his brothers would torture animals (declaw cats, set some on fire, etc). All the boys were doing it and none of them thought it was that bad. They thought it was naughty (like drinking alcohol), but still not get you into serious trouble bad. When he grew up, he realized how wrong it was and told us all about it. Needless to say, we understood that it was wrong and never hurt an animal like that.
As for the game, I think it's important to keep in mind that people who want to take such pictures, can still do so; the game will simply not reward them for it. As such, how different is the experience, really?
So, my question is this. If an old game had sections were you got rewards for declawing cats, would you be ok with having the rewards for doing it removed? Or would you rather they kept the rewards? I'm just curious.
@Ogbert brilliantly said.
@Ogbert at last a voice of reason. Well said 👍
Of course, it's 2024 afterall, can't have that in games. And people wonder why games from korea and chinese are starting to beat the western/japanese games (like concord vs the first descendant).
@Ogbert I can see absolutely everything you just said coming out of Jack Thompson's mouth.
I didn't agree then. I don't agree now.
Like I said earlier: anyone encouraged by a game to commit a crime is excuse hunting. No more, no less.
@wiiware Manga vs comics is another example.
Another reason why the remaster will blow, I'm a firm believer the game didn't need a remaster anyway and people should be forced to play the original blind and complete it in it's entirely to be able to play the remaster because all this game will do and appears to be doing is detracting from what made the original good in the first place.
Remaster just gonna be easymode DR4 with a DR1 skin when it should have no auto saves, annoying survivor ai and aimbot bosses all things that make the original iconic and a joy to play.
@Dragoon1994 Tifa has gone down from a J cup to an F cup. She is still mightily stacked so I don't really think we can apply the same criteria tbh.
@Malaise yeah, that makes sense. Thanks.
@LifeGirl weird take. I’m not blaming games or saying it’s an excuse for people, I’m saying people are influenced by the media we take in.
Look at history, look at what used to be considered ok in media and public attitudes. Ethnic slurs used to be normalised. Homophobia used to be normalised. Gender roles were normalised. These opinions, and subsequent actions based on them, were bolstered by the media that was consumed at the time. Video games are no different, nor is people’s susceptibility to it.
Belittling or trivialising a serious and very current issue in any format will influence people. It’s not an excuse for people to act that way, we should all look outside our bubbles and be aware of these things so we can help to combat them, but it can be a reason and cause for those who don’t.
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@Kienda My mom gave me a Playboy when I was 16 sex isn't weird it's better to educate. I think brutally murdering things is way more disgusting and weird.
I remember with Manhunt suffocating someone with a plastic was way more brutal, or hitting someone with a hammer in the side of the head.
I don't really understand why murder is much more accepted then nudity normal nudity no freaky messed up stuff the internet can mess you up for sure.
And if your parents tell you how to treat people it's better then acting like nudity is weird. And weird girls looking like kids like in some anime games I don't care if you say see 18 according to the lore.
@Ogbert To be real here if you subject people to racism, homophobia, sexualised stuff especially with younger kids it will influence them. If you grow up in a place where extremes are normal it will mess change you in the end.
@LordAinsley Or... I did listen to the take and still do not agree.
Why, oh why, do I read website comment sections? Idk what I expected. An evangelical prude standing up for tit game content is a new one tho
@CrashBandicoat any peer review paper that suggests that the number is indeed small or is that just your opinion?
The game is rated 18 by PEGI and M by the ESRB. Let adults make their own decisions, I say. This is a work of fiction/fantasy/whatever.
I suppose the change is minor - presumably you can still take the naughty pictures you just wont be rewarded with PP, right? - so it doesn't make that much of a difference. On that basis, I voted "don't really care".
@LifeGirl Mainstream comics is a lost cause, and most of the movie industry too. Western gaming will have the same fate I think if they still follow the esg/dei route.
@Ogbert As much as I respect your opinion here, I disagree. Violence and harassment, whether that be physical or sexual, is equally horrific and traumatic. This may be more so for people who have experienced or live amongst violent crime.
As comedic as it may be presented, violence is largely glorified, encouraged, rewarded and by far more common place amongst mainstream video games. I believe people purposely turn a blind eye to this.
@Flaming_Kaiser I agree with your comment on influence.
I don’t mean to double post, but I’d also like to add in no way is my previous comment a call for censorship of any kind. Age Ratings and Warnings exist for a reason. Whether they are effective in their current form is questionable, maybe that’s something we need to review. I mean, I don’t think I’ve ever noticed a warning on a digital storefront.
Age ratings and warnings are there to help inform the consumer beforehand. If somebody may have sensibilities, a warning beforehand will better assist to choose a product that is suitable for them.
I’d like to think if somebody is mature enough to consume an adult product, they are mature enough to make their own informed decisions as to what is right for them.
The idea that one form of violence is somehow more acceptable than another is wrong, in my opinion.
@exit I think you misunderstand me? I am not saying physical violence and harassment is any more or less traumatic and horrifying than sexual violence and harassment. I'm saying the two are equally bad and awful, but the media we take in (not just games) has a huge effect on our perception of what is and isn't acceptable.
Some here think they are immune to this and only a few weaker minded individuals are affected, which is frankly stupid. Marketing, advertising and propaganda are all real and all just ways of taking and manipulating this unfortunate fact to a desired end, be that to sell chocolate or incite riots. Racism used to be considered ok by those not at the receiving end of it because everywhere people saw it happening as a normal, everyday thing. Same for homophobia. Same for gender roles. Ableism. Transphobia. etc etc. The more these things are presented everywhere as ok, the more ok people think they must be. Consciously or otherwise. And likewise the more they are shown as the truly awful and abhorrent things they are the more people realise this and stop doing them.
Real violence is horrifying. And even though it's presented as fun and sometimes silly in the game, it's also still presented as horrible. There is blood and gore and someone dies. The repercussions are clear, regardless of the points and glory or jokes that result of it. But it's clearly something that out of the context of this game is bad. And for someone to recreate that violence in real life, it would take a lot from a person to be able to do that. It's fun in the game world but it's clearly not being encouraged or belittled in the real world. So my point here is the violence in games and it's effect (or lack thereof) on people who consume them in the real world is not the same as sexual harassment in video games. The two cannot be compared and to do so is just a straw man argument to avoid confronting the real issue of how we as a society, perceive the seriousness of sexual harassment and how our media perpetuates that.
The fact is the game used to reward it, with points and humour and titillation. It didn't show the harmful side at all. And it takes a lot less of a person to go and up-skirt a woman than it does to chop their head off with a chainsaw. All the more so if all the media they've seen has just been saying that it's fun and victimless.
@Ogbert I do understand your perspective, and I think you raise a great argument. I think we differ on our opinions however.
The same points you have raised on sexual violence and harassment, can and should equally apply to physical, even verbal.
Violence is depicted largely in an unrealistic manner, and games do reward the use of. The more you fight, the more skill points you unlock, the more upgrades permitted, the more advanced methods are made available to the player. You may even unlock an achievement congratulating you.
I entirely agree that the media we consume impacts us in some way, and may influence, even subconsciously, our decisions in real life. This doesn’t just apply to extreme cases. I would argue that many times it is in fact women who are the target of physical violence.
Now, I don’t have any interest in running around up-skirting undead zombies, nor do I really find extreme gore appealing. I do however feel that if we are to criticise, we need to look at the bigger picture.
In no way am I trying to belittle your argument or viewpoint. I actually respect it. You obviously care about the wellbeing of others, and it’s great we are able to have a discussion.
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