Green Ranger Tommy Oliver has [Update: apparently not] divided Power Rangers fans for decades, but there was next to no chance he’d be absent from upcoming PS5 and PS4 throwback brawler Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind. You’ll actually unlock the character upon completing the campaign, so he’s a bonus designed to encourage replayability. That seems like a fair where to include the character.
Developed by Digital Eclipse, the title has been inspired by the 16-bit Power Rangers beat-‘em-ups on the Super Nintendo and SEGA Genesis, which were huge sellers at the time. In addition to a time travel plot, this release will also incorporate gimmick set-pieces stages, like a Space Harrier-style shoot-‘em-up and a Super Hang-On-esque motorcycle chase. As we’ve iterated multiple times now, we can’t wait for this to launch later in the year.
Wishlisting is now available on the PS Store, but there’s no official release date attached yet. We’ll update you when we know more.
Comments 35
Is the green ranger divisive? He's been my favorite since his first appearance. I've also liked Jason David Frank (the actor that portrays the green ranger) because he was always so involved in martial arts and nerd culture. RIP
I don't think he was divisive at all. Just one of the most popular rangers ever.
Tommy losing his powers as Green Ranger "scarred" me for life. Since then, I no longer believe a character is safe, not even the main ones.
Yeah I never thought of or heard of the Green Ranger being divisive. Universally liked is more like it, at least as far as I know.
Not here for the article, here for the fact the article image on the homepage is a GIF.
Since when was the green ranger "controversial?" I think the writer preferred it when the red ranger was the leader.
I don't think it ever divided fans, pretty sure we all thought he was awesome.
Since when was the Green Ranger divisive? He was awesome and had a cool flute and Zord
I'm excited for him to be there
Change your headline, everyone loved the green ranger lol
I thought everyone hated Green Ranger! 😂
Okay, I've been peer pressured into an edit. 🤣
Really hope this is a plus extra day one game.
@get2sammyb thanks, yeah in the U.S. he was by far the most popular lol.
@Americansamurai1 really hope it's not. These games won't be successful unless we buy them.
@get2sammyb bruh lol.
@naruball true but I also also think that these games are not expensive to make and when they get a bag from Microsoft or Sony it covers the devs costs plus some profits. Also gets it to a bigger audience since the beat em up genre isn't the biggest. Have they released a price yet? I wouldn't mind picking it up for 20 or so.
RIP divisive Green Ranger (update: apparently not)
It ain't easy being green.
@Americansamurai1 I think ps+ GP and the like really hurt sales of indie games. Everyone expects to get them for free so they fail to sell well. Obviously there are some exceptions, but overall, I think it's a real problem and I recall several developers mentioning that.
@naruball I don't disagree
Was he divisive in the UK? Cause in the US he was probably the second most loved ranger only beaten by the white ranger (so basically we were all following JDF around 🙂)
@Tecinthebrain I thought people hated the White Ranger, too!
My whole life is a lie.
@get2sammyb He is by far the most popular ranger/character in the entire franchise (in the US at least). He ended up being five different rangers over the course of the series.
@get2sammyb What? Someone call Dr Strange cause Sammy is in a multiverse of madness where the Green and White Rangers were disliked!
@get2sammyb the only explanation I can think of is that you spent too much time around contrarians. They were by far the most popular.
Looks brilliant, day one for me.
@Thorn84 Haha, well clearly this isn't even a US/UK thing, I think it must have just been a "me" thing. Whoops!
Na no diversive at all. He was absolutely GOAT. Hopefully there's multiple unlocks! Maybe the white ranger too. Loved the series as a kid.
I can't believe @get2sammyb has accidentally outed himself as a Green Ranger hater today
Never in all my bingo cards would I have guessed 2024 would be the year we are scheduled to get a Power Rangers and Rugrats game… that potentially look like the best games in yet in their retrospective series.
Since Green Ranger is there, gotta wonder if White Ranger or Lord Drakkon is on the horizon as well.
@get2sammyb I get the impression that you were a VR Troopers guy
Profile picture checks out.
@AdamNovice This thread has been very funny.
This game looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun
Those little sprites are sooo cute. Also I agree with everyone, green ranger was awesome. I remember as a kid in the early 90's waiting for the White Ranger. I didn't have Sky/cable so it was 5 minutes in the morning before school on GMTV haha. Man kids today with all their fancy stuff 🤣
Divisive or not (definitely not @get2sammyb ), can we take a moment to applaud the devs for making a a much beloved ( ) character unlockable through incentives like beating the game?
They could have made a killing having the Green Ranger as DLC for a fiver or a tenner, knowing people would pay this.
But as a progression unlockable, this is a welcome move, so I fully applaud the devs and everyone involved with this game. I was definitely going to buy this regardless, but now, it'll be a day one buy for me
Now imagine if they could get Mobius from Marvel as a guest character so we can have proper "it's Mobin time."
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