Fatal Fury: City of Wolves now has a confirmed release date on PS5 and PS4. SNK's classic franchise returns next year, on the 24th April, 2025. You can catch this anticipated fighter in action via its new trailer, which we've embedded above.
We've also got confirmation that the base game will feature 17 playable characters at launch. However, an additional five fighters will launch as part of the title's first season pass, which is going to be bundled into the Special Edition, priced at $59.99. A bit cheeky, if you ask us.

Still, City of the Wolves has been looking rather promising, and this fresh glimpse is no different. We're sure that SNK will have beta tests lined up for the not-too-distant future.
Are you hyped for the return of Fatal Fury? Make the city your own in the comments section below.
Comments 24
They just introduced a new character just so she could get beaten up by a guest character. That feels like a commentary on current media trends.
And people say they don't keep things from the game to make money on DLC. They already know the 5 characters they have ready for the seasonpass when a game releases next year. Yeah its fine I'll be waiting for the complete package this is getting disgusting.
The dlc is included with the base game. I'm confused why people are mad.
17 characters at launch is comparable with Street Fighter 6 and they are adding 5 characters instead of only 4 for season 1. Doesn't really seem very cheeky to me personally. I wish SF6 seasons would get at least 5 characters as well.
I wish games like this would stop having “seasons” and just include all the damn content at launch.
Guess I’m just an old man screaming at the clouds at this point.
I would buy this game if i'm 5-10 years younger with more free time. But now, i even barely play SF 6 because i'm busy.
@Flaming_Kaiser Season 1 and 2 DLC along with base characters pretty much decided before the development started. That's standard practice for fighting games since making one character model and animated their moves + balancing took a lot of time.
SF 6 for example, from the game director interview he said making just one character took 1.5 to 2 years.
@dskatter That is impossible to include all content from launch. Making one character including animated their moves & balancing took a lot of time. The game could be in years and years in development cycle, skipping one or two console generation, and people will lost interest to buy the game. SF 6 for example, it took 5 years to finish with 18 base characters.
@Korgon From a Q&A stream, Nakayama said it took them 2 years to create a new character from concept to implementation. So, that's one of the reason they only do 4 characters /season. If you want to read the interview, here's the link:
Day one. 17 characters+Season1 for $60 is more than reasonable. Saying that, I don't really get hung up on just the number of characters in a fighting game though, especially in 1v1s as it's not at the top of my list of concerns.
@PuppetMaster In that case it's better for me to wait a year or two and get the best experience. Don't want to be rude but that's the case and it's cheaper.
Games are never €60 anymore so the nonsense that games stayed the same price is not true anymore. You get a starterpack at €70 then a seasonpass at €10 a pop its fine but I rather save some money.
Also with the massive monetization it's not a money problem anymore so I'll wait and get it later again cheaper and you get a better experience.
@PuppetMaster Funny, it wasn’t impossible to include all content before launch in the days when you literally couldn’t change the game after launch…
Yeah I know. To be clear I don't mind that it's only four necessarily. I'm more just saying I don't get how this is cheeky when it doesn't really seem like SNK is doing anything all that different from SF6 or any other fighter these days is all.
Honestly, I am a little confused with some parts of CotW as a package. First off, it is cool that basically the first year of dlc is getting added for free is cool. Melty Blood Type Lumina added all of their dlc for free for its entire life and that's great, but I'm confused because they say this is a "special edition" of the game, when this is the only version. I just think that it just feels weird that they say it's a season pass, when it's just being included as a main part of the game. The fact it is coming later isn't a problem, because that's just fighters now and anyone complaining about it doesn't know how fighting games actually work, and them being free will definitely help people come back to the game more no matter what people's financial situation is. Not to mention that the base 17 roster is the average size of a new modern fighter so it doesn't feel like the amount of content isn't finished. What I DO have an issue with is the RPG mode REQUIRING at LEAST an internet download it seems. This is literally meant to be a core single player mode, and it NEEDS to be downloaded, if not needs a constant internet connection. This just sucks because this is just like what Netherrealm did with Invasions and Towers of Time in MK1 and 11 respectively. Key modes that require internet for no reason. I just think this is such a bad move, even if they decide to keep evolving the mode overtime. But anyways, the rant is over. Game itself is still looking great, those points just kinda make me feel miffed
Came for the news stayed for the thumbnail.
@dskatter Yeah you couldn't add content after release in the 90's and 2000's, but they weren't really content complete either, were they? Like every SF game. Would you say that SF2, 3, and 4 were complete with their original versions? My guess would be no, if you consider Super Turbo, Third Strike, and Ultra the only way you should play said games today. They just had to make you buy another game to get the new content, and if you are wanting to have it be content complete, then I'm going to assume you didn't buy a copy of these games until those final original versions. Of course I would love if these games were content complete too, I love it when these fighters can feel complete, but these games need to get out eventually, and with just the way these games exist, that would be a nightmare for longevity and stability of a game if it still got no updates and stuff
As much as I would love to get away from the live service model, spacing the DLC out like this makes a lot of sense. It keeps the casual audience popping back in, keeps the game fresh in the news, etc.
But they don't have to do anything special to get my money, I love fighting games and I'm gonna be playing everything new for at least some time.
@Flaming_Kaiser Hey it's your money so you decide how or when you gonna spend it. But i suggest don't wait until Capcom announced SF 7 😁
@dskatter You clearly never experience fighting games back in 90's and early 2000 if you think fighting games in that era included all contents at launch. If i have a time machine, i would used it to throw you back to that era so you can experience how fun spending 60-70 bucks for multiple versions of SF II / Alpha / III / IV, Guilty Gear, Darkstalkers etc.
I think this is great that they're including season 1 with the base game. It's smart and it gets the game into player's hands sooner than waiting for those 5 characters to be ready.
Fatal Fury is not a household name and SNK needs the new generation to give this game a shot - I imagine some people commenting weren't even born when Garou released!
Anyway, I don't think there is anything cheeky about this. I love that there will be a steady stream of new characters that I do not have to pay additional for. It's a great incentive for me to pop in after a few months, if I lapse.
Last, I know people aren't happy with fg becoming live service titles, but this is the only viable model - unless 2XKO blows up, but Riot can afford to make it free. Fighting games do not sell gangbusters - it took SF5 six years to sell 5 million copies, and you can assume a lot of those sales were at steep discounts beyond the first couple of years.
@dskatter I take it you don't remember all the iterations of Street Fighter 2, 3, and 4, Guilty Gear, various SNK fighters, etc.? They sold those to us at full price for essentially the equivalent of a season or two. They rarely reinvented the wheel for them.
@PuppetMaster haha, we said the same thing. I saw your comment afterwards.
@beltmenot : Here is the Mai Shiranui trailer (in both English and Japanese). Weird that @ShogunRok didn't include it in the article yet had Mai in the thumbnail.
Didn't quite expect that kind of outfit for Garou-era Mai but fortunately she still looks good overall.
All I can say is that April 24th can’t get here soon enough. Already know what characters I want to main. 😉
@Synthatron_Prime Great minds think alike. But my guess is you're the same as me; "old" fighting games fans who enjoyed the genre since early 90's arcade era 😁🤝
It'll be a day one buy for me. Really enjoy most of SNK's fighting games.
@Synthatron_Prime I would love to see if you look at the complete package which is cheaper and that's without the microtransactions.
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