Update (30th August, 9am): The glitch in question has now been fixed overnight, returning a price point to Final Fantasy XVI on Sony’s digital marketplace.
Original article: PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium subscribers have in the past few hours noticed that Final Fantasy XVI is appearing as a PS5 title included in Sony's membership service, allowing them to download and play the game. Square Enix hasn't stated in any official capacity that the game is set to come to the service, and today is not the usual day for the monthly rollout — that's a few weeks away.
As such, there's a good chance this is just an unintended glitch and access will be revoked in the next 24 hours or so, but for now, PS Plus members do seem to have access to Final Fantasy XVI. It seems you need to trigger a download through a PS5 console because the web store doesn't flag any PS Plus inclusion. On the system, there are reports you can either stream the RPG or fully download it. Final Fantasy XVI hasn't had a PS Plus Premium trial, so the addition of PS Plus buttons to the PS Store listing is new.
While you do have (presumably limited) access via PS Plus, will you check the game out? Let us know in the comments below.
[source x.com]
Comments 22
Not popping up for me! I played via disc so it just shows the normal price in the UK store.
Doesn't show for me.
Seems like we'll be FF16 as a plus offering down the line, someone probably flipped the switch early accidentally.
Well I'm sure Sony is giving SE some money so they can stop complaining about meeting sales targets
I've recently 100%'d this game, not only from a trophy stand point but an in game one too and it's quite possibly one of the best games I've ever played. It's the first mainline FF I've played since XII on the PS2!! The change in combat took a while to adjust to as I do prefer the turn based style, but what a game once you nail the mechanic's. So, the more people that can experience this game, the better, and no, I don't work for SE....
This is not the case on the store in the UK. Just looked.
@Frmknst do you think PS will delete this article seeing as it's long ceased to be true?
@Waa-Laa Will definitely be my favorite FF game for a loooooong time just because it is what got me completely invested in the FF genre and FF14.
A game I haven’t played and really want to would become available on Extra the day after I move from Premium to Essential.
Course it would…
@InsaneWade indeed it did. And then there was a free ps5 upgrade but not for those who received the game via ps+. Cue much crying and hands being thrown up in the air and screams from the braying crowds about boycotting Square for such shameful shenanigans forcing Sony or Square to issue said upgrade to everybody...and balance was restored until China started making really good games and single player ones too..
@Waa-Laa I am about to start FF16 so your comment reassures me that I’m in for a good time.
I have played most FF games, and just recently completed FF15, which I actually loved. I only intended on finishing the story but got so engrossed in it I literally watched the Anime and movies, read the books, and am two achievements away from the Platinum (which I will get before I start my journey on 16).
I’m assuming because I was one of the few who loves 15, then 16 will also be a hit with me.
Reports of, also reads made up. But I checked the inevitable answer, wasn't disappointed.
@Kienda you're in for a treat then, that's all I can say 👍🏼
@Kienda as a big FF fan who’s been playing them for three decades now, it’s a GREAT ff game, you’ll love it! As for 15, easily a top 5 ff for me, possibly top 3.
@InsaneWade it did, yeah.
@jrt87 So, I will say Square Enix did do a patch for the game to mark side quests that are actually relevant to story/unlock features over side quests that really only provide EXP and some materials. So, you could ignore the fluff and focus on only the important stuff.
Unfortunately for me, those came AFTER I did all possible quests in the game (so I was basically at the end of the game).
The game was fun, but it it's more like God of War than Final Fantasy and the writers added a lot of the "F-word" for no reason other than to be edgy.
Some of the world lore is pretty sad and messed up, but the overarching storyline is basic Final Fantasy fare (not that there is anything bad about it, just doesn't break any new ground).
The highlights of the game are the spectacle Eikon battles and cutscenes, not really the in-between. For me, it was a good game, but not an amazing GOTY-contender that I expected based on comments about the game.
I honestly preferred FF15.
@jrt87 Agreed, the entire game is like this, there’s some AMAZING moments, some of the most epic in gaming history, but also the other half of the game is just full of dull fetch quests, overall I’d say this is an 8/10 as I did have a good time.
I can almost bet it will come to PS+ once it gets announced for Xbox (rumored to happen as soon as next month).
Thanks internet....you just ***** up a totally legit, free game.............BOOM.
@GamingFan4Lyf Only time you would ever hear a lot of F words is if you are constantly getting to low health because other than that there really isn't a whole lot of cussing.
Damn I paid 70 sheets for that lol or 65? Can’t remember
@Nepp67 Clive says it over and over again in the prologue at one point.
No, it’s certainly not as rampant as something like GTA, but it’s definitely there and it always felt tacked on for the sake of having mature content.
@GamingFan4Lyf No he doesn't, he says it very rarely in the prologue section. Once again, rarely does anyone say "F***" in the game. Play the game again. The most that it is ever used is when Kupka is on screen and that is when he loses against Clive during the first time. Cussing in this game anyways is rarely used and used appropriately.
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