Hideaki Itsuno has announced his departure from Capcom, over thirty years after he first joined the company. Itsuno is perhaps best known as the guy who got Devil May Cry back on track. He directed the awesome Devil May Cry 3, and much more recently, the superb Devil May Cry 5. He also brought us Dragon's Dogma, and Dragon's Dogma 2, as he pursued his dreams of recreating tabletop fantasy in video game form. Needless to say, Itsuno's been a big deal at Capcom for a long, long time.
His credentials go beyond those two more modern properties, of course. Itsuno co-directed PS1 banger Rival Schools, along with Power Stone. He also directed Power Stone 2 and Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001.
"Thank you for your long-term support of the games and characters I have been responsible for," The 54-year-old writes on his social media accounts. "I hope you will continue to support Capcom's games and characters," he adds.
Itsuno goes on to confirm that he's moving straight to a new project: "From September [2024], I will start developing a new game in a new environment. I hope to create fun, beautiful games that are as memorable as, or even more memorable than, the ones I have created so far. Please stay tuned for my next creation!"