Pearl Abyss has really lifted the lid on Crimson Desert at Gamescom 2024, handing us yet more gameplay footage from the upcoming open world action title. We get to gawk at not one, not two, but three boss battles, as protagonist Kliff fights for hits life against a roster of vastly different foes.

The first clash involves a giant tortoise-like creature called Queen Stoneback, and the goal is to clamber up her back Shadow of the Colossus style in order to bring her down.

The second duel involves a humanoid opponent simply named named Staglord. This is a much meatier battle that lasts a whole eight minutes, showcasing crazy combos, some earth-shattering blows, and a bunch of brutal wrestling moves.

And then we've got a fight against a slippery customer known as the Reed Devil. This bugger's a more agile enemy, as he darts in and out of the tall grass. The variety on offer here is quite impressive, when you place all three boss encounters side by side.

Crimson Desert continues to look very promising. It's already abundantly clear that the combat system is designed to be as dynamic as possible. Here's hoping that we get a release window at some point soon.

What do you make of Crimson Desert after seeing all of this gameplay? Draw your blade in the comments section below.