Vampire Survivors launches on PS5 and PS4 today, and it's bringing with it probably one of the largest, if not the largest, collection of Trophies for a single game. The smash hit indie title arrives on PlayStation with a list totalling 221, including the precious Platinum.
It becomes a little easier to understand when you learn many of those trinkets are linked to various content updates and DLC packs, meaning the list is broken down into 23(!) sections. The base list comprises 41 Trophies, which is fairly standard, but because of the game's late arrival on PlayStation, the total is heavily inflated by the vast number of post-launch additions.
A couple of the sections require paid DLC, namely Legacy of the Moonspell and Tides of the Foscari, but you can get the majority of Vampire Survivors' Trophies with just the base game — which, by the way, is only $4.99/£3.99. If you're keen to earn some Trophies, this is a pretty cost effective game for it.
The full list is through the link if you want to take a look. Will you be gunning for not just the Platinum, but the full Vampire Survivors Trophy collection? Eat some garlic in the comments section below.
[source exophase.com]
Comments 35
Ready to start again on PlayStation, loved it on Xbox
In terms of points, VS is 4th in how many points it awards. It's 3rd in the total number of trophies: Train Sim World 4 has 251 and Train Sim World 2 has 411. ESO rewards more trophy-points, but has fewer, higher-tiered trophies.
And yeah, I'm going to be gunning for all 221 on PS5. Really looking forward to playing it this evening, I'm going to go charge up my PS Portal right now.
@StrickenBiged it's a nonsense to compare trophy count of SP games if PSq are going to lump in DLC trophies. VS comes with the free DLC on PS5 so of course there'll be more trophies, but how many of those are purely for the base game?
What time is it unlocked on the store?
@riceNpea 41 in the base game for VS (as it says in the article). PSq said "collection of trophies for a single game".
Not sure how many of the Train Sim games' trophies are attached to DLC. It looks like TSW2 only had one piece of DLC on PSN, so I can't imagine that all the DLC-trophies in the 411 total that it has are locked behind that extra pay-wall.
If you wanna talk trophies-per-£ then I'm sure VS takes the top spot, (excluding F2P games, where the buy-in is potentially £0).
@StrickenBiged I still think it's nonsense as most games don't have lots of DLC. Comparing the base game is fair and makes sense.
Any idea when the game unlocks on the store. I'm poised to strike!
Sea of Thieves launched on PS5 with 254 trophies which would be the largest for a single game in one go (its since had more trophies added up to 263). Tomb Raider I-III also launched with more at 269, however it could be argued that doesn’t count as a single game.
@StrickenBiged 141 in the "base" game (i.e. as in up-to Queen Sigma), the remaining trophies are linked to content updates and such (and anything outside the paid DLC could be grouped in with the above 141). They've just divided the trophies into lists for easy navigation.
@Quintumply Will you guys be reviewing this?
@BeenGamingSince_83 Yes!
@riceNpea Right this minuite in the UK!
I want the game, when will it be available (time?).
@bindiana let's effing go!!
Awesome, thank you. Downlod and done.
I think the headline should be that Vampire Survivors launches at a cost of £3.99 (£3.59 with current PS+ discount). At that price it would be rude not to buy it!
This will be the 3rd time I buy this game and I will love every minute. It’s going to be the perfect Portal game during football season.
@sorteddan Exactly, thank you. All for the price of a coffee. And this will keep your brain sufficiently stimulated for hours!
Bought it few minutes ago. Didn't know it has also good music. I've finished it on phone, now it is time for PS5...
The only issue is it's messing up PS5 resolution. Any tips how to avoid resizing of screen?
I'll probably play the PS5 version by myself and the PS4 version with a friend, couch-coop. Double those trophies, baby!
Thanks for the tip!! I didn't now this game was so cheap!! Just bought it!!!
Feels glorious playing this on a PS5 and t'big telly! Sunk about 90 mins and didnt even realise, oops! The fact you can get the base game and all the DLC for a Tenner is a wild bargain!
Just grabbed the game and all the available DLC. Be crazy not to at the cheap price it's all going for. I doubt I'll be unlocking all the trophies anytime soon, but this will be the perfect game to put on when I have a spare 15 minutes.
Completed this on Xbox and mobile. Looking forward to a 3rd playthrough…
Alright, just bought it. It was fun as a mobile game. Hope I enjoy it on the ps portal or on the big screen.
Okay, bought all dlcs also... this game deserves it.
I would love to get the 100% on this, but what a task that seems to be.
I’m going for the 100%!
Can someone point me in the direction of the DLCs on the store? I can only see the base game.
@Rgeneb1 if your on store when you see vampire survivors page just scroll down underneath official news
Ok, I just lost 5 hours in the game. Outstanding fun.
Very few games that are on this level, Guitar Hero and EDF come to mind. First time I started those games up, I thought THIS is what videogames should be about, pure fun.
@Hi569 Thanks for that. For some reason wasn't appearing on my laptop but I went in on the console and its right where you said. Can you tell I dont use the store much!
In about 3 hours unlocked about 40 trophies. Really addictive just as the PC counterpart. So far completed 2 levels with one character but need to improve before I can progress with the third more than a half of the given 30 mins. Haha
For 3.49 can't go wrong with this game great so far
Ohh I have so bitter taste on my tongue... It is not fault of game, but AGAIN fault of PS5. If you unlock more than 3 trophies at once, you get just one pop-up. So on second run I've been robbed of 13 trophy dings. Thank you Sony! You always know how to ruin the fun... 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Take my money Poncle. Already done it all on Xbox, time to double dip!
Weapon Evolution cheat sheet. Very useful if you're new to the game.
This looks right up my street (and there’s a 2hr trial) Love that there are so many trophy challenges to aim for. Just bought it, and all the DLC, although can’t play for a week (I know what I’ll like).
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