The silence following Sony's removal of Concord from sale could never last, and it appears there has been some movement at the embattled Firewalk Studios. According to multiple Kotaku sources, the developers feel like they are stuck in limbo, and last week, director Ryan Ellis told staff he would be stepping down as director and moving into a support role.
Formerly creative director on Destiny 2, Ellis left Bungie in 2017 to work on what would ultimately become Concord. Firewalk would be acquired by Sony in 2023 for an undisclosed sum. During the days following Concord's muted launch, sources say Ellis became too emotional to speak during studio-wide meetings. The first-party developer currently employs an estimated 150-170 staff. There is a growing sentiment among them that mass layoffs are coming, and Kotaku was told that Firewalk is one of Sony's most expensive studios on a per-head basis.
Unfortunately, this is not exactly surprising, but it's not very inspiring, either. We can't imagine Concord coming back in a meaningful way, nor that anyone would be bold enough to try at this point. Sony has been asked for comment, and we'll update this story if and when it responds.
[source kotaku.com]
Comments 130
I hope some kind of documentary gets made of this from the perspective of the developers and Sony. It would be the only good thing to come from the whole debacle.
I know Sony would never allow it, but someone might find a way into the inner workings of Firewalk to interview the people involved in making it.
The thing with Concord is that the game apparently plays pretty well? The director stepping down makes sense - buck has to stop with someone for the poor decisions made. And whoever was in charge of the art direction might be in a precarious position. But I'd let the rest of the team have another go. There's something there in Concord, it just needed to not have absolutely dreadful character designs and that silly pricepoint.
This is purely the consequence of whoever greenlit this project.
The game overall didn't seem broken or poorly made. It just wasn't a needed nor desired game by anyone. The marked is flooded with games of this genre and with that art style.
It should never have been approved.
I really hope Sony don't kill this game and are instead willing to give it a second chance at life, even if that's under a different name or with a reskin. Despite being an initial naysayer (I still hold that the writing, character and world design were painfully derivative and the scope of the game was too small for the asking price) what I played was was really fun and the game was super polished. This story is a worrying sign though.
@Phelaidar Hermen Hulst was the one pushing for this game. He's currently CEO...
Jesus effing christ I dont think I have ever seen a worse launch than this to the point where it's possibly getting the studio closed down.
Give them Last of Us Factions live service, it was almost finished, cancelled because Naughty Dog couldn't support a GaaS game, Firewalk certainly could though...
@johncalmc It was a genuinely good game but I think they’re toast. Even if they got a new project it’d take four or five years to make and they’d still be known as the “Concord developer”.
I wish everyone the best, but they will be closed IMO.
The price point wasn't silly. Not everything has to be free-to-play and loaded with microtransactions.
@get2sammyb Yeah as much as I'd like to see them get another go I do think they can't survive. There's certainly a stink on the game and the dev too. Whether the studio survives or not I think the game is over - there's no redemption story on the cards. It's not like Cyberpunk or No Man's Sky which people wanted to be good. Everyone hated Concord as soon as it was revealed. There doesn't seem to be an appetite for redemption here.
Yeah but Hermen Hulst saw the game and loved it. Saw no red flags.
Absolutely amazing. Buy Bungie. Buy doomed spinoff from Bungie 1 year before they release a game obvious to all to be doomed. Kill game in 2 weeks. Kill studio. Kill half of Bungie too.
Jim and Herman somehow took a monopoly and managed to put it in danger. I think the average middle schooler would have run this video game company to greater success. They at least understand the product and the market.
@get2sammyb " He's currently CEO..."
Totoki didn't appoint himself chairman for courtside seats and free popcorn.
@The_Wailing_Doom in a vaccuum it's not so silly. But the reality is that people don't expect to pay 40 notes for a game like that, rightly or wrongly. It's the same in the mobile space whenever anyone tries to sell a "real" game at what console gamers would consider a fair price and nobody buys it. Fair prices are dictated by the market, and value is determined by what consumers are willing to pay. Nobody playing Fortnite or Overwatch or Apex for free is gonna abandon that ship for an untested, unproven game they gotta throw £40 at.
The only part of Firewalk that needs to be fired in my opinion is the art departement.
I wish publishers recycled (not close) entire studios when they flop this hard, just discreetly rename it and present it again as a new studio. Having teams that have already worked together and who are up to speed have way more value than a studio that's being created from scratch.
@get2sammyb to play devil’s advocate here, does Hulst have a track record green lighting unpopular games? This could be a case where the game lined up with his personal tastes as although Concord was far from popular it did have some fans. It is fair to say at one time or another every gamer has really enjoyed a game that the majority disliked or outright despised. It could be in this case the gamer liking the unpopular game was in a powerful position to fund said game. Just giving a different perspective before the gaming community gets the pitchforks and torches together to go after Hulst.
Hermen Hulst is the problem at Sony.
Now all eyes are on Fairgame$, which I'm sorry to say is going to be Concord 2.0, Hopefully after that Sony will see Live services is not the way to go anymore
Hulst seems to be at the centre of an awful lot of the dodgy decisions. Not old enough to be getting a ‘retirement’ though.
"Firewalk is one of Sony's most expensive studios on a per-head basis"
You got to be kidding me!? The person that should pay the price is obviously Hulst, the developers are fine but Hulst saw this game in all it's glory 6 years into development and not only wanted the game but the studio. If he cared even a little about taking responsibility he would take a massive pay cut (he won't, probably ask for a raise instead).
This is why a new studio needs to start with small or AA project and why Sony needs to embrace small-mid budget games again for their 1st party studio.
AAA games comes with a very big risk where a flop means lay-off or the studio got closed down. But with AA, the risk is smaller and can be minimized if the game didn't sold that well. Not to mention AA games usually has shorter development cycle than AAA.
And just like Bungie, i personally think Firewalk and Haven Studio is an unnecessary acquisition.
Won't someone please think of "the professor"
I'll bet a lot of people though "yikes, this is looking rough." While developing or supervising the game but for fear of being labeled bigots or whatever they had to keep their mouth shut. Now they're losing their jobs anyway.
And nothing of value was lost
Why cant they keep the engine and some of what is there like shooting mechanics (after all, it ran well didnt it), and use what they keep to create a decent single player shooter?
They could do the old marketing line of "we've learned from our mistakes".
From someone who has never played a hero shooter before, i played the beta and i dont really understand whats so wrong with the game? Played good, was polished, graphics seemed good, satisfying gunplay. Was it really all down to character design? Because that seems highly subjective, i didnt really have any big problems with the character design really. To be honest, with these types of games, i really dont care that much about character design. I mean, its rounds of team deathmatch, who cares about the characters? I guess a lot of people, but this much... i dont know, it all seemed a bit out of proportion.
My view on it, people dogpiled on it. It got bad publicity, and people who havent played it or havent even seen it just layed it on it with negativity. Thereby creating a whole air of negativity around it. The amount of hate it got was totally disproportional. I mean remember Gollum? Now thats a bad game. This must be the most polished and solid "bad" game in history. Cause there are some real sh*tgames out there. Remember the last of us clone on switch, or the god of war clone on xbox? Those were sh*tgames
Lots of people also commenting about people hating the "wokeness" of it all. What exactly in it do they dislike? If someone would care to explain. Is it the variety of ethnicities? Or that they listed the pronouns?
Also, a point about the game costing $40. The whole purpose was that the game wouldnt have any battle passes and everything would be added for free. Isnt that what everyone wanted? Like i saw people complaining all the time about these free to play games ruining the industry. Now someone tries it this way and they get sh*t on. I guess people want free games full of paid battle passes and microtransactions then, right? Dont complain if thats going to be the future then
Ps. I dont particulary care for the game, but i do find if very weird how things transpired and this became probably the most hated on and the worst launch of any game ever. Just dont get it, its a solid game. And if it really comes down to something subjective as so called "woke character design" than that to me is very worrying
@LogicStrikesAgain The problem was that everybody hated it. There was obviously an element of ‘anti-woke’ crap but it’s not like there was anybody really going to bat for it on the left either.
@LogicStrikesAgain we want to future to have he/she pronouns because that's the nature and even transgender people change sex from he to she or vice versa not whatever the agenda that these corporations want to feed us. We also want a future without multiplayer investments from companies known for single player like sony
@nessisonett What do you mean? Am i missing something? What does politics have to do with it? Is it because of the pronouns? Are you telling me thats really the biggest reason a solid game got hated on this much? Ive never seen a game hated on this much. Because of pronouns?
Im not playing stupid btw, im not from the US. I know "woke" is very big there. But if its not about the pronouns. What is so woke about the game? And if it is just about the pronouns, then wow. Harsh crowd
@OthmaneAD You say we. But ive also heard many people ask Sony to come up with new IPs. Also heard people asking for something else than only single player narrative games because they were getting tired of sad dad walking sims
I hope if the rework doesn’t work out that Sony keeps them on to do something else and that they don’t lose their jobs. Also think if Marathon turns out to be a hit with so many coming from bungie them being a support team could maybe help. Sad for the rank and file who just worked on the game.
I blame Phil. He should have done better.
@cburg shut up and get it right….. it’s the series s
@LogicStrikesAgain and Sony should come up with multiplayer games and new ip, just make them good. They probably won’t but hopefully they take the right lessons from Concord’s failure and Helldivers 2 success. Make new multiplayer games with unique mechanics and unique experiences.
Ugh, guess it's time to put on our tinfoil hats because some people are trying to read some left/right agenda into this why this game flopped.
It's a well made, yet generic game that nobody asked for in an insanely oversaturated market.
I think Sony is to blame as it seems they (i.e. Hulst) commissioned this sort of game.
@tameshiyaku You think the game has gotten to be one of the, if not, the most hated game on the internet because its just generic?
Nah, people forget about generic games. The hate for this game is on a whole other level
@Fishmasterflex96 I agree. It just interests me from a sociologic standpoint where all the hate comes from. Its seems like a solid game, nothing special or anything. But it has become the most hated on game on the internet it seems. And frankly, i dont really get why. But hey, thats just me
Yeah, Firewalk is done. Unless Sony sees some value in a significantly scaled-back version of the studio being a support team for Bungie or Sucker Punch, there is no way Firewalk will survive this. Sony would have to be delusional beyond belief to pump more money into trying again with Concord or greenlighting another AAA project from them.
If I were at Haven, I'd be sh**ing myself right now.
@LogicStrikesAgain "I dont really understand whats so wrong with the game"
When comes to hero shooter or games that put characters in the front as one if not the biggest selling point to play the game, you need good and memorable characters design to attract people. You can say you don't care about the characters but many people care because they want to play as cool, attractive, and badass characters, not bland and ugly GotG rejects. And good character design also make your games looks pop out compare to the competition.
Good graphics, polished, or satisfying gunplay alone are not enough. You need more that makes the game unique and interesting compare to the competitions. Without the unique factor, the game will end up like Concord. Like why would people spend 40 bucks for Concord if they can just play Overwatch or Apex who can do the same if not better but it's free and has better character design.
"Also heard people asking for something else than only single player narrative games because they were getting tired of sad dad walking sims"
People are asking Sony for more single player variations like platforming, JRPG, survival horror, or something unique which we didn't see after Japan Studio got closed down.
@LogicStrikesAgain single player IP not multiplayer
@LogicStrikesAgain "hero shooter before, i played the beta and i dont really understand whats so wrong with the game?"
I think that's the point. Everyone else who was the market already have played other hero shooters that were better, more unique, more interesting, more free, or all of the above and have played them since 2016, and either burned or long ago or is still playing one of those. This offered no compelling reason to play it instead of what is potential players were already invested in. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad. It was a prawn diving head first into a crimson red ocean.
@-Sigma- Let's not forget that this is from the same man who greenlit multiple Horizon spin-offs, and a remaster of the first game.
@OthmaneAD I hear many people saying they wanted the Factions multiplayer that was cancelled. Also hear a lot of people telling Sony that if they wanna do multiplayer they should revive IPs like Killzone.
Look i get what ure saying. But you have to realize there are many people that would like to have multiplayer on PS. Having only single player would be very boring, atleast in my opinion.
People just didnt want Concord, and hey thats fine. Again, im not particulary a fan of it either. But i just find the amount of hate it gets so weird and disproportional. Thats all
@NEStalgia Honestly, thats a good point! I might just really not see the big deal, cause its not a world im familiar with
@LogicStrikesAgain people forget about mid tier games from mid tier companies. Sony had a stellar reputation. Hence when something with such a high budget, dev time and market push, from a studio they acquired after approving of this games development, all the good will and expectations turn sour. It happens all the time with any company sitting on the top
@PuppetMaster I appreciate the points given. I think @NEStalgia made a good point though. Im really not familiar with hero shooters, so i guess i really didnt compare it with any of those games. I still think the hate is disproportional though, i played the beta. Its a solid game. Again, lots of titles a lot worse have come out the past few years.
I must say though, having never played Overwatch and Apex legends, but obviously seen it around since you come across it everywhere. If character design is supposed to be so good or important in hero shooters, well colour me dumbfounded. All those free to play games including fortnite etc. have all the same cartoony unmemorable characters ever. Maybe im too old, i dunno, not gen Z over here
@LogicStrikesAgain think it was just a mixture of things adding up to a total ***** storm. The game itself was good, but it was one of the most trend chasing games in recent years. On top of it you have it coming from Sony which has been very quiet and hasn’t shown off anything new from their 1st party teams for a while, on top of a lot of other hero shooters close to launching that also play good but are free, on top of it having bad character design and its biggest “innovation” being weekly cutscenes which no one gives a ***** about.
@LogicStrikesAgain Fortnite is a little different. The skins make the player’s character vs Hero games like overwatch and Apex where part of the kit is the hero’s style.
@Fishmasterflex96 Fair points, i agree with all of it!
eh, i still liked the game . not because of any of its agendas though , but the gameplay and beta was solid
rip roka
Imagine those people that have this on their CV while looking for a new job: Character design of Concord !!!
Give them factions to work on. Or they might be become a Bungie support studio.
@2here2there Funny, i'm probably one of very few. Im not saying they're stellar, far from it. But i have no big problems with the character designs. Its been a while, and ive only played a bit of the beta. But i dont really remember a character which i disliked.
Except for the generic soldier with the assault rifle and the red Drax knockoff with the weirdly shaped head.
I must say though, i dont really care about the characters with these games. Its team deatchmatch. Closest ive played to this was CoD in the original Modern Warfare era. Didnt care what my character looked like then either
Edit: Im going to add something very controversial possibly. I just looked up the character roster of Overwatch on google images for the first time. And i think i like the Concord design better, LoL
[Pre-emptively opens umbrella for incoming sh*tstorm]
Just an absolute disaster.
@nitraM The Professor got schooled in video game 101, lessons have been learned lol
The fandom: “Give us new IP! We don’t want remasters!”
Also the fandom…
They are a super expensive team to run with where they are located and the people they have hired. Probably 25-30 million a year and based on last game could be 8 years out from anything new and no great anticipation on anything from them. Don’t see this one surviving and if they do its gonna be trimmed down and i would rebrand and name the studio
Firewalk likely would've been better off if Sony never bought them.
Firewalk are done. Even if their next game was literally amazing, all people will have to read is .. “From the studio that brought you Concord” and it will crash and burn. Best case scenario is take the most accomplished and talented people from the studio, especially the ones that are sane (because reports suggested some crazy individuals are there) and move them to other studios and just close Firewalk down and move on.
I remember when SE took FF14 offline reworked it and brought it back.
It will likely be the best path forward for Concord. The mechanics were solid, and the gameplay loop was fine. They should add PvE content, a more defined story and revamp character designs.
This is a shame. By all accounts the devs made a very playable shooter mechanically, surely it was the people who green-lit (or dictated) something so generic that are the issue.
@Old-Red Get Noclip on it!
@ThorsHammer I have said the same thing before. It would be a total shame to completely shutter the studio and waste talent and resources. Maybe take the key people and create a new studio to finish Factions off, I feel the name Firewalk will forever be tainted by this failure.
Bungie: We make the best live service games ever - and we ALWAY SWILL......
New gamers: tumbleweeds
Sony: We'll pay twice market value... hell.. make it 3 times.
Bungie ex employees: We made the best live service games ever. And we can give you the magical beans...
All gamers: more tumbleweeds...
Sony: we'll buy you and throw ALL the money at you. We love beans.
UbiSoft: We made all the best games.... no really... we did...
Analysts/investors/gamers/execs/devs/the guy who walks his dog in the morning: looking nervously at the window...
Sony: Can't buy UbiSoft... but let's buy the next best thing... ex-UbiSoft....We only see the dollars... all da tumbleweed$
At what point did Sony take the "bring your children to work" thing a little too seriously? And what is it with all the tumbleweeds????
@get2sammyb but Sammy.... Hermen is cool... he's not like Jimbo... he's one of us. He's PS-branded Spencer (EUR-style with stripes!)... he will save the day.
@LogicStrikesAgain yes, it's a Sony first party, high profile and heavily promoted generic game that the community didn't ask for.
@Phelaidar It was greenlit 8 years ago.
The project itself is not the problem; the decisions, including art direction, along the way are. People kept saying there's no room for the genre but it's simply not true. A good example will be souls-like games. They are supposedly the niche genre but look at how well the good ones have sold. Not to mention all the classics that people are still playing from years ago.
There is ALWAYS room for fun and attractive games.
@LogicStrikesAgain The hate aimed more on Firewalk devs who disrespects and mocked people who dislike Concord as talentless freaks. If they didn't do that unnecessary called out, Concord wouldn't get much negative reactions.
@NomNom A reworked like FF 14 is pretty much making a new game. SE basically spent double the cost for FF 14 reworked. Sure the result was very positive and brought the budget back and more. But it only worked because it's Final Fantasy which has a big userbase.
Now for Concord, does Sony want to spend another $200+ million for a flop new IP OR they could used those money for making smaller and creative games like Astro Bot that already showed a critical success and sold well? I would do the later if my job is SIE president / CEO.
People don't want to admit it had something to do with politics, but it absolutely did. They tried to push an agenda too hard and it backfired.
25,000 sales is not because people didn’t want a bland shooter, it’s because they chose to boycott the game. And it seemed to happen very organically, which is even more interesting.
Those sales sent a message to Sony (and particularly Herman Hulst) and it’s important that they get the message loud and clear or they (and we) are in for more problems.
They not only tried to push an agenda but they also created very bland and ugly characters. An artist redesigned all of them just with subtle changes and it added so much depth and variety to the roster.
Overwatch is arguably ‘woke,’ but they don’t force it down your necks and its characters are not bland at all. Therefore it had success.
@Hal_9Million exactly, as a layman it makes sense, they own a studio with major GaaS talent but have nothing to do now. Their only other options are to close them, whittle them down into a support wing, or wait another 8 years for a new product. One of Concords worst assests was it's art and world design, with Factions that problem is already solved. It's not going to happen, but sure wished it did.
@jrt87 I think you’re partly right.
If we compare it to Overwatch then Concord is just mediocre/average in every area. Not just the character designs, but level designs, game modes, hero abilities. Etc. Good gunplay will not overcome those things.
However, I think it’s terribly naive to think politics didn’t play a role in its downfall. And not because everyone is ‘anti-woke’ as some suggest.
(By the way, I’m not some ‘anti-woke’ acolyte. I’m centrist in my politics.)
However, even from a more neutral perspective, what I heard about this game and saw online was little about its gameplay and much more about its politics.
The designers clearly went that way. The largely left leaning gaming media pushed it and praised it. Then the far right reacted to it. But the end result is the majority of people, the centrists, also reacted to it with most people not wanting to touch it with a barge poll.
Like I said, this wasn’t because everyone is anti-woke, but because political controversy and pushing an agenda too hard always makes the majority uncomfortable.
This was a AAA game. It had to appeal to the masses in order to succeed, but they chose to appeal to one audience over another and ended up losing the majority.
It’s a lesson to learn. But people want to bury their heads in the sand and not try and analyse how this happened. It’s just best to keep politics more subtle.
Is this the biggest flop in Sony history
Fold them in house at Guerilla/Bungie.
Get them supporting on Marathon or working on Killzone revival.
Didn't they join the Sony Family of Studios only last year?
Honestly from our side of things I always wish they could make some new single player player ips or use existing ones, heck even remaster older ones as there is new generations of players now.
I'm not here to defend Sony but I understand that they wanna push for live service games but I hope that they see that Concord can be a lesson as well as Astros release where they should be pursuing and not all of these live service games now.
Ok to release a couple but when it's been mentioned they have multiple releases they won't find themselves in good stead.
@ATaco You may misunderstand the word bigot. Providing valuable feedback is not a trait one would normally associate with a bigot.
@nessisonett give it a few years, folks like him don’t always got a lot in the tank 😂 (fingers crossed, anyways)
@LowDefAl My mistake. I was unaware of the history. Maybe they would've been better off getting bought by somebody else then. Who knows.
Firewalk, you will not be missed.
@Kienda what "agenda" was "pushed too hard". I'm genuinely curious.
Good. Games like these failing is a win not a loss.
Hopefully it'll scare off anyone else from producing such a game. And if not, I look forward to not buying that too.
@naruball An anti traditional beauty agenda for one.
It is hard to look at this selection of characters that does not include a single piece of beefcake or cheesecake and think anything else. There is nothing inclusive about a game that is clearly ignoring certain types of people. "Fat man with effeminate face and terrible haircut" was never going to cut the mustard, I'm afraid. Nor was "Fat Albert in a Doomguy cosplay".
@tameshiyaku I agree that the main reason this failed was being generic/releasing into an oversaturated market.
But let’s not pretend that outrage right wing brain rot videos weren’t made in the dozens all using the same few screenshots of one character with the words “WOKE TRASH” in the thumbnail.
@thefourfoldroot1 exactly , the gameplay and mechanics were very good . they had it all right with the game mechanically
I’m glad the changed this headline. The original one broke my brain.
@Jacko11 NO! keep them away from killzone, I don't want people who call gamers "talentless freaks" to go anywhere near my beloved killzone, i mean i made my whole empire in stellaris after the helghast i would hate to have them be 2024'd by these devs who honestly suck at character design, those concord designs were blatantly stolen from guardians of the galaxy, outer worlds and probably other stuff.
Bend studio should be allowed to continue killzone and make a new days gone.
I think it's a real shame, there is obviously a good game in there somewhere and it hurts to read that someone was that emotional about the project. We need to remember that 150-170 people put a massive amount of effort into the project over years, and because it's a commercial failure they are at risk of losing their jobs as the reward. We need to remember there are real people behind making these games.
Hope they don’t shutter the studio. I didn’t play the game, but it sounds like it was good, and Sony needs more shooters, IMO. Give them Resistance to remake/remaster, or come up with a shooter with a campaign and multiplayer like Halo.
@LifeGirl This makes no sense to me. Is this a joke? Anti traditional beauty standards? Thats the "woke" part? They didnt include beefcakes in it. Thats a big Lol for me, but hey to each its own
Edit: Temu Drax was a bit of a beefcake
Sad if Sony closes this studio. They are very talented. Most companies pushing live service games fail. Only a few make it.
@LifeGirl I'm gonna go with lol as well. Similar argument was made about Horizon 2 and it did more than fine. Also, plenty of games with zero attractive characters (though beauty is in the eye of the beholder) perform exceptionally well. Does Black Myth: Wukong have any beefcakes?
@LogicStrikesAgain The question was "where is the agenda?" And I told you. I did not use the word "woke". That is your assumption, your projection.
@naruball Black Myth Wukong had something else that Concord did not have. OK... pucker up now because I am about to lay down some real powerful knowledge here that may be about to shock and astound you: Black Myth Wukong is a good game. Concord is not. And that supersedes anything else.
I never said the Concord failed because of its characters - you assumed I did. But it is a multiplying factor. Multiply zero (with zero being a flawless game) and you get zero. Multiply one hundred with one hundred and what do you get?
This is a very simple, very easy to understand concept. Crap upon crap makes something even more crap. Crap upon gold makess dirty gold.
@Deityjester I think you missed the part of folding them in to existing teams, but yeah fair enough
@LifeGirl Seems to me that what u explained "the agenda" was, is considered "woke" by many. But hey i dont even know what woke really is. Everybody seems to define it differently.
@DonJorginho not pretending... I guess my algo just knows that I won't react to this kind of baiting and I'm not on X, TT or insta.
Man, the internet has become a rotten crap fest where anybody will be rattled up about some dumb "hot take".
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
First off, when I mentioned them pushing an agenda too hard I wasn’t meaning that they are part of a bigger agenda (I’m guessing that’s why you asked because of the conspiracy theories). I was meaning it in the usual sense of the word.
Every person/company has an agenda. In other words, an underlying motive or purpose for what they are doing. It could be to make money. It could be to push social boundaries. It could be anything.
You can put agendas forward in many different ways and to many different degrees. However, if you want to appeal to the masses you have to do it subtly and Concord didn’t do that.
As to what the agenda was in the case of Concord, well, I think it was ‘woke ideology’. That means different things to different people. But I think they pushed too hard to try and show ‘inclusion’ (or at least their perception of that) to promote the LGBTQ+ community (they had that tag on steam before removing it to try increase sales, so clearly it didn’t mean as much to them as money) and to break what they perceived as outdated beauty standards, which in the end just made for mediocre, bland or ugly characters. (That’s my perception of it anyway.)
So they were open with their agendas and way they went about it was not subtle so they got a strong backlash to it. They could have had the same agenda but tweaked things slightly, been less obvious, etc. But they chose to do it this way as their believed it was the right thing to do.
All companies have an agenda. But they do need to know their audience. And regardless of the agenda, no one likes overly politicised things. That was the perception many neutrals got from it.
Had to happen, dude signed off on some of the worst business and game design choices I have ever seen. He wasn't fit to lead after that.
Wouldn't surprise me if Sony just shut down the studio in a few months.
I feel terrible for all of the developers. Spending eight years on a hero shooter only for it to flop hard and put them at high risk of losing their jobs. Plus they have to deal with incel weirdos making the game be a part of their culture war crap.
@Kienda The game failed because it was a paid hero shooter released in 2024 when most of them are free to play, not because people of color and LGBTQ+ people get to exist alongside cishet white folks. Get a grip and stop listening to racist queerphobic alt-right grifters for a change.
@LifeGirl “I can’t be aroused by the pixels anymore, the west has fallen!”
I do not advocate for people losing there job but the people in charge need to face consequences seriously
@Kienda thanks. I now get what you mean. Though I don't agree with you (I don't consider this pushing an agenda too hard), I appreciate the clarification. And I agree with your overall point that you should know your audience.
@LifeGirl yeah. Once again, no. Concord wasn't a zero, no matter how much you want to emphasize your assertion. While Black Myth Wukong indeed seems to be a good game, both reviewers and people who actually played Concord said it was a well made game.
The reason it failed is that it got so much negative attention that people who were considering buying it, decided not to knowing full well that the community will be tiny and didn't want to take the risk.This is something that had been stated repeatedly by people on pushsquare.
It's the same reason the ps5 did so well despite the lack of exclusive games. If something is considered cool, everyone wants it. If it's not, it's bound to fail. It's called the snowball effect. I'd say you can look it up, but something tells me you've already made up your mind, as usual.
@NEStalgia ole Jimbo special here. He took all the live service products he could and then took his own teams and had them working on them only to be canceled. So this is the reason we don’t have a roadmap for Sony’s games, cause they are only a few years into development. We might not see any big titles until the end of the PS5 life cycle. Jimbo is to Sony what Don Mattrick was to Xbox. Only PS is popular enough to continue to sell hardware. I just can’t see where 400 million went on this game. It looked so basic to me. I can at least see where the money goes when i see a Spider-Man or Last of Us game, but Concord at 400 million? Thats a shock to me.
PS on a side note you got the FF16 maybe not running great on PC either right. Likely it’s a bad port. But so much for 4K 60. Even the 4090 is struggling with it. Square needs some big time patch work. I remember you being skeptical of this games performance.
@HonestHick absolutely, though not just Jimbo but his mini-me Herman too. Always said Herman had to go too, and wasn't happy he got promoted. Was happy someone from Tokyo got control of hardware but if the pro and the 30th bundle are anything to go by I'd swear they got him from the cratering TV division.
I'm thinking 200 mil in the tank before Jim and Herman threw 200 more into it. Having to outsource Dev on a fast track can't be cheap (from a studio you just bought...) and let's be real 150m is probably the obscene marketing.
And that's 400m PLUS the cost of buying the studio. Didn't embracer buy half of square for close to that lol?
Hah yeah I'd heard 16 runs poorly on PC too, it's disgraceful. Was going to rebuy, probably still will but it's utterly insane how poorly made that game is. I'm guessing the same logic itself is tied to 30fps or something. Idk how the guy that saved xiv from that nonsense went on to make that dog of a game with a dog. Of course with dlss I'm sure it's quite a bit better than PS5, the 4k is probably pushing native but still, something is VERY wrong with that game.
@NEStalgia yeah Herman is a problem it appears as well. I am not a Horizon fan very much so his baby project getting a remaster does nothing for me. I played and beat the first one and still think anyone that can fully follow the story is a 2-3X my comprehension skill set. You know it’s funny you bring the TV’s from Sony up. I was at work yesterday thinking of the 30th anniversary products going dang Sony is turning PS into what they did to their TV’s. I see that more and more. The pricing of the 30th editions are going to be rude. Now i happen to love the look of them. I have been on record saying many many times that I LOVE the PS1 design language. Always did. But the price and how very limited they are making them is just to much. Think the Pro is only 12,000 units. Or maybe that was the slim and Pro combined i am not sure. I just heard 12,000 and thought yeah no way i will be able to get one of these. I can likely find a Dual Sense, so i can hurt my left thumb with a better color scheme! Sounds fun huh?
Yeah FF16 is poorly optimized. Flat out. Not even sure the Pro will iron out much for that game. Outside of making it look prettier. Forget 60fps tho, unless they know some magic that is unknown to the rest of the tech world.
Ff16, yeah 4090 gets like 54fps with drops at 4k ultra, 4070 ti super gets like 34 and that punches well above Pros weight class. The biggest problem is low to ultra isn't very different and only offers slight improvement. It runs fine with dlss and frame gen, but even frame gen when dynamic res is on produces motion artifacts.
I'm thinking pro may not use ultra and will render 1080p. Not sure if can even do 1400 on that game. AI for the rest.
I did see that people are turning ssr and ao off for more stable fps without frame Gen or dynamic res and it's solid 60. Seems like water in particular hits the ssr hard and that's part of what cripples fps. That's the kind of thing thats nice on PC is being able to turn faff like that off. I don't care if reflections on the water are anatomically correct, I just want combat to be fluid in a freaking action game.
Whole industry is so broken.
Edit: yeah those 30th are extremely pretty, but 12000 limited edition, bundle only....... Insanity. Is just like TVs. Thing is Sony is struggling with sales. And what does Sony do whenever sales struggle? Go up market! It's their standard corporate playbook. It fails every time but they do it every time.
@NEStalgia it does fail every single time. They have to do thinking how do we make back some of that Concord money? Well instead of charging stuipd prices on the hardware and such, make some smaller titles that will sell a lot. They have a ton of those. They ain’t getting back all that concord money over night.
I will say tho, i see why they want to make a profit off the Pro. The base units sells a lot and they will make their software money on those so it can sell at razor thin profits. The Pro is likely already a PS5 user and they are upgrading (ME) so they add in their profit on the console to make the 12-15 million pro’s they sell profitable. I understand that angle if that’s their logic. but i was still hoping for $600 with 1TB storage. Classic Sony is back and a lot of its user base won’t like it.
@tobsesta99 I’m sorry, but I’m not the one who needs to get a grip.
No one who has any understanding of the industry will look at 25,000 sales and placing 300th in the charts from one of the biggest first party launches for Sony this year and say ‘oh yes, that’s from an oversaturated market.’
This game was actively avoided and Sony need to work out what caused that. And I believe it was because of the controversy surrounding it, because all things point to that.
@naruball thanks. It’s nice to have reasoned discussion on here where we can agree to disagree but at least try to understand each other.
I think we might have different views on what exactly caused the controversy. (And by the way, I don’t think the backlash was fully justified).
All I’m really saying is that because there seemed to be this political battle going on, a lot of people just didn’t want to touch it and got turned off.
And we all know that AAA games always need to appeal to the masses in order to have commercial success. That’s why most of the popular games are not the ‘best’ games and they rarely push boundaries.
@Kienda yes, I totally see how that influenced people's perception of the game. But I also think that some of the best games ever released didn't cater to everyone, including The Last of Us and Horizon. By taking risks, they set themselves apart from other games which also had great gameplay, but weaker stories.
But it's a multiplayer live service. Certainly it prints money. ¯(ツ)/¯
In their defense on giving this game the go ahead. It was a totally different landscape 8 years ago. Had the game taken 3-4 years to make then I think it would have worked out for them.
Don't give me hope...
The Last of Us and Horizon Zero Dawn were both two of my favourite experiences on PS4. I platinumed HZD that’s how much I loved it.
I haven’t played their sequels though, so maybe I don’t see the full picture to what you’re saying, so in what way do you think they took risks and didn’t cater to everyone?
No spoilers please. 😅
@Kienda haha. It's impossible without spoilers, I'm afraid. But I'm glad to hear you enjoyed both so much.
@PuppetMaster Astro Bot hasn't sold well but I get what you mean.
This is what Nintendo has been doing so well for years. They don't make games costing hundreds of millions and can therefore crank out a high volume of well made games. The fact that most of these end up selling millions of units means that the profit margins are astronomical.
@jrt87 I agree but otoh, I remember when the container ship carrying snes for export required a JSDF naval escort due to a reasonable suspicion that the Yakuza were planning to hijack it to get the SNESes. Cue Pirate Majima jokes here. Maybe the more things change the more the stay the same 😂
I have an endless pile of Atlus games to get through, Ys X... Bought it twice and still have not played it. I need to buy it again on steam darnit. I'm a monster. Or monstum?
But yeah the fomo beat the scalpers game is another reason I wanted out of console. Yeah gpus have that too but there's zero reason to actually get a lunch gpu. I just fear how Nvidia pricing will go next time especially with console prices jumping. $2k for 5090 wouldn't surprise me at all.
@HonestHick I think a lot of the user base is so emotionally attached to a company that sucked long before PlayStation existed, they'll defend to to the end. . I think the mass market won't be pleased though. And I think Sony is in for a shock on ps6. They will charge high and the economy will still suck. These companies don't get that people spending their savings is what held the economy together. The savings are gone now. They're left selling expensive things to a luxury market where most of that market isn't into games. They'll sell less hardware and way less software. And they won't have the 2020 shortages to make getting a PS5 a necessity even if you don't actually want one just because it's the thing to get which happened this time.
Games like Concord feel like a theme that has been overused. They feel tired. It wasn’t because of mechanics, marketing, whatever the Hell “woke” means, or anything like that. It just felt done already.
@__jamiie If you only see Japan chart, you would think Astro Bot didn't sold well. But reports says it sold really well in the US and UK.
And at some point Sony also did like Nintendo where their games didn't cost 100 million to make. Uncharted 2 for example, it only cost $20 million. Or Killzone 2 and Horizon Zero Dawn only cost $45 million and $49 million.
@ATaco Aye, art design as well as the characters are some of the most important things in a game like this, so you have to make an impact, because you only get one first impression.
Here's hoping the Devs land on their feet at least, and find works elsewhere when the inevitable happens...art team should probably lay low for a few years and maybe get new identity though.
As others have said, not sure why Sony doesn't focus on a lot more smaller games with smaller budgets, they are sat on a mountain of stuff they could draw from or revive, but instead, everything has to be a AAA mega blockbuster hit that costs the earth to make!
Anything but remasters! (except for those that could actually benefit from it etc)
One game should not make or break a studio!
@get2sammyb So this bomb is entirely on his hands.
@CKFilms Hello? It lost 400M! They had an absurd "no criticism" development policy. They should all be fired and the studio shuttered.
@PrettyPawsome It was reveled that Sony USA was hoping it would be a Star Wars like series. They oversold it, obviously and the suckers bought it. Sony Japan will have the last say and it'll be biblical.
@Rambo-kind Aw man, Imagine being that person right now that said it'd be the next Star Wars... probably in hiding, hoping they don't have an "accident"! lol
The no criticism policy is terrible too
@Rambo-kind hello!
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