Update: A spokesperson from Absurd Ventures has contacted us to point out the newly formed Absurd Marin's game will be set in a "separate, yet to be announced universe" — and not part of the A Better Paradise universe, as previously reported.
Original Article: A core of developers from Ascendant Studios (including its CEO), the team behind first-person caster Immortals of Aveum, has been snapped up by Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser's new outfit, Absurd Ventures. According to a press release (thanks, IGN), they will form a new studio called Absurd Marin and work on a "story-driven action-adventure" game set in Absurd Ventures' interconnected A Better Paradise Universe.
More than half of Ascendant Studios was laid off following the lacklustre sales performance of Immortals of Aveum (and the rest seemingly furloughed). Houser, the creative director, producer and lead writer on tiny indie games like Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2, has seemingly identified a kindred spirit in Ascendant Studios founder and director Bret Robbins, who will lead Absurd Marin. Houser said of the formation: "Bret has put together a highly talented, passionate team. We are very excited to have them join forces with us as we begin to work together on one of our original new titles."
Are you looking forward to seeing what Houser has cooking over at Absurd Ventures? What do you think of Immortals devs living up to their name and getting the chance to live again? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 11
I’m replaying ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ after a long break, and it’s blowing me away with its story-telling all over again. ‘Immortals…’ was a technically sound game, with interesting world building that lacked a spark.
I think with their talents combined, they could cook up something very interesting.
I hope they left behind those responsible for character design in IoA, because they made the most ugly characters in gaming history.
"tiny indie games like Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption 2"
Nice of Dan quickly scooping them up.
I hope they can shake up the industry with some actual creativity from strong voices, not the usual designed-by-committee slop. Would be nice to get something fresh outside of the indie scene. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Immortals of Aveum had some of the worst characters I’ve ever seen in a video game and the story was a mess, but the gameplay itself was fine. Hopefully they improve on a second chance.
Shrewd move. Game was high profile, just bad direction.
It's absurd to know Push Square's Tiny Indie Games 😏😁😁
I was ready to enjoy this game, but it fell flat for me. I'm sure a lot of folks will find it ridiculous, but most games with enemies that just spawn into arenas don't work for me. I really miss lived-in levels and corpse-stay.
IoA once they sorted out the performance issues (in the patch a month or so after it went on PS Plus), was a decent enough game. Was it the best thing ever - no, but i enjoyed it well enough.
Would have bought it at full price (around launch) if not for the technical mess it was in, so i waited for it to be fixed.
Then I added it to my library for free via PS Plus, and i held off playing for a month or so until the already announced performance patch was released.....
Interesting move but happy for the devs. Let's hope they learned from their mistakes.
Nice to hear of some jobs GAINED among all the 12,700+ jobs already lost this year.
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