Dragon Age: Inquisition PS4 PlayStation

In a mildly surprising revelation a decade on from the launch of BioWare's Dragon Age: Inquisition, it turns out the developers' last venture to Thedas was wildly successful and "massively" oversold EA's internal projections. In addition, Inquisition shifted a monstrous 12 million copies, making it BioWare's best-selling game to date; for perspective, the entire Mass Effect trilogy, Legendary Edition, and Andromeda combined totalled nearly 14 million, so Commander Shepard, eat your heart out.

Despite that, Inquisition has had an enduring reputation as a commercial failure and the occasional butt of industry jokes; this scribe is guilty of pointing to its 2014 GOTY wins as a sign of a particularly weak year. On X, former Dragon Age executive producer Mark Darrah (who departed in 2020) set the record straight, revealing that the title "massively oversold the internal EA projections", to the shock and surprise of many.

What do you think? Has Dragon Age: Inquisition been unfairly treated by history? What are your memories of the game? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source x.com]