This sort of flew under the radar over the weekend, but one of 2023's biggest PS5 titles has now been permanently lowered in price. Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy 16, the latest entry in the long-running series, has had its PS Store price tag cut. It's gone from $69.99/£69.99 to $49.99/£49.99.
This news comes alongside the arrival of Final Fantasy 16: Complete Edition, which bundles together the base game with the two DLC packs — The Rising Tide and Echoes of the Fallen. This version inherits the regular game's previous price point.
It's all welcome news as far as we're concerned; you can now play one of our top 10 games of 2023 for less. Plus, the excellent soundtrack was recently made available on streaming services at last, so you can keep the rousing boss battle music blasting. All this movement around FF16 may be the publisher trying to score more sales after the game failed to meet expectations, but again, it's a win-win situation for players.
Are you tempted by FF16's new, lower price point on PS5? Tell us in the comments section below.
Comments 44
Have they fixed that awful framerate during exploration yet?
(I know the battles were ok)
I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner, I mean the game looked great, but overall it was way too easy and a large portion of it comprised of either fetch quests or long protracted boss battles that had no challenge,.
I think i spent about 20 minutes on the one where you turn into Ifrit but the battle just consisted of just bashing one button repeatedly.
How kind of them to reduce the price of a game you can purchase physically for around £30 brand new. Instead of paying £70 for a digital version we now have the honour of paying £50!
All digital is not the issue (would prefer if physical continued). It's the walled off nature of all consoles' digital distribution. Having them locked off to only buy from a single store allows them to jack up prices and prevents competition.
That‘s a fair move from SE (meanwhile H:ZD pricing…).
Interesting lunch strategy, I approve.
@Yousef- mmmm what is your strategy for lunch today? Anything tasty?
@PsBoxSwitchOwner usually the usual chicken and potatoes. Nothing fancy!
That’s all well and good, but I already have the base game. I wish they’d lower the price of the DLC, or at least put it on sale.
Hopefully they lower the DLC price then, so I can complete my edition at a better price point!
@Yousef- I approve of your lunch strategy! fantasy 16 complete edition is a excellent game with all the dlcs.word up son
@Medic_alert Physical copies can already be had for around £20
Amazing story and my second favorite game of 2023 after BG3.
@LunarFlame17 I mean it is $25. Kind of a steal if you ask me
Physical complete edition when
As soon as they make a complete edition for the pro version, I'll gladly give them my money.
I'll just wait for it to come to ps plus
They matched the price with the Steam version.
Almost the exact same here, except i didnt have it preordered so had nothing to cancel....
Maybe Pro can fix it - it didnt seem like the CPU was that strained... then again it didnt look like the GPU was strained much either.
You could say that it 'failed to meet expectations' lol
I really enjoyed this game as a non turned based RPG player. It’s got a lot of performance issues i would like to see if the Pro could fix or maybe they wait and touch it up for the more powerful next gen consoles. I haven’t played the DLC’s tho and would like too.
Game was awesome, definitely going back to play them two expansions soon, hope they make more FF titles in this style in future
@Nepp67 You’re right, it’s not a bad price, but it would be even better if it was cheaper!
Naw. The battles are still boring and button mashy. Cheaper price tag, or bundled DLC, doesn't fix that.
I already have the game and the DLCs (on my way to beat FF mode and get the plat), but great news for thse who did not played it. A very intense and thrilling experience!!
Hilarious how $50 is a “sale” nowadays
Still waiting on that FFXVI PS5 Pro patch announcements... any minute now... please
Still waiting for a sale on the dlc. 😅
It'll go on sales fast I think. This brings it down to match PC pricing (good on Square!), and PC pricing is holding its price because it's a brand new release. It'll drop in price on sales quickly on PC I think, and console will probably follow.
@HonestHick Thing cripples 4090. Pro won't do squat for it. You'll get an even sharper, more detailed 30fps mode and a still inconsistent but maybe somewhat less blurry 60fps mode.
Even 4090 users are having huge issues with 60fps mode being wildly inconsistent. Even on 4090 it will NOT hit stable 60fps without relying heavily on framegen and DLSS. Some users have taken to disabling SSR and AO to then turn off framegen and dynamic res to get a true 60fps, where apparently SSR is extremely over-accurate in calculating water reflections and some other surfaces and contributing to the big dips, because for some reason the devs decided using all the GPU to do advanced simulations of light refraction was a good idea.
Bottom line: That's the best a 4090 can do with this wildly broken engine. Pro doesn't stand a chance. It'll be less bad than on base PS5. It'll still be bad. 4090 will be less bad than Pro. It's still bad.
@Nem same.. but it looks like they removed it from sale? I can't find it on the store anymore.
Is this the online FF game or the recent offline title? I didn't even know it had any expansions I brought it on disc ages ago for £25 used, maybe a sale with all the dlc will turn up eventually
@NEStalgia yeah thats what i was thinking too, thats why i said maybe they wait to see if PS6 can make enough of a noticeable improvement worth going into it. Cause PC and PS5 run the game just so so. That engine is for sure bad when a 4090 can’t even fix it with brute power. Haha oh well maybe they can make the dog look cuter on PS5 Pro hahaha JK
@HonestHick The PS6 if it's releasing in the next 3 years and is AMD based and is not over $1k, is not going to be 4090 tier. What you see on PC now is as good as you're going to see this game until it's inevitable remake (where they make it a time traveling trilogy and Torgal is a being from another dimension seeking to conquer the world.) The engine is just pure garbage and I can't for the life of me understand why they gave anything Luminous based another go. That said, Rebirth managed to make UE5 just as bad....
There's a few dogs out there right now that even 4090's can't brute force. This is the big one (and also the low settings and ultra settings are almost the same. Looks similar, performs similar and in fact ultra has much better shadows with little performance hit vs low which isn't very low and still performs bad.) Metaphor: Refantazio's demo is another. Out of the box high settings drag 4090s to 40fps. It's not a super advanced looking game, just horribly optimized like every game today. That said, at least Metaphor gets 30fps stable on my non-extreme ally, so low settings at least scale nicely.
Something is seriously WRONG with everything in game dev. That ever game plops off the line barely functional on literally THE most expensive, best, exotic hardware money can buy at any price..... It's like selling a toaster that sparks and arcs with a chewed up electric cord insulation but "works."
If the base game now costs $50 and the deluxe costs $70, then why does the deluxe upgrade still cost $25? Guess I'm still waiting to play the DLC...
Yeah, CEX have it for £22 right now
@SJR It's still there. It's annoying to get to though. Scroll down past the news.
@Nem thanks.. just gotta wait for a sale haha
@whatkindofsick Same here and no stupid voucher edition.
@NEStalgia Why didn't they do the same as the Demon Souls remake that looks fantastic with its fake lighting solution.
Square-Enix is annoyed but their games don't run great even if they release it on one platform alone terrible optimisation. They need to learn to work with the console/platform limitations and make a fun and good game first.
Forspoken was not that great, Foamstars was so horrible with the monetization which made me quit really fast. They sold their fast library of games for peanuts to go for NFT's hype.
It's such a pity that their leaders destroyed their company for a quick payout it's just sad to see.
@LunarFlame17 You really need a discount that badly for 25$
@Flaming_Kaiser I'm not sure what devs are thinking with one of this stuff. The thing, though is, that ray tracing is much easier and faster to implement and looks better at the same time. So I can see why devs prefer to implement it. Pretty much hit a button, it's automatic, and looks better than anything done manually becuase it makes lighting work like it does in reality. Plus devs just like playing with the tools they have.
But at this point they have to all know that it just isn't viable for modern hardware. The simulations of lighting an entire real world are just too much for current hardware and will continue to be so for quite a long time. So I'm sure they did it because it's fast and cheap to do and looks good.
But what I don't get is YoshiP is the guy who had to clean up the mess of FFXIV OG, he's the guy with the dev diaries about the original team focusing on gfx above anything else and had issues like the flower pots that had more polygons than the player character. Then he goes on to make XVI that cripples a 4090 and simply can not run at full speed on any hardware that money can buy because it focused too much on gfx...?? Isn't he the one that complained about other devs in square doing that?
Totally agreed, about square (and every dev) needing to work to the limitations of the platform. It's bad enough that multiplats don't do it, but now we have exclusives that don't even run right on the only hardware it runs on.
Masuda was a horrible leader, and it seems like the new CEO may be a lot more level headed. That said, my own theory on selling half the company to Embracer is more complicated. I don't think they sold the whole thing for peanuts. I think they were swimming in debt up to their eyeballs and sold off half the company for "peanuts" with all their debt bundled into the sale, I.E. the real price to Embracer was much more than the purchase price, as they had to absorb a mountain of debt commensurate with the real price of what they bought, and magically Square was in the black again.
@Nepp67 Need? No. Want? Yes!
@NEStalgia In the end it takes a lot power to use and with the Demon Souls remake I never felt wow this looks terrible with fake ray tracing. The game ran so much better and it was a blast to play.
I was quite shocked that a game made for a platforms runs so bad. Make it run and upgrade the looks later. I rather see a fantastic running game that looks great then a terriblw running game that still doesn't look that beautiful.
It's a pity that they ran their company into the ground. Like FF7R let's be real here this game should have been remade 1:1 with the updated graphics and controls. Make some Easter eggs in there.
I can still remember that a kid crying in the start of the game and you could not do anything to help. Maybe a 5th weapon for cloud that was rumored all the time, a few extra summons.
I can respect the gamble but the game is expensive as it is already and FF7 looking next gen would have been a game changer. With the time they took the could released it on PS4 and in a upgraded form on PS5.
@Flaming_Kaiser To be fair it seems like a key problem is the game is simply designed for 30fps, and the fact that infinite brute force still doesn't make it correctly run 60, it's VERY poorly designed with key parts of the game loop and rendering locked into a 30fps cycle. I think this game goes beyond lack of optimization and is very poorly designed with deeply built in 30 fps logic. But.... Why? It was built as a fast action combat game with the DMC director. Why would they design around 30 in the first place?
I think 7r as a sort of sequel makes a lot of sense. But not dragged out for 3 games for like 13+ years after announcement. Everyone wanted remake and got this instead. I think as a single sequel/retelling it could have worked, but not stretched out like it was.
@NEStalgia Final Fantasy 7R should have a 1 on 1 remake with some small extras and new controls it's just to much and I totally lost interest overtime.
And what you said about FF16 that sounds about right. Also as a old man time is so precious and the backlog is growing. 😭
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