The next game in the Like a Dragon / Yakuza series has been officially announced, and you might want to sit down before hearing what it's all about. It's called Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii (we're already off to a good start), and it stars the legendary Majima Goro as a solo protagonist.
Majima's in a bit of a pickle this time around, though. He wakes up on an island near Hawaii, and he's been hit with a serious case of amnesia. He somehow ends up going on a pirate-themed adventure with the locals, and becomes the captain of his own ship. No, we're not making this up.

Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii seems to take place after the events of Like a Dragon Gaiden and before Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Oh, and the combat is action-based; we actually get to see Majima pull off some crazy-looking aerial combo in the reveal trailer. The game's sailing to both PS5 and PS4 on the 28th February, 2025.
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What do you think of this insane concept? Finally cut loose in the comments section below.
What are your first thoughts on Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii? (1,116 votes)
- I cannot wait for this
- I'm... interested
- I... I don't even know what to say
- I'm not feeling it, to be honest
Comments 71
RGG Studios was cooooooking. 🔥
There has never, ever, in history, been a video game that aligns with my interests more completely than this.
RGG has just announced a thing we never knew we really needed. Cannot wait!
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! This is why I love gaming! This is why I love Yakuza! Best gaming series of all time (apart from Ishin). Day 1!
Did you say action base…
"Oh, and the combat is action-based"
And I'm in. All I needed to hear.
Ok I'm 110% down for this. Majima getting his own wacky spinoff with Pirates? LFGGGGGG
This has blown literally all my expectations out of the water (pun unintended) - cannot wait for this!
Also is it just me or does Queen Michele look like Lady Dimitrescu has taken a holiday to Hawaii?
Huh? What? Majima as a Pirate???
Like a Dragon: Pirates Yakuza wasn't enough, they had to add "in Hawaii" 😂 Love it, love everything about it and the gameplay. Day 1 Buy 🙌😂
Majima Goro as a pirate????? And action based????? Count me in!
As much as I still yearn for an Akiyama game i will gladly take this XD
Kaizuko Ou Ni Ore Wa Naru!!!
I love this game series, and I love games with pirates.
Has some game developer somewhere been reading my diary?????
I don't like too much the settings outside Japan, the beauty of Yakuza is the immersion in the japanese culture.
Yakuza Black Flag lmao. This is so crazy is an instant preorder for me 🤣
Dreams do come true… Goro Pirates Assemble!!!
February 28th cannot come soon enough. My man finally gets the spotlight all to himself. Well deserved
Still no signs of Judgment 3 or a similar spin off with Kaito, Kuwana or Sugiura starring in it happening any time soon 😭😭😭 I’ll definitely take more Majima in any way though. Majima Solo Game > Judgment 3 but I wanted both because I’m a greedy ***** 😂😂😂😂 Day 1 purchase let’s gooooooooooo
RGG Studio just don't miss. I cannot wait to play this!
The title alone, love it! I knew RGG was cooking up something good. I assume it'll be a smaller release like the man who erased his name.
It's going to be more of a DLC to IW type of thing, so they better not charge full price for this...
Mainly the same locations and assets.
I love how characters like Yagami or Majima just 'conveniently' end up in the very same location as the last game.
Like Yagami has a case in Ijincho after Yakuza 7 and Majima ends up in Hawaii after Infinite Wealth
But jokes aside, it's a good way to put out high quality games in a fast pace, especially since the locations matter less than the characters and side quest
Looking forward to this
Action based Yakuza... With PIRATES. Yesssssss please. Take my moneys 💰💰
@MUG3NHC I mean, same locations and assetts is kinda what they do.
This looks cool and all, but imma skip this one.
Definitely didn't have this on my bingo card for game announcements this year but I'm absolutely excited for it! Always nice to see Majima in a starring role!
@johncalmc Aye! I do not need to see the trailer, the title of the game has sold me already.
That it's not turn based is even better! I don't mind turn based combat but in a Like a Dragon game I want the hands on approach!
@MUG3NHC Reusing assets is pretty much a standard thing in the industry and it isn't a bad thing especially when you could make something good from it.
Sure, I just don't think that deserves a full price.
If it's reasonably priced then count me in.
Now this is the kind of game I can get excited for.
In a world where AAA devs are taking many years to get games out as they push towards realistic graphics, thank God for RGG Studio who ignore such nonsense and keep putting out bangers on a regular basis
@MUG3NHC it's a new game and reusing locations and assests is a good thing that should be normalised
Skulls and Bones if it was good
Day 1 Purchase
So we will have games in 2025 still releasing on PS4. Tell me again how badly we need a mid-gen refresh Sony?
I needs this ASAP!!!🔥🔥🔥
2025's Pirate game of the year!
Day One Cant Wait 🔥
I'm so hired on this ship!
Love it.
This is exactly what Majima needed - an unhinged adventure just for him. I was so, so damn tired of having him be reduced to just a part of that bum trio with Saejima and Daigo.
For the longest time he hasn't been able to just be a character on his own, and instead was there just as a 'yakuza legend' figure, to pop up for a bit, do some quick fighting, then fade back into obscurity.
That all changes now. Let's go find the One Piece, Majima-san.
I love the Fist of the North Star entry, at least what I've played. The other games talk too much for me. This looks like exactly my kind of dumb though..
I need this in my bloodstream right now, I’m so down. Yes Majima!!!!! Back in form.
They got me at action base.
I'm in
Let alone the insane theme of the game hahahaha.
RGG is a studio that needs to be applauded. A rare unicorn these days that has the ability to release games yearly and still maintain quality and gameplay that the die hard fans enjoy. Brilliant stuff.
Majima as a pirate? I’m so in.
I can't believe this is a real game. Absolute genius idea
Buying this because that's... SAMOA JOE!
Genuinely thought this was a joke when I saw it. I need it.
They literally have DMC type combat in this one.
I am all for this. A Majima game that's PIRATE THEMED?
Yes please and thank you RGG
Like A Dragon: The Man Who Forgets His Name
Not really feeling it ..and I prefer turn based
RGG has just dropped 2025’s Game of the Year. I will be there on day one.
i still haven't given this series a chance yet , i already have a bunch of them downloaded i really need to give them a try.
This made my day!! Kiryu-chaaaan!
I can’t wait for this. As someone against preordering games, I’m going to pre order this game asap. RGG is trustworthy and this entry looks like a big step up gameplay wise for the action focused games. I just need to get through the series now so I’m caught up by the time this game comes out! Going to finish up Yakuza 4 this weekend.
Looks like it’ll be hilarious.
RGG: Gori Majima...
Me: sold.
RGG: but you haven't heard the pitch
Me: Did I stutter?
Love it. Day 1 for me. Yakuza games are just addictive!
Samoa Joe in a Yakuza Pirate game was not on anyone's bingo card this year.
Hello there fellow gamers.
I don´t actually know what to say but...... An Yakuza Action Pirate Game starring Majima Goro? Yes please and thank you.
This Franchise is nuts and I love it.
Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In!
Cheers everyone and happy pirate gaming
Correction I think it’s actually after infinite wealth based on dialogue in the trailer referring to the ending of ichibans story
It says that its after Gaiden and before Infinite Wealth
Poll option 1 and Poll option 3 really need to be merged together. This is absolute bananas and I need it.
@AdamNovice no, but I'm totally here for it 😂 incredible
I really hope the return to the grounded crime families in Japan games, with a sprinkle of outlandish. Pleased it's action based, but for me, I'm nervous the direction rgg has been going in their recent games. I understand I'm in the minority, but it's leaning too far into cartoon for me.
Action based and Majima in the lead role? I'm always hyped for a new Like a Dragon game, but this is going to be even more insane with that guy at the forefront and I can't wait.
@johncalmc This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught Captain Goro Majima.
Definitely getting this on PS4.
He comes pre installed with the eyepatch already
Finaly i will reach the one piece or die trying. @ShogunRok, in ps app say the game is for 4 players, any ideia what caming?
@Cloud39472 exactly! This annual release thing is definitely causing me burnout too. Tbh I'm more keen to see what Nagoshi studios is creating as I feel he was what defined the series in the beginning. He would have no involvement in this game.
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