Mortal Kombat 1’s massive Khaos Reigns expansion will release on 24th September, bringing with it an entire new storyline to NetherRealm’s increasingly complicated plot. This trailer doesn’t really dilly on the details: it just shows off a series of murders, many of which will make you wince and chuckle in equal measure. Seriously, this series always manages to find the right balance between sadistic and silly.
Annoyingly, because of the violence we can’t embed the video on this page, but you can watch it through here.
In addition to the cinematic campaign, the expansion will come with six new characters: Cyrax, Sektor, Noob Saibot, Ghostface, T-1000, and Conan. The first three additions will be available at launch, while the second three guest characters will be added at a later date. You can catch all six in action courtesy of the trailer above.
It’s also worth noting that everyone who owns the game will unlock Animalities, too. Some of these look delightfully absurd, like two crocodiles inexplicably wandering onto the screen and pulling an opponent in two – or a phoenix causing a fire storm which burns the skin right off their target. Will you be messing around with any of this new content? Finish us in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 19
Been waiting for more MK1! I'm personally going to love these new additions!!
Looks fantastic! What's not fantastic is the price being almost the same as buying a new full game 😐
Yeah absolutely not paying £40 for a few extra hours of story. Hate the new character designs. Why change it? The only thing I wanted was the animal fatalities & they're free
The new content looks good, but I do remember commenting last year about how it's better to wait on getting the game until we get a more complete edition. It's the usual NetherRealm Studio quota.
The full game was $70 and you got a story, 20+ characters and the rest of the content.
This is $50 and you get a story expansion with questionable length and 6 characters.
Thats a hard sell for me, though the free animalities does make me want to give it a little leeway.
Still, I doubt I’m gonna be buying at full price.
Not paying for more of that terrible story.
I'll wait until I can buy just the characters
Does it have any new trophies ?
Got it pre-ordered and i'm very excited.
@DennisReynolds why?? That's insane your just supporting greed
@nedbvai Why? Because i love MK and want to play the expansion and the new characters, i pre-ordered because it comes with a bunch of skins if you do including one for Mileena a character i main online. I support my interests and passions not your moral crusade over a video game.
Preordered the game (digitally mind you) and was disappointed a few hours into it, unfortunately.. marked the last preorder and the last digital game I’ll ever buy again.. worst MK ever imo.. give us a Shaolin Monk 2 please.. quit charging your fan base more money for an unfinished game
Hell, Armageddon had 62 playable fighters, a proper Krypt, AND Motor Kombat.. and that was all on the PS2 disc with no extra money needed
PS5 MK1 nearly 20 years later we get only 22 characters and some crappy board game with monotonous repetitive gameplay
Sadly, I have no more faith in Ed Boon or this franchise.. these DLCs are predatory for real
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@WolfyTn agreed its one of the worst MK games I've played I like the older games more than the newer ones if I'm being honest
@WolfyTn Yet i bet Ultimate MK3 and Super Street Fighter 2 at full price were fine for you?
Armageddon had 62 character yes but the vast majority were pallette swapped clones and fatalities saw a major hit as well. People forget how hated that entry was and how it was considered a massive low point of the franchise at the time.
@nedbvai A 4-5 story, 6 new characters, new stages, new skins and more yeah i'm fine with that. When you grow up you will find the value of money changes and you tend to buy things that give you pleasure regardless of price if you can afford it even if social media "gamers" like to say otherwise, life is short it can end anytime i know that very well so i much prefer enjoying my hobbies instead of finding reasons to hate them. You can spend your time hating online but next week i shell be spending my time enjoying new content in a game i love.
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@nedbvai At least i'm not the one having comments removed because i'm attacking/trolling others because they're excited for something. Food for thought.
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