Fans of PowerWash Simulator will all tell you how good it feels to play. The zen-like state you enter as you hose down huge levels in need of a deep clean is pretty unique, with every sweep of the pressure washer delivering an immensely satisfying dose of dopamine. Now, in a recent study, it's been proven that the game's chilled-out gameplay makes players happier.
The Oxford Internet Institute, part of Oxford University, partnered with FuturLab, which developed a special research edition of PowerWash Simulator, to look at the effects a video game has on a player's mood. Nearly 8,700 people from all over the world took part in the study, playing over 67,000 individual sessions and submitting more than 162,000 mood reports. The researchers found that the average player reported a more positive mood during play than before. Moreover, going by the statistics from the study, it's predicted that this boost in mood will be experienced by 72 per cent of players. If you're interested in really diving deep into the study, you can read the full thing through the link.
The research edition of PowerWash Simulator aimed to be as accurate to the regular game as possible while still incorporating the needs of the researchers; as well as recording various player metrics, it has an in-game character asking for answers to survey questions. Additionally, the study was carried out with players in their "natural contexts", essentially meaning they contributed from home rather than coming into a lab environment.
"Our current study corroborates what qualitative research and reports from video game players around the world have long suggested: People feel good playing video games," says Nick Ballou, second author on the study.
Senior author Professor Andrew Przybylski adds that, while the findings are consistent with the notion of games being a tool for recovery and relaxation, there's more to be done to research their effects on players' mental state. "The fact that we studied only one game – and one that is not likely representative of today’s most commonly played games – suggests caution in generalizing from our findings to other games," he said. "Future work should consider the use of randomised controlled trials to evaluate the effect of playing PowerWash Simulator or other games compared to other leisure activities or therapeutic interventions."
So, summing up, PowerWash Simulator is scientifically proven to be a relaxing mood-lifter. No wonder we couldn't stop playing it for a while. Does the game put you in a better mood? Tell us in the comments section below.
[source dl.acm.org]
Comments 14
Such a zen game.
Ridiculous plot, but it's very satisfying.
Fun to see actual research that confirms that the real-life need to feel productive/creative translates to games aswell.
Not exactly my cup of tea, but there's no denying that cleaning, farming, renovation and job-simulaton games are very popular.
There’s a scientific study that says looking at breast will help you live longer. I say put some breast in the game and we will all live happier healthy lives 😁 together.
Just a friendly reminder that one study means nothing if not scrutinized with peer reviews and response studies. Not necessarily a dig at this study, just keep in mind most reporting on scientific matters is poorly done and misrepresentative.
Also, to give a more workaday response, no duh. Playing a fun, relaxing game puts players in a better mood? Crazy.
Do the next study with COD multiplayer or PUBG (if that is still a thing) but give one player an aim bot. I am sure there will be many relaxed & zen like participants in that study as well. 😉
To be fair my own game of choice for that would be Minecraft and it's often what I will play when I have had a rough day for whatever reason.
Being asleep sure is a mood.
Honestly didn’t need a study. As @RoomWithaMoose put it, “no duh.”
Except for that one level with the gnomes. Gosh darn gnomes…
@MrPeanutbutterz was about to make a similar joke 😆
It just made me feel bored
I love science.
Imagine the mood boost you'd get if you cleaned in real life!
Maybe that's true for the game but powerwashing in real life is a pain in the arse to me 😅
@Artois2 That’s better than stressed to be fair.
Was it The Gadget Show where they proved that playing Flower reduced your heart rate and calmed you down?
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