With its lengthy period of PS5 exclusivity now at a close, Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki "Yoshi-P" Yoshida is concerned about the inevitable debauchery that will follow once the PC modding community gets its grasping paws on the game (available today, 17th September). Yoshida doesn't want to see your "offensive or inappropriate" smut, basically anything that could currently be found under the "most popular" tab of Final Fantasy VII Remake's Nexus Mods page.
Of course, PC Gamer was all over this one, asking director Hiroshi Takai if there were any ridiculous inclusions he'd like to see come to the game. At this point, Yoshida stepped in ("all dad-style", according to the outlet) and shut down the fun, declaring: "If we said, 'It'd be great if someone made XYZ,' it might come across as a request, so I'll avoid mentioning any specifics here! The only thing I will say is that we definitely don't want to say anything offensive or inappropriate, so please don't make or install anything like that."
Hopefully, we will at least get some form of Thomas mod to allow for proper immersion, an addition that could not possibly be described as offensive or inappropriate. Do you think the modding community will show restraint regarding Clive and company? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source pcgamer.com]
Comments 53
Yeah good luck with that.
The modding community showing restraint? Ha! That'll be the day!
"Please don't have fun with our game...That you paid for and own..."
Old P yells at cloud.
Never been a big fan of mods in general, most of them just mess with what the devs intended.
Lol yeah that will not stop those people on making nude mod for Benedikta and Jill or even Clive, Cid, and the rest of the cast.
Just look at how many nude mod for Tifa that even became a favorite for Italian senate and Italy mascot hehe.
@AdamNovice I mean…that’s the very definition of a mod.
Maybe this is some kinda reverse marketing tactic? Asking people not to mod anything weird, but it's gonna make people want to mod the game even more. Thus making it more popular?
I feel like there is a term for such strategy
c'mon sickos, do not disappoint me!
Inappropriate mods please:)
Think that was some reverse Jedi mind trickery that he really, really didn't mean. At least that's what all the modders will think.
@PuppetMaster Can you really mod Benedikta to be MORE inappropriate?
Now that he said they will make sure on day 1 to make the most sexual and offensive mods the Internet has ever seen! Poor Yoshi unintentionally just opened the gates of Hell 😅
I’m sorry Yoshi-P but the Jill and Benedikta nude mods are going to be inevitably…delightful.
@VicerExciser This is my first though lol.
Neck beards making nude mods of every PC version of games will never stop - and it will never stop being super cringe.
I'll bet everyone saying the price of PC isn't worth it over Pro is reconsidering now 😂
I mean for some people mods like that are big reason tho purchase the game so shouldn't he want such mods to exist?
@BrotherFriede yes. - reverse psychology.
Humans cannot help doing something when told not to.
@Arnna You seem to be assuming that girl gamers do not like looking at beautiful naked people too.
A lot of people make that mistake actually, assuming that women prefer characters with the sexuality level of Concord despite evidence to the contrary.
@LifeGirl Let’s not pretend it’s not 99% men making and consuming these mods. There’s less cringe ways to see naked people. Porn for instance. Or leaving the house and meeting people. Also let’s not pretend that it’s all heavily tied into CP or Japan-centric lolly territory. Ashley RE mods for instance.
Putting the cringe aside it’s very often about infantilising girls and women and that is very problematic.
Removed - trolling/baiting
@GloriosaDaisy but they don't own it sadly 😞 They've paid for a licence key and that only grants access, not ownership.
Hope they create a personality for Jill.
@Icey664 ah, yes. Those damn party poopers who are against sexualizing everything including children.
Maybe they could mod some gameplay into this game.
You think this will be bad, just wait till Stellar blade comes to PC that will be wild times.....
@Arnna Do you have any proof of that 99% figure beyond your presumed stereotypes?
Also, "infantilising women and children"? Where the heck did that you pull that nonsense from? The last thing that I'm thinking when i look at a woman with a huge pair of uncovered knockers is "infantalised". That is the purest definition of an adult female.
Restraint.... lol
Sorry Pushsquare - I dont normally comment on your writing, but i dont think many people know the meaning of that word these days...
@naruball I mean Ashely is 20... so what's the problem?
@LifeGirl Give me a break. The gaming space is still dominated by men. If you bothered to explore the modding spaces on Japanese games there is a constant omnipresent line between adult content and things which are acceptable in Japanese pornography. Stuff which is absolutely about infantilisation of women or straight up CP.
Have you ever been to Japan? It might open your eyes. To refuse to see the intersectionality is ignorant.
@Yagami There is nothing wrong with adult content in games. What I’m trying to explain is how a lot of the modding going on treads a very thin line between standard content and content that intersects with very questionable and illegal stuff. It is all historically present in Japanese porn and neckbeards defend it as OK because it’s pixels and not real women. And it’s disgusting.
My man, it’s too late - there was fan art before the game even came out
Well 🤷 I'm sure some mods will accidentally make their way to my PC
@AdamNovice alot of mods make alot of games better and fix stuff the devs don't bother. Also add on new content and options
@Yagami you didn’t even read my post. I said it’s disgusting when infantilisation porn which is largely Japanese intersects with and is normalised in mods. I never said there is anything wrong with porn or that is leads to anything bad. Don’t put words in my mouth. You didn’t read or comprehend my post in any way shape of form.
Removed - inappropriate
Removed - trolling/baiting
Just by him saying this people will go out of their way now. The floodgates have opened.
@Arnna 99%? Where did you conjure that statistic from? thin air? you're probably one of the most judgemental individuals I've seen on here so far.
Jesus Christ…. It’s a rough estimate. The gaming space is still dominated by men 25-40. Do you actually have a retort for anything else I said or are you just going to fixate on a hyperbolic statistical statement? Or are you one of the sad neckbeards that defends sexual infantilisation and other gross s***.
@Arnna "Or are you one of the sad neckbeards that defends sexual infantilisation and other gross s***."
You have yet to prove that infantilisation is a thing beyond some nebulous "look at what the Japanese are into" which comes off as actually rather bigoted tbh.
And as for "dominated by men", I follow numerous women on YouTube and Twitch who play games. I'm sorry to tell you this, but it ain't 1998 anymore. Women are everywhere in our community now.
Assertions require proof and I am seeing precious little of it right now.
@gamer2004ama my dude, I missed the whole debate I was talking about Yoshi P. But I’m sure the reason he doesn’t want sexy mods, and I agree, is that the game has minors in.
The adult characters, sure, whatever floats peoples boats but that’s better outside the game, for the above reason.
But I see my comment came at an unfortunate point
@Cloud39472 If pixel boobs is what's causing you to lose faith in humanity you don't know humanity at all.
Look, if I want Sid to run around with a thong and his dong flopping out, that's my business Yoshida! Stay in your lane buddy!
Jokes aside, I do find a producer saying this hilarious. Look at all of the Resident Evil mods, they're really goofy and funny.
@WizzNL He is very much aware but this type of stuff is more of don't ask don't tell. There are mods in FFXIV that people use and he had said in not so many ways if you are using them don't advertise them because it breaks TOS and you will get banned.
I don't see anything offensive on the nexus mods most popular section for FF7 Remake.
But with the reporting of Yoshi's message it's basically asking people do to just that xD
Asking PC gamers not to do depraved, perverted, immoral stuff is like asking a politician to tell the truth. Ain't gonna happen. There will be full on porn clips of the characters on the web in very short order.
@RubyCarbuncle Yup the PC gamer weirdos will flock to this like dogs to fire hydrants.
One thing to take notice this engine will not be good at supporting mods
And 14 seconds after the official release, nude modes everywhere...
If you like pixel females in a sexual way get help
Mods go either way, quality of life, extra content, skins or well yes messing with the game in ways they don't want with the quality of life/extra content but especially character changes yes.
Customers want to have fun and some are what they are. Similar audience goes to PC or Switch for fan service games let alone mods for them sure.....
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