Assassin's Creed Shadows PS5 PlayStation

The manufacturer of the Assassin's Creed Shadows statue that caused controversy will pull the design after describing its initial appearance as "insensitive." This follows Ubisoft's pledge to shore up some elements of historical inaccuracy, with the title being delayed into February 2025.

Purearts, the maker of the statue supposed to ship with the Assassin's Creed Shadows Collector's Edition, posted an update on the item to X (thanks, Eurogamer). The firm has promised to return to the drawing board and is reworking the design, scrubbing the associated page from its website.

If this is all news to you, the statue depicted Chib-style protagonists Yasuke and Naoe in front of a one-legged Torii gate, imagery synonymous with the atomic blast in Nagasaki in 1945. The structure, just 900m from the epicentre, was one of the few to survive the event. With temperatures above 4000 degrees Celsius, more than 35,000 people were killed in less than a second.

With a little luck, Ubisoft will do a bit more due diligence when deciding on the backdrop for its merch in future. In the comments section below, let us know your thoughts on the entire affair.