Because of the way the Call of Duty franchise is handled on PS5, Black Ops 6 will be the second entry in a row missing a Platinum Trophy for the current-gen version. Instead, it will be added to your PS5 Profile page as a DLC list for 2022's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, as was last year's Modern Warfare 3. This is a result of the way the Call of Duty app on PS5 is implemented, where all the recent games and Warzone live under one roof as a single launcher. As such, all the games fall under a single "Call of Duty" app, and so too do the Trophies, originally tied to Modern Warfare 2 when it all started.
For anyone looking to play Black Ops 6 from release day on Friday, the Trophies will be displayed like below, as a DLC list underneath a two-year-old game:

However, the game does have a Platinum Trophy on PS4, and the PS5 list will replicate the last-gen requirements, just without the ultimate gong for achieving 100 per cent. You'll need to complete the game on the Veteran difficulty level, complete specific tasks during missions, enter Prestige 1 in multiplayer, and work your way through the Zombies mode, among other things. You can check out the full list on Exophase.
The lack of a Platinum Trophy will seem like a disappointment for many, but one of the (admittedly few) nice things about the implementation is all your Call of Duty playtime and records — across recent games and Warzone at least — are housed under one roof. The only issue is if you want a Platinum Trophy displayed on your PS5 Profile for the Call of Duty app, you'd need to go back and 100 per cent a two-year-old game. With Modern Warfare 2 still seen as the "main game" for the app, it's the only one with a Platinum Trophy.
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[source exophase.com]
Comments 49
Wtaf!?!? Maybe someone should contact Microsoft to explain what a platinum is 🤬
They should be entirely separate games like they used to be.
Yeah, this sucks in my opinion, but it is what it is. Depending on reviews, I might check it out anyway. I admittedly love nearly every single Call of Duty campaign (I don’t play multiplayer), so I’m curious to see how this one does in that space.
The joy of them all being under 1 launcher.
@Nexozi ...yeah and the joy of using up 256GB storage space !
Sony needs to fix this trophy grouping problem on PS5 already. It's getting ridiculous at this point.
This is really crazy, in a negative manner.
@colonelkilgore this happened with mw3 before Microsoft had Activision
@StylesT ActiBliz deal completed on 13 Oct 2023… but what is this… 😲 CoD: MW3 released on 10 Nov 2023?!?!
Unless I don’t understand chronology 🤔 Microsoft actually owned ActiBliz when Cod: MW3 released as dlc to CoD: MW2’s trophy list. Awwe and you sounded so confident too though 😎
lol this is certainly a unique approach. To make each new games trophy list a DLC list for an older game ? But only on PS5 and on PS4 it gets its own trophy list and platinum ? I thought Tomb Raider Remastered already was weird for only giving PS4 the platinum but the way CoD is doing it definitely takes the cake.
Like who comes up with ***** ideas like that and goes "yeah that's actually a pretty solid idea" ?
God I hope that this will NOT become a trend.
They'll be selling trophies next.
@riceNpea people online already do. Like you can literally buy plats on ebay.
Wtaf are they classing these £70 games as then!?
And people wonder why they call them DLCs 😂 literally costing them sales.
99.9% of COD players are in it for the multiplayer anyway
@Octaslasher can you?! Why do I work for a living when I can do that!
Its to do with Sony’s rule regarding trophies. Recently, with PS5 games, a launcher can only have one platinum. If its a collection of games on one launcher then its one platinum. It doesn’t seem to impact PS4 games though.
The issue could be avoided by getting rid of the shared launcher and having each game a unique launcher. However Activision has been obnoxious with how cod is played and launched for years now, well before Microsoft bought them.
Another reason to be glad I’ve left that series in the rearview
Trash implementation from Sony. What idiot at Playstation HQ said yea the trophy hunters will love this?
@QwarktasticLombax great explanation… and I was being wilfully facetious tbh 🤭
Being honest have not played COD campaign for years sort of just stopped.
But of course because of GPU, playing through the MW3 campaign, it seems ok to me.
And will play BO6 campaign and some zombies.
It’s probably because I haven’t played COD for years that it’s sort of something new to me again.
This is soooooo stupid. I really don’t like how they’re doing the trophy stacks as DLC for MW2, but, whatever it’s just a video game. 🤦🏽🤷🏽
Once you download the main launcher
You can then just pick and choose now what you want to download.
So for me it’s just the campaign at 55GB.
So I don’t have to download warzone or muliplayer if I don’t want to play them.
So you save using memory space up.
Removed - flaming/arguing
Removed - flaming/arguing
I miss when CoD games were separate from each other unlike the modern titles where it's under that god awful Call of Duty HQ launcher. Such a terrible addition to the franchise.
Why does it need a launcher just so you can advertise all the other games in the series and take up unnecessary space
Ah im happy i left the franchise after the MW reboot on PS4.
The true platinum trophy in CoD is a 360 no scope
@OldGamer999 oh ok I see. I do love CoD miltiplayer, I must say
@colonelkilgore You reckon one of Microsoft's first port of calls in the few weeks after the ABK acquisition was "no PlayStation Platinum for CoD"?
Or are we casually ignoring the game is counted as DLC and DLCs don't get Plats?
Not had a single moment of enjoyment from cod since black ops 2 honestly. How these games still gain popularity I simply don't understand. Oh well, strange world
@SlipperyFish black ops 3 for me , but i think battle royale is mainly keeping it afloat these days
@MrPeanutbutterz am I casually ignoring the game is counted as dlc? Hmm are you casually ignoring this:
… and in relation dlc’s don’t get plats Monster Hunter World: Iceborne says hi 👋
@nomither6 yeah, warzone and zombies probably. Black ops 3 was the one with all the jumping stuff right? It was alright but felt like a worse version of titanfall 2
This is likely also going to be the case for Assassin’s Creed post-Shadows.
Games under a launcher are a no go for me. Designed as a time sink. “Why go to other sources we have so many options for you here!” This might be a great value to some people, but I like moving on from games after the plat/I get my fill of the game. Anything that advertises itself as an ongoing experience is pretty much dropped to the bottom of my to buy list.
Somewhere someone made a lot of money and wasted a lot of time with the suggestion that Call of Duty needed a nexus point that launched into a number of Call of Duty skews. I don't want to have "Call of Duty" on my home screen and trophy list, I want Black Ops 6! And I certainly don't want Modern Warfare 2 (2)!
@riceNpea Lol don’t give them ideas 😁🙈
What better way to brand every new call of duty entry as overpriced DLC?
@TrickyDicky99 People just love their trophies. I mean sure, some are fun to try getting. But people just take them too seriously in my opinion.
@SlipperyFish yep, it was one of the jetpack ones , haha, the gameplay wasn’t for everyone, but black ops 2 was excellent though - Modern Warfare 2 & Black ops 2 is peak COD
I expect it's because they all share the same Hub - was Called CoD HQ but I think its changing now and of course is linked to/with Warzone as well with Bundle/weapon carry overs as well.
This is the way 'Activision' has done it as this was all happening before MS took over a year ago and as such cannot be held responsible and also don't have to add a platinum either...
I'm glad (to some extent, since the series has been steadily going downhill) I'm a Battlefield gal, as this nonsense would rub my OCD the wrong way. The fact the main game trophy list ruins it all by not just being called 'Call of Duty' is bad enough.
Honestly, I'm not sure why they've done this. Battlefield has also had a hub of sorts in it for a long time, yet all of them have separate trophy lists?
@colonelkilgore So you DO think that Microsoft's first port of call was "no Plat for CoD" after the ABK acquisition? Gotcha.
And Iceborne isn't part of MH:W's trophy list. Capcom made it a separate SKU in that regard. So yes, you did casually ignore the fact that DLCs don't get Plats. Heck, someone else already explained it to you.
@MrPeanutbutterz you’re fun, I look forward to this dragging on forever /s
@colonelkilgore Is that the sound of an ad homenim because you lost the argument and have nothing relevant to fire back with? Why yes, yes it is.
@MrPeanutbutterz you take it anyway you like
@colonelkilgore "I like" the truth, and there it is.
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